49 Mind



Originally posted by old.LandShark
When's the last time you scouted with your scout?

I don't have the SIG: "The scout whom reports where zergs are/helps at relicraids lvl51 scout".

I would not have said anything if it was just "Sorcerer" o_O.


Well, having played both breeds of a sorc (46 mind/dunno what body and 34 mind/41 body), I think 36 mind / 40 body is better...

You cant really say that the AE-root of a Wizard is good (unless you think AE-mez of a theurg is enough)... It last only a few seconds, and isnt nearly enough to keep a group in the same spot for a while... (not that it doesnt help)

And I've only seen 2 Ice Theurgists so far...

Imho, with the 1875 range, you mez someone at that range... What ever keeps going, you root... If your bored then run back (out of 1500 range), start spamming AE-amnesia and you can be sure no caster will annoy you or your group either...

Resists can be 'reduced' by simply casting 2-3 times, sure you cant always do that... But if you keep your eye's open, I think you can pull that off enough...

As said already in this thread, diversity is the key, more ways to keep your enemy away from your casters is better...

I'm currently leveling a sorc (slowly) to go for 39/36 (body/mind)... Although I might go to 36/39 (body/mind) for the somewhat better chant, at the cost of the level 39 ae-root...


Originally posted by -Wedge-
I'm currently leveling a sorc (slowly) to go for 39/36 (body/mind)... Although I might go to 36/39 (body/mind) for the somewhat better chant, at the cost of the level 39 ae-root...

Do the math on the chant.. the level 39 chant is 10% reduction which is applied AFTER not on top..

so if someone in your grp, with his resists, has a mezz with duration of 30 seconds, with your chant running he is mezzed for 27 seconds..

it does NOt stack with your self buff

so imo, high level ae root or save yoru grp 2-3seconds of mezztime.. hmm


Originally posted by Arnor2
wou hits like a pussy :p

(about the same as my lvl 43 baseline darkness nuke)

It's not about the damage he does I think. Great AoE-mezz, nasty debuffs and the nuke is a snare nuke. On top of that the nuke is on the matter-resists table which resist-buff is always higher then any other and probably has less resists then the body-damage.

Perhaps a matter-sorc hits like a pussy; but the numbers of times that nuke saved me or someone else (how does it feel: Getting hit for 200-300(??) + you cannot kill that nasty bugger you're chasing since you're chain-snared?!) is far greater utility to me. Once I got that mad-zerker off me I turn around and nuke-assist: 700-800 / 1.5 seconds does hurt you know :)


The reason I said 39/36 btw, and not 40, is that the additional point doesnt give you anything... It wouldnt matter if it was 40/36 or 39/37...

And Body, I think is better then Matter (for a group sorc)... Your nukes are crap with either Matter or Body, but Body gives you an additional CC spell...

Which can, if used wisely, save your and your groups life...

(btw, first rooting everyone to then mez them is NOT a wise way to use ae-root, sure thats the 'tangler' way, but RvR works just a bit different)


Originally posted by skile
You have a funny SIG, "helpfull sorcerer". Combined with 24 mind it's pretty funny ;). Roll a wizard o_O.

know ur own realm?
ever saw a wiz nuke after a fire/cold debuff?
easily crits up to 1000+
assisting lowbi grps with aoe root aoe str/const +oae dext/quick and some other random debuffs along with it


oh come on wedge, even bg chars know that more points = less variance


and the 44 mezz is barely any different to 34.
If you're trying to say that with resists, the 44 mezz is the same as the 34, then surely with resists, the 34 mezz is even worse?

Just my 2 pence :)

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by old.Wildfire
oh come on wedge, even bg chars know that more points = less variance

+Mind only helps with charming, Makes no difference to the mezz.


Originally posted by skile
I don't have the SIG: "The scout whom reports where zergs are/helps at relicraids lvl51 scout".

I would not have said anything if it was just "Sorcerer" o_O.

He is helpful.
He is a sorc.
Do I need to go into more detail?


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
oh come on wedge, even bg chars know that more points = less variance

Less variance on what? On the mezz? Nope, it's a binary effect and thus not affected by that.

Perhaps on the debuffs; but to put alot of +mind on your armour just to have -65 stat instead of -61 stat doesn't make sense to me.


And 1 body point, hahahaha, on the nuke?

We're talking about a group sorc... Both the root & mez are binary effects (as said) and thus arent affected by more skill...

Sure, with my wizard I have +11 from items and +5 from rr... that gets my nukes more and more towards their cap... And I lost my variance when I passed 50...

But tbh, I dont think a sorc should think about nuking unless he has done his duty (root/mez)... And then he should support another caster or tank... And honestly, if you do 200 (with 39) or 203 (with 40) body... Dont think you'll notice that...

I dont even really notice the difference between Ice nukes and Fire nukes, as I'm usually assisted by at least 1 other caster... (I dont go after enemies solo, unless its a healer/mezzer that is not mezzed)

Oh except when I'm nuking down luris and elfs, they dont like my 1.5s casting time at all :clap: (their often already dead before they know what hit them)


One body point haha.... with that attitude why do you have +11 fire on your wizzie? why not just +10.. since +11 makes no difference...

If it does .0001 extra dmg and u CAN have it, why the heck not? :)

People spend RA pts to get MoM which gives them a little more dmg, you have a free point to spend for your sorc to give him a little more dmg.

No we are not nukers, even at split spec. Yes we do a lot better assisting.. but rvr is not a perfect world and sometimes we fall into the role of a primary nuker when all sh*t hits the fan. If everything possible has been rooted/mezzed and still stuff is moving, then you become a nuker, u dont just stand around, watch, and wait for the immunity timer to be up on root or mezz so you can reapply it.. You are instant debuffing.. fire/cold debuffing if you have the right wizzie in the group... Only air theurgists in your grp? Get out the Mind Shriek and help the otheer nukers take down targets before they take you down. And then your dmg becomes important..

I like that our job is to sit in the background, and crowd control (NOTE: Crowd control, not just 'mezz').. Debuff, assist, find nice target for pet to munch on... But I also like the fact that I can come into a dmg dealing role in the grp and not just watch helplessly by not being able to help at all if my cc has been spent


And Body, I think is better then Matter (for a group sorc)... Your nukes are crap with either Matter or Body, but Body gives you an additional CC spell...

BAH, I group nearly every day with magmatic, he should know better.

I ve been body/mind and matter/mind:

body: nuke, resist debuffs & AE root
matter: secund DOT & snard DD

Body: every non-noob has body capped, becouse it is poisen, most CC spels, and a ton other spells. Also every good hib group has 24% body resist, on mids it depends, mostly not high. ( on LA I had mostly 60% resist on nukes)
Matter: rarely capped unless it is a caster, both hib& mid have low matter resist buffs.

The high resists on body nukes made me respec to matter.

body: high variance on bace DOT
matter: very nice base and spec DOT, good for seiges.

If you want dot's you must be matter.


Body: very nice AE root, but on body resists.
Matter: 3 versions of single CC: mezz, root & snare. You can chain snare someone.

I very rarely used AE root when I was body specced, those that purge are mostly attacked anyway. Also you have to play a melee, then you know how evil that snare is: you can't chase someone or you will be very happy when the guy you are chasing but can't hit, is (chain) snarred. That chain snaring is very important now with end regen.
Yep you could root instead of snaring, but after that you can't stop him again.

Resist debuff:

Body: very nice, but hard to pull off.

Wel I m verry happy I m now 41 matter / 34 mind ( 40 matter / 36 mind when I get a respec stone).


if i start playing sorc again ill respec back to 24 mind 48 body. If all sorcs run around with 44 - 49 mind not only will they get very bored but wizzies will be running around vs undebuffed targets.


Wedge knows that point is important( i think hehe;) ), i think he just means to use the last important spell numbers

Afun Mindbreaker


Well, the reason I say 1 body point is not that important (for a SORCERER) is because the last thing on a Sorcerer's mind should be NUKING...

Definitly in 'pickup groups' but even sometimes in guild/alliance groups, the sorcerer is busy nuking instead of what he's there for... E.g. CC ...

I do think the AE-root is very important... Ok, often I use my level 13 ae-root to stop the enemy from running (hey, sometimes it seems like I'm the only one not sleeping ;) or we only have a Theurgist to mez, and they have a crapy mez)... But I'd rather have a Sorcerer mez'ing a group, then AE-root what ever purges mez...

Definitly against all-melee teams, AE-Root is very valuable... I wish mine was longer then 26s...

Sure I dont think we take advantage of it enough, as this requires us to play a bit different... But it would work...

The reason I have +11 from items on my Wizard is because thats why he's there.. He's not there to provide 'support', he's there to kill... (even though, in actual rvr, your often 'tank support' with the current resist rate)

There's a role difference... And thus I dont see why sorcs 'must' have max skills... While I do think its more important for damage-casters to have as much skill in their damage line as possible...

Just my views... And sure Wou does VERY well with his matter... As we do win a lot of fights, and I dont know if the fights that we lose, would be different with AE-Root... But, imho, a body/mind sorc can do more to turn the tides of a fight then matter/mind, or 'full' mind...


id go 44mind31body

further than 44 mind = waste imo

but 44 mind is essential.. better duration, better radius and better chance to land (remember now the chances to resist a spell are based on its lvl and the caster lvl)

Donno f sum1 said that alrdy ;D cba to read whole thread ^^

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