Account for Sale



Some people should read the EULA a bit more carefull before starting a rant.

Originally posted by chesnor
You purchase the software (or a license for the software) and you pay a monthly subscription (access through a secure account). You then spend an inordinate amount of time (Winter probably has like 30days or so) levelling your char. When you decide you have had enough, you are unable to sell this character for profit ?????

Outrageous !!!! This is like me buying Microsoft Word, spending 30days writing an awesome novel only to be told its the intellectual property of Microsoft....

I don't care what the CoC or any other document says. Right is right, wrong is wrong. My characters are my property. I reserve the right to do whatever I want with them as It's my money and my time that I have invested in order to get them where they are......

Here is a part of the DAOC_EULA.TXT file which you have accepted when you installed the game, and thereby are legally binded by it.
* We and our suppliers shall retain ownership of all intellectual property rights relating to or residing in the CD-ROM, the Software and the Game. The Software is a commercial item.
* You acknowledge and agree that all characters created, and items acquired and developed as a result of game play are part of the Software and Game and are the sole property of the Publisher.
Also part 7 of the Eula descripes it more indepth, with the following
7. Selling of Items

You may not sell or auction any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

The selling of items, coins or any copyrighted part of the Game's player character whether through online auctions, newsgroup or postings on message board is in violation of this EULA. In addition to violating our agreement, selling items and/or coin violates our legal rights and may cause damage to the Publisher and to the goodwill in the Dark Age of Camelot name.

As you can see above you do not own anything at all except the fun you have playing your character.

Now there is at the moment a trial in the US over this, where a group of people have been selling I think it was Anarchy online accounts and thereby violated the EULA for that game, so it might be that the above will be declared "argg lost the word :( ".



Ok, I think the bids are bnow way out of my range, gonna have to withdraw from the race ;[


Originally posted by Winter

Fantastic Hols ta, Congo... one of the reasons for all this, headed back out there to live and work... beats this slum ;)

Fek me, nice 1 :)

Thought you'd realised after being out on the piss for a month that there were better thing 2 do than play this ;)


56p an old mint imperial half a bag of cheese an onion walkers crisps a 2kg toblerone 2 3l bottle of just-above-frozen coke anda biro that leaks , bah out bid me would u my stealthed little lurikeen friend

I'll see that bid, and raise to include 63.5p, a half-sucked lollypop, and a blown up PSU :D

of course ill outbid you ;) only a matter of time till ill outblade you aswell :D


I call your 63.5p and other crap and raise with Molly.


Odys bid it a tuff one but here goes.

65p an old mint imperial, half a bag of cheese an onion walkers crisps, a 2kg toblerone, 2 3l bottles of just-above-frozen coke, biro that leaks, a chewed pencil, a half-sucked lollypop, a blown up PSU + a rubber chicken.


hmmm, is that one of those rubber chickens with a a pulley in the middle?




why you cheap bastards :D

goodbye winter, you didn't get to kill me that much but i don't mind so much. really! :cool:

good luck in rl and maybe one will see you in another mmog some other time :uhoh:


I'll beat all your bids

One red playdough piece, shaped to look like a pound coin, 3 used cocktail sticks (One slightly splintered, all have visible signs of sausage debris), 1 pint of crude engine oil (~40,000 miles old), 3 rubber keys from a ZX spectrum (A,U and 8), the complete childrens series of Black Beauty (On betamax) and as if that wasn't enough 3 vintage dead wasps (1998) from my front porch (slight sun damage, but easily repaired by a qualified person). :)



IIRC you are allowed to sell the account, but not items or characters for rl money. You'll note that nowhere in the above quotes did it say the account itself, just the characters created...


i will beat all yer bets ha ha

i'll give you £10 for it :p


Originally posted by Veritreus
IIRC you are allowed to sell the account, but not items or characters for rl money. You'll note that nowhere in the above quotes did it say the account itself, just the characters created...

Please read my post .. second one on page 1 .. the CoC clearly states that you are not allowed to sell an account.


I guess there's a sucker born every minute. Some people have more money than sense, wasting it on an account that will be banned.


you implying i'm a sucker?

i simply said was that winter to send me some details on his account and no i am not made of money but having a high lvl character for once would be great , so don't come on here calling poeple names becuase they want to njoy themselves with a good charcter!


I think you should sell it to Talifer
his bid has got to be the best.
Hell im thinking of starting an alb scout if i can get 3 vintage dead wasps for it at level 50.


Originally posted by logun
you implying i'm a sucker?

i simply said was that winter to send me some details on his account and no i am not made of money but having a high lvl character for once would be great , so don't come on here calling poeple names becuase they want to njoy themselves with a good charcter!

He didnt call you a sucker because you want to enjoy a highlevel char, he called you a sucker for wanting to enjoy a highlevel char on an account that will be banned if sold.
Most likely the buyers account will also be banned, as the buyer is also breaking the EULA, by taking part in a transaction involving an account.

Im not going to call you names, but I wouldn't call that a smart move :rolleyes:


40p, a dead squirrel, some twigs, and a very old lady... sorry m8, that's all I can give ya
Dead squirrel wtf? I'll think twice before i group with ya... :p



The number of accounts sold thro online auctions is rather huge and as yet no1 has had theirs banned...

and what they gonna do ? tie each account to one ip and one creditcard ? .. ... .

yea right.

Catnip Lightpaw

I think the word were after and one used by mythic and goa is Rent :) You rent time on the servers not buy it, or something like that.

Anyway I raise you 1 KFC bargain bucket :) beat that ya beatniks :)


Originally posted by logun
you implying i'm a sucker?

i simply said was that winter to send me some details on his account and no i am not made of money but having a high lvl character for once would be great , so don't come on here calling poeple names becuase they want to njoy themselves with a good charcter!

As someone else said, wasting money on an account that has an excellent chance of being banned, as well as having your existing account banned .. well, if you think that's not the mark of a sucker, I have some very nice, well-irrigated land in Florida that you might be interested in.:p

<edit> And I think one of the main objectives of DAoC is to make your own good character. Are you applying for the gimp of the month title then? <edit>


Aside from the issue of whether it's lame or not to buy a lvl 50 account rather than make your own...
(why bother? as many a thread has said, 50 aint anything special, you've lost the whole game)

It is against the CoC... I've no idea if it's enforced but from reading things that whole rule was placed there to stop people like Black Snow abusing bugs, power levelling characters, duping items, screwing the economy and then selling the chars on ebay.

I.e. if they notice someone doing crap like that they have it in the CoC and EULA that they can delete your account and ban it.

Whether they'll opt to do that against someone just selling it on because they're bored etc. I have no idea.
GOA's stance on it may also be different to Mythic's. They reserve the right to do bad things to you if you sell your account, but will they exercise it?


i dont see where the problem is to be honest, gimp? hardly! lazy yeah probably, but if i had the opertunity to get my hands on a high lvl account i would.

i dont really see why both accounts would be banned, for starters buying an account shouldnt be a bad thing, i mean obviously someone put in allot of time to get the char to a high lvl. the subscription would still be paid, they still get there moneys, you cant use the account to power lvl any alts, since PLing is basicly impossible in this game.

just becuase nearly everyone playing has nearly no social life, and is playing a GAME, just a reminder this isnt real :), you seem to think its a bad thing...

i for one would buy an account in a second if given the opertunity, for 2 reasons, 1 to piss all you kiddies off, and to save me the time of logging on getting a group dieing and going to play something that isnt so time consuming.

<edit> FLAME ON!!!!

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