A real Dualing system!

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:eek6: It's Gary Coleman of 'different strokes'

I am making one with TJ Hooker or Elton john right now so bear with me. :D


Can I be a gimmick poster too? They are really cool. Imagine having so much free time that you can create a new profile and then troll a forum as part of a pseudo-psychological experiment. Not only does it take real intelligence to pull off but they invariably fool everyone as well! For me personally the originality of it all shone through, I mean no one has done that before. You even thought up a completely new gimmick and didn't copy it off a nearly two year old article on another website.

My hat goes off to you and your attempt at improving these forums so much by injecting the funny.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by [BC]Revz
Can I be a gimmick poster too? They are really cool. Imagine having so much free time that you can create a new profile and then troll a forum as part of a pseudo-psychological experiment. Not only does it take real intelligence to pull off but they invariably fool everyone as well! For me personally the originality of it all shone through, I mean no one has done that before. You even thought up a completely new gimmick and didn't copy it off a nearly two year old article on another website.

My hat goes off to you and your attempt at improving these forums so much by injecting the funny.

Well, guess you've been a gimmick poster ever since, smart guy.
No need to declare for declaring you gimmick poster... after all- you have been there before me it seems.
Grasshopper still has much to learn from you, sensei.

And gosh darnit... so absolutely sorry that I couldn't come up with some brand spanking new gimmick just for you.
Oh- and kick me in the nuts for not using every possible search engine on the web to see if someone has done it before...

Voodoo spell on my boss for giving me two weeks off... giving me time enough to warm up some two year old gimmick (hey, after all- you are supposed to know about every gimmick/prank/bullshit that has ever been pulled off in order to be really, really cool and groovy.. or not?).

Gideon... I ask you. Can you forgive me? If I create a new profile and promise to kiss your arrogant SotL buttocks whenever you cross my path? Yes? Please?

I know... I am unworthy and all that but please, oh please..... in order to be cool with you and all that... just forget that I tried to have some fun...

My hat goes off to you, sensei. You just made my day.

LUVYALL... wait, shit... that's the other thing from that two year old article... I am so fucking doomed now that my cover is blown...

You know what would be really bad? If I actually gave a flying fuck :)

Bite me, fellow Troll


Damn we are good at this :cool:

I'd give myself extra points for not swearing but you get a nod from the judges for including my guild.


Originally posted by Sickofit...
Why don't we just call your so-called "dualling system" (aka duElling system...) by its real name?

Mythic proudly presents: Fucking rp-farming.

If you can't do proper RvR, go and play DII again... /yawn

Bahhh flame machine , if it where a real dueling system it woulndt give any RP's would it, plz MR iminabadmode go away :m00:


I was thinking about this for a little fun....... Not for guys to roll out 1v1 characters......join a PvP server for that

It could just be another thing to do....... Im a bard and would love to find out what lvl the highest Armsman i can take out is.....

And I think i will go and see peoples responces on the VN Boards....

I feel its a shame i cant bring up a topic on these forums which people starting a flame war.....


Brannor McThife

Zilch, I think the problem is that Duels are often seen to be RvR for the "stupid". I mean, if you're a bard, and you want to test it, go hunt one down in the Alb frontier, dodging patrols and stalking one. Don't arrange for him to pitch at /loc and then go all stats and everything...

Ok, I'm a L43 bard, with xxxx hps and yy weapon, that means I can beat a L40 armsman with iiii hps and zz weapon.

True RvR relies on tactics, not just mindless running around after the scout reports. Also, remember, that duels don't even come close to helping you for RvR scenarios. In true RvR, you're not going to get a one on one with an armsman, well, not often. Most often you're going to be fighting multiple opponents. Now, if you guys suggested that all 3 realms meet in Emain for a huge free-for-all, then heck, sure. But not at X-Y /loc. Rather give a region, and employ tactics to outflank and outsmart each other. Far more of a challenge than standing in front of someone and clicking some buttons.

I'm sorry for those that take this as an insult, but, I will always see pre-arranged dueling as something for those that don't know how to RvR properly.

/em shrugs.



I see your point.......

But all i ment was a place to hung out and arrange duels...... just another thing to do...... im sure it would not take the place for RvR it could even add to the role playing aspects of the game but most of you dont like the idea and it was your opionions i was after see what people think about it......

I just thought it may be a nice idea.......there would be problems and prehaps thats why theres no plans to develop one....


Gotta love flamewars.

/em sits back and warms his feet on the cosy little fire


I remember one of several threads about this subject on the GOA boards. This one is positively chilly compared to the flaming back then....

Them were the days.. <wipes a tear>


let me try and fit in here...

fuck bloody duel rp bastard farming hate wanker dipshit emain sucks monkey balls somethingstupid.com

thats what the general gist of this thread comes across as to me... :rolleyes:

its getting hot in here :eek:


I'm pretty sure I remember reading something by Sanya on the Camelot Herald that due to popular demand the developers were considering some sort of implementation of duel arenas where there would be no realm or bounty points awarded, but I think this was before they decided to make the PVP server, so that may have cancelled the idea. In any case I'm pretty sure the idea never got off the drawing boards.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by [BC]Revz
Damn we are good at this :cool:

I'd give myself extra points for not swearing but you get a nod from the judges for including my guild.

Yes. We should get our own private thread... all them other on-topic posts just make it harder to use the flaming sword of fundamental truth and insight.

Extra points for not swearing? You are fucking (see? It's easy) kidding me. In order to troll properly you have to swear in one way or the other.
Cussing is a great way to release tension... only geeks try the unsupported dripping-with-sarcasm flame without swearing like a sailor, for fucks sakes!

And of course I had to include your guild. Every proper troll knows that you have hit below the belt in order to... yes... be a proper troll and score a hit (which would mean hitting a Ray kid's kneecap or ankles. Pull up your fucking pants and get a job, you dweebs!!).
I have also noticed people having ticked you SotL kids off by calling you arrogant cretins. See? I even do some research before I call you names.

This is just friendly sparring... so no need to call me an evil trolling motherfucker from outerspace. Ah, I don't care.
Call me all the names you want:)
Give in to your hatred- come over to the dark side...


Your troll, proudly serving the community since 6/21/02

Luv'n'light? Fucking A.. I meant
BITE ME :flame:


so- duels- perhaps a nice idea on a roleplaying server, where noble Paladin A can challenge evil Thane Uberlord B to a duel over damsel C.
Bah the Thane would smack the palla to pieces then take the damsel and have a "private" party. ;)
(Good doesn't always win you know)



Sickofit u r the sadest fucker on these forums, WOW u can spell WOW u dont use "u". Do u actualy play daoc? because you seem to be on these forums complaining 24/7. All i can say is im gona ignore all your so called "posts".

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GET A LIFE!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Uncle Sick(tm)


Originally posted by Krypt0r
Sickofit, (yo)u (a)r(e) the sa(d)dest fucker on these forums, (there should be a "." instead of a ","... no worries. None will have noticed). WOW("!"? ","?) (yo)u can spell (".") WOW ("!"?) (yo)u don(')t use "u". Do (yo)u actua(l)ly play daoc? (B... is there a system... *rolls a 6* "Ah, caps for now!") because you seem to be on these forums complaining 24/7. All (I)i can say is (",") im ("I am going to) gona ignore all your so called "posts".

Dear pit spawn,

I am glad you could spare the time to calc out the total ammount of time I have spent on the boards. :fluffle:
If your math skills are as good as your grammar, I will just forget the 24/7 remark... :)
Good gawds... are you reading your posts over before you hit "send"? Or do you just spew off your verbal feces and roll on to abuse the English language in another thread?

Make sure that you apply for jobs where you can sign your paycheck with an "X" after you finish grade school...

And yes, Krypt0r (nomen est omen.. after having to decode your verbal garbadge...are you working for MI5 or something? Good thing the Germans had only Enigma, with your code, they would have won the war...), I do play... I am very touched that you asked.

Now please... ignore me. Please.

Yours sincerly,


Bite me :flame:


Ok, time to close the thread. Winners will be announced later.

If all you guys want to do is get mercilessly flamed, and or flame back, please PM me and I will put you in touch with some people that would love to do it. Heck, we can even set up an IRC channel dedicated to calling each other retards and talking in caps when we get really annoyed. Oh, the wondrous joys of it all!

If you want to flame, start another thread. Someone will do anyway.... But I'm putting this one out of service. Topics been lost.
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