A United Albion...there food for thought!



reason why big alliance aint working IS=

peeps r more interested to keep AC channel clear ( they type SPAM), than actually use of it.

f.ex 20 guilds in 1 alliance= some1 types something 20 dudes r typing SPAM, and then another 20 guys r bitching to SPAM typers.

imo stupid but there r "spamguard" award somewhere, must be, why they otherwise control it =)


Originally posted by Kirtaa
yea if we try really hard, we might make a 200ppl+ emain zerg more ofen!

Horray!! Zerg4tehwin ! :D


Albion United

When AU (Albion United) just started it worked pretty well. Our goal was having a realmwide alarmsystem in case our relics/keeps were under attack. We had a great defense, and keeps were defended and retaken often. But over time more and more guilds joined, as the alliance grew, the spam and irritation grew too. Some guilds couldn't get along, some people who had /as rights were more interested in getting attention etc. That's why AU failed in the end: alot of guys just turned /as off. And the moment people turn off /as we didn't have a working alliance anymore imo (like Ramas said). Also like Tazzbe said, it was ALLWAYS the same group of people retaking keeps in those days. So the majority got tired of it, and stopped caring.

I haven't played for about 6 months (except for 2 weeks), so I don't know how the alliances are working now. But you can't tell every guild they must join a big alliance (like AU) because it's better for the realm. Some like RVR more, others PVE. Some like 'guild A', others hate them. A game is about having fun, and some people can have fun with or without relics. Play the game the way you want.


Yeah, yeah, I hear what you're saying.

But while slaving away for 8 hours at morrisons today, I gave some deep thought to the matter.

but its kinda impossible to control...since each guild has their own rules on the use of as chat etc
If it was to happen I would expect people to keep their own rules, dont enforce anything upon them, maybe because I've only ever been in a small alliance, I dont know what real /as spam is.

But i think atm we doing fine with the alliances...we joined a pretty small one 4 guilds in it if i remember...all rvr orientaded...(and very active)
If, again, it was to happen, then it would be impossible to force everyone to RvR, or everyone to PvE. Which is why I think an alliance of RvR only orientated guilds would work well, as well as another main alliance, in this case, Albion United.

In my perfect vision of what it could be like, if it were to come around again, Albion United would be a large alliance containing members of all level ranges, classes and abilities. We would organise many raids, both RvR and PvE, but not everyone is expected to attend. Just like people organise Caer Sidi raids on here, they cant say *Oi You! You must attend this raid or else* they rely on people actually *wanting* to come on the raid, and this would be the same in this case.

I think im getting quite patriotic here, and returning to the issue of me only ever being in a small alliance - perhaps thats why I hope and want this to work out, I think it's for the better.

But, thats just my opinion.


We're just here to tell you it has been tried before on alb, and what went right and what went wrong in the end. If you do try to form a big alliance, it isn't doomed to fail (just look at the Fellowship Alliance, or mid's and hib's large alliance in their realm, they seem to work very well). We only tell you it will be hard :). If you give it a go, nothing but credit for you, even it fails. At least you try :clap:


I want to try, but I need to know if anyone is at all interested in giving it a shot...


In my perfect vision of what it could be like, if it were to come around again, Albion United would be a large alliance containing members of all level ranges, classes and abilities. We would organise many raids, both RvR and PvE, but not everyone is expected to attend.

You don't need an in-game alliance chat channel to do this.

In fact an alliance chat channel is largely useless when doing this, for reasons of spam leading to people turning the channel off; the requirement for secrecy on certain raids; and the fact that only people online at the exact moment of your announcement hear of the raid.

The reason caer sidi and other raids are organised here is because offline, asynchronous communication forums are a superior way to organise raids. There is no event you could plan that would not be better off for being organised on a forum instead of a chat channel.

All that said, Alb, like all realms, always needs more event organisers and nobody should let the abscence of an in game chat channel (which would be largely useless for the purpose) stop them organising more raids/events.


asynchronous communication forums are a superior way to organise raids.
Are you sure?

Not everyone reads these forums, we have the raid in the Alliance info, and when people log on, it's there, ready for them to raid.

I just think it will be a heck of a lot easier to organise things, including what I have said, with this alliance.

Just thinking now, perhaps its best if we didnt think of what used to be, and how the Albion United alliance once was, more of what it could be. There are a heck of a lot of small alliances out there, some want to join larger more active ones, like ours, and some want to keep to themselves. That's fair enough, I'm just saying that anyone who wants to be part, can be.


Our guild is part of the Fellowship alliance. It contains about 16 guilds now I think. The /as spam is very limited due to the strict policies we have for it. Of course there is always someone who wants attention, or is a bit overenthousiastic. Some people even think the /as rules are too strict which they are not. They can't be strict enough or the situation gets out of hand very fast.

For HG, the /as rules are as follows:
GM: speak/listen rights for all his/her chars
Officers: speak/listen rights for all their chars. Officers are people who are mature enough to represent the guild in an adult fashion. They know the meaning of the word restraint and chew their words before typing em.
Members who spend lots of time RvRing and are considered as mature enough not to abuse: speak/listen rights only for those chars they RvR with (BG's don't count).
All others who are 35 or higher with their main: listen rights.

Problems arise when guilds give /as speak rights to every member in the guild. Someone is bound to ask on /as where Mulgrut Maggot spawns and if someone can help him kill it :D resulting in lots of others warning not to spam etc etc.

Regarding realm defence, yes it's always the same people who as a result get tired very quickly. What fun is it having relics when you spend all your time defending not being able to do what you would really like while others pharm away.


Originally posted by - Fedaykin -
large alliances dont work we know this for a fact!

They most certainly DO (i hope the chronicles get back up soon), it's just that the best rvr capable guilds don't join the big alliances.

Fellowship alliance is the biggest in numbers in albion, we just need some kickass RvR guilds to complete us.


about the spam in /as and the spam following up from other ppl like "stfu" or "dont use this channel":

you can easily avoid this by PMing the people who spam instead of spamming in /as as well. i think this is like its done in fellowship and you even get the people who spammed in /as to think about what they ve just done, cause usually you start a little friendly conversation and explain why channel has to be kept clear from this. as i see it most ppl do infact reply with a "sorry" then and dont do it again.


Let us reform AU so that we can all join up on the quest to find Frostors banana! ;)

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