Games AAA games at the moment


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Is it me, or are they mostly just all shit? Bought AC shadows on release day, and refunded. After playing the completely excellent Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, mashing left mouse and rolling about the place just bored the piss out of me. Most releases are full of bugs, often game breaking.

Did devs get lazy during lockdown? Taking on too much? Is it just getting too complicated for them? Is it time for AI to take over? Which will happen sooner, rather than later, anyway.

As they appear to have set the price to £60, is it even worth bothering with any more? I seem to refund more than I keep.

Revisiting Cyberpunk (Dec 2020) which was a disaster on release, and really quite enjoying it now.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
majority of indie games i've played shit all over AAA games... problem with AAA games is capitalism, they don't want some of the money, they want all of the money so they nickle and dime us on everything they can get away with ultimately putting out a sub-par product.

Very few AAA games have been good in the last few years sadly


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Baldurs Gate 3.

Revisiting Cyberpunk (Dec 2020) which was a disaster on release, and really quite enjoying it now.
Yeah, really good if you've got a good rig.

I play most of the AAA games for a story. I might have another go at BG3 - completed it. But tbh, I like to make the decisions I like to make, I don't think I'd enjoy doing an "evil" run. But might give it a go anyway - it was the only game (other than HL: Alyx) that actually made me stop and go "woah, this feels new".

It's really because you've played every game before. New games are mainly just old games in a new skin.

I getting outside and doing real stuff is vastly more rewarding IMO. It's just harder to get started :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I usually wait for games to go on sale. Over xmas I played the two God of War games, which are astonishingly good. Then I played Mad Max, which is decent, and now I'm playing the PC version of RDR1, which even though its old, is very good fun.

The Jedi Survivor games are fantastic. But nothing I've ever played in my life comes close to God of War.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Pretty much all I play atm is

Private Server WoW
PowerWash Simulator
Monster Hunter Wilds

Probably going to buy Subnautica 2 when it comes out in Early Access as I promised my son we'd play it together


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
High praise. Keep an eye out for a sale would ya. :)

They're both well worth buying outside a sale anyway, there's a good 50 hours gameplay each one, wonderful acting (both animation and voice), and fantastic fighting. Everything about them is just superb, I can't recommend them enough.

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