A DAoC Newbie needs help


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
Hello, my names krako, from the Excalibur server.....

Ive only been playing DAoC on free trail for 2 days....but i am VERY WILLING to pay for it. However, i am having trouble picking my class....as ive been looking at some of these threads, and fearing that shadowblades might have been hit too hard with the nerf bat.... :( (shadowblade was my first choice, as a valkyn)

I want a class that doesnt follow the ancient olde law of hack and slash, (in other words, I HAVE MINE SWORD AND I WILL SLASH THEE UNTIL THY IS DEAD! ya know. generic boring warriors with no spark.) but i dont want a healer's role, because i dont PvP much due to panicing :eek6: (anther reason for me wanting to play is to help me learn to keep a cool head) and as such wont be able to concentrate on the group's health.

I dont want a overpowered class either, because that would just take out the challenge, plus i usually dont afflate well with magic (hell ive hardly play the mage class in any game due to being arsewhooped at close range.)

i dont mind which realm to join, my first choice was midgard, but i would like a guild other than the startup one. :rolleyes:

in short...i would like to play a class with a unique style of combat, preferably close ranged, be it sneaky or just plain annoying, wihtout being overpowered.

Thanks, oh and one small quesion incase im sticking with the shadowblade....how on EARTH do you use distraction?

EDIT: oh yeah, ive forgot to add this in, is there a way to check what expensions the game has currently implemented? i ownloaded the trial version with shrouded isles. so is there anything im missing?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
well, if you choose to go midgard, i would suggest trying a spiritmaster specced darkness. not so overpowered as many other casterclasses, but it has alot of utility and alot of fun in it.. you ask alot of good questions but its abit late for me to answer them all.. when you log on to the game and choose servers (not quicklogin but where you see all the servers) you see "toa - catacombs enabled" if you have those enabled up in the right corner. good luck playing this great game :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Sounds like a hybrid class would work for you. Albion has the Reaver and the Heretic, Midgard has the Thane and the Valkyrie, Hibernia has the Champion and the Valewalker. www.classesofcamelot.com explains these classes much better than I can.

Oh yeah, unless its changed since I stopped playing, for Distraction you set a ground target and then use it, the mob will turn towards that ground target allowing you to land your positional openers such as PA and BS2. Not helpful for when you're fighting other players.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Very nice post @ thread starter.

From your specifications, I would suggest a reaver. The class combines Flexible spec, including some unique proc-effects on styles, such as lifetaps from 4-style chains, and the almighty Leviathan backstyle that procs a high delve cold DD, with Shield and Soulrending; a unique spell line consisting of lifetaps, dots, AF debuffs and the like.

Reavers have access to TWF (thornweed field) in RVR, as well as determination. They're incredibly powerful in a group if played well; mixing shield slamming with levi assisting, AE chant interrupts, banelord ML line etc.

The RR5 ability is a PBAE life-tap called Soul Quench. Mixed with Banelord ML8+2, you have a reaver "bomb", very effective against enclosed groups of enemies, in towers/keeps etc.

Great fun as a class; a bit unique :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Yup, a hybrid class is the way to go if you want some variaty. The reaver being the best for this in my eyes. You get a weapon and shield for close combat and some nice flashy buttons for magical effects (but your not a mage - something you pointed out you didnt want to be)

Try one out, if your playing Midgar on Excal, then just select Prydwen when starting the game (the other UK language server) and select Albion i believe reavers start off as a fighter class.

As for distract. Its used to spin mobs around. The most damage styles are possition based, either at the side or behind a mob. When leveling you can use distract to spin mobs around.

Stealth your character
Hold down the ground target key (default is F5 i think) look with the /keyboard command
While holding down the key move target with yuor movement keys (up,down,left,right) and possition the target where you want the mob to look
Let go of the ground target key
Click the distract ability on your toolbar


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
well if you think about playing a shadowblade, you should figure out if you want to rvr alone, or rvr in a group..

shadowblades are stealthers(same as infiltrator, hunter, ranger, nightshade, scout,minstrel) wich mainly fight other stealthers, the rest of the classes are used in "visible" rvr..

depending on what role you want in a grp, supportive character, killing stuff, crowd control(sleep, snare etc spells), theres lots of choises..

some are more gimp than others, some are easier to play than others :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Krako said:
I dont want a overpowered class either, because that would just take out the challenge, plus i usually dont afflate well with magic....
in short...i would like to play a class with a unique style of combat, preferably close ranged, be it sneaky or just plain annoying, wihtout being overpowered.

The Path of shaman roxor ... Not overpowered, closecombat fighting at times, and sneaky and annoying is the way to play shaman.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Assassins is a very hard class to play. First and foremost you need a buffbot. That goes without a question (as unfortunate that may be). Lastly you won't really be competitive until you are fully geared up - which is a long way ahead. :)

Regarding your expansions, I would really, really suggest you get Catacombs. You can check on http://daoc.goa.com/ in your Subscription page on which expansions you have activated. On that site, you can also download the Catacombs client (around 3GB). But, with Catacombs you get a much more enjoyable leveling that have a far greater pace than what you can do on your own in any other areas.

In other words, Catacombs is designed to improve the fun for a player like you. So, go get it! :)

About your choise of class. As others already mentioned, you seems to be going for a hybrid of some sort. In Midgard there's really three melee based hybrids:

The good old original. Generally percieved as being "gimp" in RvR. Personally Im starting to think it's a matter of what you expect from it. If the role is defined correctly, the class is very powerful and can perform well. In PvE though, it's a very good class and will be very sought after with upcoming patches. The Thane fight with one of the three normal weapons in Midgard: Axe, Sword or Hammer. Shield and magic hammers and bolts are other lines they usually go for.

Much the same can be said about the Valkyrie as about the Thane. I do however have a hard time seeing how they fit in, in any RvR group. PvE wise they are strong too though. They fight with either spear or sword'n'board - plus their cone magic and various other spells meant to deal damage.

The good old speed class of Midgard. Decent melee, shouts, mezz and snare is in the toolset of the Skald. It less powerful in PvE than a thane or valkyrie but generally percieved as stronger in RvR.

Good luck with your choise! :)
(And remember to get Catacombs)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
Considering what youall been saying, im thinking of becoming a nightshade...well really i dont want to use a 'buffbot' because i consider that as cheating, however, i would like to sneak into the forts and take the relics from in them and get out, that or cause havoc in the middle of battle. :flame:

now then, are there any good guilds inn hibernia on excaliburor in midgard? just to get out of the startup guild and into a better community.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
If you don't want a buffbot, I'd really recommend Vampiir or Heretic :p
(If you want to pay and buy the expansion packs that is)


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Krako said:
Considering what youall been saying, im thinking of becoming a nightshade...well really i dont want to use a 'buffbot' because i consider that as cheating, however, i would like to sneak into the forts and take the relics from in them and get out, that or cause havoc in the middle of battle. :flame:

now then, are there any good guilds inn hibernia on excaliburor in midgard? just to get out of the startup guild and into a better community.

You will get wiped every time without a buffbot

99% of daoc players run with buffs


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
i dont mind recieving buffs in a battle, their ALWAYS welcome. but hat i mean is i dont wan to runa second character at the same time just for buffing, i mean, isnt it illegal and cheating to have two characters logged on at the same time? if thats not a buffbot, someone correct me?

im still looking for a guild to join on excalibur btw, well one to work towards....

ive already sent in a order for 3 months subscription, and i will download the ToA and CC xpansions overnight. (well, whatever the shrouded isle trial version needs to b up to date.)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
You just need the Catacombs client for now.

And no, buffbots are neither cheating or illigal. At this time, there is no point of return on the subject of buffbots. Even the whines about them have died out. :)

In all honesty... If you insist on a stealther as first character, do a buffbot as well. Will make leveling that much easier anyways. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
great. so i cant play a assassin type class without supposedly 'legally' using a second character logged in at the same time....it sounds like cheating for me, but eh.....:( why the hell do assassins need buffbots and the others well....can kick arse alone? feels like a 100 hit combo with the nerfbat....:eek2:

im still looking for a guild to look forward to though. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
everyone gains and uses buffbots mostly unfortunatly.. you dont really need a buffbot for playing a caster in pve. but it helps.. youll have ALOT of downtime without buffs as a assassinclass :) .. only one class in the game cant get buffs and thats a vampiir, easy class to play, about as exiting as eating dry bread .. but great to get knowledge about the game and really really easy to make money with... you wont have a single downtime played right from lvl 15 or so and til 50 :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Krako said:
why the hell do assassins need buffbots and the others well....can kick arse alone?

Sadly, these days you won't find any class, be it stealth, melee or caster run without a buffbot of some kind, it's not a problem exclusive to assassins...

The plus points you get with both the Albion Heretic and the Hibernian Vampiir classes is self buffs. The heretic has the same 'base' buffs as a buffbot and their own specialised 'spec' buff. The Vamp has kinda in built buffs where their stats ramp up to the point where they're almost as good as bot buffs.

If you're looking at going Hib and fairly new to the game, Vamp isn't a terrible choice. They kill in PvE at a decent rate, have self speed increase, buff equivilent stats, very little down time and they count as a hybrid so U have additional spell abilities to augment your melee...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
wait wait. EVERYONE?.....:eek6:

the more i talk about it, the more i see that i cant do anything without having a second 'buffbot' to make things easier.......sounds very unfair :( being forced to use a 'buffbot' to even FART at the higher lvls...id say unless your a vampirr or a heretic, your screwed (which makes midgard very screwed)


nerfbat? naw. more like a nerfnuke :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
as i said.. you dont need a buffbot. but in rvr all ppl run buffed.. but as someone said.. if you dont have buffbot. a m8 / guildy /as dude will have buffs and be able to buff you. but if you make a vampiir, you cant be buffed :) so try to roll a vampiir, its a ok class with alot of abilitys and "overpowered" enough to be strong, but weak enough to not be on the top-3 hated class of all :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
riiight, so if i dont HAVE to use a buffbot, i could just ask a friend to assume the role of the heale and help me out, without making me feel dirty for suppsed cheating (sounds like cheating to me, but eh, no rules are no rules and so does the newbie cry.)

well thats a relief. ;)

uh, wouldnt it be too much to ask if there are any good guilds on excalibur? the startup guild isnt technically a real guild....:p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
well if you start on alb excal i could propably hook you up with some friendly guys :) and its not illegal .. they made it so you can run 2 clients of daoc on the same computer. you just have 2 accounts you run at once or have a buffbot-computer. i know some ppl even have 2-3 buffbotaccounts, and they use them most of the time too. ive played for 2-3 years now without a buffbot... ofc i beg for buffs alot and i have a long friendslist with ppl who have buffbots. but atleast i dont have to run my own buffbot ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
ya know, with all this talk on buffbots. its given me a idea......

is it possible to get a role in RvR as the one who kills the buffbots to screw the others over?

if so...il probably need stealth to get to the back, crt strike and poisons....oh hel it will be good :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
Krako said:
ya know, with all this talk on buffbots. its given me a idea......

is it possible to get a role in RvR as the one who kills the buffbots to screw the others over?

if so...il probably need stealth to get to the back, crt strike and poisons....oh hel it will be good :flame:
hehehehe... well you cant get up to their portal keep.. because then you get instakilled.. but there is some situations where you can kill buffbots.. a vampiir can do that too.. i sent you a pm if you wanna talk more..


Dec 22, 2003
buffbots are a part of the game now, personally I like them for pve and rvr, nice not to sit around waiting to hit for 10 min.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
meh, anyways, iev got a guild and have decided on a class now. which uses a different type of sneaky, if you get my point.

heres a clue :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
i apologise for double posting, but or some reason it wont let me edit the last post...

im happy with my current class. however, after seeing the video called Pole position, the life of a solo arsman, i am curious to know if a friar can actually fight any good? this is because i wanted to be able to participate in RvR as a hybrid....that and vamp told me it would give a shock to people thinking i was cleric or wizard or whatever. :D

im currently going to spec in staff and enhancements. just to make me more OWNAGE in combat.

if the friar isnt a class for combat, then show me a class for combat? preferably albionian.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Reroll and go Hib as Vamp said BB is not the case for a Vamp if you want a solo character then that is the one to choose.

If you want a stealther for albion go Minstrel charm pet and in RvR you can join stealth groups and leech.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
go NS > all :D well fun class, but tbh vamps seems abit easier but not that grp friendly, depending on ur playing style and what charc u want, if u want a group friendly charc i would go BM on hib prydwen most offensive style charc in a grp u cant go work there :D if u want solo i would go : Ns, ranger or vampiir


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
i wanted to be a nightshade as well. but where i am now, well....it would just be very, very ironic to do so, but if my guild starts to piss me off, well i know where to go to then :)

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