a incident a caellich guards..


Aurelius A

Well let me set the scene for you...

Group of 9 peeps camping calliech guards for the named spawn drops...we had killed the named twice and was happily working our way through killing of the c-guards for the 3rd attempt at killing named.nearly had killed all the c-guards and ready to go for named when a huge guild group from Dragon Knights turns up runs in takes the last couple of adds and kills the named caellich (well i must say echekiel sat it out next to us and agreed it was not right ).
They then set up camp next to us to pull more with not a word said to us like "do you mind us pulling aswell " or anything

As i think most people would be my group is a little bit upset by this,you expect this to happen in the lower lvls but normally by the time people have hit 50 you have a certain respect for if people are camping a spot

ok so i msg congo to ask what the hell is going on and have a little chat, now i must say congo wasnt that hot on the idea of taking over the spot but says he cant leave as no one else wants to leave spot.

I then go over to the group and ask in main to all the group how they would like it if they were camping the named and a huge guild group of about 16 peeps just run in and took over ( asking politely btw not swearing etc)
The only reply i get is from "Rada" which is a lovely little line quote "tough at the top aint it".Well tbh this remark didnt go down to well with me .

ok i tried the polite way so i thought id try the nasty (not to proud of the next actions but i was quite pissed off at time)
well for there next 3 pulls of c-guards i stood there and broke all there mezzed mobs with amnesia maybe this would give them the hint that there actions wasnt really very polite.

well didnt work either they still carried on pulling etc.so gave up went back to pulling guards pulled 2 groups of 3 guards and had named free of adds about to pull him and guess what ..some one from DK runs in and grabs him.

At this point we gave up and left as there was no point staying.

Now just wondering if can get some feedback from DK why they thought this was acceptable behaviour? (or anyone else if you think i dont have a valid point here?)

(oh and btw frostor pulling c-guards isnt the same as pulling trees in regards to 2 groups camping them , there is only one named mob and the whole point of camping it iwas for that named mobs drops not just for xp as trees is...and yes before anyone asks i did offer to rotate the named kill between groups but didnt really get a answer)


Originally posted by Aurelius A
...As i think most people would be my group is a little bit upset by this,you expect this to happen in the lower lvls but normally by the time people have hit 50 you have a certain respect for if people are camping a spot

Well, m8... u r not that better urself... Me and my m8 camped duct for gold, and u came and camped it on the other side.... we were not lf xp (both 50) but the gold... when we told u we have camped it for some 4 hours u said we hadn't... so... be4 judging others on camp-things plz don't do it urself, m8

Aurelius A

Zlair get the facts right plz if you wish to make comments at the time you and feyd were both 49 so you were xping.me and centuri had been pulling for 15mins or so from the road side before we see a pet attack the aquaduct gobbos from the other side and after you come overe and said you had been xping there for 4 hoursand please give a little respect to people trying to lvl i questioned it that we had seen no one pulling from there since we came then you insisted you had then i gave up the msged you and gave up the spot for you.


I agree we shouldnt have 'stolen' your camp at all.
If it were up to me we would have moved on and done something else. We did steal that named pull and we did intrude on your camp and im sorry things couldnt have been worked out better then they were.

However, your behaviour with breaking our mezzes and such was really despicable and after that I think you would deserve anything we did, however your group certainly didnt and I apologize for some things a few of us said and did, it certainly wasnt very mature.

This is not an official DK statement, its just how I personally and some others I have spoken to feels. Even though it feels a bit excessive to take it up here on BW forums, theres no need for a public grief display.


yea aurelius , trees dont spawn so fast as the named one ^^

the whole camp at named one spawns after 5 mins when you killed it

and when we were resting and there was a full camp af calliauch gaurds/priest+named one you guys were just standing still


why not?

Cant get a response in game... you sure as hell can get one here...

Aurelius A

Vile i posted here as seemed to be the easiest way to get a response from DK.

As for me breaking the mezzes on pulls dk were doing ,as i said not very proud of it in original post and in reflection i wouldnt do it again but after trying to get a answer reasonably and all i got was a smart ass comment of rada and the fact that the first thing you done when you turned up was killed the named i wasnt feeling very reasonable at the time.

I just feel with a bit of politenes the whole situation could have been advoided ie. ask if group minded you pulling where there camping, im sure the group wouldnt have minded taking turns on the named etc but all we got was abuse or ignored when we complained about dks actions.


I'm just a member of DK and wouldn't want to speak for the Guild but from my point of view I neither abused or ignored you.

Yes rotating would have been a good idea as no one was there for the xp and it would have made getting to the named easier for both grps, and I did mention this to one of ur grp but not until after it'd all kicked off.

I was paying more attention to the TV than the game at the time really but spoke to Prothall before we started and told him we were there for the named and he told me ur grp had already killed it earlier. He didn't mention that you were still after it though and I just assumed that you weren't.

We started with single pulls then 2's, 3's, 4's and they went down suprisingly easy. We then moved to towards the named killed some more then ran to it and killed it (we didn't just turn up and go straight for the named). I thought it was easier than I'd expected but found out after that ur grp had pulled some just before we went in.

Our grps were a lot stronger than urs and although u pulling some of the guards probably helped we'd have been able to kill him fairly easily anyway to be honest. I was under the impression that we intended to leave after the kill but I think the argument that started meant some of the DK grps wanted to stay. We did only kill the named guard once though I thought and he dropped the same as when ur grp killed him.

There were plenty of guards around to keep 2 grps going although we were killing them alarmingly quick. Your grp just stopped from what I could tell.

Irrespective of what had or hadn't happened or whether we'd 'stolen' YOUR named guard it was absolutely no excuse for u trying to get our grps killed by breaking the Mezs in the way you did. The fact that it just transferred all the agro onto you and u died and we didn't doesn't change this.

I've made my comments known to someone in ur grp and asked him to pass what I thought onto the rest of u and I won't be commenting again on the matter here.

(i see no differance from pulling here to anywhere else though it would have been polite to ask if you minded us being there but to be honest no one has a god given right to a camp and as far as I'm aware we didn't touch anything u'd pulled)

Aurelius A

ok in reply to this congo yes i know you never abused or ignored me when i first msg you after your group had turned up and thank you for that.

In regards to the first time you killed the named Dk done one pull (at the most 2)of guards then killed named it was quite obvious from the amount of spawns sitting there someone was clearing the guards rdy to kill it.

And before I started breaking your mezzes (yes i know it was a bad action)which i can understand making DK want to stay ,you had already said in a msg you were only there for one pull of named then were going to leave but that group had changed mind and was going to stay ,this was while people were still asking politely about your groups actions.

In regards to your emphasis on it was "your named guard " and "no one has a god given right to a camp" i didnt say they were our camp and our guard i just complained about you guys just coming in and taking over without even recognising we were there already pulling, its a question of game ethics not of ownership.


Reminds me a week ago :p

2 full guildgroups of us SS bring down Mordred down to 30% but died. Wile beeing ressed I see DK group/groups that we had earlier asked for help to come there. Watch us beeing ressed and turn and kill the it .....

Nothing to get upset about. Glad to be able to help . After all thats what we were there for. And DEFFENITLY why we asked for ress , not be able to finish it off but to watch u do it and get the drop........ :rolleyes:

Never mentioned it any of us since I taught that was just a "accident". Again........ :rolleyes:


You dont shit on someones spot, u learn that in Mithra or at the latest Keltoi. Granted Lyonesse is a long way to go to find its already camped, but its no excuse.


I have some bad experiences with DK members as well... but not gonna post them because the people who I had bad experiences with know why already...

- Pathfinder -

Speaking of Cails, someone need to up the bloody drop ratio of those af 100 pieces :p And no more friar robes ;)

Incidently, has anyone found a Caillondar Bracer of piety? Funny item, gives +13 pie +35 HP, but looks like random loot :)


Originally posted by c0ngo
There were plenty of guards around to keep 2 grps going although we were killing them alarmingly quick. Your grp just stopped from what I could tell.

Yes we just stopped, and as Frostor was also saying, yes there are plenty of guards for two groups to kill. But we were after the named, we were pulling guards to free the named up, unfortunately just as we freed him up for the second time, a large group came in and killed him. We saw a second opportunity (Unfortunately this was after things turned sour), Aure pulled the named, who wont come out of his area, but as we killed the adds the named was killed by the second group again. So really we didn't see the point in pulling guards anymore. At that point we admitted defeat and left our camp spot.

We initially stopped pulling out of shock to be honest, I personally couldn't believe what I was seeing and the people who were doing it, I'd held quite a bit of respect for a lot of those people and DK in general.


Aka Vladimir Pendragon


This from me personally and not in any way a representative view of my guild

But I think from your post Aurelius it seems that the Dragon Knights are trumped up little kiddies on a lvl 50 ego trip, with little understanding of respect or honour on the server, and I think some of the testimonials here indicate that fact.

I personally have had bad experiences with them, whilst levelling and in RvR, very rude obnoxious people some of them

The fact at the end of the day is, it was their spot they were their initially, the etiquette of spots is if it is camped then u leave it, you don't rush in and start killing willy nilly.

You and I know that u didn't care who was there u just walked in, knowing you wanted to kill the named and you did, without any regard for the other people who clearly were already occupying the spawn.

I know I am right in saying if someone did that at Spot 3 of the trees then words would be said.

You take ur turn like the rest of people, and show some respect for the lower lvl people who are just trying to make it like the rest of us

You don't go round like god almighty ganking where u pls, when u pls and how u pls...

Its all about respect.

Bear in mind this post is only made from the information supplied in this thread and therefore has little weight in the whole situation, as I was not there and cannot really fully know the extent of the scenario

As for the breaking of mezzes on mobs, I think that is just as bad if not worse to be honest and wasn't the best form of action

To be depressing honest when this happens there is nothing u can do you just have to get up and leave, putting another bastard notch on your belt

Don't take it personally there are plenty of them on the server

And I hope no one takes this post the wrong way, it was my attempt at a balanced cohorent argument


If anyone's found some of those calliondar friar robes, i'm LTB em :)
though i know not what i can offer right now... :/


Its all about showing respect for eachother. You don't steal someones campspot without first consulting the other group. And certainly not at the C-Guards where you took advantage of the hard work of others and just ran away with the price. That is cheap.


In my eyes what makes it even worse is that DK are allegedly allied with 3 of the guilds present, presumably AU only counts in RvR.

Until Last night I had thought DK were one of the best guilds on the server, it has saddened me to discover the arrogance of many of them (not all we had apologies from a number of the ex-Royal Bavarians/Vae Victus notably Congo and Vile who have already posted here).

The reason we stopped pulling was because it was largely pointless, we'd already pulled enough to get to the named when DK ran in and stole it (please don't say you didn't realise as Echekiel sat out the fight next to us and said 'I know' to our continued protests) and we also all lost our appetite for Albion, we levelled our Theurg on trees and all logged.

Could someone also please confirm who is current GM of Dragon Knights?


Zerathol , we killed Mouth for 90% , we were dead , you killed em
do you see me whine ?

btw. Roland of your guild organised a DM trip sameday before lb trip with several members from each guild , think almost evryone got a drop , i needed to log after we died , i asked in the night if i could have my drop and i couldnt ? whats that ?


Belthazor I believe

Frostor don't come with those kind of things because I could name one as well... It only makes it worser..


w00t, we're big bad guys now :)

I was afk from near the start of the incident at the cail guards but as far as i'm concerned we may have been in the wrong coming there but you deserved all you got by trying to get us killed, thats at least as immature as taking somebodies camping spot. And i know that Rada recieved some abuse through sends and christ knows who else so maybe if you were a little less hostile in your objections we would have moved on, or at least i'd apologise to you, but by breaking our mezzes and trying to get us killed you lose any respect you have had in my own eyes and any right to apologise.

The fact that you come here and try to discredit us on the forums just makes you even worse, shit happens.

Do you honestly think that we intentionally moved into your spot and killed the named cail while you were trying to? I was there when we kill the named the first time and ure group wasn't killing it and afaik we hadn't recieved any messages about you wanting it at that time.
I would be sorry if we had moved in and taken it over on purpose and just told you to fk off but we didn't.. Send abuse to me or my guild and you'll recieve no cooperation from me.
Breaking mezzes to intentionally try and get a group killed (and this affects me more than most as i can't be arsed to hit 50 so the XP loss counts) is a stupid thing to do. You should realise that two wrongs dont make a right, if you hadn't done that you might have had some grounds with which to come here and abuse us but you did do it.

<Start Abuse>
Therefore kindly take your complaints and shove them up your arse you dull twat.
<End Abuse>


Why do people keep throwing oil on the fire?

This isn't helping you or your realm.. try to be more constructive and stop mudslinging.


Well basically we were wrong.
Then we got abused
Then we did some more wrong
Then they tried to get us killed
Now we can all have fun on the forums

We were wrong, woopee. I recieved no messages from the offended party and therefore as far as i'm concerned all our group did was move in to kill in aq similar position as another group (happens all the time, tanglers, trees etc..) There were plenty of guards around and the named spawns every five minutes, so there was enough for two groups.

I can admit that we were wrong but i wont stand being discredited on the forums when the group that we offended did a worse crime than any mob stealing by trying to get us killed.

Thats about all i have to say, both parties are wrong, why make the situation worse by bringing it to the forums when it would have been forgotten in a matter of days left in the game where it should be?


Originally posted by [DK]Rawkeer
w00t, we're big bad guys now :)

I was afk from near the start of the incident at the cail guards but as far as i'm concerned we may have been in the wrong coming there but you deserved all you got by trying to get us killed, thats at least as immature as taking somebodies camping spot. And i know that Rada recieved some abuse through sends and christ knows who else so maybe if you were a little less hostile in your objections we would have moved on, or at least i'd apologise to you, but by breaking our mezzes and trying to get us killed you lose any respect you have had in my own eyes and any right to apologise.

The fact that you come here and try to discredit us on the forums just makes you even worse, shit happens.

Do you honestly think that we intentionally moved into your spot and killed the named cail while you were trying to? I was there when we kill the named the first time and ure group wasn't killing it and afaik we hadn't recieved any messages about you wanting it at that time.
I would be sorry if we had moved in and taken it over on purpose and just told you to fk off but we didn't.. Send abuse to me or my guild and you'll recieve no cooperation from me.
Breaking mezzes to intentionally try and get a group killed (and this affects me more than most as i can't be arsed to hit 50 so the XP loss counts) is a stupid thing to do. You should realise that two wrongs dont make a right, if you hadn't done that you might have had some grounds with which to come here and abuse us but you did do it.

<Start Abuse>
Therefore kindly take your complaints and shove them up your arse you dull twat.
<End Abuse>

Thank god the replies I got ingame were a little more civilised.

Do I think you did it intentionally? I'm honestly not sure, Echekiel knew what was going on and chose not to get involved when you originally stole our target, I find it hard to believe noone else in your group realised. But you continued anyway, then without a word you took up camp next to us and began to pull. Aure has stated he's not proud of his reaction, but please don't forget what he did WAS a REACTION to your intrusion and after he had tried other approaches. You were just as likely to get our <50 members killed by forcing us to take chances to get our target.

As Aure stated, the purpose of this post is not to discredit DK, it is to find out what they were doing and what they were thinking, something you can't do very well in game.

The only person hurling abuse so far, Rawkeer, is you congratulations



Originally posted by Khalen
Belthazor I believe

Nope it's Raziel.

Belthazor & Flint sort of assistant GM's.

@Zerathol I wasn't there when that happened but joined the grps 15 mins or so after. Why didn't you continue and say what happened twice then a little later in Lyn Bar ? And btw the grps were not DK there were people from another guild present.


Wasn't Rawkeer that dodgy bloke who moves super fast in game because of his "Graphical Glitch" or have I got the wrong person

Thought u had gone to Hibby land buddy?


Most of the shit's been posted already, just adding...

The first time we killed the named cail, you guys weren't pulling, just sitting there, so we went after it. Dunno if someone(s) from our groups got abuse, so they decided to stay, but I thought we were there to kill it once and that's it. The second time the named one was killed by us, I stayed on the hill (eg. not fighting) with few others. I also told them to back off when they started charging towards it, because you guys were fighting the last one of the guards. I believe my /gu-messages were lost in the fray, or then some of us had gotten too much abuse and ignored it. I had to go sleep due early wakeup soon after, so I've no idea what has happened after.

About the Mordred spawn & Shadowlords Society... First off, when we were asked to come rez them, we readied ourselves (buffs, sort out groups from travel to fight) in case we get aggroed by Mordred while rezzing. Xphyral went to see where you guys (SS) were and got killed by Mordred. By that time we were moving towards Mordred already and when Raziel rezzed Xphyral on the way, he was aggroed by Mordred. Mordred was around 90% hp when that happened and we took him down... Received 2 drops (3 actually, 1 was some sell loot), of which we were going to give the other one to SS, but Roland had to start abusing us (and that wasn't some minor abuse), so we decided not to.


First off let me state that this post is a little predudice since quite a few DK members happen to be former guild member's of mine and i love them :)).
(No vile,i dont mean you..)

Altough coming into someone elses camp spot might be considered rude,you have to take a few things in consideration,
They might not have seen you pulling,
Spawn is big enough for several groups (which actually is the case for call guards :-0 ),
or They actually don't care..which seems to be the case,judging by the posts here.

But quite frankly even if they DID do it on purpose,the fact that you tried to get them killed,(feel sorry about it or not),and posting about it on the forum,makes you even lower then them,(providing they even did "steal" your spawn).

Excuse for poor spelling,i dont make much sense lately.


About the drops and mordred. The plain rudness of you to rush in and kill it was enough for us to give it up and let u have th eloot withouth going into deeper discussions with you.
And the fact that you managed to kill it while you "happend to get agroed" should tell how low we had droped it.
And the FACT that we were all rezzed already when u poped up and killed it should say how low you were. We sat there resting and were gonan go for it again but watched u jumped it.

And frostor, get a life please mate. 3 hours whining? Asking me to kick a member cause u dont get a DM drop? Specially after how u behave at dm? You gotha be insane.

The point here is that you dont respect your fellow realm members and think that cause you can kill it you should kill it.
Lots of guilds with same potentials in albion, yet just one this far that have behaved like you did.

And yes I have the log too where you guys say dont give them anything of the loot and fine. We left without any greater argue. Cause imo. if someone behaves like you guys did there, then you never get the point anyway. :sleeping:

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