About Duels



Tonight some peeps started doing duels, not to the death, near Benowyc after the 11-9 memorial.

I did 2 duels, and then ran to a far off place to log off, when a yellow con Mid named Sverker comes running from Beno and attacks me without beckoning or anything. So I cast TWF and run off. Then I get a message of a Hibbie asking for res, so I help her and then sit down, when Sverker comes running up again, and attacks me. I step back and sit down again, get some lightning bolts on my head, and think "k, you're asking for it". So I beckon him a few times, but he doesn't respond. I sit down somewhere else, but then he runs up, hits me with lightning again, scratches my new epic armor with his sword, and then runs off to attack and alb mage in the back without beckoning. Now normally I'd defend a middie against an alb any day, but this particular Mid has it coming so I get up, cast bubble, and attack Sverker. The mage looks on with what I imagine must be a very big smile ( ;

Sverker doesn't manage to hit me once. After a while I'm at 95% health still, and he's down to 5%, so I step back and sheathe my sword. Let that be a lesson I say, but it doesn't come through his thick skull. He keeps casting the lightning on me and steps forward attacking again, so I think "ok, have it your way" and I kill him without further ado.

Then Wrathofsauron runs up to me and starts attacking me too : /
-> so I sprint off with the end I have left and suicide at Benowyc kthnxbye ( ;

I'm not much of a dueller, but on those rare occasions that I do duel, I don't kill my opponent. Methos and McDonalds were good opponents, this Sverker fellow just had a death wish I guess :/


Originally posted by hotrat
Lessurl your a caster and u actually had fun at a duel event? :)

Yes i did, to begin with i kept tryin to take the friar on with my stick. That was fun tryin to run about twattin her occasionally and avoiding those nasty styles, i always lost tho as 2 hits from her and i was generally low enough to be called beaten. Most fun were the duels i always lost, the me vs stealtehrs, both back off, stealther stealths and i try to survive the attack. Was good practice for real rvr i think and i have a few new ideas i need to try out, maybe next time i win. ;)

@ nilj in me vs tanks i generally just backed off, bowed, they ran at me, stun, nuke, stop nuking, bow. I was reluctant to use my mez as it was ae and would have caught some of the spectators too. I'll admit it wasn't as much fun as tank vs tank but i got challenged and didn't want to decline. I only turned down one duel and that was with the infi who one shot me after i'd run all the way back from dl. There was still no rezzer there so i didn't fancy another long walk.;)


Re: Re: Re: Re: About Duels

Originally posted by old.Second
duel= against CoC so flaming people for breaking a duel is like telling a terrorist that what he is doing is wrong. Probably makes you feel bether for a sec but dont help anything.

lol, same goes for flaming ppl for duelling :clap:


Wrathofsauron is the worst his buffbot (likemybuffs) is always with him killed it 2-3 times today with huma

Thing that made me laugh is a Nightshade Ebonn was duelign WITH buffs AND PBT FS!!!! Warden was bloody stuck to him omg...

and you'll never find me dueling with buffs unless the other person uses it and u can normally tell after 1st hit.


OOPS I was buffed and with haste and bt up, but all i was fighting had buffs AND Damage add tho . So I would not drop my BT for anything. In RvR I have all my buffs on, that was actually how i was in hadrian aswell.

But ofcourse if all is to be unbuffed it is ok, but since 90% of those i duelled was having buffs and damage add , I see no way of dropping mine.


Originally posted by Treniel-
Thing that made me laugh is a Nightshade Ebonn was duelign WITH buffs AND PBT FS!!!! Warden was bloody stuck to him omg...

Yup sure was, at first i wasnt, then i noticed mids and albs getting buffs and some in groups with PBT, and as anyone who has killed me ( most of you ) will know i rarely have buffs in emain, due to not being able to afford another computer just for a buffbot, and as i always get killed by everything i thought i would try to see how much differance buffs make,

well lots of duels later and not being beatan i found out buffs make a hell of a differance, probably why i cant kill shit in emain as all you lot seem to be buffed and im not,

anyway yes i had a unfair advantage against some of you ( a lot also had buffs,PBT etc.. ) i still played fair , all i was doing was testing my character with buffs,

and if my memery serves me correct treniel wernt you the armsman i got to 10% in seconds without taking any damage ( evade>stun>evade>stun etc. etc.. ) comon man u did the worst against me, guess you were unlucky,

at least i wasnt being a arsehole like some of you there by perfing ppl and attcking without beckoning etc.. but thats there decision, get over it and come kill me in emain to restore your so called wounded pride.

and sinta ( the warden ) was not stuck to me for your infomation, we had 4 from the same guild who were trying to stay close together to stop the grefiers from killing us,

if u want a unbuffed duel sometime treniel im up for it, then you can go tell your friends how 1337 you are by killing a leather wearing elf :)


oh, and another thing i didnt challange anyone to a duel, in fact at the start i was avoiding duels due to the fact my venoms accidently kill ppl which i didnt really want happening, i was openly buffed in full view then challenged by ppl watching it, it wasnt a secret i was buffed etc.. but everyone still wanted to duel me, but its a game in the end and all realms were doing it , life go's on :)


you had PBT...both of those misses on it were stun moves your had a weapon buff and hit me every second as well as doing double the damage on me from normal hits. I wasn't buffed at all...

duel me without PBT or buffs and we'll see who owns who.


i still played fair

Sorry, but if you think its fair to challenge me, unbuffed and without a group, while your buffed, with bt, and in a group, and then kill me then your fucking retarded.

Stop making excuses for being lame.


I had PBT : correct,
I had a weapon buff : not correct,

i use 2.2 spd weapons so with my quick ( which is high without buffs ) i always hit the 1.5 spd hard cap,

sure ill duel you again, but if you actaully bothered to read my post not once did i make a suggestion that i owned you,( im not envenom :p )

think your taking this a little much to heart, get over it and come kill me, :)

and i also had a lucky run of evade's while dueling you, which as you probably know means you will be stunned for a period of time, im not saying i r0x3r , ffs im a nightshade how more gimped do u want me to be :p


Wow, are there many people on these forums actually above 12?
Novamir sorry to tell you but not everyone is teh 133t du3l m4st3r you are and not everyone knows about duel 'rules'.

Personally I didnt have buffs and stayed out of range of pbt for any duel I had and actually made a comment to people in the group who were asking for buffs (about the nme not having them).
What gets me is the childish way you have to post on the forum, do it maturely and i'm sure that 1.) there will be less flames, 2.) people will get along more and 3.) the point you are trying to put across will not just be ignored by 95% of the people reading the topic.

This post is not a dig at you, but at the way you have posted. I do not know you from anything other than these forums, and am sure that you are a nice guy but just try ? :)


Originally posted by old.Vandgard
Sorry, but if you think its fair to challenge me,

ahh if that is intended for me, im sorry about this one, normally i refuse to duel zerkers becouse 2 hits later im dead, only reson i did was becouse when you were fighting sinta u used hamster and ignore pain, and i wanted to see if i had a chance vs a zerker without hamster mode, again i apoligise you were the ONLY one i challanged and you right it was kinda lame,


and i didnt mean to kill u, as i was backing off, with you at quite a bit of life my last hit with my wep procced and critted for over 200 damage, cant control that im afraid,


Thanks for the apology...

Still gonna put you down hard next time i see you though;)


Originally posted by old.Eleasias
Done any exp killstealing lately Murphy?

BTW im not a n00b when I went to attack you I saw loads of albs closing in on u 2 so I had second thoughts...shame your killed me with your bow :p


No Buffs or All Buffs is the only level playing field. And since most healer/buffer types in all realms very rarely spec enhance to a high or MAX level then the ppl with a dedicated buffbot still get a major advantage. Hence the only logical solution is no buffs.
You can say u always play in Emain with buffs, some of us do some of us dont. But most of the time the effectiveness of the buffs vary on who we grp with. Not so the buffbot user, he knows exactly what his stats will be, everytime.


Well i was there too, with my infil instead of my cleric who was too far away to be on time :p

It was first time i did a "duel", and felt really strange :p

Of course as a infil you dont stand much of a chance vs any class when not using PA as opening move...so 65% of the duels i did i lost cause we assasins arent made for a real melee fight :p

Only got killed 1 time on purpose by a mid called Sojapil or something like that when i was watching a duel Hakke (cleric) vs Ganju i think it was...the guy comes in stealthed and PA's me and kills me...

So after that i got rezzed i went to look for him and did same thing to him, also using stealth opening and going for the kill. Of course i got ganked by Rjan who tought i was going for easy rp. But beside this little loser all other duels were great fun...

And about the buffs...for about 90% of the duels i did i was unbuffed, since i was solo...buffs do help a lot..even if they come from an average cleric without real high spec in rej.

Got owned by people using buffs too, so next time they challenged me i just didnt fight them :p (no fun vs an orange con with buffs -> 1-2 hits and losing 90% hp :p )


The idea is not to fight unbuffed.

The idea is to fight using only those abilities available to you as a class. Pure fighters have no buffs, so shouldn't use any. Wardens/Healers/Clerics/Friars/etc... all have their own buffs and should use them.

The idea is to test your class/chars abilities against other classes/chars. So don't get buffed by other people, don't stay grouped (it affects your opponents block/parry rate still) and get your caster buddies to drop debuffs,etc... on your opponents.

Last night in Hadrians it was blindly obvious who was buffed and who wasn't. Guys like Treniel and Sabu fought as is and made for great opponents. Methos, on the other hand, was ripped to the tits on cleric buffs and a number of people I know of just gave up halfway through their fights with him and went to look for a decent opponent.

Duelling is what you make of it. You learn fairly quickly who the people are who'll do whatever it takes to win. Just avoid them, stick to the ones you know have the same attitude as you and you'll enjoy it a hell of a lot more :)


Originally posted by old.Verata
Methos, on the other hand, was ripped to the tits on cleric buffs and a number of people I know of just gave up halfway through their fights with him and went to look for a decent opponent.

Had a great time duelling Methos ( : We were an even match, and when both at 40% Methos stepped back, coz it was taking ages and we were likely to end up both on 1% after 30 mins of slashing otherwise (; I don't care if he was buffed by other peeps; it was fun.


<yawn> :)

Too bad duels and buffs don't count.. Buffs don't mean shit in a fullblown stand off, range, crowd control and self-control does:)
RvR? PvP? RvR! Tactics, not templates.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: About Duels

Originally posted by old.Riddler

lol, same goes for flaming ppl for duelling :clap:

yeah but it makes the duelers pissed=) and that sooo makes my day:p

Just see the treats i get here hehe.


second, filling in the gaping void of twatness that karam has left? =) or just spamming for post count?


Ebonn if u get CD in i'm buggered and u know that it takes twice as long for me to use a style :p


Originally posted by Novamir
second, filling in the gaping void of twatness that karam has left? =) or just spamming for post count?

just tired of all the whining about peeps breaking up duels=)

if u die because someone breaks ur duel then just bend over and smell the fertilizer.


Originally posted by old.tazzbe
Of course as a infil you dont stand much of a chance vs any class when not using PA as opening move...so 65% of the duels i did i lost cause we assasins arent made for a real melee fight :p

I prefer duels without PA, it's boring with all the damn perfing, because PA+CD=almost sure victory. Most SBs I've fought against always perf, but aren't that good if they don't get to do it. Bit like most skalds fighting, they just mezz you and do a side-positional style on you with a 2-hander, pop goes 500 hp...

Thing is, DAoC isn't suited for duels like they should be like, RvR combat is WAY too fast.


yeah i know...but since i don't duel :p

nah did a duel with a mid tank - even con as me...first regular melee

no stealth moves...result was a big hit on the head and duel was already over since i only had 20% hp left and he he was still at 95%

2nd try i used stealth and PA, CD and SS...this time it was me who had full health and he was down at 20%...

of course vs a tank we all know we dont stand a chance without opening styles...but best duel was vs a orange con bard...evades from my part and blocking from his side all along the duel :p best one of all hehe..(me not using PA and follow-up styles of course)

And daoc isn't meant to duel...the times you meet same numbers of enemies at a spot without 30 other joining in is impossible...but the times it does happen...well 1-2 min duels are max i think :p

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