About the names



Today i saw 2 guys called "Hermann Goering" and "Gustav Krupp", another guy was called "Staliin".

Sad sad sad, if you see them, please kill them


Yep very Sad....Still you could always create a char called Simon Wiesenthal and go hunt the twats down.


Freedom of speech and freedom of expression sure do rock!


Killed him 3 times in a row last night...just for you.


Originally posted by [Cerebus]
Freedom of speech and freedom of expression sure do rock!

Well, i dunno, but at least in sweden our "freedom of speech" is just as long as it isnt classed as, hmm, dunno the english word but "hets mot folkgrupp" which basically means that you arent allowed to say things that degrade certain groups of people such as religous people or people of another skin color etc.

Im sure its the same in most other countries, which would make having names like that a bannable offense? no?

Anyway, not like i care, but thats how it works in sweden :p


uhhh tell me please wot do those names mean ? :|


Ah yes...

... Who always get the name Drizzt first? damn...


dunno whats wrong with being called stalin who was a great leader and did alot for the progress of sovjet.

Hitler and other nazinames is clear violation tho so ban them.


Well the way I see it is that the names aren't really that offensive (To me), they're just pretty lame. Not because of who the names represent but because it's a fantasy roleplaying game set in the age of Camelot and these names add nothing to the game itself.

All world leaders do bad things, we just hear about Stallin, Goering etc the most because they where on the losing side. (you know what I mean...)

I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't find churchill or Bush offensive (Okay, in real life yes :p ) but they did/do nasty things to human lives each day.

Also, how do we know that the player isn't Russian and that's his name? It's a long shot but you have to condsider it I suppose.

Once again, just my opinion......we're all welcome to one. :)


bongos, they're names of people from the past that did nasty stuff to certain races/their own people.


Well is not about loosers and winners, is about massive assasins. Is not a political question, is a common sense question.

Goering one of the leaders of the nazism, head of the Lutfwaffe. Don´t need to explain more about the II WW and the millions of deads fruit of nazism ambition.

Stalin = genocide. Under the terror rule of Stalin thousands of russians and eastern europe people died, were deported and tortured.

Well my english is really bad but i think is enough for refusing that names in game.

Im not english, but seems really stupid to compare Churchill to Goering or Stalin. Is only a question of objectivity.


Well Churchill decided that bombing Berlin was a good idea way before the Germans did so in my opinion he killed innocent lives for no reason.

All world leaders do nasty stuff, we just have not heard about it because some of them are 'winners' and get to write their own history of events.


Err, no, the raids on Berlin that occurred over a two day time period was in retaliation to bombs being dropped on London (accidently its thought, but no one knew that at the time) by the German airforce.

There's no comparison between Churchill, who did what he could to defend his nation, and the Nazi ragime who murdered thousands, not because they were the enemy but because they believed they were an inferior race.

Go read some fucking history books on jewish extermination camps then come back and tell me how 'all leaders' do some 'nasty stuff'. Or better yet speak to people who were there at the time, like i have.


Okay, so what you're saying is that Churchill never did anything at all to harm innocent human lives? That's bollocks.

Oh and by the way, the RAF bombed German before they bombed London. It might not be in the 'Childrens book of nasty wars' but it did happen.

Originally posted by old.Vandgard
the Nazi ragime who murdered thousands

Silly me, there I was thinking they murdered millions of people.

Originally posted by old.Vandgard
Go read some fucking history books on jewish extermination camps

Oh, it seems I have!


We dont say that Churchill, Roosevelt or others were saints, we only say that Hitler, Himler,Goering, etc were evils. I`m sure that you can understand the difference.


Of course I understand , that's why I killed Staliin several times with my Infiltrator.


Okay, so what you're saying is that Churchill never did anything at all to harm innocent human lives? That's bollocks.

What Saburo said.

Oh and by the way, the RAF bombed German before they bombed London. It might not be in the 'Childrens book of nasty wars' but it did happen.


They started the war, bombed my country first, and dropped the first bombs on civilian targets.

Silly me, there I was thinking they murdered millions of people.

I was thinking of German Jews; i have no idea how many died.

Oh, it seems I have!

But yours have the truth of the matter whereas mine don't? K.


Which highlights my point, just because we (I live in England) won the war, little things like the RAF bombing Germany first get left out of the History books because thats the way war works.

Most people have learnt about WW2 from old people that hate the German race and British text books. These things aren't always full of the facts.

Just because we're British and the Heroes of WW2, (not that anybody seems to remember that), doesn't mean we are totally incapable of slaughtering thousands upon thousands of innocent human lives.

Hell, we're British, it's what we're famous for!

I'm sure you wouldn't think twice about naming a character 'Churchill' in the same way a Russian player wouldn't think twice about naming a character 'Staliin'. Maybe he's a hero to that player, maybe he's just trying to get people pissed off.

All I'm saying is that just because British History books tell one story about a series of events, it doesn't mean it actually happened.

Hopefully I'll be able to dig out the name of the book that states this fact for you. Maybe I'm wrong and you're right, but maybe, just maybe, I'm right and you're wrong.

Afterall, we weren't there, we're getting all these facts from books and the internet.


Okay, read this, I know it's from the Mirror but it's written by a German who actually fought in the war.

I was wrong on one part however and I admit this, it wasn't actually Churchill that ordered the bombing of Berlin, it was Neville Chamberlain. He thought it would knock some sense into the Germans after they attacked one of our Navy ships. We did bomb Berlin before they bombed London though. So ner :p

I will also tell you that Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Churchill allowed over 9 million German men, women and children to die of starvation, neglect and over-work after the war when we occupied the three parts of Germany/Berlin.

Churchill also ordered the 30,000 Russian Kossacks in his own part of Germany to be returned to Stalin knowing full well that they would be slaughtered for betraying Communist Russia and fighting with Nazi Germany.

So you see, no world leader is an angel. For many they are evil, for many they are heroes.

So in your opinion these names shouldn't be allowed but in someone elses opinion they could be someone they admire.


Mate - I know what you are saying...but in no way is Gustav Krupp a hero and anyone who thinks he is, is fricking warped and probably goes around in jackboots with their arms raised.

Please dont start saying there are shades of grey with these people...Please! :)

Have they been reported yet - if not ill do it....for Krupp at least...and if they dont get banned - ill set my Nan on to them.


I have no problem with Krupp, he was just a knobhead.


PS - London was bombed before Berlin - but who gives a toss about London...as it took the pressure off coventry, sheffield, liverpool, and the satellite airfields...for a few weeks....



Seriously though, Germany didn't bomb london until late 1940 just after they had bombed our RAF bases (If they'd have carried on bombing another 24 hours, some believe we'd have so many planes destroyed we'd have lost the Battle of Britain).

Before that we had the British bombing of German strategic sites AND Berlin in response to the sinking of a British warship AND the evacuation of France.

Britain did bomb Germany first, if you don't believe me, just search for 'Germany' and the 'Western Offensive'.

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