A few questions for thought...


Brannor McThife

Hey all, general poll here...

1) Do you know the basics of the infamous Code of Conduct?
2) Do you actually report people that violate the CoC?
3) Do you violate the CoC, state character name, time, and how... (hehe...trick question. :D )
4) Do you think the CoC is right?
5) Do you think the CoC works?
6) Do you think GOA enforce the CoC actively?
7) Do you actually care about the CoC?
8) Do you think a section on the Website that states numbers (not names) of CoC violators, their crimes, and punishments, would help deter people from violating the CoC?
9) Do you think ingame Mods would alleviate a lot of CoC violations? (a la /appeal)
10) Do you know any Eyes & Ears people in your realm?
11) What do you think the E&E actually do?

A few simply questions, many just yes/no answers, others can be longer answers.



1) some of it, although last time i read it was about 5 months ago :p
2) no, havent seen a single violation
3) i ..erm flame a lot and i also say profanities ingame while continuously spamming the /gu
4) always thought it was left......... <its OK a typical CoC>
5) any "law" if enforced properly works like a magic spell
6) read above and draw conclusions :)
7) Yes, excluding the approriate name part, they should have included a dictionary of names not to be used, so you would get "name is already in use" when you type eg FatMoffa in the name box.
8) not really
9) hmmm i think they are doing what they can already...
10) i think so
11) "snoop around like Judge Dread wannabes" ? :)


1) yes
2) no the CoC is a bunch of BS
3) maybe sometimes, don't think much about it 'cause it's crap
4) no, as stated before, it's a bunch of BS
5) not really
6) NO, and thank god for that.. got enough facists out there (e.g police etc)
7) No, may it and the ones that created it burn in hell
8) No, but a concentration camp might do the trick
9) No, would bring out more people violating the right to report violations
10) Well, I have eyes and ears... don't you?
11) Well I use them to see and hear, don't know what you use them for

/em burns the CoC in the fires of hell


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
1) Do you know the basics of the infamous Code of Conduct?
2) Do you actually report people that violate the CoC?
3) Do you violate the CoC, state character name, time, and how... (hehe...trick question. :D )
4) Do you think the CoC is right?
5) Do you think the CoC works?
6) Do you think GOA enforce the CoC actively?
7) Do you actually care about the CoC?
8) Do you think a section on the Website that states numbers (not names) of CoC violators, their crimes, and punishments, would help deter people from violating the CoC?
9) Do you think ingame Mods would alleviate a lot of CoC violations? (a la /appeal)
10) Do you know any Eyes & Ears people in your realm?
11) What do you think the E&E actually do?

1) Only what I've picked up on these forums.
2) No because by the time I log out I can't be bothered.
3) No but I see plenty of people who do.
4) Yes.
5) No.
6) No.
7) No, if it isn't being enforced why should I care about it?
8) Yes.
9) YES!.
10) Yes I'm aware of Jupitus, Catnip and Soulfly.
11) The only things I'm aware of them doing are what Soulfly has spoken about (reporting names that violate CoC etc.). I've not personally seen any of them do anything. I would say that the RP guys like Ziera, Hendrick and PARP have done a lot more for the realm (then again they might be E&E but if they are I'm not aware of it).

Speaking generally I would have to say that the amount of CoC breaches occuring on a daily basis makes me think that I could quite easily do anything I wanted. The only people who've ever been caught to my knowledge are those that have admitted it or been seen publically and reported on these forums.

How am I sure about this?

Despite merely being a player I am aware of many people still playing to this day who have bought or traded for accounts, sold them or otherwise breached the CoC in a much larger way than simply having the name "rape" or something. It wouldn't suprise me in the slightest that the problem was even bigger than I imagine and that we have professional account sellers operating in addition to all the people cheating/hacking. The fact that I've seen links to cheat programs pasted into #daoc.prydwen just confirms this.


1/ Those bits I consider important.
2/ Those that violate 1/ (although I have never grassed anyone)
3/ Nothing serious i.e. that I would report myself for.
4/ Basically yes, although some parts are futile (like some of the more outrageous naming policies)
5/ Not really. My kids play this game more than me now, they are young, and get abused lots. I sometimes check chat logs and it saddens me how much sh*t they get on occasion. I find it ironic that chars called "Japs Eye" are renamed, yet someone can verbally abuse with outrageous language with impunity.
6/ The cases of char renames are high profile, because people whine here. Abusers who recieve short term bans don't, and GOA don't publish those who are banned. So I think GOA do enforce, but it is transparent to the users in the important abuses.
7/ Not particularly. The process of reporting is stupid (no /appeal) and means I have to leave the game. It annoys me when chars with slightly 'suggestive' names (Shaeffer Shex) are renamed when 100s of chars swear flat out in the game (and yes I do know about the /filter)
8/ No. GOA have to make a balance between punishment and not losing subs. The short term bans should not be published. Permanent bans should though.
9/ Yes.
10/ No. I always thought E&E are fanboys, possibly trying to ingratiate themselves to GOA for kudos/possible recruitment etc..E&E should be on the payroll, not volunteers (payroll here could just be free subs). The danger of fanboys being E&E is lack of objectivity.
11/ Toady to GOA I would imagine (spot my bias here)

Heres some kind of related predictions too. The amount of RN traffic will balloon with PvP, as people will use any exploit they can in that environment to gain an advantage. The PvP server will be packed (initially) and the smaller servers deserted. Many will leave the game totally after they try PvP and don't like it. GOA will then have some servers very empty. They really should earmark one or more as RP servers sooner rather than later, and allow people to copy chars across there a la Pendragon char copier.


1) Yes more or less. its basicly "be nice and behave".
2) Only if i was really really annoyed. if there was an /appeal function that worked it would happen a lot more frequently though.
4) More or less. I would make it a little stricter on some points but thats just me
5) I think it works in a sense that they arent too many rules that are impossible to enforce in it.
6) No, they are quite passive. It usually takes a customer to report something before it gets dealed with. although i realize that they cannot police the whole system all the time, it would be nice to see them do an occational raid.
7) Actually I do. Life is full of dweebs (even more so in these games than real life) who need rules to function.
8) Publicly announcing the names of those who have done the crimes serve no purpose imho. It would be a very good idea to speak out more about when and what they are doing to enforce the CoC though. Announcements like "on thursday 11th between 1800 and 2000 CET we checked all online accounts on excalibur for daoc unleashed and found 17 perpetrators. these accounts have now been closed down" etc.. you get my point. Just enough to let people know that they are doing something.
9) YES
10) No
11) Im guessing they play the game just like everyone else and note down if they happen to see something GOA should know.



1) your usual legal chitchat
2) Do I? name nazi's to ze rescue!
3) make the game less boring and we don't have to use daox
4) more or less
5) who reads legal info anyhow? click agree afap and start playing
6) only when people report breaches afaik
7) Naming policy is all I care about
8) Name and shame!! It worked in the middle ages (and uo)
9) You'd get tons of whiners /appealing he stole my questmob blablabla, he's harrasing me because of my name ... , etc
10)I think i do, not sure tho
11) arent they the even team?


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
1) Do you know the basics of the infamous Code of Conduct?
2) Do you actually report people that violate the CoC?
3) Do you violate the CoC, state character name, time, and how... (hehe...trick question. :D )
4) Do you think the CoC is right?
5) Do you think the CoC works?
6) Do you think GOA enforce the CoC actively?
7) Do you actually care about the CoC?
8) Do you think a section on the Website that states numbers (not names) of CoC violators, their crimes, and punishments, would help deter people from violating the CoC?
9) Do you think ingame Mods would alleviate a lot of CoC violations? (a la /appeal)
10) Do you know any Eyes & Ears people in your realm?
11) What do you think the E&E actually do?

1. Basics yes - mainly from what people say on these forums.
2. Have reported one particularly bad surname, but thats about it
3. heehee :uhoh:
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Don't know - they don't appear to because we have no feedback.
7. Yes
8. Yes - no naming and shaming, but the fact that people see that something is being done is a deterrent.
9. How do you tell who is telling the truth - a says b is harrasing him, b says a started it !?
10. No
11. Heard that they exist, but have no idea - most people have probably never heard of them. Need feedback from them ?


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Hey all, general poll here...

1) Do you know the basics of the infamous Code of Conduct?
2) Do you actually report people that violate the CoC?
3) Do you violate the CoC, state character name, time, and how... (hehe...trick question. :D )
4) Do you think the CoC is right?
5) Do you think the CoC works?
6) Do you think GOA enforce the CoC actively?
7) Do you actually care about the CoC?
8) Do you think a section on the Website that states numbers (not names) of CoC violators, their crimes, and punishments, would help deter people from violating the CoC?
9) Do you think ingame Mods would alleviate a lot of CoC violations? (a la /appeal)
10) Do you know any Eyes & Ears people in your realm?
11) What do you think the E&E actually do?

1) yes
2) yes when I remember it
3) wouldn´t dream of it
4) yes
5) partially
6) not enough
7) the laws is what builds a country/community
8) not really, would put an end to thosesaying nothing is done but it wouldn´t reduce the offences
9) yes yes and yes
10) suspect a few in one realm, know two in an earliere realm
11) Eyes&Ears, would suggest reporting to GOA the mood and general feelings of the players (maybe I should start spamming E&E´s with /send E&E more advertising outside german/france ;))

Uncle Sick(tm)

Brannor... what is your obsession with the CoC?

1)Did you write it?
2)Does GOA send you a check if you enforce it?
3)Why is there no third question?
4) - intentionally left blank -
5)Why don't you go and abuse some horses?;)

Now flame me, Br4mmz0r-baby!:)


1. Yes
2. No, nothing has annoyed me that much yet. And you have to log out and go thro rightnextweek to do it.
3. No
4. Yes, it is something that stops people abusing others and bug it must be good.
5. To a small extent
6. No i think the GOA inforcement is very passive. They only respond to other peoples complaints they don't actively scan for violations.
7. Yes because otherwise it would be chaos and no fun for any one.
8. Yes !!
9. Yes as a lot more would be reported instead of not being bothered to log out and in again.
10. No
11. Donno, report on general game mechanics and issues in game that can be resolved by GOA.

Ok now i answered your questions Brannor, answer mine .. Whats this for ... you doing research for GOA ?

Uncle Sick(tm)

Oh... E&E... who are GOA's spies.. uhm... trusted informant on Prydwen/Hibernia?


Very nice thread Brannor.

Shows that some people aren't aware of alot of things that they are involved in...

Sickofit: Have a look at my sig, near the bottom of it, just above the quote...

/em is gonna remind K about announcing the names of the E&E's again :)


1) Thinking rationally, I can imagine most I believe
2) Not so far, I might if I believe it severe enough
3) probably, on occation. everybody has his off days :)
4) Partly
5) Partly
6) No
7) Do you actually care about the CoC?
8) Partly
9) Yes. Harrasment and such should be dealt with on the spot, and would greatly reduce the chances generally
10) No
11) I have absolutely no idea. report the "general" player sentiment about the game to GOA?
if so, it might be nice if they did it in a report kind of way, similar to the TL reports, and publish them in a separate forum.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by sickofit...
Brannor... what is your obsession with the CoC?

1)Did you write it?
2)Does GOA send you a check if you enforce it?
3)Why is there no third question?
4) - intentionally left blank -
5)Why don't you go and abuse some horses?;)

Now flame me, Br4mmz0r-baby!:)

1) No. That's quite obvious...
2) No, they don't send me compensation of any kind (CHEQUE ya yankie bastard). In fact, I am constantly reminded that we get NO SPECIAL TREATMENT.
3) Is this a yes or no question?
4) Like your girlfriends expression after you...
5) I've taken to abusing dragons instead...

As for why I am doing this...well...since shortly after I joined the mod-squad on the old forums, I've been FOR ingame support...getting flamed by people on forums and ingame and getting told no by GOA on the other, leaves me stuck in the middle. Also, the CoC is something I see that was a good idea, like any law. Without enforcement and public knowledge of that enforcement, the law is worth less than the paper it's written on.

I'm "miffed" at the number of offences I'm seeing, and the lack of visual enforcement by GOA. Miffed at you the players (generalised statement) for breaking the CoC, and miffed at GOA for a lack of backbone/teeth.


GOA Fanboi? Fook that, and fook joo for still thinking that. DAoC and Fairness Fanboi? Hell yeah.


Bleri McThrust

1) yes (basics but not entirety)
2) nope
3) YES (anyone that says they doesnt is either mistaken or have an immensly saintly personality).
4,5,6) The COC is so sweeping and general that in its entirety an un workable document.
8) Partly yes. A section detailing bans and why may help to show those parts of COC which are important to GOA.
9) Not sure that would be ideal.
10) They used to be for Excal/Albion Elryrith,Lee Nightshifter, Pluckem and Polemides, although I dont think this was widely advertised and I think only Elryrith is the only active character remaining.
11) These are a small team of volunteers Realm/Server specific who will report the concerns of the player base to GM's. They will have more direct contact and can report harrasement exploitation etc. They will also feedback on events. Mainly feelers for the community. :puke: But only because I never see any of this.

My major breaches of the CoC have concerned the screenshot jump. Although I have never performed it to provide myself an advantage in either RvR or PvE. Oops and there was the hole in the wall in Barrows. And there was the time I lost my cool with some other player (extreme provacation I might add). And the time.............


1) Do you know the basics of the infamous Code of Conduct?
Roughtly yes
2) Do you actually report people that violate the CoC?
How would i do that?
3) Do you violate the CoC, state character name, time, and how... (hehe...trick question. :D )
yes ... DOH
4) Do you think the CoC is right?
5) Do you think the CoC works?
if its inforced yes.
6) Do you think GOA enforce the CoC actively?
Dont think so, mabey some publicity would be good, ie on the home page, Mr X banned for 3 weeks speed hack etc
7) Do you actually care about the CoC?
yes, the game would fall apart if standards dropped
8) Do you think a section on the Website that states numbers (not names) of CoC violators, their crimes, and punishments, would help deter people from violating the CoC?\
(see above) great minds think alike.. yes then!!
9) Do you think ingame Mods would alleviate a lot of CoC violations? (a la /appeal)
could do but them if they were fools then it could just cause resentment agains GOA, u should use trusted players... like me :D
10) Do you know any Eyes & Ears people in your realm?
11) What do you think the E&E actually do?
Snoop around telling tails to GOA :D


edit: how do i get the stupid smilies to work?? :)

Also was wondering if i could possibly volunteer to be an person on /appeal... seriously, i would like to be on /appeal ( that was a serious suggestion please dont laugh at me)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

1) No. That's quite obvious...
2) No, they don't send me compensation of any kind (CHEQUE ya yankie bastard). In fact, I am constantly reminded that we get NO SPECIAL TREATMENT.
3) Is this a yes or no question?
4) Like your girlfriends expression after you...
5) I've taken to abusing dragons instead...

As for why I am doing this...well...since shortly after I joined the mod-squad on the old forums, I've been FOR ingame support...getting flamed by people on forums and ingame and getting told no by GOA on the other, leaves me stuck in the middle. Also, the CoC is something I see that was a good idea, like any law. Without enforcement and public knowledge of that enforcement, the law is worth less than the paper it's written on.

I'm "miffed" at the number of offences I'm seeing, and the lack of visual enforcement by GOA. Miffed at you the players (generalised statement) for breaking the CoC, and miffed at GOA for a lack of backbone/teeth.


GOA Fanboi? Fook that, and fook joo for still thinking that. DAoC and Fairness Fanboi? Hell yeah.


Br4mmZ0r... you know I wubs you :D



Brannor McThife! You are not going to cry now are you?


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
1) Do you know the basics of the infamous Code of Conduct?
2) Do you actually report people that violate the CoC?
3) Do you violate the CoC, state character name, time, and how... (hehe...trick question. :D )
4) Do you think the CoC is right?
5) Do you think the CoC works?
6) Do you think GOA enforce the CoC actively?
7) Do you actually care about the CoC?
8) Do you think a section on the Website that states numbers (not names) of CoC violators, their crimes, and punishments, would help deter people from violating the CoC?
9) Do you think ingame Mods would alleviate a lot of CoC violations? (a la /appeal)
10) Do you know any Eyes & Ears people in your realm?
11) What do you think the E&E actually do?

1. No
2. No
3. Yes
4. No
5. No
6. No
7. No
8. No (well not me anyway)
9. Yes
10. No
11. Don't know, don't care


1) Yes, its mostly common sense.
2) Not needed too, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't.
3) Not intentionally or knowingly, unless you count the odd cursing, rare duels and occasional improper conversation.
4) Mostly, its as right as a CoC ever can be.
5) It would if it was enforced more.
6) See above, they need to do more (what else is new?).
7) I would if it made more of an impact on the game.
8) It probably would actually, certainly put off the common and half-hearted violaters.
9) Yes it would, get them now !
10) Not saying.
11) See above.



1) Do you know the basics of the infamous Code of Conduct?
- Oh, the basics; I suppose so.

2) Do you actually report people that violate the CoC?
- Nope. Quite happy for others to do the hard work. But then, I haven't seen any violation of the CoC that couldn't be dealt with by a player's guild. Been lucky, I guess.

3) Do you violate the CoC, state character name, time, and how... (hehe...trick question. )
- Oh, as often as I think I can get away with ;) Seriously, one of my alts, Haul Ass, may be sailing close to the wind on the naming front (he runs a donkey transportation business, OK?), and I might have jumped out of Spindy once or twice (but it was an accident, honest).

4) Do you think the CoC is right?
- Not really analysed it. But see 5)

5) Do you think the CoC works?
- Only if it's enforced. But see 6)

6) Do you think GOA enforce the CoC actively?
- I've seen no evidence of this at all.

7) Do you actually care about the CoC?
- I would do if players were abusing it. Can I mention grey ganking and XP killing? They *ougt* to be againstthe CoC in my book; then I'd care a lot more.

8) Do you think a section on the Website that states numbers (not names) of CoC violators, their crimes, and punishments, would help deter people from violating the CoC?
- well, it would certainly answer my point 6)

9) Do you think ingame Mods would alleviate a lot of CoC violations? (a la /appeal)
- Oh yes indeedy. Any real involvement by GOA to keep the game running nicely would be good.

10) Do you know any Eyes & Ears people in your realm?
- None. If I were forced to guess, I'd say the Big G was an E&E.

11) What do you think the E&E actually do?
- Not a clue. But if it's to spy on my, can I slip you a few gold to look the other way? :D


1) yes
2) depends how bad it is and if they stop doing it when i prod em :)
4) seems reasonable
5) its like putting "dont push" on a big red button, it dont work very well
7) its just there, whats to care about
8) yes
9) maybe
10) most of them
11) feed brannors ninja monkeys ;)

btw klavrynd, not all npc volunteers are e&e, and not all e&e are npc volunteers, only some are




1) It's common sense mostly, so I'd hazard to say yes
2) Yep, have done, still will if i see a name thats silly :p
3) Yep, used to, had a Character called Chief Thunder (Minstrel) Had a Background story for him and everything :D
4) Do i think it's right? What?
5) Only if GOA enforce it and people follow it
6) Not particularly, only if people tell them of names that break it etc..
7) I don't care about anything, why would this change me? :)
8) How would it, it's like publishing the number of deaths per year in road accidents...it would simply be a statistic...
9) Maybe..we'd have to see that in action, but GOA already said they won't be doing it :)
10) Ehm...you, and...ehm...Ragnorak? No others :)
11) From what you said ages ago organise events and take part in them or something...No idea :D


1) No, not exactly perhaps but common sense lets you say yes to this.
2) No.
3) Highly doubt it.
4) /emote shrugs
5) /emote shrugs
6) /emote shrugs
7) I don't know it too well so maybe I don't care about it directly but I do care that people don't do things that ruin other people's gaming.
8) Listing of punishments for certain CoC breaches would help people obey the CoC. Posting number of violators is ridiculous imho
9) In-game mods would be absolutely fantastic. If they had certain powers... GM powers basically.
10) I might know one or two, not sure at all.
11) I actually have no idea.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Alright.. there goes my 'serious' response...

1) Do you know the basics of the infamous Code of Conduct?

2) Do you actually report people that violate the CoC?
I did before, yes.

3) Do you violate the CoC, state character name, time, and how... (hehe...trick question. :D )
Nope. My char has a rp appropriate name + I tend to rp 99% of the time (except for the time I twinked TwoG's Enchanter alt...... he never forgave me...*sniffle*)

4) Do you think the CoC is right?

5) Do you think the CoC works?
For the most part...

6) Do you think GOA enforce the CoC actively?
Brannor does :m00:

7) Do you actually care about the CoC?
I don't violate it.. therefore it's not really part of my daily concerns.

8) Do you think a section on the Website that states numbers (not names) of CoC violators, their crimes, and punishments, would help deter people from violating the CoC?
Perhaps... it sure would be a fun read.

9) Do you think ingame Mods would alleviate a lot of CoC violations? (a la /appeal)

10) Do you know any Eyes & Ears people in your realm?
No. And I could actually care less about the whole E&E aka GOA fanboi program...

11) What do you think the E&E actually do?
Being supportive GOA fanbois? Making pointless polls on BW? Slagging off anyone who dares to voice citizism however politely phrased...
Heck.. they are doing alot actually. Cudos.


1) Do you know the basics of the infamous Code of Conduct?
Just behave and you should get along nicely with it :)

2) Do you actually report people that violate the CoC?
I have never done so, no...I have never been in a situation where I felt need for it.

3) Do you violate the CoC, state character name, time, and how...
hmmm...now that hole in the wall in Barrows...that was a really nice exit :p Nothing besides that as far as i know.

4) Do you think the CoC is right?

5) Do you think the CoC works?
I think so

6) Do you think GOA enforce the CoC actively?
Yes, but that doesn't mean that I notice it.

7) Do you actually care about the CoC?
I always behave, dont U? :D

8) Do you think a section on the Website that states numbers (not names) of CoC violators, their crimes, and punishments, would help deter people from violating the CoC?
Hmm..I am not really into all that public punishment (even if it is only semi public)

9) Do you think ingame Mods would alleviate a lot of CoC violations? (a la /appeal)

10) Do you know any Eyes & Ears people in your realm?

11) What do you think the E&E actually do?
They helped create PARP for one thing. They have a set of tasks given to them by GOA. I am not about to start guessing what these tasks are, but I am sure they are done (even though we dont notice). One of their tasks can be to keep an eye out for ppl like me, with too much spare energy ;)

Sicko, judging them like that might be a bit too much. They are in love with the same game as you and they decided to become E&E so they could help making this game more fun for everyone, take and active part instead of sitting back, demanding changes.

The great thing about online gaming is that you have the power to do a lot of the changes yourself, you might even find it fun ;)

Gideon, thank you so much for that compliment :) It really means a lot :) The ppl who has worked on PARP projects have been fantastic, they are great, creative ppl and amazing roleplayers :clap:

erm...well enough of the pink fluffyness (I am sorry it got to that, but I always get a bit mushy when PARP is praised :p)

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