About high level grouping or the lack thereof and guilds..



I know there is not a lot else to do snoz...but odin proclaim all the time that only their malmo groups are guild only and anyone can join their other groups...but they dont have any other groups do they :)

With regards to warders, nemesis etc, we regularly group with one another, only last night refkjell spent the whole malmo trip with us...and i think your talking bullshit when u say nemesis do guild only xp, cos they never have when i've been with them, only reason we turn people down is cos a) we've grouped with them previously and they are complete idiots or b) we are a full group, and 95% of the time its cos of (b)

Nemesis might indeed offer a better rvr experience :) what fun could u have in odin running around with 50 other ppl? doubt you'd get a kill tbh hehe, but who knows maybe odin rvr is good i've never been on one of their trips.

Blacklist me snoz :) I want to see what difference it would make seeing as I can't join odin groups anyway ;) Only for test purposes you understand.

PS. I luv you really steve :D


Feel The Love

I'm sure Albion & Hibernia love this sort of stuff....


Originally posted by Zhildrua

I enjoyed your post very much. Long time since I last saw self-justification presented in such a patronising manner.

Nope. I'm not trying to justify anything and i'm not patronizing anyone. Simply stating my oppinion.

With this you not only insulted Kelmon, the threadopener, but also everyone who chose to disagree with your opinion on the GOA forum.

Nope again, Kelmon declared a rant and said "take it as you will" hence I dont think he'll object to a different oppinion than his own. Stating that you think the people that agree with you are more sensible than those who dont hardly qualifies as an insult.

Another nice insult to anyone who dares to disagree with your stance on things. So far those people are immature and selfish. Let's see if there's more. But the funny thing is, you contradict yourself just a few sentences later:

Strike 3, read it again. Selfish people dislike big guilds. That's not to say that nice people that arent selfish also dislike them.

Glad we got that out of the way. So, by your own words, big guilds are joined by selfish players, not disliked. Unselfish people stay with their guild, help guildmates, etc.

Wow you managed to get something right. Big guilds are indeed joined by selfish players. These soon leave again tho once they realize that big guilds are by no means the quick ticket to 50 and you have to put in lots of extra work to help the lower members. And also, many of our members that might have joined for selfish reasons seem to change their priorities after a while.

Either that's a blatant lie or you don't know what some of your members are doing. A guildmate was offered a place in a EoO 40+ group ONLY under the condition he joins EoO either now or right after hunt. If that's no agressive recruiting, I don't know what is. And you do know of the nickname EoO has? You're not called the Borg without a reason. "All your Highlevels are belong to us" could be your guild motto.

That has never happened and is a pretty low accusation. Back up your post with a name and a character and come up with some evidence if you dare. There hasnt been anyone hunting with us under any pressure to join and I know that for a fact since I've personally been on every single one. Our nickname is pretty funny and I take it as a compliment.

You're not really surprised about that, are you?
Seems a reaction to the dubious methods of EoO.

No, not really surprised. Maybe a bit dissapointed. And it's most likely a reaction to our "methods" as you put it, dubious no.

And who are you to tell what smaller guilds should or should not do?
They may have other goals in the game than you. And this patronising crap works the other way to: Large guilds should stop Highlevel-leeching from smaller guilds, so there are many strong guilds, this will benefit all.
Doesn't that sound wise too? :m00:

I'm not telling anyone what to do, I'm only making a suggestion what I think could improve the situation. The last part needs no comment it speaks for itself.

All in all you have added nothing but flame to this discussion by totally twisting around everything said in that post. I normally refrain from post dissection but I couldn't help myself this time. I'm sorry to have burdened the other forum readers with this nonsense.


EoO is about RvsR first and foremost. Some guilds enjoy chat, easy leveling and roleplaying and that's all cool with us. We however, play this game mainly for the RvsR element and it always comes first.

Aside from that we also have a Code of Conduct that can be read on www.eyeofodin.com and we follow it as best we can. Although I am the leader of the guild I try my very best not to make arbitrary descisions based on my own preference. I dont kick out people I dont like against guild rules and I dont invite people that I like against guild rules. I always try to do what my members want and I ask for their oppinion as often as possible. We dont tolerate any violation of guild rules and as such it's not appropriate for a GM to go around making exceptions to the rules. It's simply not fair to the members or the other people of the realms. I have on occasion broken our level 30+ invite rule as well as our guild only rule and every time I have done so, I have regretted it later.

However I understand Elronds perspective. What on earth is the sense in refusing a healer entrance to a group when you desperately need him and he can contribute loads to the run, that way pissing him off and weakening your group? and why not take in 4-5 people every run, no harm in that?

The problem is that it IS a guild run and is defined by the fact that only guild members are allowed on it. If I was to say "EoO is organizing this malmohus run for the entire realm, I doubt my members would come, since many of them joined this guild to get away from the drop arguing, death whining, begging and just general idiocy that regularily takes place in public groups. There are assholes out there who can screw up any xp group, I've seen it happen many times.

We in EoO do not want to isolate ourselves, we want the whole realm to unite. Cooperation will make us stronger in RvsR and that's what our main objective is. In hope of dispelling some of the grudges some people seem to hold and in an attempt to show you that we care, I'll try to do something for the entire realm, I dont think it will be a succes but if it should be, I'm all for doing it on a regular basis.

See my post on the Midgard forum if you're interested.


I have no objection to ppl being refused a group because they are dicks, causing trouble and arguing about drops etc, nemesis sometimes refuse ppl on this basis. I'm not saying you should be like Nemesis, but we do have a pool of people we know we can trust and we all like who come on xp trips with us and see no harm in doing so.

The main thing is that I feel offended when one of my best mates in daoc who's also an elder in Odin, and the other higher up odin people who I've grouped with since the early stages of the game, refuse to let me in a group simply because I'm not a memer of the guild. I would have thought that the fact that you know I'm not a wanker and hopefully trust me would mean something but apparently it doesn't. That's personally what I don't like about it, other people may have other reasons but then that's another matter.


I know fully well you're not a wanker and I'd like nothing more than to group with you and my other friends since I enjoy your company. However, The other members of EoO dont know whether you're a wanker or not and some of them might even dislike you (unlikely). What if a member of EoO said "hey I want to take X along on thie guild run cause he's my m8" then 7 other people that dont know X send to me "what is X doing here? who brought him along?". They dont know who X is, or they might even have had unpleasant experiences with him and thus feel violated by his intrusion.

Then you might say "well you're the boss and Snoz is an Elder, why cant you just decide who comes along and who doesnt?" and the answer to this you can read in my previous post.



Griz sums it up perfectly tbh.

If one person was allowed to come it would open the flood gates for every one on the run to bring their friends and seeing mostly all odin people are very friendly that would be 25+ extra people a night wanting to come.

Seeing that keeping it guild only makes for a turn out of usually more then 20 people, it would make it unmanagable and no good for anyone.

Just because your a leader or whatever you cant bend the rules to fit what u want, or there would be no point in rules in the first place.

As i explained to you tom in game .. everyone that i know of likes you in odin and id like nothing more then you to come but soon as you come along 20 other members of EYE want to know wtf their mates were not allowed to come.

It just would not work.


Grizlas, if you think that my last post was a flame, then you never read one of my flames. :D

And the incident with the aggressive recruiting happened, but no, I won't tell my guildmate's name, just to be sure to save him eventual trouble.

You took my post as a flame. Fine. But maybe just think about how some of EoO's policies and methods are perceived by other people - even if they make perfect sense for you. If you come to the conclusion that people might be pissed off by some of your rules, then you have to decide if you care for other ppl, your reputation, etc. or you say EoO matters, the rest can go to hell.

Each decision is equal valid and each will have their appropriate consequences. Up to you.


I have just read the EoO code of conduct and found nothing there offensive.
So I really do not see the point in this thread anymore other than for a show of who has the biggest ego.


I'm sure mine is WAAAAY bigger than yours :p

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