A hacking incident again, this time, nothing will be restored.

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Kemor can't you trace logs to when it happened and at least ban the fugger's IP or something that did it? appreciate you cannot ban an entire IP range as that might inconveniece a few ppl just a bit


well if the hacker got some brain(guess he has since he deleted in such a way they could get it back from first backup) he prolly hidden his trail and the ip prolly leads to some random public ip etc


Originally posted by kemor
The process is to track down the level of the character, re-create it and give him gold according to our policy tables for level/gold balance.

This part scares me, so what if I make a new char for crafting purpose, transfer say 10p and the char gets corrupted.
Would the char come back with a lvl5 "gold balance" ?


Originally posted by old.Atrox
This part scares me, so what if I make a new char for crafting purpose, transfer say 10p and the char gets corrupted.
Would the char come back with a lvl5 "gold balance" ?

Umm yes... and maybe if your character got corrupted and you just said "I had 1 mithril on my L5 crafter", you should get 1m. Right? Right??


So sorry to hear about this Loch, I really hope they get it sorted for you. Gosh this is such a shame that this could happen. :(

/em feels very sad for Loch

Please keep us updated


Originally posted by Sarnat
Umm yes... and maybe if your character got corrupted and you just said "I had 1 mithril on my L5 crafter", you should get 1m. Right? Right??

That would be just as bad, but I really think GOA ( and Mythic if thats where the problem is ) should go over their process.

If I were payed by a company to run their network and backups I would make damn sure that I could restore if anything happend.
Problem is GOA still gets payed even thou they do a lousy job :rolleyes:


Hm.. don't flame Kemor, as he was the only one who I emailed/pm'ed from goa who actually helped at all.. the actual customer service kept telling me my account was closed, when they were refering to a completely different account.. *yay*

But. As people would prolly guess, I want my character, Lochlyessa back, as I'd left her. I'm pretty sure they can do that. I'm also pretty sure that they won't. As i said in an email to Kemor, I would be eternally grateful if they gave me my level 50, rr7l1 leg. acer back in one piece, and as I was told, they can't, or won't. This may be GOA's policy, but I happen to think it's hm, how to phrase it without swearing.. actually, I can't :/

Anyway, if you're investigating it to the ends of restoring my character Kemor, I wish you all the luck, and I expect to have my char back soonish, but if it's just to find out who did it.. what's the point? You won't tell me, you won't tell anyone else, and you'll do naff all yourselves, as with what happened to Blaen. I understand that you're trying to help Kemor, but at the end of the day, I had a lvl 50 cleric, now I don't, you have the power to give me it back, yet you won't. And you question why I'm upset?.


Loch hon,
Very upset to here something like this happening to you. I sincelery hope things work out in your favour, and in defence of GOA the situation is very difficult, being a It professional for a number of years now, i know what it takes to restore something partially from back though it can be done, its a very lengthy procedure, I could if required back up something from my companies db from 1 year ago, but it would take me a great deal of time achieve, something which in the end may prove to be non cost effective. Which very much may be GOA's stance, considering our limited work force, and they time required to achieve the full details of this incodent is it worth the man hours which would be required to complete this to achieve it. In the end of the day folks they are a business, and every business is governed by the accountant and his ideas of cost effective practices. It's a fact o life.

Having been a player in the states I'd like to point out that mythic aren't no angels when it comes to Custmner Services, though they do take a more hard line on a number of ingame infringements. Cross-Realm spying for example, seeing as its been over 2 weeks since evidence was produced regarding the incodent, and the offender is still very much running round midgard. I don't name names its not my style, its just a little disheartening to see something that has that much effect on the game play being allowed to go unchecked. Mythic recieve reports like that they check it hit the delete button, email the offender say don't call us, we don't care.

I'd also like to make a point here, I'm not one to usually step well out of line and truely flame someone... ok maybe sometimes i do.. but walker, what right did you have to post kemors personal goa email address on a public forum?? Special instructing people to spam him regarding this incodent. you sir, are way way way out of line, do you think governing, adminstering a technical and online gaming community and software such as tis is simple, that you can post his private contact adddress publically to force him to do something about it. Come on man, had i been in Kemor's position having read you post, being an admin of these forums, you'd have been banned, you'd have also likely of been suspended from daoc for infringing upon the working enviroment of one of the admins staff. If people wish to do something on a customner to adminstrator level they use rightnow! thats the tool provided, in no way shape or form should any of goa's employees contact address be publically posted. If your lucky enough to have personal contact with Kemor good for you. There is however no reason to contact him directly on any issue. That is for rightnow! as the tools provided by GOA the games adminstartors.

Anyways, best of luck getting Loch back, need at least one cute cleric to blow kisses at.



I suspect the 4 chars slots backup is Mythic not GOA. Seems a bit silly to not expand it to 8 with SI but this is Mythic... :p


Well, wasn't there a thing in past patch notes saying that with SI the backup's got changed to 8 slots? anyway, I don't know.

Also I don't know why I'm paying subs for an account.. without the most important character. Good thing my subs run out on saturday really, can see if GOA do anything before deciding whether to renew or not.

Slip Slipurson

It is very sad to hear things like this... and it is happening more and more often.... I pray each time i log in that my chars should be there and no "choose your realm" screen should show up.

As for the 4 charbackup i think it is 4 backups/slot, but maybe i missed something


there are some others games with protection when u delete ur chars u have to wait 7 days before making another chars then u have 7 days to ask if u want ur chars back ...
why not this protection for DAoC i m talking about a very old game and Mythic or goa cant do that weird...

really sad loch cant get her chars back :<


Bleh, this sucks on so many levels. Gifv Loch :(


hackers suck :( they must be very sad people indeeed to do that to somebody knwoig all the work they have put into it..

im SURE Goa CAN restore and im even more sure they can find out who it was, a short while back a Hero on Excal was spying using a ALB scouts acc for a relic raid.. the Hib hero AND the ALb scou both got there accounts terminated , the Hero even posted the letter which Goa sent to him.. i cant remember the exact words but it was summin like ,,,, Dear "Mr Hero" yada yada yada . we know you were spying thus breaking Coc due to fact we CHECKED out logs and saw that "Scouts name" was logged on at "time" and then swapped to "Hero's name" at <time> and were BOTH on the SAME I.P adress thus showinf full evidence u broke Coc..

so basiclly unless i misread GAO SHOULD be able to check the i.p from when those chars were deleted,, and then check it against players from other realms "sure might take some time" but technology has ways to make that sort of search faster , and it will 100% sure please a lot of subscribers knowin GAO are working hard to worm out the SCUM of the SCUM off online gaming . so if the char that got deleted does NOT have access from others players and Gao know the original i.p of the original owner . then the hackers will surely be playing Daoc also and hence have there i.p loged somewhere in Goa's comps'

p,s <disclaimer> im technically challenged and thus dont know if above is possible but if so it should be correct ?


What makes me wonder slightly is, I've just been involved in an incident where someone willingly deleted their level 29 character - "by accident" and yet when they talked to Goa, they received their character back with no fuss (no idea on items/money/whatever) (when I say involved, it was on a name change because of this deletion by someone else).

Now I do admit they obviously hadn't created four characters over it or whatever to fill up the backup - but unless they lied to goa about being hacked, how in hell can Goa justify remaking this person's character and not remaking Loch's (don't know her, can't spell her full name :D)? As many people have pointed out, how hard would it be to remake the char with, say, same level, realm points, tradeskill and money dependant on your gold/level tables? You can get all the above information from the xml stuff (which I know hasn't been working for awhile) and even if you can't, I'm sure Loch'd be willing to accept even a month's rollback on the above stats if she could get her char back...

Now, I know (before I get flamed) that I don't know the whole story. Although I think if Loch had given out the password and Goa had found this out:

1. They wouldn't have restored ANY chars for her.
2. Kemor would have posted that. I do remember hearing about one case where it was posted on the boards given a slant towards "goa are being mean and ridiculously horrible" and someone (kemor/zargar I think) posted the real details of the case which was that access had been given away or something.

So why can't she have her character back? I personally have had no problems with Goa's customer service in the past, I think I've been one of the lucky ones. But, I've still to hear a good reason from Goa or Kemor as to why they can't recreate this character.

(and I've still to hear a good reason from Goa or Kemor or anyone else - that isn't speculation - on why the prices have gone up, but that's another story! :D)


Sorry to hear m8, i hope u get your main char back soon.

I'm just curious though: did or didn't u share your password? I'm not trying to make u feel worse but sharing or not sharing can make the difference between the possibility of beeing hacked or not imho.

And for GOA:

Please get a good backupsystem (try Tivoli by IBM for instance, perfect for making "live backups" every day and archieving a year) and renew the procedure of deleting chars by letting people fill in their subscription password with every delete they make. That way even if people get hacked (which really isn't that unusual these days) chances of deleting chars will be significant reduced i think.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

That's just my humble opinion, heh, and I've applied to be a CSR for them. There goes any chance I had. :p


PS, Feel for you Lochy.

Give direct email... you can read and everything, perfect for a CSR =).

*Remeber, read and you can go far* /em curses the current CSR's :/


Sucks Loch :(

Hope you manage to get something back, even if it's just a re-rolled Loch.

Kind of person that does that kind of thing makes me sick tbh.

Lafala Arifel

And for GOA:
Please get a good backupsystem (try Tivoli by IBM for instance, perfect for making "live backups" every day and archieving a year) and renew the procedure of deleting chars by letting people fill in their subscription password with every delete they make. That way even if people get hacked (which really isn't that unusual these days) chances of deleting chars will be significant reduced i think.
Only speculating here, but shouldn't this be directed at Mythic rather than GOA? Sure, GOA can back up the hard data, archive, etc, but I would have thought the character restore process would be a Mythic implementation which is out of GOA's hands. And if Mythic's restore process only accounts for 4 characters, then maybe they really can't restore it easily.


Too bad this happends frequently nowadays, we are now all afraid to be hacked ourselves. There must be a solution to this, it has to stop. Too many people gets their account hacked now, it happends regulary !

And i feel very sorry for you Loch :( I really hope you can get it restored

Tesla Monkor

Don't hand out your password/account, get a decent firewall and don't run stuff that can contain trojans. Problem solved. ;P


Well, people will probably hate me for saying this...(just because i'm different in my opinion)... but shit happens. Make a new char.

Discussed this over teh irc thing and people still can't believe that if i lost all my chars i'd just start all over.

Though, any D2 player knows the hardcore playtype in diablo. You reach level 89 or something, taken you quite some time (like a level 40 in DAoC or about) and you die. There goes the char, stuff, everything.

I guess that taught some patience in online games about loosing a char.


well u can't really compare diablo hardcore to daoc... i played diablo hardcore alot my self lost many chars over 80+ but the time u invest in daoc can no way b compared 2 diablo.


Originally posted by old.Zarff
well u can't really compare diablo hardcore to daoc... i played diablo hardcore alot my self lost many chars over 80+ but the time u invest in daoc can no way b compared 2 diablo.

Depends on the player...

Some level a 50 in two days in daoc.

It's still time and i didn't mean exact times anyway, i meant the loosing of a high level char. IT's never fun but you get used to it.

SoulFly Amarok

Cool, go level loch a lvl 50 char, get AC to 10xx and 1.9mil rp, KTHX.



Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok
Cool, go level loch a lvl 50 char, get AC to 10xx and 1.9mil rp, KTHX.


Ahem. Why should i? I said i'm used to loosing a high level char, i never said anything towards Loch. I said you get used to loosing a high level char and nothing more.

But, can't blame myself for knowing this.

"Well, people will probably hate me for saying this...(just because i'm different in my opinion)... but shit happens. "




The solution to these problems is so simple its pathetic.


I dont know say 12 hours /played or lvl 10+ or something.

That way the bastards would have to play the game for a hell of a long time to deliberately zap the backups. During which time the victim will undoubtedly try and log in and they will be discovered and maybe ip traced by GOA or someone.

Roo Stercogburn

I disagree completely with Toh, but he's not a moron. Well, possibly not :D

I don't think a lot of people are jumping on a bandwagon. As has been said, Lochy is well liked and respected by a huge portion of the community and a lot of peeps are thinking what-if-this-happened-to-me.

I know I'd seriously consider quitting if Roo got fried by someone with a grudge. Remaking the char isn't the same as having the original char intact and I think everyone knows this.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
IT's never fun but you get used to it.

diablo2 LoD, hc or not, lvl 9x in one day or two in cows if you know how to play -_-

That's not 48 hours, 2 days of playing, around 24h added together.

in DAoC, 3played days, as in 3x24hours is the minimum time taken for a lvl 50, usually, and you also need a mad pl group.

see the difference?
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