A Galaxy of Lies: The True story... Please Read

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Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
I would like like to say, i admit i did all of this, and i would like to say sorry to ALL the people that have been involved, but most importantly ilskan/Andropina

i have betrayed her trust as a friend and as a person.:twak: me for it please

everything that was said should have no nothing to do with the real galaxy, i just use the account to power level my chars / bb, the real person is nothing like this in any way at all.

The real Galaxy has NOTHING to do with this, and therefore all blame sould be directed at myself and not ilskan/galaxy, all i hope is that she can forgive me.:mad:

But as i said in my reply to the post, i would like it if the FULL convo is shown so then every one can see why i said and did, what i did, because at the moment people are not seeing the full story, there just seeing the middle bit, they cannot see why this happened.:eek7:

And as i have said before, and ALL healers will agree with me on this, if the healer in the grp asks you NOT to pull more than the group can handle then it should be done, it's jsut the way of the game.

This has taken me alot to admit i was worng, and that i lied, so please dont start the flames again, i would like it if this is just forgotten, so that everyone can get on with the game and have some fun, after all thats what games are ment to be about, having fun with people from around the world, and yes this game does bring the bad side of people out, and i will be honist it does bring it out in me, but it has only started since they bought ToA (pile of crap) out thats this has happened, as now you can only be affective in RvR if your ML3+ and are artied to the teeth, which there are a number of people that are not, i didnt really see this untill i started playing on mid/pryd, as an alb play i see all the whine threads and i used to dismiss them, and now i can see why this happens.

With there being so many people and not enought arties and people all play by diffrent rules, like with camping, imo it's where if you stay at the encouter for a time be it 5times or 5hours with NO one else there, then i belive that you should have the right to atempt the encounter with out the fear of people saying we where he 1st, like it has happened to myself a few times at cloudsong.

but as i ahve said, the real Galaxy has NOTHING AT ALL to do with this, and i accept ALL blame for this, and none of this should be directed at her for trusting me.

I hope you can all forgive me, more importantly Andropina


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
Well as u said.. You lied....

I have one question thou.. The e-mail adress u wanted me to mail the proof to is that your friends email or yours ???

This is kinda strange..

And if you borrow your friends account why make their reputation bad when you are the one to blame??? I dont get it.. If i borrow someones account i NEVER start mouthing ppl of and saying stuff like that and claiming to be other ppl im not...

Here is some advice.. Never borrow an account....

one more thing.. When u are beeing proved wrong stop arguing about it and admit from the start and dont jump other ppl..


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I dont like liars, never will like liars.
And funny ppl claiming diffrent shit that isnt true like as u did it seems.
I hope u feel really bad over your lies you made.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
blejs said:
I dont like liars, never will like liars.
And funny ppl claiming diffrent shit that isnt true like as u did it seems.
I hope u feel really bad over your lies you made.
its not his first lie.... He faked some logs over at alb/excal too... to bad he mispelled the BoS monster in it, and te dmg in the logg was the same... like all the time...... and he faked a chat log with dep... where he had use capital letters in some wrong places........ sooooo busted... aftre ive read all the shit posted by you encyptor i must say "your the worst lieing piece of shit ive ever met"


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Lezek said:
Well as u said.. You lied....

I have one question thou.. The e-mail adress u wanted me to mail the proof to is that your friends email or yours ???

This is kinda strange..

And if you borrow your friends account why make their reputation bad when you are the one to blame??? I dont get it.. If i borrow someones account i NEVER start mouthing ppl of and saying stuff like that and claiming to be other ppl im not...

Here is some advice.. Never borrow an account....

one more thing.. When u are beeing proved wrong stop arguing about it and admit from the start and dont jump other ppl..
yes it was my email address

and no i havent been proved "worng", i am correct in what i was staying and ulas didnt agree with what i was saying and mouthed off at me FIRST, and as i have said i'm sorry for what i have said, but tbh it would not have happened if somebody had not of mouthed off at me over nothing


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
glabbin said:
its not his first lie.... He faked some logs over at alb/excal too... to bad he mispelled the BoS monster in it, and te dmg in the logg was the same... like all the time...... and he faked a chat log with dep... where he had use capital letters in some wrong places........ sooooo busted... aftre ive read all the shit posted by you encyptor i must say "your the worst lieing piece of shit ive ever met"
and why dont u go and ask for the real logs that i never sent, oh and the logs from the person called JPEG who was never online at the time that happened, and funny how this jpeg guy was only lvl39 when all this happened so theres no way on earth he could have done it and the fact that he wasnt online either.

and as this has NOWT to do with this, why bring it up, or are you just trying to farm some posts, like most people who have nothing to do with the post there posting on. :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
May 25, 2004
I remember grouping with Galaxy in Muspelheim when we were in the mid 20s - about a couple of years ago.

She was so lovely, and I am pretty sure that the perpetrator of those incidents was not the real person, as stated above.

But please Galaxy stop hiring yourself out like a, well a girl that costs money - you're better than that.

If I were you I'd change my password and not let this idiot on your account again!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 26, 2004
Don't think we need to forgive Andropina. Not like she did anything wrong. :fluffle:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
MythieY said:
and why dont u go and ask for the real logs that i never sent, oh and the logs from the person called JPEG who was never online at the time that happened, and funny how this jpeg guy was only lvl39 when all this happened so theres no way on earth he could have done it and the fact that he wasnt online either.

and as this has NOWT to do with this, why bring it up, or are you just trying to farm some posts, like most people who have nothing to do with the post there posting on. :twak:

Shut up fotm noob, Jpeg was 50 long before ToA came out, mustve been round 1.62 era when he was 50

now stop digging a deeper hole


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>Shut up fotm noob

I bet you felt your shoulders widened several inches when you wrote that :D Internet kiddie language is sooo intimidating ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
wowzor, ok i agree but guys calm down with the insults, yeh (S)he did something wrong etc, but theres no need for

glabbin said:
i must say "your the worst lieing piece of shit ive ever met"

atleast (s)he is being honest and finally telling the truth, which on FH i imagine takes alot of guts.

you did a bad thing lieing
you did a good thing telling the truth


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
It's funny how these kinds of things keep happening around you, Encyptor. You seem to be a compulsive mythomaniac. It is clear that moving servers from Alb/Excal to Mid/Pryd didn't help, so perhaps it is time to drop the game entirely?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
MythieY said:
and as i have said i'm sorry for what i have said, but tbh it would not have happened if somebody had not of mouthed off at me over nothing

This is like saying I am sorry, BUT really the fault was not mine. If it was not your fault, why are you sorry? Either you are sorry for what you did and take the responisbility for your actions or you dont, you can not have it both ways.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
This is a known Encyptor tactic. Pretend you are apologizing and admitting everything, but sneak in a whine and an accusation in the hope of getting away with it. Pathetic.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I have closed the other threads and this one stays altrhough locked. Quite clearly MythieY has done some pretty damned stupid stuff (was there ever a better example of why a/c sharing is a dumb idea?) and I'll leave this apology for people to see. Beyond that, the witch hunt ends here as far as these boards are concerned.... when people's personal details are being sprayed around I take a pretty dim view, whether they have been a fool or not.

Sort the rest out ingame.
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