A United Albion...there food for thought!



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Fellow members of Albion...

We are at our lowest ebb. now is the time to put our differences to rest and unite albion and bring our brothers together.

And together smash our enemies as one.

I propose one thing that all guild leaders and alliance council members in Excalibur Albion put sensible remarks of what they want from an allince and if we can find common ground.

well then progress would have been made and only time will tell on how it could end!!!

would like to see 6 relics and 21 keeps at least once ..

many thanks

Sollac K


woul be great if albions guilds all allied together to make 1 or 2 LARGE alliences , and /as limited to officers etc ,,, BUT sadly that wont EVER happen :( to many guilds have there heads up there asses and wont allie with others,, or they dont like bleh bleh bleh from blah blah blah guild ,,,
untill some guilds deflate there heads and let bygone be bygones, we always gonna be a weak realm due to our shitty small alliances ,


6 relics means virtually no guards at relic keeps.

Sure it would be amusing to see - but from any practical point of view completely stupid since we'd be unable to hold them.


If only if was so easy Sollac, my friend.

Indeed, food for thought :)


we had the 6relics the night mids crashed the servers :D :m00:


yea if we try really hard, we might make a 200ppl+ emain zerg more ofen!

- Fedaykin -

large alliances dont work we know this for a fact!

i don't think albion is falling apart... in fact i'm having more fun now than i ever had in RvR.

wow so we don't have the relics, who cares tbh its more hassle defending the keeps than the bonuses for having the relics provide

bring on 1.62 and it's gonna be so funny


Originally posted by - Fedaykin -

wow so we don't have the relics, who cares tbh its more hassle defending the keeps than the bonuses for having the relics provide

i thought that was the point of the game?


Originally posted by -yoda-
woul be great if albions guilds all allied together to make 1 or 2 LARGE alliences , and /as limited to officers etc ,,, BUT sadly that wont EVER happen :( to many guilds have there heads up there asses and wont allie with others,, or they dont like bleh bleh bleh from blah blah blah guild ,,,
untill some guilds deflate there heads and let bygone be bygones, we always gonna be a weak realm due to our shitty small alliances ,

so very true


defending the keeps is the best part of the game.


Originally posted by -yoda-
woul be great if albions guilds all allied together to make 1 or 2 LARGE alliences
Your right that its highly unlikely to happen for 1 simple reason: its been done before and it sucked.


to those who say large alliances dont work,, do you think thats because of the mentallity of some of the guilds? or it just bad? imo its cos of people with a chip on there shoulder .. Mids have a very big allience look at the way they defend there realm . we atack a keep they have 100+ defenders inc within mins,,, when we had relics . if mids/hibs attacked our keeps . we be lucky to get 3grps to go defend. only time albs came out in numbers was if there was a threat on excalibur ,

i dunno if its cos they to busy being assholes and wanna farm rp's in emain instead of helping defend our own realm , thats what we lack ,,, i recall one time recently just after we took the st relics ,

few days later a guild mincer reported 10+ fg's of mids in our frontier ,, i SPAMMED Castle suavage (alb zerg on pad) i told em 10fg mids in our frontier come help defend , i then stoo there and watched how many people moved of pad,, and no bs from a port load of albs i counted 11 people come off pad and go excal side of suavage , every other lame fooker stayed on pad and ported , i think thye have the lame mentality that IF excal did get attacked they would hear about it eventually and be able to get there to defend excal , but they dont give a shit about our keeps :(


My memories of being in an albionwide allliance (AlbionUnite, waaay back in time) are, that every report in /as was promptly responded to by a discussion if the initial repost in /as was proper use of /as or not. So basically 90% of the conversation in /as was about /as being spammed or not.
I think the reason why we´re not able to coordinate our reamdefence is, that too many people (notice: people, not guilds) are not willing to work to defend the realm. It´s the same thing as DF, everybody wants it but nobody´s willing to go and take keeps to open it because "someone else probably will and I can level my alt, who´s only 2 bubbles to 24 in the meantime."
We have shown that we´re able to work together on relic raids. But the motivation for taking relics is much higher than the motivation to defend them.


All an alliance gives us is a single chat channel.

Which we would not be able to use without a torrent of spam causing everyone to turn it off.

There is no reason why raids cannot be planned across alliances as things stand, and indeed they regularly are.

All the guild leaders know how to contact the other guild leaders, so I don't know what you expect to gain with an alliance.

As for relic performance, the reason we rarely have relics atm is that....

1) No-one can be arsed organising a relic raid for power relics, only to store them in the so called 'keep' that is Myrrdin. Since we might as well try to hold them in the emain amg, it's about as easy to defend.

2) The alarm clock nonsense, which for months has been the *only* way to strength relics without crashing excal has bored all those who were previously willing to run relic raids to tears.

If you want more relics, feel free to organise a raid.

It's not *that* hard, all you need to do is give the guild leaders plenty of notice and come up with a plan.

An alliance chat channel is not useful in raid organisation because of the need to keep such things secret.

A large alliance will not bring more relics.

Nor, incidentally does it make relics any easier to defend.

Historically alb simply does not lose strength relics in primetime.

And an alliance chat channel will not help you if very few people are logged on, and half those who are logged on have /as turned off to control the spam (as with AU).

Procedure for defending a relic raid....

1) See enemy relic zerg. Note that a relic zerg is not the same thing as 4fg of radar guard. Relic zergs bring your fps to a shuddering halt and consist of 12fg+

2) Establish that it is excal bound or already at excal.

3) Inform the realm defence cg, ask for the opinion of others on whether this is a relic zerg.

4) PM a level 50 in gol, fc, hb, bf, ss, dk, tb, etc and keep on working down the list to say there is a relic raid incoming. State the number of full groups you estimate you can see, your current position, and the direction the zerg is heading, also include name of the current defence cg leader.

5) Don't include things like "FFS DEFEND YOR REALM" or "SHOW YOU CARE!!111!!!" or any other shit like that, because it makes you look like a ten year old; and in extreme cases the recipient has to visit babel fish just to work out what on earth is going on.

6) Go to excal. Kill mids/hibs.

Seriously guys, this process has worked ever since DAOC started. The only time it fails is if people are not online, or don't bother to pm other guilds.

An alliance channel most people have turned off will not work any better.


few days later a guild mincer reported 10+ fg's of mids in our frontier ,, i SPAMMED Castle suavage (alb zerg on pad) i told em 10fg mids in our frontier come help defend , i then stoo there and watched how many people moved of pad,, and no bs from a port load of albs i counted 11 people come off pad and go excal side of suavage

How would a chat channel (which is all an alliance is) help move more people off the pad?

And I assume in this particular case, that the 10fg had been properly and reliably identified, and that the general opinion of the albion defence cg was that the 10fg were indeed a relic raid?

I also assume that when you spammed Castle Sauv, you gave numbers, heading, and location of the mids, plus the name of the leader of the alb defence cg? (Clearly, the first thing any potential defender is going to want to do is join the cg and listen to reports of the wider situation in our frontier)

Because if not, you going around spamming this stuff on unconfirmed reports is exactly why you and others don't get a great response.


Originally posted by -yoda-
i counted 11 people come off pad and go excal side of suavage , every other lame fooker stayed on pad and ported , i think thye have the lame mentality that IF excal did get attacked they would hear about it eventually and be able to get there to defend excal , but they dont give a shit about our keeps :(
You are wrong. The three recent weeks we held the relics (first that single week we held it after the late-night raid by Daivana, and the previous two weeks after Waynedalf's raid), Albs were really good at defending their frontier. It was amazing to see 100+ Albs in Pennines and HW, and people proactively scouting keeps, claiming and upgrading them. It was not as bad as you make it out to have been.


It is a nice idea but Im pretty sure that 1 or 2 big alliances really wont work.

I tried to organize it on hib but it was just too much hassle.

The key is to know who runs which alliance and pass word about quickly.
That is possible.


Ok, I'll kick the long dead horse too.

This is about as nicely as it can be put too.

It won't happen. Not now, not ever. It was tried before, it failed miserably. There's too many problems with it.


Originally posted by -yoda-
to those who say large alliances dont work,, do you think thats because of the mentallity of some of the guilds? or it just bad? imo its cos of people with a chip on there shoulder .. Mids have a very big allience look at the way they defend there realm . we atack a keep they have 100+ defenders inc within mins,,, when we had relics . if mids/hibs attacked our keeps . we be lucky to get 3grps to go defend. only time albs came out in numbers was if there was a threat on excalibur ,

i dunno if its cos they to busy being assholes and wanna farm rp's in emain instead of helping defend our own realm , thats what we lack ,,, i recall one time recently just after we took the st relics ,

few days later a guild mincer reported 10+ fg's of mids in our frontier ,, i SPAMMED Castle suavage (alb zerg on pad) i told em 10fg mids in our frontier come help defend , i then stoo there and watched how many people moved of pad,, and no bs from a port load of albs i counted 11 people come off pad and go excal side of suavage , every other lame fooker stayed on pad and ported , i think thye have the lame mentality that IF excal did get attacked they would hear about it eventually and be able to get there to defend excal , but they dont give a shit about our keeps :(

well if I was in a large alliance I would probably get yelled at for spamming :p

It's kinda nice to have close friends in guild and then good friends in alliance. I don't think see why it's so difficult to spread the word in CS to people going to RvR. It's not like the old old days when people were all the way in Lyonesse.

I agree about the keeps but I don't think having a huge alliance has anything to do with it. Are people suddenly going to come out for keep retakes because it's said in /ac? No.


You have to remember aswell that some players, in fact, alot of players just don't give a shit.

Not confined to Alb/Excal either. On Pryd Albs attempted to Ninja the power relics. I pm'd several players who were still in emain and the reply to 'rams on 3rd gate Gralla' was 'so what?' And that was from a RR9.

Its a game and not everyone plays for the Realm.


Originally posted by Asha
It's kinda nice to have close friends in guild and then good friends in alliance. I don't think see why it's so difficult to spread the word in CS to people going to RvR. It's not like the old old days when people were all the way in Lyonesse.

21:00GMT - Castle Sauvage, 50 Albs waiting to port

/y Caer Erasleigh under attack by 3 FG Mids, all those willing to defend gather at CS gate

21:05GMT - Castle Sauvage, 50 Albs just ported to Emain

That's the spirit of Alb/Exc


no problem with joining a large alliance myself, just there needs to be rigid control of who has speak rights on /as and what kind of info is passed using the channel.

in the alliance we have only officers/gm's are supposed to have /as talk rights but even so theres still spam. some people just love an audience and the bigger the audience the more they like it :rolleyes:

in a very large alliance i think speak rights would have to be limited to 2-4 ppl from each guild MAXIMUM. strict conditions of what is and is not suitable for transmission across /as also need to set and adhered to. security is an issue, we have reason to believe theres a hotline to midgard in our smallish alliance and in a very large alliance virtually everything thats said of importance will be known to our enemies in a short time u can be sure.

maybe a very large alliance will occur naturally over time as smaller guilds and alliances merge together but to attempt forcing the pieces into the jigsaw is doomed for various reasons imo.


CF alliance is the biggest alliance in daoc worldwide, in terms of RPs and players.. it works, it works good for the size, perhaps not as good as the mid alliances, but it does its job, and we work together.


Well, when the first Albion United alliance was set up, I was probably still a n00b and had never heard of it.

Although, the strange thing is, about 5 months ago, for some strange reason I really wanted to get a big *guild* together pulling lots of smaller guilds into one, to help albion, and the name I came up with was Albion United :p A total coincidence.

So, while killing lyon gobbos in a group, I kept doing /who 1, /who 2 and so on... going through and doing /who <random guild> when I didnt recognice the guild. I already knew at this point, that 4 guilds from my alliance were getting ready for a merge, and I was in one of them. So, I asked the occasional guild leader of the smaller guilds I found to see if they wanted to join this new guild as well. Only a few said yes, and none turned up on the night, so it ended up just being a few of us from Red Dragons, then Art of War, Paradise Lost and Guards of Power merging together to form Reign of Chaos.

This was a really good move for us, as it allows us better communication and better organisation for raids and such, as when nearly everyone is on, we can organise 2fg's of players together.

At the moment our alliance is going through a *crisis* and so we are planning, along with the rest of the alliance, to join a new, undecided alliance as of yet.

Anyway, back to the topic, I think this would be a good idea, and anyone who knows me realises Im always going on about this kind of thing.

Perhaps someone could fill me in on what exactly caused Albion United to fail, because so far all I've heard is *spam of /as* as the reason, and for me, this seems a bit stupid. Why would an alliance fail cause of spam of /as?

Anyway, thanks for listening, and hope you can answer the question :)


AU was good at the start...

cause it was new...people felt "united" and were willing to figt for the keeps etc...

But soon enough /as was spammed with 100 different chatters who didn't use it for anything usefull....

So after a while...when xx mids/hibs attacked keep xx... no one cared to go and defend...cause they were thinking...

all will read this...let others go defend....

and the ones defending the keeps for xx months were thinking...we defended our keeps 90% of the time....now others can give it a shot....

So in the end...even if keeps were attacked no one cared anyway...

1 big alliance seems nice...but its kinda impossible to control...since each guild has their own rules on the use of as chat etc....some guilds can't seem to get along with eachother (at least some members)... etc etc etc

But i think atm we doing fine with the alliances...we joined a pretty small one 4 guilds in it if i remember...all rvr orientaded...(and very active)

Some other got more pve guild in it... and i think everyone shoud be able to join some sort of alliance that suits the guild...

When we have relics....the first 3-4 weeks albs DO defend the keeps...it's just after that month they start to let their defence down....while mid/hib keep on defending them (maybe the number of lvl 50 players has something to do with it....they feel more of a community on themselves....dunno)

I was thinking about some sort of rule when you claim a keep in own frontier....make it lvl 10..or don't claim... put some alt (probably every lvl 50 got a +40 alts at least)....when attacked...log them in..and ask your alliance for help...

but do log in and defend yourself to start with...

when a keep is attacked by 50 mids/hibs...you probably will lose it...but it might slow them down a bit when you got 1Fg or more inside before inc back up is forming in cs.


Why would an alliance fail cause of spam of /as?

Because /as is all an alliance is.

If it is full of spam then it will be turned off or ignored.

If /as, which as above is the be all and end all of an alliance, is turned off or ignored by the membership, then it effectively does not exist.


Of couse, if you mean an 'alliance' in the sense of 'all the guilds working together on raids/realm defence'. Well, we already have that. Which is why no-one has taken an alb strength relic during prime time for *over 9 months*. Thanks to the simple system of guilds pming each other we have either successfully defended excal or crashed the server due to defending numbers every single time.

As for keeps, there is no difference between alb and hibgard keeps when we don't have a relic. Which is why people don't get excited when alb keeps fall atm. When we did have a relic, plenty of people went out to retake keeps.

Which is why mid was forced to alarm clock raid.

EDIT: Actually, on second thoughts there *is* a difference between alb and hibgard keeps when we have no relic. Hibgard keeps grant a 1% bonus to everyone in the realm while we hold them, alb keeps grant nothing. So it's perfectly arguable that people porting to hibgard are doing more for the realm than those in the pennines.

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