About these "momentary" unavailabilities..



Something tells me with 3500 players online from 4.30-5.30 am GMT and solid server unavalible can mean 3 things
1. Something is wrong with Server and DAoC team havent told us (unlikely)
3. or its completly shot!!!
2. There is something wrong with DAoC team's forward planning.

Im afraid if I did anything aas useless at work then I would be killed, sacked, or be fixing a date in a court of law by now....
(Btw if you think im a bin-man or something, I work at an Architects so have seen it maytimes before)
a really ****ed of KZ



yup summits wrong, been up from 4am (gmt) and solid unavailable msg for 2 hours :////// think ill go back to bed.



Originally posted by Krakatau

GOA should be ashamed of this...
I bet they said something like this: "Hey, now the pacth is up, let's forget about it all until monday"

LOL, exactly!! Exactly my thoughts. Those GOA bastards.

This is so frustrating!! And humiliating. (They know we are hooked by the game, and that we'll come back regardless of all the waste of time.)


7.10 am Still not working.

Still no Email telling me my new accounts User/Pass rumours Email server down too.


8:00 only 436 players on Excal still momentarily unavailable.

It doesn't even look like it's trying to load the subs page as the web page called when i click the accounts button is the inscription.err.php

I think they have de-activated the accounts like they have with rightnow.

I have taken monday & Tuesday off to try and catch my mates up who have been on since Friday, if I can't get on by monday afternoon then I'll be posting a pipe bomb to GOA (or maybe cancelling my subs and going to play a game with decent player support..)

Does anyone know anybody who has managed to activate since yesterday afternoon?


I have been trying to active SI since Friday and at this point i have now given up.I don't know what there idea of momentary is but this goes way beyond my understanding of it.There's just no way that page is active it's just been shut imho.
As soon as city of heroes or eve online get here I'm off.
to do that and shut customer support at the same time is no solution at all.they know how many customers they have in Europe,and should have come up with a reasonable estimate of how many would be upgrading,what a screw up.


just a bump to get rid of my morning frustration:mad:


Been getting same thing now for over 24 hours, ive given up trying. Got better things to do than sit here spamming a button all day.

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Krakatau

I wonder for who/whom the Internet works for ;)

The internet works 'for' the NSA. It's all a big conspiracy.


A thought

I may be wrong, but if the server is limited in the number of concurrent processing it can do, and yet everyone and his dog who, like me, cannot register, is trying to every second, are we not them doing a very successful denial of service attack against the very site we're trying to access ?

If everyone just tried once every 5 minutes, we may all register very quickly !!

A thousand people trying to register every seconds means the server has to cope with 3,600,000 hits per hour. If we slowed down to once every five minutes, that'd be 12,000 hits per hour, a lot less to cope with !

Of course, knowing the average poster on barrysworld, I reckon what would happen would be 500 people slow down, and 500 say, if everyone else slows down, and I just spam the server, I'll get in, ha ha !


i managed to reg approx 1030 am this morning GMT still can't do me other account though :(


why dont the fools at GOA just reconfigure the test server to handle the account section for the moment? its not doing anything at the moment! cant be THAT difficult, well, maybe difficult for GOA, but they could at least do SOMETHING!

Lafala Arifel

My copy of SI arrived Friday morning 10am ish, I finally managed to activate it Sunday 19:46pm GMT.

For those who are still trying (and I don't know whether this is going to be encouraging or not!) I managed it by submitting my password for about 5 mins at a time at various times during the day. In the end, I think it probably took me about a total of half an hour (I bet that's something that won't feature on '20 Things To Do Before Your 30' :p). Basically, you just need to get lucky :(

One thing I did notice whilst activating SI though, was that I couldn't find any 'log out' button. Was it just me not being able to spot it? Am I being completely blind/daft/blonde?
I don't know an awful lot about secure server connections or even anything about web programming really, just that in other accounts I've ever logged into there's always a 'log out' option, and it was my understanding that this was an alternative to just letting your log in disconnect through timing out due to inactivity.

So, and this is just a question really, if someone logs in, activates, but then can't log out, does that mean each connection has to timeout before someone else can get in to activate? If so, I can see that being a real bottle neck and perhaps contributing to the activation problems?

*shrug* Then again I might be speaking rubbish.. perhaps someone who knows a bit about these sort of things could enlighten me :)

Lafala Arifel

(Oops sorry, Barrysworld was having (Brinx's?) kittens then and I accidentally spammed that reply 4 times... deleted now though)


mmwwhhahaha, i'm one of those jammy buggers who got thru to activate my account but i was in exactly the same boat as u lot at one point. I spammed by continually clicking the account button to the left of the page until i got the account logon.
Here you also have to spam login by entering your usename and password repeatedly. This is the tedious bit but at 00.08 GMT after 5mins of this logon spaming i got in. I thought i'd tell ya this before i start si up to give u all some hope that it can be done.

Good luck to you all with you activation :)

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Lafala Arifel
My copy of SI arrived Friday morning 10am ish, I finally managed to activate it Sunday 19:46pm GMT.

For those who are still trying (and I don't know whether this is going to be encouraging or not!) I managed it by submitting my password for about 5 mins at a time at various times during the day. In the end, I think it probably took me about a total of half an hour (I bet that's something that won't feature on '20 Things To Do Before Your 30' :p). Basically, you just need to get lucky :(

One thing I did notice whilst activating SI though, was that I couldn't find any 'log out' button. Was it just me not being able to spot it? Am I being completely blind/daft/blonde?
I don't know an awful lot about secure server connections or even anything about web programming really, just that in other accounts I've ever logged into there's always a 'log out' option, and it was my understanding that this was an alternative to just letting your log in disconnect through timing out due to inactivity.

So, and this is just a question really, if someone logs in, activates, but then can't log out, does that mean each connection has to timeout before someone else can get in to activate? If so, I can see that being a real bottle neck and perhaps contributing to the activation problems?

*shrug* Then again I might be speaking rubbish.. perhaps someone who knows a bit about these sort of things could enlighten me :)

Sounds sensible to me, and would indeed be a huge bottleneck, depending on how long the timeout was. There might conceivably be some java script in the page that does the logout when you close it (that'd really be asking a whole lot of technical competence GOA isn't know for tho).


rofl, 0530 GMT through till now, (approx 0555 GMT) still unavailable

GOA do everyone a favour and pull ya head from your asses cos this is getting beyond a joke


I have managed to activate two SI accounts. One on Saturday morning about 03:40 GMT the other this morning at about half past midnight GMT. The subs and accounts pages have not been shut down just bloody difficult to get into. Both times I was in and done in about half an hour.

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