50 Hours is really too long



Before anyone tells me it's the weekend, by bug happened Thursday night, and was reported at opening hours Friday.

Now waited over 50 hours for help, after leaving all instructions asked for via Right Now to the CSR team.

This game is supposed to be fun, right now it's frustrating.

Please feel free to flame me, I can't get much more annoyed than I already am !


kinda shows how much better the usa support is, just to think that would have been resolved in a fraction of the time, hell even 5 mins is prolly a long time in the us for an answer, ive been stuck myself for 16 hours now and its annoying see`n as its my main char in midgard, as it stands the only other ones i have to play are lvl 5 lowbies, which isnt exactly fun :/


Well as I see hour 55 pass on my clock time to think.

Games should be fun, when they stop being fun, they stop being a game.

Time to consider whether I should even bother renewing :rolleyes:


The only bug i've ever reported, got answered within a few hours.

So they do aswser some quickly.


Well, I now approach 60 hours and so far nothing.

In my job I try to please those I provide a service for.

If I fail I try to fix my failing quickly and apologise.

This is the very reason I left Diablo II, no admins cared.

I know it's the weekend and all, but hey, when are most people online !



Have you tried PMing Kemor as you haven't received a reply from Right Now?

It might be a slightly more profitable exercise than posting on the BW Forums that it's taken 60 plus hours to get a reply?

Just a thought, might result in Kemor speeding up the search a bit or getting you to repost to a different category, as you haven't actually said what your bug is it's hard to adjudge on whether 60 plus hours is a long time or not ;)


I have followed the correct procedure through Right Now.

The bug is listed with all the required info and more.

It is under the correct bug request thread, the correct detail and correct was a calm request.

My log here began after many, many hours passed ... not 5 minutes after I became stuck in a hole !

It is IMO only fair that if I get an Email saying they will get back to me within 24 hours, that they at least do so with 60 THEY HAVE NOT !


I'm not debating that

I'm just pointing out that as far as I know, there ain't anyone from Right Now browsing these forums looking for bug complaints ;)

A PM to Kemor might be worth your while as the Right Now service isn't obviously working for you at the moment.

It wasn't a bitch at you about you being quite rightly annoyed you hadn't had a reply in 60 hours.



Sorry, just was in the middle of an event, whilst doing the epic ... and kinda frustrating.

I try to be the calmest most relaxed person you find in game, hell if I die I die, rezz refight, avoid Malmo/Spind list syndrome ... but this has kinda got to me :(

If not for the fact I have met so many realy nice people online I would have deleted all characters by now ... just for health reasons (to get rid of the stress!)


Re: Maybe

Originally posted by cadiva
Have you tried PMing Kemor as you haven't received a reply from Right Now?

It might be a slightly more profitable exercise than posting on the BW Forums that it's taken 60 plus hours to get a reply?

Just a thought, might result in Kemor speeding up the search a bit or getting you to repost to a different category, as you haven't actually said what your bug is it's hard to adjudge on whether 60 plus hours is a long time or not ;)

Fat lot of good that done, i was actually grouped in darkness falls on gorre with him, told him about my problem, but didn`t even get a reply then :/ been 24 hours since by initial fault report now. so much for Rightnow (more like rightwhenever)


And as for my bug, it is detailed to the letter as required by Rightnow.

So please rename rightnow to, in a few days or whenever we start to give a sh*t


well kinda shows how much they care about there customers, bet if it was a server crash they`d be on it in a flash, but because 2 people have been stuck in a wall/hole all weekend there thinking ahh well it can wait until monday nothing serious, we excuse me but were paying customers ffs and expect some form of service, yet to recieve my within 24hours email.if it aint gonna happen then why say it


have a look at this rite
you sent the report on friday

on friday goa changed the test server to english, so probably had their hands full with that

kemor was going around helping people getting into df without hours of keep takeovers

at the weekend afaik nothing gets done about the customer support, ie they only work on work days, mon-fri

the next work day after friday is monday

monday hasnt come yet

add into this the fact that your rightnow report was most likely not the only report in the entire day, because i am sure that with all the flames of bug abuse and whatever that goa have plenty of that to sort out first

im sure its annoying but you cant expect the world to be special just for you, gotta be patient

oh and btw when the servers crash of course they will make sure its fixed asap. 1 angry person is very different to 10-15k angry people :p


1 person pays there subscription just like 10k people


In America you can hire a bunch of high school kids for minimum wage, pay them some time-and-a-half overtime and have 24 hour a day online customer support. In France it costs a company a fortune in social charges for every person they hire, by law they can only work 35 hours a week, and they need to find people who speak English and German as well as French. I bet that the cost of GOA trying to implement 24-hour /appeal would be more than everything else they currently spend now - on salaries, bandwidth, server leasing, everything. I'm sorry you got stuck on a Friday afternoon and they didn't get you unstuck before the weekend, bad luck. But I'm not willing to pay a 200E/month subscription just so you can get unstuck on a Friday night or even a Saturday morning.

Note that even the great 24/7 /appeal command has its ups and downs: http://www.camelotherald.com/more/122.php
In-Game Support:
General Appeals: Our general appeal queue has definitely had its ups and downs since we launched. At one point early on, there were over 13,000 active appeals in the queue, with an average wait time of over 3 days. Currently, we have around 400 appeals in the queue at any given time, with an average wait time of about 5 hours in-game. We still have improvements to make in this area, and hope to have our average wait time to under 3 hours in the near future.
Quest Issues: Quest issues have always played a large role in what we do. These issues play a large part in our game, therefore they play a large part in our support of the game. We deal with many quest issues everyday, most dealing with lost quest items, people who are stuck on quests, etc. During the last 3 months, we have improved the wait time on getting a fix for a quest issue from an average of a 2 week wait, till now when the average wait time on a quest fix is under 2 days.
(This was in January, and they got a LOT better after that, and they put "stuck" problems at the top of the queue so that:
Average Response time (Stucks): 5 minutes, 17 seconds.
Average Resolution time (Stucks): 1 minutes, 23 seconds.

but still...)


Ahhh yes rub it in his nose, he gets to wait 50 hours and the US gets to wait 5 mins, i bet that will me him feel like he won the lottery..or maybe not.....


been 36 hours now my runie has been stuck in a wall, hope its sorted soon :D


Emma you tried /stuck ??????????

<ducks before flames singe his hair>

Also to the original poster. Play an alt go to the other server you aren't completely without service are you??? Make new friends explore a different realm, level you fav char to go rvr in the BG's. Thats only 20 and you can do tasks up to then if your completely bored.

Whenever I have downtime with the game I go do all the jobs that have been piling up so then when Im next online I can chill out and have fun.

Good luck with your problem, I know its a pain but you went down at a very bad time ie the weekend.


Well 72 hours ... kinda loses the working day theory.

And for those who think this is the wrong place to dicuss it, it's a forum, the correct place to discuss it.

And it didn't happen on a Friday afternoon, it was a Thursday night !


aye, and like most of the things ive tried it doesn`t help :( atleast ive been able to play play my shadowblade a little lvl 9 now :D gimme a couple more days and keep an eye out for me in the battlegrounds :D well you might see me, you might not :p but you`ll certainly feel my 2 axes tearing you a second a$$ hole


noone is psychic kharok, you reported it on the friday you said, not on the thursday :p and the next working day after friday is monday


Just close the thread Admin.

This is a discussion forum, I am frustrated at the CS on DAoC and a few agree.

Some however prefer just to Flame the posters and add nothing to the discussion.

Hell, if it gives you a reason to exist Flame away !


Originally posted by Alrindel
In America you can hire a bunch of high school kids for minimum wage, pay them some time-and-a-half overtime and have 24 hour a day online customer support. In France it costs a company a fortune in social charges for every person they hire, by law they can only work 35 hours a week, and they need to find people who speak English and German as well as French. I bet that the cost of GOA trying to implement 24-hour /appeal would be more than everything else they currently spend now - on salaries, bandwidth, server leasing, everything.

Well you say for Goa is expensive to have a decent team of workers. Then don´t call Right Now the service, call it Right Next Week. If i don´t pay at my day they don´t let me play without delaying, that part works fine. :(


its been 36 hours for me, but i managed to force myself to play a lowbie alt ;P.... and it is frustraiting not being able to kill albs in the battlegrounds, but when its says expect a reply in 24 hours via email thats what you expect. as for the the message on rightnow, 48-72 hours that means my char should be playable on tuesday night at 11:30 pm, well that is pathetic.


Re: Re: Maybe

Originally posted by old.Emma

Fat lot of good that done, i was actually grouped in darkness falls on gorre with him, told him about my problem, but didn`t even get a reply then :/ been 24 hours since by initial fault report now. so much for Rightnow (more like rightwhenever)

Yep - Darkness falls on Gorre on Friday night was great fun. What time was that though Emma? You neglected to mention. As I recall it was well past midnight in the UK, or 1 am in Paris, yet Kemor was still working, changing the status of keeps to rotate access aswell as other tests. Add to that supporting various events in the evenings last week (find the event threads around the place) and I reckon he deserves a weekend off, don't you?

Sure, call it RightWhenever if you want (I have done the same myself) and I agree that these issues should have been resolved sooner, but don't blame Kemor for not personally fixing every single customer problem, eh?


its was around 3am kemor grouped with us :D, nice bloke. its not often you get to personally speak to someone like that, and even a slight twitch to acknowledge my problem in game would have been nice.


From my recollection, Kemor actually stayed with us until 5 am Paris time.

He must have been knackered, and he would have had lots to think about.

Aswell as rotating DF, he was testing the high level quests, in all three realms, and watching and noting everything, as well as getting direct feedback from all the people testing and/or playing Gorre.

I doubt very much if there would have been space in his brain for anything to do with Excalibur or Prydwen.

Give the poor guy a break. He may be the face that we see most often of GOA, but he's not GOA Customer Service department, and any problems with Customer Service should be aimed at them really.


Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
From my recollection, Kemor actually stayed with us until 5 am Paris time.

He must have been knackered, and he would have had lots to think about.

Aswell as rotating DF, he was testing the high level quests, in all three realms, and watching and noting everything, as well as getting direct feedback from all the people testing and/or playing Gorre.

I doubt very much if there would have been space in his brain for anything to do with Excalibur or Prydwen.

Give the poor guy a break. He may be the face that we see most often of GOA, but he's not GOA Customer Service department, and any problems with Customer Service should be aimed at them really.

lol try getting them to reply to your emails sometime this century


Originally posted by old.Emma

lol try getting them to reply to your emails sometime this century

Agreed you have a valid cause for complaint about the support system which doesn't seem to be cutting it for you at all at the moment. Our comments are really just saying don't blame Kemor, nothing else.

I think in general we have seen an improvement in the response times via RightNow and I will be disappointed if the trend can't be maintained. I'll cross my fingers for you, see if that helps ;)

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