A real Dualing system!

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Why dont they make one...... All this /beakon that goes on why not make a place where ppl can go....put themselfs on a list and wait for an invite to a dual.......

It would add another fun aspect to the game and i think it would be a cool idea....

Lets see what the highest lvl I can kill is..... lvl 45 Bard


i think this has been discussed before, but a duelling system would be a good idea methinks.

mind you, how to keep in the daoc esc theme? maybe a sort of bg place labelled 'Warriors Halls' or somewhat where the contestants go into some hot sweaty

tree grove (hibbie duelling place)
a castle (alb)
wooden fort (mid)

eg. tree grove= lvl 20-24, castle= lvl 25-29 fort= lvl 30-35

this is just an idea...


Well what about the higher lvl ones......

The main problem i can see is it not fiting in to the 'Realm' vs 'Realm' prehaps we should just wait for the PvP server :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Why don't we just call your so-called "dualling system" (aka duElling system...) by its real name?

Mythic proudly presents: Fucking rp-farming.

If you can't do proper RvR, go and play DII again... /yawn


Im not saying RvR sucks :( all im saying is that a nice way to have a fair one on one fight would be a nice idea..........realming rocks :p

Its just another element to add to the game which could be alot of fun.......

What is wrong with that


Remove RP if you are worried about that......

Uncle Sick(tm)

Tell me... how would that "fair" one on one look like?
The classes are not balanced out enough for a "fair" one-on-one...

How much fair play have you seen so far?
Don't you think 3/4 of the oh-so noble duelists will be buffed up the ying yang? LOL

Your idea might be fine in theory- but
a) It is completely against the CoC (well, against Mythic's at least. GOA is too busy sitting on their thumbs, counting their money, to care... for fucks sake- name policy? That's a joke, isn't it.)
b) There are too many cheating dipshits playing...
c) See b)

so- duels- perhaps a nice idea on a roleplaying server, where noble Paladin A can challenge evil Thane Uberlord B to a duel over damsel C.
but not on servers ruled by Uber1337KewlDOODS, who jack off every time they cause an xp death...

But keep dreaming- it is nice to see players with enthusiasm... ;)


Keep dreaming even if they did it would be about 3 yrs before GoA worked out how to translate it :(


I'd love to put my armsman on the line against anybody in a dual
buffed up or not, it just gives a kick to be 1 on 1 with an opponent. sitting on the edge of your seat while sinking your teth in the desk, trying every stunt you know to win

doesn't have to involve RP, doesn't even have to be against the enemy realm...would give a nice past time when sick of XPing as well....bash your mates into the ground a bit, while the crowd watches and can gamble a bit on who will win.

when you start doing it you KNOW classes are not balanced but, like RvR, it wqould be a choice. not a necesity. so if you don't like it, or am sick of l33 d3wds and act like a kid because of it, then just don't do it...

but indeed, it's already been discussed to death on the VN boreds....hope Mythic at some point will take the hint..


Hibernia was treated to an event with a Blademaster wanting to duel people. Great fun, why can't this be brought one step further?

I personally think by creating a place where people could come duel each other without gaining anything but pride out if it would reduce the amount of RP farming that does go on in this game.

Other rewards such as small cash prizes and small amounts of exp could make this an alternative to the god awful system of levelling and cash farming we have in place now.

On the point about RP-farming though, small duels don't really contend with the absoloute pile of shite Emain has now become.
No real reason to go there except get Rp's. At least dueling would get a few more people out of that god awful place and fighting people fairly.

I'd also like to see the ability to duel realm mates (PvP server I know)

Just my humble opinion.......

Uncle Sick(tm)

Well, the whole pseudo-cheat bullcrap of arranged duels makes me sick... people have no pride and/or enough balls to get rp the 'honest' way...

A duel 'arranged' at a random encounter (beckon etc.)- ok for me.
What raises my hackles are those:
"Wouldn't arranging a mass duel between all 3 realms just r0xx0r?"- threads... that's rp farming.

And inter-realm duels? PvP arenas EQ style? /drools
Yes, yes and Y-E-S...
"5g plz man!", "grp me i need to lvl!!!!!!1111!!!", KS'ers, griefers...
Muahaha... die little pests!!
/draws sword and chops the dipshits into handy, little pieces...


Originally posted by Sickofit...
Well, the whole pseudo-cheat bullcrap of arranged duels makes me sick... people have no pride and/or enough balls to get rp the 'honest' way...

Im thinking that you dont quite understand the concept here..... Im prett sure we said remove RP if it is a problem......

I'd also like to see the ability to duel realm mates (PvP server I know)

Yeah well i sopose we had better just wait......the only poblem with this is most ppl being assisin classes so you wouldent get such fun fights with the wide range of classes......

But keep dreaming- it is nice to see players with enthusiasm...

Thx... :)

but indeed, it's already been discussed to death on the VN boreds

Can anyone tell me the address....cant be assed to find it :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

Please tell me... how do I turn the rp-counter off?
Can't find the fecking command for it.

Like I told another die-hard-lets-arrange-some-kewl-duels-freak... send your idea to Mythic. Sure they will implement a "/turn off rp NOW cuz it's time for arranged duels funner time" button just for the 0.00001% of gamers who are ok with getting no rp for killing someone in PvP.

Like I said... praise your enthusiasm. Sad thing... it is a waste of energy. There will never be a "turn off rp's" command.
That would be kind of contradictory.. you know... the whole power up your character to get RP and BP to get whacky, useless items and realm abilities that were supposed to implemented into the original version in the first place (Long-, Volleyshot anyone?).


Ï'm truly hoping you'll fuck off soon to the next on-line game and spam a messageboard there with nonsensical drivel, as all it does is annoy and show how you fail to comprehend anything that is said or, more likely, just don't care and decide to take out your inability to enjoy DAoC out on those who do and actually come up with a good idea, new or not.

on a sidenote. as it stands most of the PvP server consists of Skalds. a nice hard whack, and you can (hopefully) run away if it turns sour ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Soulcatcher
Ï'm truly hoping you'll fuck off soon to the next on-line game and spam a messageboard there with nonsensical drivel, as all it does is annoy and show how you fail to comprehend anything that is said or, more likely, just don't care and decide to take out your inability to enjoy DAoC out on those who do and actually come up with a good idea, new or not.

on a sidenote. as it stands most of the PvP server consists of Skalds. a nice hard whack, and you can (hopefully) run away if it turns sour ;)

Nooo... wait! You are hurting my feelings! Not.
If you had the grace to explain WHAT exactly I didn't comprehend...?
That arranged duels are fucking rp farming? Oh... so sorry that I do not share your exalted opinion.

You know what? The point is: I do enjoy playing DA.
What makes you think that I don't? Eh?
Did I whine about the patch? Did I whine about my class being gimped?

No, smart arse... I am 'spewing my nonsensical drivel' (please.. DO tell me what didn't make sense to you. I shall send you a PM, using simple words to explain it to you. Perhaps some pictures?) because I am just not OK with some "great ideas".

Now fuck yourself and
Bite me.


Sickof it, so glad you could come here, and be the long lost MENSA/Angry young man Troll we have been so desperately waiting for. Me, I've had you on my christmas list for so long, I was beginning to think you were myth! Dreams do come true!

Whilst I can't agree with Soulcatchers language (tsk) I'm afraid I do agree with his sentiment. If your soul purpose of coming here is to strut around with a red matador's cloak being so dashingly intellectual, I'm sure there are better playgrounds for you than here. And I actively encourage you to find them.

I have no desire to take everything you say as gospel, you are not the mecca for all DAoC based opinion, you are just one voice and one opinion out of many, and your own superiority is self dellusional. Play nicer or play elsewhere. I thank you.


Mr. A : Duelling r0x0rs
Mr. B: Duelling sux0rs
Mr. A : Fuck off if you don't agree with me...
Mr.B : Go fuck yourself
Moderator: Mr.B you naughty boy, how dare you express your opinion. Go away...

Nice impartial moderation there Damini....or where you expressing a personal opinion.

For what its worth, I think duelling would destroy this game and encourage people to roll uber 1v1 'deullists' thus screwing up RvR for the team play oriented players who happen to think duelling is for the l33t d00ds.

If you want to duel, fk off to the PvP server please....thanks.


oi - damini was being fair. both ppl had arguments to put forwards. sickofit was just much more of a twat about it.


From Wijs profile spam.....
"Likes: Damini, Tremor's Girl"

Yet more impartiality I guess :p


So what other suggestions do people have for those characters that completely suck in RvR and never get the chance to fight a fair fight?

Instead of telling every person who comes up with an idea you disagree with to fuck off, why not base your arguement, realise Mythic will never ever read these boards and learn that not everybody in this game enjoys it or plays it like you.

It may just be that all those people who don't have characters suitable for large scale RvR might want to have a few fights within the frontier without being ganked by a large army of purple cons.


Originally posted by chesnor
For what its worth, I think duelling would destroy this game and encourage people to roll uber 1v1 'deullists' thus screwing up RvR for the team play oriented players who happen to think duelling is for the l33t d00ds.

if there is no real gain with dueling that wouldn't be a problem would it? I mean, what I understand from the original post, and what I always meant either. is that no RP is involved
so there would be no gain besides a warm fuzzy feeling when you win (or an earthish taste in your mouth when you don't ;) )

if some ppl would however roll pure duelling chars, wouldn't that just add another possible way to spec your char and enjoy it, instead of just PvP or PvE?
it would indeed take a little more fleshing out then just a beakon or something :)

I can already picture Gladiator type battles in the Camelot Arena :D


I'm not having an opinion on this topic at all, I'm having an opinion on the attitude.

I never once had a go for having an opinion, but the way he expressed it was rude and arrogant. Nobody here can lay claim to the ultimate response, nobody can be 100% right, so why strut around as if you are? If I was moderating, I would have edited him, blocked this thread, whatever. I used this forums before I was a moderator, and there's no way that now I'm a mod I'm suddenly going to become passive roll over girl and amputate my opinions or my personality.

His opinions may or may not be correct, there wasn't even a slight incling in what I said as to whether he spoke the truth or steaming poop in my opinion, but when a post reeks of such condescension I think its fair for me to respond. And it didn't start as Kewl Dude A versus Kewl Dude B, it was a normal discursive post until Sickofit burst in with his Spring Fresh Attitude, the first bout of swearing and a tangible air of disdain.

But sure, if that kind of thing is what you wish to readily embrace on these forums, why not? You bring the flames and I'll bring the marshmellows and the party hats.


Introducing duelling arenas will just encourage more and more people to roll up those classes best suited to duelling. Support classes would become even less popular than they are already, and thats the truth.

The PvP server was Mythics concession to the inevitable army of duellers who are dissatisfied playing the team game, and feel the need to own people 1on1. The thing that attracted me to this game originally was that there was no PvP element. Success in PvE and RvR depended upon a group dynamic which I felt would attract a nice range of people. The game offers many classes that will appeal to most personalities. If you introduce duelling it would only serve to attract more people whose only interest is in how well their char solos.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Damini
Sickof it, so glad you could come here, and be the long lost MENSA/Angry young man Troll we have been so desperately waiting for. Me, I've had you on my christmas list for so long, I was beginning to think you were myth! Dreams do come true!

Whilst I can't agree with Soulcatchers language (tsk) I'm afraid I do agree with his sentiment. If your soul purpose of coming here is to strut around with a red matador's cloak being so dashingly intellectual, I'm sure there are better playgrounds for you than here. And I actively encourage you to find them.

I have no desire to take everything you say as gospel, you are not the mecca for all DAoC based opinion, you are just one voice and one opinion out of many, and your own superiority is self dellusional. Play nicer or play elsewhere. I thank you.

Well, glad to be of service, good Damini.
I had a look-see on somethingawful.com's forum stereotypes (nearly didn't make it back, was hooked to Cliff Yablonski's hate list for way too many hours...) and picked the one we didn't have yet.
I always liked playing the support classes...

If you have a look at my INITIAL post, you will find nothing really offensive (come on... "dipshits"? That is harmless... there has been worse language on these boards...).
I merely voiced my opinion about the chewed on a gazillion times subject of arranged duels...
What actually MADE me create evil Sickofit ('ello Mr. Hyde...) was the reason that I am sick of some ever repeating threads, d00d speak etc.

"Don't read those posts then."
Heck, I would love to, honestly. The problem is:
Interesting threads turn into a Partridge Family gathering.
At some point it gets off topic and down the crapper.

And if someone pees (see? Not saying "pisses";)) into my pool, I pee into his pool.
Soulcatcher gets nasty (and cannot even clearly define why), so I growl back. Fair and square.

I am not trying to be dashingly intellectual (good grief...), I am not preaching my gospel, I post my opinions and don't expect anyone to share those.
If I can't stand the d00d gibberish... why can't I tell the whole world that I think d00dish is one big step closer to be a primate?

Yeah, call me an opinionated MENSA troll. One things makes me different, right? I actually try to discuss it out.
Just don't get all "fuck off"-y with me.

Merry X-MAS, Damini :fluffle:

Heck... my little MENSA troll experiment proved one thing, tho... /grins
Controversial discussions bring life into "Ye Olde Warm up Thread from last Year" discussions.
Lets say... I post using my normal nick... I am lucky if I get a comprehendible reply.
Now my MSN sounds like an EEG. Glad I trolled only 3 threads...
[This last piece was edited :)]

Shall I be the cutsie stereotype now?
LOVE YALL!!!! =oP~~~~~~~~~~~~


Your opinions I had no qualms with, and if you notice I did kindly hybrid you, so you aren't just in one pigeon hole :) Its great that we aren't all sitting under a tree, knitting daisy chains and singing like the Waltons, but come on...

This response I like, you've given good reasoning instead of just coming across as someone who's just found half a maggot in their apple. I see absolutely nothing wrong with a good argument, and I've kicked your post and you've kicked me back, and with finesse I might add. But you have to confess, just stomping in with your angry man suit on, and your "Sick Of It" name badge, and trying to chew everyone up and spit them out simply isn't cricket.

I hate doodish, when people say u r 2 funny, kewl, and zealously abandon punctuation etc etc... it makes my left eye twitch. But this really wasn't one of those threads, so your placard on that topic might be best paraded in a different thread.

It's just one thing about this game, and these forums, that annoys me so intensely is this assumption of superiority, where you can't express an opinion or an idea without someone lecturing you in a hundred and one reasons why Darwin would dispute the validity of your existence, you can't play the game without someone screaming at you what to attack, what not to attack... If people want to discuss something, let them do so. If you disagree, disagree. You seem to do disagree quite admirably, so why not drop the narcissm and use the scathing wit instead? You seem to have the scathing wit down to a fine art, and its a weapon I'd admire far more than just plain rudeness.

After all that, I'm actually quite pleased to meet you, because you're certainly a good read :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Thanks, Damini... now I feel too cool and Uber to be of any future use... ;)
I should flame you good for that... naw... I promise to behave (a little) better.

To all the toes I might have stepped on with my clumsy troll feet (well... I tap-danced on toes and it made me feel gooood;)):

All of you were victims of some kind... in the end even I.
- my little MENSA troll experiment... shame on the guy who initially posted the link. I haven't slept in 32 hours because you got me on ideas... and now look what you have done, Dr. Frankenstein. You have created a monster... hope you are proud of yourself.

- I cannot say that all of my rantings and ravings were part of a sick and twisted stereotype field testing. For a good part I actually felt what I said...
and like I stated earlier: My opinions... mine, mine, mine... you don't have to agree with me. You can make me re-think if you have the proper arguments...

-Praise the internet and praise the sandboxes called forums.
Especially the forums... feels more like a sanitarium for the criminally insane sometimes, doesn't it?
The funny and somewhat sad thing is: the more of an asshole you are and the louder you yell, the more attention you get.
Quod erad demonstrandum.
So all of you getting really worked up about my posts, grab your nose and tell yourself: "Gawds... I am so fucking touchy about a bloody video game."

I will not start preaching... but I will keep my new nick, the old one seems boring now.
Should have picked Mephisto, read your "Faust" and you know what I mean;)
On the other hand... Mephisto, a name a fucked up Goth would chose (and I had my fair share of scary looking goths on Cliff's hate page tonight [still only on page 150.. will I survive?]... I want a pet goth for x-mas. Pretty please).
Any goths reading this? Yes? Get a haircut, a tan and a job. Pronto.

And now... time for nnights. Posted enough trash for three lifes today... :)

Ah... the Waltons... (see Nemesis Overdwarf? I remember the Waltons ;) Used to watch that series religiously when I was a little kid... in the early 80's. Now shake that magic eight ball again and guess how old I am... but still- age is not really an indicator of maturity) /sighs

"Good night!"
"Good night, Johnboy!"
/turns light off

Bite me.

Oh, and yo Cerebus... perhaps I am just way too overtired but I always seem to get a mental image of people I meet online...
and know what? Now every time I see the name Cerebus, I have the image of the dancing Jackson 5 in my head. Shame on you and your weird avatar choice... :)
/walks off to bed, humming Jackson 5 songs...

Bite me again.

j000 d000d

Duelling your own realmmates would be cool, ofcourse, nothing is lost or gained, just for fun :)

Just like in Everquest.
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