A solution to Determination RA ?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
With the way det works now to many of the classes people have spent time and effort lvling to 50 have no real active role in RvR (FGvFG).

So ive come up with this solution .. not perfect but to me it seems balanced.

1) Remove the det RA and have all classes recive 1 lv of det every 10 lvs from lv30-50

So @ lv 50 all charecters have Det 3. This will put everyone on a lv playingfield against CC. But does not take away from the duration of CC in PvE which i think is important.

But then with no det what advantace will Pure tanks (by this i meen Mercs Arms Zerc's Warriors BM's and Hero's) have over Hybrid tanks.

None so we need to come up with a Good (but not overpowering RA to replace det).

2) Replace Det with a bonus spec point RA with 5 levels each lv giveing you extra training points.

(but would not allow u to go over the lv 50 wep/shield/parry limit)

This would allow for more utility in the tank classes.

a) Armsmen to be able to double spec pole/2h for damage utility.

b) Warrior's to spec in 2 types of damage crush and slash. Or the same as bellow

c) Allow light tanks to increase their deffence via parry or the the same as above.

Fall out..........

With Improved deffence tank fights will last longer ... there for casters ( and thanes :fluffle: ) whos attacks are not effected by parry/shield defences will have a valid role to play.

With all round CC reduction minstrals will be slighty less efficient in Stealth Gank groups.

Slight probelms........

Haveing savages with high defense skill's does not fit the wild, reckless savage mentality (the charecter not the palyer i may add ;) ) so change the health decrease to a mana bar should keep them happy.

Would need to add some parry styles to make specking parry simular to specing shield so Light and Heavy tanks remain balanced.

So in the end

We give all charecters access to det.

Allow for more classes to be viable in RvR.

Add more utility to pure tanks (helping to solve to Warrior TL request for more depth in their class and the Armsman TL request for double specking issue to be solved).

So i guess its time to tell me what ive over looked :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
just roll a merc instead of ur friar and problem solved .. less hassle for everyone .. i dont think that pure tanks could compete with hybrids with det even with the extra spec points .. friars, reavers, champs etc would be overpowered with det. Reavers and friars are nearly un beatable in duels and brill in PvE. I would like to see what ppl would say when an assit train of 3 reavers hit them. Paladins with det would also be overpowered, 1 minstrel + 7 pallys would be fun to see in RvR .. they could regenerate so many many HP they wouldnt need a cleric ...all guarding and all assisting each other with unlimited end ... u could even spec them 2-handed .. throw a couple of bb's in the mix and u would have a pretty scary group that dosent stay mezzed for long and can rezz each other and also have 7 faith heals.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
why not just get rid of det completely? i mean crowd control is meant to stop people, not inconvenience them for a few seconds :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ormorof said:
why not just get rid of det completely? i mean crowd control is meant to stop people, not inconvenience them for a few seconds :p
go away :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>why not just get rid of det completely? i mean crowd control is meant to stop people, not inconvenience them for a few seconds

That is actually a very good idea to make rvr acceptable for both the fps players and the casual players.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Taen said:
just roll a merc instead of ur friar and problem solved .. less hassle for everyone .. i dont think that pure tanks could compete with hybrids with det even with the extra spec points .. friars, reavers, champs etc would be overpowered with det. Reavers and friars are nearly un beatable in duels and brill in PvE. I would like to see what ppl would say when an assit train of 3 reavers hit them. Paladins with det would also be overpowered, 1 minstrel + 7 pallys would be fun to see in RvR .. they could regenerate so many many HP they wouldnt need a cleric ...all guarding and all assisting each other with unlimited end ... u could even spec them 2-handed .. throw a couple of bb's in the mix and u would have a pretty scary group that dosent stay mezzed for long and can rezz each other and also have 7 faith heals.

Agreed about pally's so you would need to make sure that the chants had some kind of imunity timer so that they would not stack .. simular to PBT i guess.

Disagree about hybrids how ever .. a Merc spec'd 50 wep 50 DW say 40 parry with bonus spec points would murder a Reaver or Frair.

But the Point was to allow People to RvR with their chosen charecter not have to ReRoll a new one and lv to 50 just to fit into a RvR group.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Its not determination that is the problem, its ae cc. Without ae cc the non-determination classes would be more welcome in rvr since they wouldnt always be rendered useless as soon as an ae mezz lands (and their purge is down).
In my oppinion, remove ae cc and improve single target cc (make it harder to resist and make it last longer), that way cc classes would still be highly usefull, able to nullify key members of the opposition, but not as *essential* as they are now.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Remove AE CC then *bang*, all the sorcs, bards and healers quit because of loss of utility in RvR. :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Make Det effect your CC immunity times by level, E.g. Det1 cuts your Immunity timer by 10seconds - det2 by 20 - det3 by 30 and so on. So you don't get messed for long but if you have Det5 you could be remezzed every 10secs or so. ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I think Archeon has the right idea, instead of percentages of CC it should affect them by seconds, however, this raises the point about stuns, as stuns nomrally only last for a few seconds, minstel on being 9 secs and Healer one at best being 11.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Fana said:
improve single target cc (make it harder to resist and make it last longer)

My top mez already lasts 1 minute 20s (on paper at least). How long would you like it to last?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Taen said:
champs etc would be overpowered with det.

Pfff so says you .... my champ spends half his time on battlefield mezzed and the other half dead ..... not by accident is the champ least played class of hib. Sort it out Mythic !


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Ormorof said:
why not just get rid of det completely? i mean crowd control is meant to stop people, not inconvenience them for a few seconds :p

Go back 1yr'ish, casters ruled daoc and outnumbered tanks 3 to 1...cause of ubar CC...no thx :touch:



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>Go back 1yr'ish, casters ruled daoc and outnumbered tanks 3 to 1...cause of ubar CC...no thx

But that was also before we got spellcrafting and the absurdly high resists on normal rvr gear.

The remezz timer is a rather nifty idea. Combine it with some max cc countermeasure effect like you can never reduce the time you stay mezzed/rooted with more than 50% or something similar. That would lessen the game between the 24/7 and casual players to make the player's skill in avoiding ambushes on the battlefield more important than what abilities your toon have accumulated. (Fits more with the general fps approach a lot of them have anyway :) )

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