A coupla things :)



Ok firstly, lemme say hi to everyone - 'hi' :D

Right now then down to business, i got a coupla things i wanna ask to the Tribes community (I think)

1st thing:
Having just read Irn-Bru's column on Tribesnation, about the 'Ultimate Sin' that a person ('N00bz') can commit, being teamkilling, and how that if a person is to do this on a frequent basis then the new system on Tribes 2 will automatically ban them from popular servers, I was just wondering summin. As I'm relatively new to the whole Tribes scene, i was playing Tribes the other day and accidentally killed my teamm8 twice in a row (I think)...the first time was cuz he stood on my mine (sorry), and the second time was bcuz of lag, coupled with my crap aim etc (again sorry). Anyway, i was promptly booted from the server and couldn't get back in until i had closed down Tribes, and re-launched it again!
The thing is, as this was purely by accident, and not really my fault, i felt a bit..hmm...miffed about this, but let it go bcuz all i really wanted to do was play the game :)
Now i do understand that TK'ing is a BIG no no etc, but if like me there's a whole bunch of ppl playing on a server for Tribes 2 and some of us accidentally kill a team m8 etc, and then consequently get banned from that server, does this mean we would NEVER be allowed to play on that server again? or is there some way u can get round this?
Bcuz the problem i have is that if like me u get banned for being a crap shot (effectively) while you're learning the game, then i think that is hardly fair ya know?
Hmm i dunno...just a thought that came to mind.

2nd thing:
Concerning another post that Irn-Bru made (about a conversation the 2 of us had in IRC ;)), about New Tribes versus old Old established Tribes etc.
Hmm waddya reckon then? (btw Bru m8, i aint trying to dis u or anything if that's how it looks, just that these are interesting points that's all :D) Should I, being a n00b to the game start up a new clan (Full of n00bz, yay!) and train together as a team etc to aquire the skills needed to compete against others? Or should I simply train myself up and then 'attempt' to join an already established clan, where there will be experienced players already, willing to part with knowledge of the little intricacies of how Tribes in general works in a teamplay environment?

Hmmm....although i agree with Bru in the fact that, it prolly would be better to train up and join an established clan. Where would the 'newness' of Tribes 2 be without 'New' clans? And what would really be nice, would be if the 'Old' clans could maybe help some of us 'New' clans out?
I don't mean give away team tactix or shit, just u know...help us get a bit grounded in the ways of Tribes Teamplay ;) lol

Hmm again i dunno, but i thought I'd say summin about it all and see what everyone thinks.

Reet then gorra go, and remember - Take it EeeZeee :D


First off, I agreed wholeheartedly with the banning of persistant tk's. But you make a very good point... At what point does tk'ing become persistant? How many more people must die to erradicate this... well ok thats me just being dramatic.

It's a safe bet to say that this option (if you can turn it off, which I expect you can) will be disabled on league servers... I mean no one *really* means to kill their clanmates. Right? RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT?

Hopefully, Dynamix method will involve server admins checking logs (tedious and boring), and not be automated.

Secondly, new games will always have new clans. Take Quake 3 for instance... (jesus, I mention that game too much). There are SOOOOOOO many new clans for it, but against the likes of 4k, UNR, DC they don't stand a chance. The only way they will learn is either by constant praccy with a better clan, by LOTS of game time or by joining up an established clan and then leaving to start one.

Thinking on that... how many clans would take on someone, whom they know is going to leave and use everything they've learnt. You can't keep members for ever, but it's something to think about.

On the euro tribes forums, there was an arguement about a Tribes Academy for newbies... Maybe it's about time now ;)

peace out.



Well if you stick on Barrysworld servers (you will find the Barrysworld tribes2 server ip's at http://www.barrysworld.com/games/tribes2/tribes2servers.asp I doubt a barrysworld admin would kick/ban you enless he thought you were doing it on purpose. People standing on your mines isn't your fault but people get steamed when they get tk'd. A few people will ban you if you do it accidently because they are tw@ts.

Also with barrysworld you will be able to appeal on #barrysworld

What i am gunna do is just stick to the well established servers (barrysworld, jolt etc) where i doubt they would have twatty admins.


As for the 2nd bit, sure make a clan. The nicest thing about tribes1/2 is that if there are a bunch of n00bs and you all train together and creat some stratagies, you will almost certainly beat a team of unorganised quake style players (people with no team skills but have extremely quick reactions)

In this game 1 team player = 5 deathmatch players


Right, as for the TKilling thing, I reckon a limit can be set since everyone TKills, usually by mistake, but no-one hasn't ever killed a team mate.
Perhaps 5 TKills is a proper limit.

For n00bie clans, it really depends. If you were gonna set one up in T2, do it now, when we're all newbies.
Newbie Tribes only last if there's other newbie tribes, so if they are started in 2's or 3's, they usually last for a long time. If only 1 is started, they get regularly humped and break up within a month.

As for a Tribes clan (Tribes 1) I would join a already made one, since Tribes will go slowly, but progressivley down-hill from now on in. It's a superb game, and I wish it stays for ever, but it won't :(

For you R3, i suggest you join an already made Tribe. Unfortunatly, no-one you can recruit will be as enthusiastic as you, and you'll find youself pissed off about people not turning up for training etc. Believe me, I know :(

Good luck m8, I'll look out for ya.


Yer i prolly will end up joining an established clan anyway (hopefully).
Just thought I'd open up the topic for discussion :)
And i know what u mean when u say ppl won't be as enthusiastic about it all as me anyway, not turning up for praccies etc...I pld Q2 for 2 years and ran a Q2 clan for a while, and that was bad enuff with only 8-10 members praccying as a 4v4 etc :(
Anything more than that would prolly be an absolute nightmare as you say.

Looks like I'm gonna have to put on meh best cappin' gear and get out and P1mp mesel' ;)




"you will almost certainly beat a team of unorganised quake style players (people with no team skills but have extremely quick reactions)"

Indeed, nearly EVERY quake clan has no idea about team work:rolleyes:

While clans DO have players that stand out as banging dm players, the concept of team play isn't totally alien to us:p

Unlike most 'TEAM' games played on most public servers:p

old.4 a.m.

it all very well

going on about joining a old clan , but the thing it its blood hard geting into old clan , been playing the game for 3 mounth (manly on the usa server for the 1st month better ping? and slowlie geting piss off with the yanks), im not good im def not badplayer , i try to play as a team but nothing i got 3 offers from doodoo and 1 from NsV bu never hered from them again :( .
U all chat away saying that oohhhh just join a old clan !!!!!!!!!!! u cant
i know is probly me but i been trying 2 hard find 1

[Edited by 4 a.m. on 08-04-01 at 21:09]


Actually that's a good point m8....it's all very well n00bz joining up with old clans to make up the numbers etc, but then surely the old clans are gonna recruit the better of the newbies?
Hmmm per'aps oi shall continue with moy plarns to make a n00 Troibe :D
...still not sure if i can be arsed (read: lazy b**stard) with the hassle tho :/
hmm decisions decisions eh ;)

Any1 wanna help meh?
Any1 wanna join meh 1st even? fs lol

If so mail et moi <a href=mailto:r3coil@barrysworld.com>here</a>!

Maybe we can attempt to come up with the goods to knock these 'established' clans down a peg or 3 ;)

heheh...oh aye, b4 i forget....is the BWTL just focused on CTF or are any other game types covered within it?

L8rs, bi bi, chow 4 now :D



I have absolutley no reason to post here.. except to say ello to r3 :) glck with the tribes clan m8 (but dont forget q2 :p )



It's not too hard to start a clan, either.

The Chumpy Boys only started in Tribes 1 at the end of last year. It was started by a couple of total planks who had nothing better to do with their time than play Tribes (I was one of them).

People saw us play online with our tag <CB> and people asked if they could join. Some are llamas, some are cool, and quite soon you will have a group of people that have fun together - it doesn't matter if you are good - I know some of us aren't (I am one of them :rolleyes: )

Be excellent to one another

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