About the "realm event" on saturday

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
noaim said:
Maybe personalism, since it was directed to you, not germans in general.
I think you need to read less and understand more.

Yes directed to me. Since iam German it is racism shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Icebreaker said:
Yes directed to me. Since iam German it is racism shit.

Sigh, how fucking stupid can someone be? I dont dislike you because you are german, but because you are as stupid as one can get. When stupid becomes a race, then yes, I am a racist. Until then, I just dont like stupid people. Ok? And I wont reply to you more you brickwall.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 20, 2004
noaim said:
Your following armies at Scath yday werent very impressive either tbh. And you might not know that it was Sweden-USA in the hockey semi finals at 20.15 CET, that would explain why alot of mids left, me being one of them. You should try to get a few hints before posting, it makes you look less of a dumbass afterwards then.

And you could always blame the time for why you didnt come to Scath with more people, but as said before, we held it the entire day and not until you bashed on Dagda-doors did you show, so swallow the bullshit and lets fight ingame instead, Sweden are in the finals and I for one am ready to take back keeps again ;)

who really gives a flying fuck about hockey? its a ghey sport!!
and if the mids left to watch it, then just shows how ghey they really are!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
I have fuck all clue about anything that happened that day, but I think if he has a reason for emergency afk it's damn well more important than anything that could ever happen in daoc. Having someone that organises events it's something you should be very happy for, the moment you start demanding things off him is the moment you should take a step back and take a look at what you're doing.

The only worthwhile post in this entire thread.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
noaim said:
Maybe personalism, since it was directed to you, not germans in general.
I think you need to read less and understand more. You are stupid, but stupid aint a race, so cant really call me a racist for not liking stupid people.

I´ll take Nols advice and end this here tho, I think even you understand why we didnt bring more people now, and thats what I wanted to point out from the start.

170 people isn't enought for you? you turned into albies?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Fluid said:
170 people isn't enought for you? you turned into albies?

Icebreaker said:
no you didnt. you tried it one time and failed bigtime. Then you arrived again with a jokeforce and got owned again right outside. While Hibs actually get their keeps back while 12000 gtaoe mids wait inside.

I said that the reason the following attempts had less people was the hockeygame, I never said 170 isnt enough, it usually is, but we lost, that happens. Try again.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
noaim said:
Sigh, how fucking stupid can someone be? I dont dislike you because you are german, but because you are as stupid as one can get. When stupid becomes a race, then yes, I am a racist. Until then, I just dont like stupid people. Ok? And I wont reply to you more you brickwall.

Stupid is, as stupid does.

Is the hunter stupid for laying an obvious trap, or the prey for falling into said obvious trap?

PS I wish I had sport in UK like you Swedes do. Nice of em to start the game at the exact moment you get wiped.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
CjkaceBM said:
Stupid is, as stupid does.

Is the hunter stupid for laying an obvious trap, or the prey for falling into said obvious trap?

PS I wish I had sport in UK like you Swedes do. Nice of em to start the game at the exact moment you get wiped.

I think it rather was us that got wiped when the game started, than the other way around. Further, I dont think the wipe was exactly when the game started, but it was close enough to start-time for alot to leave since there wouldnt be time for a second attempt before it actually did start.

And I better point this out again: I am not using it as an excuse to why we failed with taking the keep, but to an explanation to this. I wonder how many times I need to point that out before people starts to get it.

Icebreaker said:
no you didnt. you tried it one time and failed bigtime. Then you arrived again with a jokeforce and got owned again right outside. While Hibs actually get their keeps back while 12000 gtaoe mids wait inside.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
noaim said:
I think it rather was us that got wiped when the game started, than the other way around. Further, I dont think the wipe was exactly when the game started, but it was close enough to start-time for alot to leave since there wouldnt be time for a second attempt before it actually did start.

And I better point this out again: I am not using it as an excuse to why we failed with taking the keep, but to an explanation to this. I wonder how many times I need to point that out before people starts to get it.

Tut tut.

Read please :p

I quoted the comment you made to Icebreaker, where you refer to him being stupid.

Who is the more stupid, he who leaves the bait or he who partakes of it?

This has been a bait thread since Ice's first post (he is THE MASTER BAITER) and you have kept responding to it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
CjkaceBM said:
Tut tut.

Read please :p

I quoted the comment you made to Icebreaker, where you refer to him being stupid.

Who is the more stupid, he who leaves the bait or he who partakes of it?

This has been a bait thread since Ice's first post (he is THE MASTER BAITER) and you have kept responding to it.

For some reason (I can't quite fathom why) the bit in bold doesn't quite look right?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
CjkaceBM said:
Tut tut.

Read please :p

I quoted the comment you made to Icebreaker, where you refer to him being stupid.

Who is the more stupid, he who leaves the bait or he who partakes of it?

This has been a bait thread since Ice's first post (he is THE MASTER BAITER) and you have kept responding to it.

Yes ofc it has, and I love flamewars, so why not participate in em? Further, ofc its easy to say its a flamebait. All my posts were also flamebaits, yet Ice responded. I am baitmaster etc.

But I suppose that makes Ice the hibs version of Glottis then?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
hmmm i seem to remember a very important england football game where mids fuked us over oh and how you gloated at the time the word hypocrit springs to mind, its such a shame BW closed cos i would have loved to have posted a link just to shut you whining twats up.
using a sport to defend yourself is no excuse as you pointed out to us brits, im sure much less than 40% of the mid population actually even gave a shit
you got out smarted live with it you really thought we where all in the keep while we knew you where coming with multiple trebs ? morons

as for saad yes i must admit i got pissed and started jumpin on the conspiracy theory band wagon although i did keep it in guild chat however i was just jealous of DH well played guys, people where bored and pissed off and DH made the perfect scapegoat unfortunately.
bitte timed his uber death spam a little too well i think lol :clap: very nice btw i didnt get the full count but it looked close to 30
saadyst i apologise you tried to organise something and alot of people threw it back in your face myself included at one point, people had been taking keeps for 3+ hours and all we saw was DH spam some people are bound to get the wrong impression thats just the way of things
you gave a pretty good speech about morale i think its important that you heed your own advice every good leader gets opposition from his own side how you deal with it defines who you are. whatever you may be thinking now remember hib has followed you before and will follow you again regardless of what some people say so chin up son and lets work on the next midgard invasion. :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
noaim said:
Another person unable to read. How many of those do you have?
what are you doing in this thread?
it doesn't concern you in the least, trolls belong in midgard so fuckoff back there please


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Amadon said:
what are you doing in this thread?
it doesn't concern you in the least, trolls belong in midgard so fuckoff back there please

So why do people keep replying to me?


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
oke a little summarise ?

- hibs bragging about it
- hibs laughing because mids do something else then daoc
- hibs again bragging about it

and i wasnt there after the first hit on nott because
1) it was boring for chars who dont have maghic or so..
2) i had rl things that go before daoc, even when its rr or so ... simple as that

btw how the fuck should we know that dh was inc... u think we all sitting uber concentrated before the screen watching everything that happens within the game ... sjeez i would explode :wub:

anyway nice game hibs as usually. Close the topic, its past now


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
noaim said:
So why do people keep replying to me?
because you interfered in something that has nothing to do with you.
I thought that was quite evident.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
agree, saady as you were saying, its to boost moral, i think you have got hibs back into wanting revenge on mids, we wont let them get the relic doors to 4%.

So job well done :)

And Noaim, kindly fuck off, your ice hocky story/excuse is just laughable


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Raven said:
agree, saady as you were saying, its to boost moral, i think you have got hibs back into wanting revenge on mids, we wont let them get the relic doors to 4%.

So job well done :)

And Noaim, kindly fuck off, your ice hocky story/excuse is just laughable

Yes, its made up!! Midgard has no swedish players, and Sweden never played semifinals against USA. I made it all up.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
noaim said:
Another person unable to read. How many of those do you have?

Why dont u just fo and go post in your own realm forum or start a thread in rvr explaining why MIds were not capabale of taking keeps back and see how much interest there is your post.
There are people in the HIBB realm who are trying to sort things here and your barking on about this fooking hockey game is totally distracting from the fact that people in hibb are pissed (wrongly so imo) about something within there realm.

Please go post somewhere else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
tierk said:
Why dont u just fo and go post in your own realm forum or start a thread in rvr explaining why MIds were not capabale of taking keeps back and see how much interest there is your post.
There are people in the HIBB realm who are trying to sort things here and your barking on about this fooking hockey game is totally distracting from the fact that people in hibb are pissed (wrongly so imo) about something within there realm.

Please go post somewhere else.

Actually, I replied to a post directed towards mids to start with, not my fault it took 2-3 pages of replies for people to understand. Neither is it my fault people still reply to my so useless of no interest posts.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
noaim said:
Actually, I replied to a post directed towards mids to start with, not my fault it took 2-3 pages of replies for people to understand. Neither is it my fault people still reply to my so useless of no interest posts.

Omg how old are u like 4 or something u feel u need have the last word or something. Please please please growup.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
tierk said:
Omg how old are u like 4 or something u feel u need have the last word or something. Please please please growup.

No, but I prefer to answer if anything is unclear.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
noaim said:
No, but I prefer to answer if anything is unclear.

You just made a fool of yourself in this thread. Go and take your semi finals to your mid forum.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
tierk said:
ur mum ?? clear enough??

No, I fail to see what she has to do with it, so not clear at all.
Also, a post containing as the same amount of questionmarks as it has words, usually aint clear.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Sorry for spamming a non-mid-related topic, couldn't find any other topic which is about the happenings in midgard frontier today. Just wanted to post the funniest screenshot I have seen in a long time.

Now call this realm defence:

King Kong

Shame shrooms got him tho :\

Thanks for the fun hibs :)
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