a typical


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
A typical night in Thidranki!!!

What is the Fun in this...i know many albs that loggd when they dident c any mids Come through...get a grip alb...Thidranki was made so low lvl could do some RvR and have Fun...this is not my idea of Fun!!!

Flame and whine....that´s the truth from my side!!!

(I bet mids love it)


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Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Arus Canus said:
so whats your point???

my point is...why destroy the only fun at that lvl by Camping all the Time


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Tbh I wish i was a Mid in Thid where albs camped all the time, gimme a bloody challenge. On Excal have been in BG before with a 24 warrior, no one complained, instead they used their heads. Unlike most peeps walking one by one into thuergs pets/wizzies bolts/arrows.

Then again thats just the person I am, just look at it as a challenge, tbh it does make a lot less work for ppl all round by not haveing to leg it for miles ;) I suppose it is a bit unfair to for the people who dont have a god damn clue though....

I just see both sides of the coin thats all. Imo if albs camp try kill em.....tbh if you cant kill em at apk what you think the bloody chances are that you kill em at MB?

Face it there are more albs than mids in BG end of, no ones fault and ppl wont want to stop playing thier chars :clap: If you dont like it go roll a mid and fight the good fight :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
i'd love to play as a mid in thid

Think i'd roll a pac healing or a cave shammie
Failing that a RC runie :p

I have to delete level 50 characters to do this tho :p

Arus Canus

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
Tbh i like it when mids go camp apk... then i dont have to run that far to get some rps for mcl or what else i might need.

Go Go Mids :cheers:

I do agree, Albs camp MPK way to much.... ruining the game not just for mids, but for other albs as well.

Not sure why they do it... maybe they all just like to see their names popup "xxx was just killed by xxx"
Most people make a thid char cap it then delete and make a new one. Cant be fun to go CAP the char in 1-2days camping a pk.

Like yesterday when we captured ck again, albs ran straight to pk waiting for mids... such lameness imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Arus Canus said:
Tbh i like it when mids go camp apk... then i dont have to run that far to get some rps for mcl or what else i might need.

Go Go Mids :cheers:

I do agree, Albs camp MPK way to much.... ruining the game not just for mids, but for other albs as well.

Not sure why they do it... maybe they all just like to see their names popup "xxx was just killed by xxx"
Most people make a thid char cap it then delete and make a new one. Cant be fun to go CAP the char in 1-2days camping a pk.

Like yesterday when we captured ck again, albs ran straight to pk waiting for mids... such lameness imo.

<--- ram operator :p

Stealther war was slow at the time
So i helped with the attack and then logged :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Arus Canus said:
Tbh i like it when mids go camp apk... then i dont have to run that far to get some rps for mcl or what else i might need.

Go Go Mids :cheers:

I do agree, Albs camp MPK way to much.... ruining the game not just for mids, but for other albs as well.

Not sure why they do it... maybe they all just like to see their names popup "xxx was just killed by xxx"
Most people make a thid char cap it then delete and make a new one. Cant be fun to go CAP the char in 1-2days camping a pk.

Like yesterday when we captured ck again, albs ran straight to pk waiting for mids... such lameness imo.

to be honest i think its mids capping in one or two days :p

albs sit in front of mpk only to die when mid gets enough stealthers/people gathered there

and its great for mids, means you dont have to walk far for abit of a laugh :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Dwali said:
A typical night in Thidranki!!!

What is the Fun in this...i know many albs that loggd when they dident c any mids Come through...get a grip alb...Thidranki was made so low lvl could do some RvR and have Fun...this is not my idea of Fun!!!

Flame and whine....that´s the truth from my side!!!

(I bet mids love it)
oh please, stop fucking whining. If you dont like the god damn camping then DONT GO TO THIDRANKI?

Arus Canus

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
Originally posted by Bubble - <--- ram operator

I was the one operating catapult below ck .. Earthen Powah teh wind theurgist.

Was fun capturing ck, i used up 2 catapults just keeping gates clear. Used a ram to on 2nd door. :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
My opinion is the pk camping is as much a fault of those getting camped as those who are camping. Some people in thid seem to think the only part of thid which exists is the path from their pk to the ck, and won't deviate from it. The enemy knows this and camps that road as everyone goes that way. When middies had ck and camped apk a few days ago, me and a friend just left the pk by the side, circled the mids and mezzed over 2fg's got a kill and made our escape :) No one expects it and it works more often than not. If we'd been in a fg we'd have probably killed half the mids there before mezz ran out. I've seen a few small groups / duo's of mids who realise this and patrol alb side while albs camp apk and they get plenty of death spam... Most people are just too stupid to think of taking any route other than the road though :>


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
unless of course they enjoy the fireworks that usually accompanies death at the hands of the alb caster zerg :p


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
the only thing i find fun when albs camp mpk is the idiot albs that keep running into range on the guards (had 6 or 7 albs yesterday that just wouldent learn :) think they tried to kill mids WELL inside the aggro range of the guards about 18 times before the rezzers refused to rezz them again).. i havent seen one alb not getting killed by master of runes.. yes i know mid gets killed by apk guards but MOST of the mids acually know what happends when u get to close and stay away.. seems like albs cant learn that...

and the most fun part is to stand JUST inside the aggro line and see a infil try to line up for a PA and get nuked :) thats prime target for a /laugh spam :D

i dont really bother to get RP's in thid. i just try to get the albs camping mpk to get killed by the guards.. much more fun and works 99% of the time :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I tanked a Master of Runes nuke a few days ago :p

unfortuantly i was meleed to death by a Blue con Healer just after :p

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