A plea for sanity... and a couple of apologies


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Chrystina said:
(or a mod telling someone to f*** o**, at least have the decency to say it less aggressive as you should be an example to the rest of the pepole here) ...

Guess I forgot I'm still at school and need to look up to the mods for guidence :rolleyes:

One of the things I liked about Barrysworld and partially true here at FH, is the mods are part of the community. They don't have delusions of being superior, neither will they edit every thread to flaunt their 'power'. I've seen heavily moderated forums, which were clean enough to let your 6year old read... but BW, even with it's liberal moderating policy, was friendlier than those others.(original Wireplay and Blueyonder's GSP come to mind. The latter became a complete shithole and there was no surprise when it collapsed. Any GSP which uses pedantic schoolkids to moderate it's forums and servers is not going to last the year)

If you ever used those or similar forums, you'll know how much better a place like FH is, where people can speak their mind, use profanity and even drop the odd insult! All this without getting banned and the thread closed, deleted and wiped from all backups!

Personally I'd rather see FH continue the way it is... yes, it would be nice if no one flamed each other and we complemented each others hairstyles, etc... but it's also terribly boring.

P.S. ToA hasn't had that bad an effect on player's attitudes. Albion was worse 2 years ago... and those were the days! Entire guilds getting flamed because one member didn't res someone... Alliances being shunned because of private raids. There was more substance back then, than the pussy flames we see now. ToA has brought more people closer together than the divisions it's caused.

imo Damini was the best mod going, who moderated forums by... err, not moderating them! :cool:

Chrystina said:
yes, as your position as mod should be a respected one, no matter if you get paid for it or not...
By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

Nice find.... but that agreement applies to all posters, not just the mods :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
sko said:
Okay I'll give you some of my serious words, be honored fore they are few.

- You're right, this community is very hostile and I'll tell you some reasons why

1) Sarcasm rarely works on the internet and is very often misinterpreted
2) People are different - there will be arguements as long as humans excists, but its easy to get alot tougher than you would be in real life when it's just a forum, and we all forget (and myself) that theres actually other people on the other side too
3) Once the bottle starts rolling, things usually gets out of hand - this leading to that. Thats all I'm ever gonna say about the accusements and artifact blabla. You can think what you want and live with it because I am not bothered or affected by your opinion, so you may aswell shut it for yourself.
4) I have more or less given up with/stopped caring for Daoc community, I know what I am and you don't like what I do - thats fine - but the flames you are posting is just so pointless and boring (generally speaking to all the whiners). It's time to move on really..
5) I'm not going to apologize to anyone for anything I did, I still believe I was right and you were wrong.
6) When you move on to posting pictures of me irl on forums and "ha ha what an ugly guy" then you've just lowered yourself way beyond what ever it is that you're trying to make me look like, it's pointless and noone gives a shit I think. Not like Daoc'ers are pretty anyway. ;)

Furthermore, insults about how ppl look and how you're gonna kick my ass in London IRL meeting thats just so god damned pathetic, I don't know wether to laugh or laugh .. just shut up and deal with it if you meet me instead.

I don't know really what I'm getting at here, but just spammed what was on my mind atm.. whatever.


LMAO, why not just shorten this to...

"I'm a twat, im gonna carry on being a twat, and I don't care what you all say about me, so don't bother posting it here."

Sorry, just seemed a waste of electricity bill for having the PC on the length of time to type out that rubbish ¬.¬


Dec 22, 2003
Chrystina said:
yes, as your position as mod should be a respected one, no matter if you get paid for it or not...
So it's allright for Flesh to insult Jupitus after he (and the rest of the mods) give Flesh another chance on another account after him beeing permanently banned (after several warnings and temp bans) on his first account?

So in other words... it's okay for forumusers to insult moderators but moderators should not do anything and be nice and polite in response to offending comments because they happen to have more buttons then normal users and could be abusing their powers because of that?

Right... well... if you think like that, then i'm very sorry for not agreeing with you :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ziva said:
So it's allright for Flesh to insult Jupitus after he (and the rest of the mods)
I wouldn't call "i'd rather have wild sex with Jupitus" an insult to Jupitus really, more like flattery :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Chrystina said:
I wouldn't call "i'd rather have wild sex with Jupitus" an insult to Jupitus really, more like flattery :fluffle:
The 'rampant till his legs are bleed' part is also a compliment? x<


Dec 22, 2003
Chrystina said:
I wouldn't call "i'd rather have wild sex with Jupitus" an insult to Jupitus really, more like flattery :fluffle:
Try reading it again, you might have missed the context a bit :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ziva said:
Try reading it again, you might have missed the context a bit :rolleyes:
how about you take your mod power and just delete all this hijacking posts (including yours and mine and Jupitus') to clean this thread which started out quite reasonable? just an idea really...


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
It was just a matter of time before this thread turned into what it is now... like I said earlier, I've given up on the community and this "peace-thread" shows why - even the most gentle attemtp to be nice are met with a fuck off and kick in the balls. Daoc community is about as pleasant as an assreaming from satan himself.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 20, 2004
just my little say in the matter
artifacts and scrolls make people greedy and make people feel that if they ain't got them they can't compete
the way i play is i help people when i can.if people need my help i'll give it to them if i have time.having a busy life not always posiible but last night logged on for 1 hr late at night found some peeps who needed help with arti i already had gave a hand guy got arti:)i then gave the same chap the scroll to activate the item.sure made my night to make some guy happy:)
i am sure that people will help me if i ask for help<although i hardly ever do>
the best way to play game is help others then others will surely help you
if they don't don't come flame em on FH just don't help them again.
simple really but so is doac the game
deepfried <hoping static tempest 3 will get me some rps at last>


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
Chrystina said:
how about you take your mod power and just delete all this hijacking posts (including yours and mine and Jupitus') to clean this thread which started out quite reasonable? just an idea really...
How can a moderator hijack a thread ? is it hax0r ? :<


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Escape said:
imo Damini was the best mod going, who moderated forums by... err, not moderating them! :cool:

150% agreement :)


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Chrystina said:
how about you take your mod power and just delete all this hijacking posts (including yours and mine and Jupitus') to clean this thread which started out quite reasonable? just an idea really...

Sure, we could, but I personally don't like altering threads using mod powers and prefer to let things develop unless they get way out of hand.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Only actually noticed what was happening in Jupitus' avatar a few days ago :eek:

edit: The lion on top looks like a chimp x<

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