Abuser at Midgard



Originally posted by Keri
I take it that's a no then. :clap: :clap: :clap:

you are correct.

(leaving little room for misinterpretation this time) :)



Originally posted by Xandax

If he really found himself in unfamiliar territory, he should have turned around (i mean - how hard can that be .... *duuh - I entered here, to exit I will try to walk in the oppersite direction, inland - duuh* ) or at least logged and contacted GOA

ok just a coment without having read all the replies:p

when you started playing the game... did you know all the teritory then? if no... how come you didnt just stay in your starting town? because as you say... if you find youself in an unfamilliar territory you should turn back! Its in a persons soul to explore=)

And can you say with your hand on your heart that you know all the places in all frontiers?


Here we go!

I can see that a lot of ppl are upset about all this and are arguing a lot before I have spoken. So I guess I'll write my side of the story and make everything a bit clearer (this will be a long post).

First of all I would like to point out that this was a mistake, when I left odin's gate I had no purpose what so ever to go inside midgard. Now when that is cleared out I will tell you all what happened. Although I will not tell you as detailed as some might hope cause I don’t want this to be well known since it is a bug. Also what I say here is the truth and what happened. If you have heard or think you have heard anything from anyone including me that don’t match the story here you have simply misinterpreted it in some way.

I was walking towards Uppland away from Yggdra following the zone wall as I always do after cleaning out Yggdra from mids (tbh there was no mids there so it wasn’t much cleaning to do). Then at some point I was bugged thru the zone wall in some odd way I can't explain. I kept on going following "the edge of the world" if you want to call it that and after a while "the edge of the world" was replaced by something else, solid ground. I went close to the edge towards the ground and then it said "You have entered Vale of Mularn" in the text box. It was not until then I really knew what was going on tbh. That's basically what happened.

Now to the fact that I actually didn’t try to go back the same way I came or went to the nearest mob and killed my self to get back to Hibernia. I fell to the natural feeling called curiosity. I was curios of the realm Midgard, since I haven’t really played there and I thought it would be fun to take a look.

I walked around for a while inside Midgard and waved to some grey middies. They only seemed to think it was fun to see someone from another realm. Anyway I kept going around and came to a town. I was attacked by some weapon merchants there so I turned around and went in another direction. After a while I came to a gate with some middies there. One green Shaman started casting poison at me so I went thru the gate and went towards some lava filled area called Muspelheim. After a while in there some yellow middies came and I guess they didn’t like that I was here checking out their top-secret lava industrial thingy so they started attacking me and shortly after they killed me.

There are some things I can say in my defence. For example I did not attack anyone while I was in midgard. Except for a mob called Vrede and some weapon merchants :D. I don’t think they were so offended by my actions.

I didn’t go there on purpose as I stated before and I stayed only because I’m human and quite curious of me tbh. When I was there all I really did was satisfying my own curiosity and had one of the better laughs I have had all week.

Now I will answer some things you wrote to me or about me.

Originally posted by old.giriam
Its strange isnt it, that after the first public announcement of someone using that bug "accidents" involving it has multiplied by 5 or so on our server alone? And *ALL* of those accidents have involved high level experienced rvr characters. Imagine the odds of that..

Well this is a rare bug and isn’t it kind of obvious that those that go to Uppland the most should have the biggest chance on going thru this hole. And if I’m not mistaken experienced highlvls would fall into the category of going a lot to Uppland gate.

Originally posted by Keri

He committed a bannable offence.:twak:

Bye bye Mikael .

If this is a bannable offence, then I guess I deserve to get banned. But if I get banned which I would find quite ridiculous then I think GOA will have to ban a lot of ppl that hasn’t been banned before. I’m talking about those that use bugs to gain rp and xp.

I’ll now settle the question if I have reported this to GOA or not. I haven't reported it yet. This was the first thing on my to-do list for today before I was told that there was a post about me on Barrysworld. I felt that it was important that I replied asap. Reasons why I haven't reported it before? There were lots of rvring on Saturday and I had so much fun that I didn't take the time. On Sunday, the dragon raid kept me quite busy.

That's about all I have to say atm. If you have any questions about all this feel free to post here. But please do end all this flaming and whining. If GOA feels that it's right to ban me they will. That is not your decision and doesn't even have anything to do with you.

I'm not a bad person or a person that likes to abuse bugs or do it on any purpose. I'm just an ordinary person with lots of curiosity.

- Mikael Stolpe


mikael i reported that bug in the 1.38 patch=) and they still havent fixed it. so dont think much difrence will happend if u report it to be honest:p

curiosity killed the cat they say.. and we have all done sumtin "illigal" ingame one way or another. Just some peeps like to flame others without thinking first:p


Originally posted by old.Second
mikael i reported that bug in the 1.38 patch=) and they still havent fixed it. so dont think much difrence will happend if u report it to be honest:p

Yeah I figured it had been reported before but I feel that if they haven't fixed it yet something is wrong and they might need a reminder ;).


Read only the first few posts... but like WTF?
I know mikael from playing with him. He is a nice guy and I know he wouldnt do such thing on purpose.
Getting banned from a bug that Mythic has in the game? Thats bullshit. As far as those screenies he didn't even do anything to anyone, he was just chilling...

And as for you keri :puke:
I remembered you beeing a nice gal, but you just proved youself different... also defended you when some ppl called you names behind your back, but... guess I did it for nothing... you comments are just mean and evill....

Think of it this way... He is running to uppland/yggdra to gank some lowbies when all of the sudden he is inside midgard(not the fronteer)... so he looks around wondering where he is and how to get out... so he finds some mids, they gank him and he is back in hippy land... Any harm done?
plz, grow up

<Edit> I was level 50 and had about 400k rp untill I learned of that borderline bug thingy... trust me, you dont always know everything as you hit 50 and rvr... the information comes in time.


New excuse

'Aw jeez sorry thought I was on the PVP server'

C'mon Mythic fix the holes!!!


Thanks Miss glad to see that some see it for what it really is.

Originally posted by N07ABL3

Mik ya nOOb :m00:

Haha Forrest shut that cookie hole :D or I'll spank that cow.


Originally posted by old.Miss
I know mikael from playing with him. He is a nice guy and I know he wouldnt do such thing on purpose.

Yep, 100 % agree.

And for that Keri bloke, cant we exchange you for Karam or something?



:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

[11:14] <Tdaer> aEHAeHAehAEh
[11:14] <Tdaer> elf battle cry


I know you don't like it but Keri is just stating the RULES!

You know those little set of instructions that all games have to have, or no gaming can take place and just anarchy will result.

Ignoring the rules at your own convenience just encourages other to do likewise, would you think it NP if 300 Hibbies turned up in Mid.


hahaha thats some funny bug really! :clap:
Don't see any harm in it either, just sounds like fun for all, if some midgard troll was spotted on our side of DC or DL, I would just LMAO and showed him around or sumthing.

Something similar happened to me once too btw, when I was leading a group with some m8s to go from yggdra to uppland to gank some, my zone border was obiously much higher up than the others, so they lost stick on me. I thought WTF! and tried to go down where the normal border is to stick with the group. And a while after it was still bugged zone border for me. I didn't think any more about it at all and just sticked with my group. Dam maybe I shuold have wen't on a little midgard homeland trip too hehe :D

TBH Keri and kapteino and the others that wanna report Mikael.....you're just pure evil, and don't see the funny things in this game :flame: :uhoh:


Keri could have simply quoted the relevant part of the rules.
But of course, we have to get all self righteous when we do so.


I think it's amazing that when you break through a zone wall, that the games allows it and all the normal interactions continue

i.e. merchants gaurds react to you, other players in their own realm see you as enemy, must be down to PVP coding in the game I guess.

Another thing would it be technically possible to break down a realm frontier fort? Given enough lvl 50's to take out the guards, or is it coded never to happen I wonder.


Another thing would it be technically possible to break down a realm frontier fort? Given enough lvl 50's to take out the guards, or is it coded never to happen I wonder.

We where around 20 lvl 50's Trying to kill 1 über Maa =) got him down 50% or somtin


If I were to catch a roaming foreigner inside my realm I wouldn't attack first thing. I'd be glad to show the bugger around and have a laugh instead of going aggro the first thing I do.. Unless attacked ofcourse. :)

I don't understand why you had to kill him right away, wouldn't it be more fun to play around a bit and have a laugh instead of just whacking him right away, I mean you can do that as much as you want in emain..

Wouldn't that be a nice change from the monotony in this game? Go to strange countries, meet new people.. And NOT kill them?


I was there and I can confirm Mikael didn't do anything offensive. I didn't deal single point of damage to him either, I was way too interested to see a firbolg in Muspel. I certainly hope he won't get banned for that. Especially since he got there by accident, as he said.


Originally posted by Keri

He committed a bannable offence.:twak:

Bye bye Mikael .

Bah Keri thats a lame thing to post.. are u bored or something looking for some fun and just wanna ban this guy or do u actually find it fair just to ban him?
He didnt even enter mid on purpose and he didnt attack anyone...
ofc if u got ported to Hib by some bug i bet u would find it funny to run around waving at lowbies hibs etc....
Leave him alone? How would u feel to get ur account deleted just cuz some lamer wrote some lame posts?


Originally posted by old.DachraK
Who is Keri anyway?

Bard.. lvl 46 or so... born a whiner, always a whiner...

Edit: Btw, most ppl i have ever hated in this realm, i have thought twice about and talked to again and stuff, but Keri... hmm.. nope


Originally posted by Zur

Bah Keri thats a lame thing to post.. are u bored or something looking for some fun and just wanna ban this guy or do u actually find it fair just to ban him?
He didnt even enter mid on purpose and he didnt attack anyone...
ofc if u got ported to Hib by some bug i bet u would find it funny to run around waving at lowbies hibs etc....
Leave him alone? How would u feel to get ur account deleted just cuz some lamer wrote some lame posts?

Well, ever heard of the military police in some countries? that tries to kill you if you spit on the streets?



Okay folks ... I'm glad I have given you some amusement and an excuse to flame, insult and show hatred towards me. I guess now that Karam has been driven from these boards, some of you felt the need to find someone else to pick on. I see that only certain people are allowed to express their thoughts on this forum.

Mikael, I apologise at even daring to suggest that you had committed a bannable offence, how insensitive of me. If as you say, you got into Midgard by accident, then I publicly apologise for daring to suggest it was deliberate bug abuse. I apologise for stating that I thought it couldn't have been an accident, or that I thought you had become bored with the game.

I don't expect any apology from any of you who have insulted me here, and I will not stoop to the same level by insulting others.

As a way to get Mythic to fix this zone wall bug once and for all, why don't we have an inter-realm meeting in Muspelheim?


yes, lets state keri's level and rejoice in the fact that she must be wrong because she isnt level 50.

the point is that IF he went through the wall on purpose then its against the CoC he can be banned for it. doesnt really matter if he was a nice guy over there or not.

i dont know mikael so his word means very little to me, i personally think he did it on purpose. goa dont care what i think or post here, they will do their own investigation and to ban him they will need PROOF that it was intentional or destructive. so what is the big deal if someone states "i think he did it on purpose"? i AM entitled to belive that, just as you are entitled to belive that "he is a nice guy and would never".

There is only a lot of fuzz here because you want it to be.




Do u ppl realise that this is a game??

How can u hate someone that u haven't met??

Dislike, disapprove.. but hate?? can't see how this is possible.


I Hate everyone thats been nasty to this poor hibby, he's obviously an idiot if he's not going to attack a thane thats low on health.

why don't we all just sit around the camp fire and sing Kom-Bi-Ah!

i'l start us off

<breaks into tenar singing voice>

Some-ones singing lord
Some-ones singing lord
Some-ones singing lord
...Oh Lord Kom-Bi-Ah!


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