Account/Cash sellers?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
people who claim they only have a few hours a week dont really cut the mustard, i ran with 6 other people who could only play for a few hours a week aka 3 or 4 hours on 2 days . and after 6 months we were all lvl 50 ml10 with 200 plat templates. (probbly more) it wasnt that hard to get it done it just required a lot of organisation and trust IE we had to be online for a set time and play for a set period.

The folks that buy the plat claiming this are just plain lazy if you honestly said to yourself hey i can only play daoc 1 hour out of 24 ever 4 days. Then ask yourself is that really worth it ? even playing 1 or 2 hours a night is doable most people do far more TV at night sat watching endless soap opera's

Also its been proven in the passed that Gold farming companys can throw a game economy so far out of whack that it can effectivly destroy the game.

With regards to traded characters or ebayed chars you got to remember that the characters themselves do not belong to you, they are the property of goa we just rent them from goa. So when you sell your character on ebay your actually selling somthing you dont own. The reason goa probbly dont go activly hunting these odd accounts is that they still technically get money from the active account. However as soon as anything happens on that account ie emote flooding that account is banned.

Tbh people who buy in game gold off ebay are a bit daft.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Dont think its illegal to trade USA accounts. I was told its against CoC because EU law has a problem with who owned digital material (as in your characters) in the USA all characters remain the property of the player Mythic just run the servers for you 2 play them on. SO if mythic stoped running your DAoC they would prob just leave the character info on a server... its still available to you that way

Tho im prob wrong


Loyal Freddie
Oct 18, 2004
Please GOA, stop beign sarcastic regarding account trades!

You could have finish it off at the beginning but you didnt, you allowed many players to play/buy/create a second account just for the use of a BuffBot.
Why?? because you liked the income.
You were the ones to allow players to break the rules. Am I wrong??

So by allowing people to have a buffbot to be able to rvr strongly you fed up the trade|ebay market.
You could have simply not allowed buffs for a certain range, thats it, no more buffbots in rvr like nowadays, dozens of them standing in Portal Keeps.

Regarding a players trade, you can immediately see that a player changed owner by checking details, theres accounts with at least 5 owners and still playing.
You cant run a query and see that??? AGAIN its a nice income, let them play isnt it.

If you want to stop all this ebay market, just ban or warn all involved once for all.

Regarding plats, well it breaks the spirit of the game by allowing some to buy many good items and easy ingame life while others must play many many hours to achive same goal. ToA fedup this market even more, future patch finally will solve some of this problems, daoc economy its a mess.

Btw why didnt you close accounts sold when toa came out?
Let me guess, it wasnt for the income, hmmm.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Argante said:
Please GOA, stop beign sarcastic regarding account trades!

You could have finish it off at the beginning but you didnt, you allowed many players to play/buy/create a second account just for the use of a BuffBot.
Why?? because you liked the income.
You were the ones to allow players to break the rules. Am I wrong??

So by allowing people to have a buffbot to be able to rvr strongly you fed up the trade|ebay market.
You could have simply not allowed buffs for a certain range, thats it, no more buffbots in rvr like nowadays, dozens of them standing in Portal Keeps.

Regarding a players trade, you can immediately see that a player changed owner by checking details, theres accounts with at least 5 owners and still playing.
You cant run a query and see that??? AGAIN its a nice income, let them play isnt it.

If you want to stop all this ebay market, just ban or warn all involved once for all.

Regarding plats, well it breaks the spirit of the game by allowing some to buy many good items and easy ingame life while others must play many many hours to achive same goal. ToA fedup this market even more, future patch finally will solve some of this problems, daoc economy its a mess.

Btw why didnt you close accounts sold when toa came out?
Let me guess, it wasnt for the income, hmmm.

Rep point inc!


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
scorge said:
thas life there will always be richer people then you :(


Thats it though, its not real life, its supposed to be a fantasy world. Real monetary wealth shouldn't be part of it.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Argante said:
Please GOA, stop beign sarcastic regarding account trades!

You could have finish it off at the beginning but you didnt, you allowed many players to play/buy/create a second account just for the use of a BuffBot.
Why?? because you liked the income.
You were the ones to allow players to break the rules. Am I wrong??

So by allowing people to have a buffbot to be able to rvr strongly you fed up the trade|ebay market.
You could have simply not allowed buffs for a certain range, thats it, no more buffbots in rvr like nowadays, dozens of them standing in Portal Keeps.

Regarding a players trade, you can immediately see that a player changed owner by checking details, theres accounts with at least 5 owners and still playing.
You cant run a query and see that??? AGAIN its a nice income, let them play isnt it.

If you want to stop all this ebay market, just ban or warn all involved once for all.

Regarding plats, well it breaks the spirit of the game by allowing some to buy many good items and easy ingame life while others must play many many hours to achive same goal. ToA fedup this market even more, future patch finally will solve some of this problems, daoc economy its a mess.

Btw why didnt you close accounts sold when toa came out?
Let me guess, it wasnt for the income, hmmm.

You seem to be confusing what we (Goa) can do with what the developers (Mythic) can do. There's also a world of difference between 'allowing players to have a second account' and encouraging account trading as well. Having more than one account isn't breaking the rules regardless of whether you like buffbots (and personally I don't). People would (and did) trade accounts even if you could only run one client at a time.

Regarding our policy on traded accounts. It's against our rules but we aren't stupid and we know it happens. There are many accounts I know for a fact have been traded multiple times, however there's a difference between me as a person 'knowing something for a fact' and being able to prove that satisfactorily to my boss should a ban be contested.

A change in address or credit card details isn't enough proof - the billing address on my personal account has changed from a UK address to a French one since it's been open for example and I guarantee I'm the only person ever to have played it. A 'simple database search' would likely flag my account unfairly as having been traded. Many people (especially players too young to have a credit card of their own) have their accounts paid for by someone else and it's possible that this 'someone else' could change depending on their personal situation.

On top of that it really isn't worth our time to chase down people who have bought an account. We have better uses of our time. That's not to say we don't do anything about it though. If an account has been traded or shared and causes us trouble it will be usually be shut down permanently as it's no longer secure and we can't trust the people using it to take proper responsibility for actions performed with it.

It's pretty straightforwards, if you don't give me any reason to worry about your traded account, I won't. If for any reason I do need to worry about it, then I will arrange things so I never need worry about it any more.

I'm not sure what your point about items and plat sales is, you seem to be saying that real life cash for ingame stuff is bad though so I'll not go over that again. Darzil pretty much summed up why it's bad earlier in the thread.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Requiel said:
Regarding our policy on traded accounts. It's against our rules but we aren't stupid and we know it happens. There are many accounts I know for a fact have been traded multiple times, however there's a difference between me as a person 'knowing something for a fact' and being able to prove that satisfactorily to my boss should a ban be contested.

It's pretty straightforwards, if you don't give me any reason to worry about your traded account, I won't. If for any reason I do need to worry about it, then I will arrange things so I never need worry about it any more.

so are you saying that a traded account which doesnt cause you 'trouble' is actually ok?


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
rampant said:
so are you saying that a traded account which doesnt cause you 'trouble' is actually ok?
No. I'm saying that it's a very low priority under normal circumstances. It is against our rules and we always reserve the right to take action - even if we haven't in the past - against any accounts that break our rules.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Requiel said:
France made Requiel fat :(

haha - its not france - those frog-legs dont have enough on em to make u fat!!!

What makes u fat is sitting in your chair playing DAOC for 18+hours a day :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Another reason to forbid these things, is because if they officially alow it.. there should be some form of taxes. This would be impossible to trace, and so probably a flat fee would be considered? causing subs to increase.

On the other hand, If you had the money you could go to court when your account has been banned. Because you paid money for access to the game, And if it's shutdown the agreement has been broken. Now the EULA or CoC clearly states it, but are either of those actually valid in the local countries of those people? (read: not in conflict with local law) or French law for GOA for that matter?

Just a pointer :) would like to know it..

Oh yeah, is it 'illegal' to give your account away? -no money involved? Like giving it to family / girlfriend (wive) / friends ? (asin, transfer it to a new email). Or only if the CD-key goes aswell?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
you dont get fat on frogs legs

you get fat on all the french pastries

mmmm croisants for breakfast lunch dinner just before bed. All with jam and creme and

<goes off for a lie down>


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Isn't he now the third richest or something?

The guy who owns IKEA is richer i think...

i don't really care, im just sure i heard someone say that a couple of days ago...


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Tilda said:
so its hard to say "yes look we banned xx accounts last week for selling stuff"

why? all they need to give is the number of accounts banned. and they could possibly get away with the avatar names to if they really wanted to. but then again, its easier to think up a random number then random avatar names that isnt already taken ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Tilda said:
They dont get away with it, trust me

ya of course not, not naming names but say two well known rr11 infiltrators? or a rr10 minstrel that are well known to be ebayed? seems they got away with it pretty well if u ask me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Tilda said:
They dont get away with it, trust me, but goa can't release names/accounts/numbers etc so its hard to say "yes look we banned xx accounts last week for selling stuff"

i really dont get why ? should name an shame the fuckers they ban!!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
What do you (GoA) feel about sharing accounts between people in a family if they are 100% sure it's safe and it won't cause the account any harm?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
They should add account splitting for free :) That way people could split all their level 50s from their main account and sell them individually :)

Personally, I can't see the harm in trading accounts. The only issues I have with it is if the avatar held a position of responsibility in a still active guild. For example, if I sold mine and didn't /gc quit all my alts I could effectively ruin three very active guilds (as they are still rank 0).

As I said, I can't see the harm as long as some common sense is used.

For selling items and services, I'm not so sure. I can see the benefit and the downside. Yes, perhaps you'd have companies setup to perma farm everything but given the declining population on all servers, it might actually incease activity of the game again if GOA had some nice third-party free advertising, or a bit of a friendlier start for someone willing to pay £20 for three hours powerlevelling when they first begin the game - let's face it, it's still harsh and arduous even with Catacombs making it a lot easier in relation to how it was for us veterans at the beginning.

Perhaps a better idea would to be let it fall somewhere in the middle. Make it okay sell accounts, and powerlevelling, but not money or artis or rare drops.

They'd at least get the free advertising, and if you think about it, Requiel's workload would probably be cut down as he wouldn't have to watch out for a good proportion of what he at the moment does.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
selling plat on ebay by a group of people in the middle east geting paid £3 per day has got to stop .. hard to stop yes and hats off to goa if they do activly ban accounts .. daoc has a issue but no way near as bad as wow.

buffboting is a issue raised in this thread and tbh we ALL know that mythic could of changed buffs to have a range as soon as the portal keeps started filling up with toons standing just buffing pp/grps

i can only guess that at some point mythic looked at what was happening with Buffbots and had a nice little meeting Q:"so it seems people are buying 2 accounts just so it gives them an advantage in rvr etc, making people who cant afford 2 accounts be less likley to rvr and maybe we will even lose ppl .. maybe we should address the issue and stop this (eg buff range etc) ?" >>>A:" Screw that if more ppl do it then more people will need to buy a 2nd acc in order to beable to have fun in rvr .. we gonna be RICH ! lol evey1 paying for 2 accounts ! LOL "

tbh i feel cheated about this issue and yes i pay for 2 accounts so i can have a BB

as for the COC it makes me laugh that the say acc trading is against CoC but we dont ban any1 coz we cant prove it, LOL

ive seen on ebay toons for sale that actually state the RP's they have and when yr talking about anything above RR5 AND the ebay post states also on acc there is a RRX XXX toon a lvl 50 ML4 XXX toon u really think it would be that hard to prove that acc has been ebayed and broken COC

tbh i dont care about ebayed accounts as i dont belive it effects the game that much .. hell might even keep some people playing longer :clap:

the thing is they have a coc but only pick bits that suit them to enforce ..

unhappy about mythic .. u bet i am ... gonna play warrhammer .... u bet i am (sadly they make great games)
gonna stop bitching now .. yeah for now :D


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Wild said:
as for the COC it makes me laugh that the say acc trading is against CoC but we dont ban any1 coz we cant prove it, LOL

ive seen on ebay toons for sale that actually state the RP's they have and when yr talking about anything above RR5 AND the ebay post states also on acc there is a RRX XXX toon a lvl 50 ML4 XXX toon u really think it would be that hard to prove that acc has been ebayed and broken COC

tbh i dont care about ebayed accounts as i dont belive it effects the game that much .. hell might even keep some people playing longer :clap:

the thing is they have a coc but only pick bits that suit them to enforce .
We can prove it in most cases although it's not as easy as the person I replied to earlier suggested it was. I merely said that it's a low priority for us to deal with. We have a limited number of staff and a limited amount of resources to work with. Would you rather we spent our time looking for radar users and speedhackers or trawling eBay and IRC channels hunting out account trades? If the account becomes a problem we will ban it and uphold our CoC otherwise we have better uses of our time.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
and its way more profitable to have someone else continue paying a sold account instead of having a lot of closed ones :)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Celestino said:
and its way more profitable to have someone else continue paying a sold account instead of having a lot of closed ones :)


Well i would much rather have cheaters banned from the game than someone else playing a bought account, Atleast they aint making the play of the game utter shit like a cheater does.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2005
Infanity said:

Well i would much rather have cheaters banned from the game than someone else playing a bought account, Atleast they aint making the play of the game utter shit like a cheater does.

Tell that to the group that thought they had hit the jackpot when grouping with a RR10 Healer, only to find out he doesnt know what spread-heal is, mid-fight...

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