? about skalds



Skalds have resist instean buffs right ? !!!
Is it that hard to press them when we go into batle or is it they dont stack with shammy resist buffs ?

Run around doing DD's to interrupt casters having dps song on and helping with the odd mess and same time press the resist buffs that is needed is that to hard ?

Iam not whining just asking sence i never had a skald doing resist for me in batle.


<skald turns on resist chant>
[Group] 1: SPEED FFS!!
[Group] 2: GIVF SPEED !!
[Group] 3: FFS GIVF SPEED!!


midgard is the melee realm...why shouldn't you play dmgadd song in battle? if you have 2 skalds you can play a resist song, tho i see no reason to choose resist over dmgadd in battle


Yes, skalds have resist songs, but there are a couple of issues about them you should know:

- all resists are on a different shout: so a body resistance shout, spirit, etc.
- they do not stack with shammy resistance buffs.
- skalds cannot twist their chants, in other words we can only play 1 chant at a time, so no resistance + damage add for example.
- The constant spam they produce cannot be disabled.

And Pamela, I'm sorry to say so, but the ridiculous short range on the damage add (700) makes it almost useless in RvR, so even when when the skald is playing it, there's a very big chance the rest of the group isn't getting the add, since most RvR battles are spread over more than 700 range.


Dmg add range only 700?? Not very effective then...


Originally posted by klavrynd
<skald turns on resist chant>
[Group] 1: SPEED FFS!!
[Group] 2: GIVF SPEED !!
[Group] 3: FFS GIVF SPEED!!

his got it in one^ :clap:


Omg, nerf skalds :<

Oh wait, minsts get a hp buffer that needs drums.. ^^


Well got my answer but still dont need speed when fight has started, didnt know they didnt stack with shammy buffs 1 of the things i asked. Just wondered after 6 months that I havent tried it.
Just turn on heat when we meet sotl if no shammy in group, they not gonna kill u in mele anyways.


speed is good in battles some times it makes a big diff run over to the clasters faster without been hit


^^ Oh god I teamed with u MrT in malmo, aieeeeeeeee silly mana leeching zerker I was always healing you silly silly :D hehe


Originally posted by Mr TNT
whos ur healer ;p

I'd guess he's talking abuot Thepeoples Shaman :)

But why are you saying skalds cannot twist chants, Eynar? Are you talking about the recast timer here? Well all chants have a 5 second pulse and 8 second recast. Which means they can have two given chants running 5/8 or roughly 60% of the time.

I myself have tried playing a skald, I was doing speedchant and then I hit hp regen chant and speed again immediately after. I did not loose speed but I got one pulse of hp regen. I would guess all chants work the same way?

And klav: how useful is speed in combat? You loose it as soon as you attack or get attacked :rolleyes:



Skalds, Sing for us! .. Or explain why you can't :)
I'm happy to provide power regen if you sing, sing, SING :)


trust me speed can be very usefull for me in battles,

i mean i need to let my group die an run away first ;p
i some time play cold or heat when we camping a mg and albs come but thats kind of rare, Speed is very good in battles tho some times when u need to run down a claster...
that post there^ our faces should move when we sing dont u think ?:p


Originally posted by Mr TNT
Speed is very good in battles tho some times when u need to run down a claster...

Yeah sure thing. Use speed to get to the casters, mez one, inerrupt three others with snare, dd, dd. But then what? You have been in combat. Why keep speedchant up until the combat timer resets?

It just seems to me that a really skilled skald could use his battlesongs alot in combat...
Twist resists, hpregen, dmgadd.
Run around and interrupt casters with the 4 different instants on short timers.
Instead of finding a target to stick it and bash with the big hammer. :)

that post there^ our faces should move when we sing dont u think ?:p

Certainly! Or even better: Let us all hear the skalds sing irl using a headset! :clap:


Originally posted by pamela
midgard is the melee realm...why shouldn't you play dmgadd song in battle? if you have 2 skalds you can play a resist song, tho i see no reason to choose resist over dmgadd in battle

This thought explains the crappy resists on most Mids...


Originally posted by Puppetmistress

This thought explains the crappy resists on most Mids...

they aint crappy just that your most likey an Air spec theurg which uses spirit type spells(i think) and spirit restist can be quite tricky to get in mid.


2x Band of Ice = 12% Spirit, Bloodbound Book or Vial of Fetid Bogwater = 6% so there is 18/26% of your spirit resist. Spirit is one of the easiest resists to cap.

Now try cap Energy without SC, then you will struggle :D


Originally posted by Freia
Yeah sure thing. Use speed to get to the casters, mez one, inerrupt three others with snare, dd, dd. But then what? You have been in combat. Why keep speedchant up until the combat timer resets?

i do change to dm song, but most of the time i am group their 2 skalds 1 speed 1 dm an i like to have my speed on most of the time... now zerg fights r spred over a good area so i run up kill a claster (or try) then run for about 3s without speed then it hits in an i am over to a claster in no time.
an u said about a real skilled skald? yea where the skill in pressing buttons mate? :sleeping:

now i played skald for a long time an i know! that speed does help me in battles as i can do things more of a rush... A lot of the time zerg u dont get much time to pick a song.... once u do get a right song u got some one in group going SPEED SPEED SPEED

some of our resist will cancel out some of shamans or healer buffs any way....

If i am the only skald in group i will use speed then dm then rest after the fight is over if thats ok?:m00: (unless i need to get to a claster fast)

when fighting i try to take out clasters first then healers then scouts etc then on to tanks

as klavrynd said ^^ thats the main reason....


o and solid work out my dam sc armor for my zerk and skald plz :p come talk to me if u want to help me i am at a dead end :clap:


Originally posted by Mr TNT
an u said about a real skilled skald? yea where the skill in pressing buttons mate? :sleeping:

I should have said very skilled, not really skilled. Excuse me for picking the wrong words.

now i played skald for a long time an i know! that speed does help me in battles as i can do things more of a rush...

I'm not saying speed dont help, and im not saying you aint good at playing your class.
All i'm saying is that in theory it should be possible to twist some more chants to help the group than i usually see in combat.

A lot of the time zerg u dont get much time to pick a song....

Now THAT is where the skill comes in!
I'm talking about running the most useful chant mainly and twist in the others every 8th second, keeping track of the situation and knowing which chant should currently be the main one.
Now I know that aint easy, thats why I said it takes skill. Do you see now?


zerg as in 60 v 8 i mean :p some times there no point hehe


And klav: how useful is speed in combat? You loose it as soon as you attack or get attacked

speed is all that matters in rvr, you can get a better dmg adds off one of the ample dorkness wunies and the resist chants don't stack or sommat (hp regen song isnt worth mentioning)

try to put off speed in a rvr zone, and the first thing you'll see in [group] is : "speed ffs!"


_Nothing_ matters when there is 8 vs 60.

And klav, let's see. Skald damageadd stack with ordinary damageadd bufs. And if you think I don't know that one needs speed when moving around.... are you simply trying to insult me here? :(

'resist chants dont stack or sommat' <-- ok. lets not read anything anyone said, or simply check the facts. it would make communicating WAY too easy.

I still havnt found an answer to why skalds chants can't be twisted, which I asked several days ago.

Fine. I'll just drop the subject.

I will get back to you when I have a level 50 skald and answer my own questions.


Originally posted by Freia
_Nothing_ matters when there is 8 vs 60.

let's just all run around armourless eating icecream all the time then
And klav, let's see. Skald damageadd stack with ordinary damageadd bufs. And if you think I don't know that one needs speed when moving around.... are you simply trying to insult me here? :(

i could ask you the same thing?

i stick to my point, if you only have one skald (and with the skald shortage nowadays having multiple just doesnt happen too often), speed is imo the only song that needs to be running, if not for chasing then for moving quickly after you killed.

if however you have more running dmg on the side is ok

'resist chants dont stack or sommat' <-- ok. lets not read anything anyone said, or simply check the facts. it would make communicating WAY too easy.

let's say they do stack, do you really think that the extra few % of resistances matter when there's an annoying luri pbae'ing the shit out of you , or when walker's pulling 5xx dmg nukes out of his ass?

I still havnt found an answer to why skalds chants can't be twisted, which I asked several days ago.

because they have a 8 second recast timer and song pulses less then 8 seconds, not too mention quite a manadrain


Twisting does not work well at all. Most chants, meaning songs that stay on without any attention, have a recast time of 5 to 6 seconds, but only last 3 or 4 seconds after another chant is started. So while it is possible to have travel, rest, and battle chants flashing all at the same time, it'll only be for about 2 seconds, and you have to wait a bit to do it again. The first "serie" would work, but when you hit the speed song for the 2nd time, you'll have to wait a couple of seconds again. Not to mention the power and endurance drain...yes, dunno why, but they take endurance too.


Originally posted by klavrynd
because they have a 8 second recast timer and song pulses less then 8 seconds, not too mention quite a manadrain

Pulse: 5
Recast: 8
Just like i said several days ago, actually. And i also said that if used right, that it can give you more than one chant _most_ of the time. Wich still holds. fyi

And I still cannot believe you think its so incredibly hard to turn on speed when it's needed. (Which is _most_ of the time but not ALL the time). fyi


Maybe read my post just above yours? since all skald hants are insta-cast, it would only work decently the first serie.


Originally posted by eynar
Maybe read my post just above yours? since all skald hants are insta-cast, it would only work decently the first serie.

I did eynar. You said the recast was 5 to 6 seconds while classesofcamelot.com and camelotherald.com sais recast is 8 seconds for all chants.
Also the pulse time is 5 seconds which means that it runs for 5 seconds after the current pulse was started. How long it runs after another chant was started depends on how close to the end of the pulse it was at that time.

Anyway, concider this: Speedchant is running and has been running for atleast 8 seconds. Hit _all_ the chants very fast after eachother and finish with speed. All chants will be active for one pulse (5 seconds) and the group will keep running with speed as if nothing happened. Now the recast timer for speed is ticking so wait about 8 seconds (make it 10 seconds to stay on the safe side) then repeat. Speed will be on 100% of that time while the other chants will be running 5 out of those 10 seconds.

How about this one: You run in emain. You get the unmistakable lag, a hib group pops at clippingrange!! EEEK!. But never fear! Our smart skald see them and knows exactly what to do. He hits the bodyrestistance chant and then speed immediately after. (He needed the speed to run away obviously). The skald lives because speed never stopped (YAY!), and the group gets one pulse of 10% extra body resistance (this skald had low battlesongs spec) which in its 4th second of the pulse just happens to make your healer resist the bard instamez so he can mez all the hippies, unmez his group and and then proceed to kick the hippies ass. (YAY! YAY!)

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