49 Mind



Today, we killed Golestandt.

Everyone was happy, and after the respec stones had been handed out, two skill respec stones became the property of FC. One was won by Gorre/Glaudien, the other by Eggy/Forky. Dispite my losing in the lotto, Eggy very generously donated his to me as he decided respeccing me from 36 to 49 mind was worth it.

I am therefore judged to be one of the lucky few, and in a sense I am. I do feel very fortunate.

At the same time though, my initial reaction to pioneering the spec on excal (to my knowledge, at least), is one of disappointment. Gone are my ~200 snare nukes, gone are my twin dots, and with the three of them, my ability to solo. In their place I have the top mezz, a whopping duration increase of 13 seconds, a marginally increased pot, and a marginally increased group antimezz.

When sorcs recieved their love in 1.60, these were touted as very powerful tools. I can't help but feel however that I've been conned.

Of the improvements to sorcs in the recent patch, I think the biggest improvements have been in adding extra features to the line. However, I'm really not sure whether people should be considering my spec (44 may be marginally better but still doesn't allow the class any flexibility once battle is joined edit: imho). A typical fight for me before used to go something a little like this;

- spot the enemy
- mezz the enemy
- demezz anyone who's mezzed
- debuff and nuke

Now my fights are a little more like this;

- spot the enemy
- mezz the enemy
- demezz anyone who's mezzed

The argument is that my extra effectiveness in doing the mezzing job should make up for my lack of nuking or dotting. Unfortunately as it stands, I can't say I feel it does. Already this evening I've been in range of a bard that was root and mezz immune, dropped a nuke on them and wondered why they didn't slow down (to be caught and killed by the pursuing tanks). I've got into fights, done my bit, and then run around in circles demezzing random people just to occupy myself. I feel like something of a fifth wheel. What you have to bear in mind is that the pot is not as strong as minstrel psong (hence psong overwrites), and that the group antimezz is only a 15% reduction at its highest level. Take resists into account, and the 44 mezz is barely any different to 34.

I've played a 50 bard on excal, cookie-cutter spec, and comparison of the two classes really is not fair. Sorcerors differ in that they need to have a damage output (something alb lacks when it creates "balanced" groups) as well as crowd control.

I will, as we all do, muck along with this spec as long as needs be, but I can't help but feel slightly disappointed that I've used someone else's rightful chance to get a better spec, only to get an inferior one for myself. I feel somewhat guilty. Time will tell I suppose, maybe over time I will learn to like this spec, but for the time being I'm just that tiny bit upset that my formerly favourite character is that bit less than she was. My advice to sorcs is this; stray no higher than 44 mind, it really is not worth it.

side note; giv 40 matter 36 mind spec back :(


the 44 mezz is worth it for a grp sorc, but why the hell did u go higher???

doh, more dragon raids for juu


Now that you mention it my solution to the problem was to start planning another dragon raid for next sunday (this sunday was deemed too short notice) - guilds will be contacted soon.

edit: the plan was based around the high mind spells being the best help to the group - and yes, I'm still convinced AE root on sorcs is overrated due to its littering throughout other common alb classes/specs


i think serious went 46 mind, i have to say that last PoM is really nice.

i cant see why anyone would need 49 mind: 36, 44 or 46 would seem to be the best stopping places.


The higher the support the lower your abilities to do many things :)


Having been 44 mind 31 matter for quite some time, you soon learn that your not a hybrid cc'er/nuker, i tend to purely concentrate on disrupting mezzing rooting and snaring all forms of cc rather, i rarely use my baseline dot unless a tank is already engaged on the enemy, but with a few extra points in wild arcana can be alot of fun ae str/con debuffing casters and watching a crit root them for the duration of the fight.

Usual tactics for charging enemy are same, ie sprint /face ae str/con debuff with quickcast mezz ( doesnt matter if they group purge the debuff they still need to regenerate the health they lost from losing the con... which is quite alot for a fully buffed tank.. which is usually 90% of mids ^^) i'm thinking about getting CD just for group purge, zerg and siege situations. with our GM being an active cabalist will be nice to call for the aoe in open field battle for double stacking dots.

When being charged i usually target first person cast a single amnesia to prevent any casted mezz/stun, then spam mezz on the first player. ( used to be a problem with spamming mezz as in it halved the duration of the spell etc , but now with the ' the target already has that effect' it doesnt really matter) effectively thsi means as the 4fg of mids all charge down the hill they'll all be caught in your uber 400 radius full duration mezz ready for mass pbaoe'age.

as a mind sorc, purge is probly your biggest RA, especially combatting the instas. with bards mezz purge asap and mezz away. watch healers tho in case of aoe insta stun .. then castable mezz.. might be worth watching him for a few secs before deciding to purge so that you purge both the stun and the mezz at once. i think this is where the mezz duration chant etc also come into play.. if you can turn the tables and get in your mezz hopefully your tanks ( with determination) will be out quite quickly, so best to demezz your support classes first ie theurgist to get pbt up first etc.

Amnesia... as you've just lost your nuking power probly best just to concentrate on this fella, probly my favourite spell. especially effective against a noob group where all there support classes will continue to try to heal their tanks etc without any luck. and also ( just what i was told ) that it may make the enemy lose their target now, i havent tested/been affirmed this .. but will be nice to see how it affects the battle throwing a few of these about.

Alot is common knowledge but a mind sorc should never get bored, ( unless you have uber groups and actually do as their supposed to). not played my sorc alot recently but when i do im always surprised what a difference i can make.

p.s wildifre sell me your staff!!


Interesting post. Just out of interest should you decide to lvl a sorc normal way ie Not p/l'd how would u spec through the levels? As in would you raise mind or matter first?



I was thinking of going to 46mind, rest matter.
Mezzi has allways been full mind, and she says her mezzes are resisted a lot less than the lvl 34 aoe mezz, so that alone is worth stuff.
I doubt I will miss doing 200damage with my body nukes, instead doing 150damage with lifedrains I guess. I will spec to matter though with the remaining points, so I can get a nice little 2nd dot so they stack :)
Regards, Glottis


you plan on double dotting with a lvl 20 ish dot =d ....ive given up even trying .. i dont have my second dot on my qbar even .. resists too many times

as for lvling id probly say take mind to 34 .. for last charm good aoe mezz for pve .. then raise your damage to highest value for lvling in mid 40's .. then rest into mind when its done


I've always been a Mind Sorc initially I was speccing to 44 mind but I heard about this patch long before I dinged 50 so I specced to 45 (I wanted the self resist as I see myself as a Support Sorc) and saved my final points. After trying out the mana regen I decided that as a support sorc it was worth going to 46 to ensure the groups clerics and nukers had best power regen all the time.

I get very very few resists on mezzes, and in last two days in emain I've been successfully mezzed very little and for short durations. Although it takes some time to get used to the fact I can mezz from much further away and have been caught on occasions because I ran in much closer than I needed too :rolleyes:

With this spec I can solo very well in pve and I never intended to solo in rvr anyway. Guild love to stand me near a mg and watch the bemused faces of the enemy as they try to get through :)


after we tested the mezz duration in a duel with the full mind spec, i kinda started doubting if i was going full mind afterall
because i wasnt that impressed with the result

currently 48body 24mins specced and im prolly gone keep it that way
agree a sorc is designed to be a mezzing machine especially after this patch

later at night i traded my skill respec stone with speedo for RA one and gimped out some RA's

btw single str debuff on casters is kinda great too :)


I m still 34 mind / 41 matter.

As far as I can see not realy much changed for me.

1850 range on mezz only helped me to catch a fleeing group

I ve got pot 3, it is nice to reduse rest time or fighting guards, but not realy usefull in group vs group.

Cas't say much about the mezz resists got only the 25% and the 5% :(

Only thing I m realy exited about is the charm everything :D

Love it to run in Odin's with a stunning chick :clap:

Btw if you mind sorc are happy with the new stuff, more power for you ;)
But I like to solo from time to time and damage is essencial then.


I really do not understand the 49 mind spec.. the last level of grp mezz reduce really is not worth it.. nor do i think having powerbuff 5 is all that special (lots of minstrels dont even have it).

People seem to believe that the higher the mind on a sorc, the better cc-er they are...

People forget that we are the ultimate cc-ers because we have two forms of cc. We CAN have the second best aemezz and second best aeroot which REALLY comes in handy in pve or rvr situations.. two 60 second area cc's..

if 2-3 tanks purge your aemezz and charge a mind sorc, the mind sorc goes oh crap! and runs around like a chicken with his head cut of

if 2-3 tanks purge your aemezz and charge a split spec sorc, the sorc goes, no problem, and aeroots them.

In rvr nowadays aemezz simply is just the first form of crowd control.. aeroot after they have purged or the effect has worn off and they still have mezz immunity timer up.

Not to mention in the body spec line you also get the magic resist debuffs... the level 33 debuff for fire used with a fire wizzy will make the wizzie love you for the dmg increase. Not to mention you CAN assist with nuking if all goes to hell.

I was 34/41 mind/body before the patch, and have since respecced to 36/40 mind/body and still love it :)
I wouldnt give up my level 39 aeroot + fire debuff + semi decent nukes for simply 50 more radius on my mezz...

RAs make secondary CC so much more important nowadays, and the 36/40 spec is the best way to spec the sorc if you want to be a support class crowd controller imo.


Versatility is king when there are so many ways to negate pure CC.
Bad plan, but brave of you to try it :p


Let me just say one thing.


:D :) ;) :-o


To be honest, I'm not convinced about the need for AE root on sorcs. While it's a nice feature, look at the other specs that have it as well;

- body sorcs - lots around or being levelled at the moment
- ice theurgs - lots say they're respeccing to this or levelling one
- wizards - i dont know anyone with a decent spec that doesnt include the low level AE root

I cant say I got into a fight with ptora before respeccing where I really wanted the AE root. I always found my snare nukes and ST roots did the job. Perhaps that's just me though.


Depends on what you are after Wildfire. Albion needs CC-sorcs. Best spec is def 31 body 44 mind, should take care of that nasty groupurge pretty good with aeroot.


wou hits like a pussy :p

(about the same as my lvl 43 baseline darkness nuke)


Originally posted by Eggy
Let me just say one thing.


:D :) ;) :-o

well said hun


Originally posted by fl_gorre
after we tested the mezz duration in a duel with the full mind spec, i kinda started doubting if i was going full mind afterall
because i wasnt that impressed with the result

currently 48body 24mins specced and im prolly gone keep it that way
agree a sorc is designed to be a mezzing machine especially after this patch

later at night i traded my skill respec stone with speedo for RA one and gimped out some RA's

btw single str debuff on casters is kinda great too :)

You have a funny SIG, "helpfull sorcerer". Combined with 24 mind it's pretty funny ;). Roll a wizard o_O.


When's the last time you scouted with your scout?


About the 34 vs 44 I have to say that when i got 34 I did alot of RvR and when I finaly got my 44 it was like a new world to me in RvR.
Resist IS redused alot, but plz try before telling it aint good, coz it is for the sorc who actually do the support thing and settle with awesome mezz and crappy nuke.



Originally posted by iluvatur
with our GM being an active cabalist will be nice to call for the aoe in open field battle for double stacking dots.
Hrm, hrm, I wonder who this is? :D And what, me using AoE DoT in open-field RvR, has never happened! Honest! :mgwhore2:


don't tell me you want a respec stone now to respec back to the spec previous to your first respec stone ;)


wou hits like a pussy

(about the same as my lvl 43 baseline darkness nuke)

Omg!! I m gone smile when I kill you by sending my charmeble chicken to you :p

Most people have low matter (buff) resists, so sometimes I outnuke my groups theurg ;)


About the AE root, I realy don't miss it. yes sometimes it could be usefull, but single root and snare do the trick for me fine and saved a lot people with it.

Snare has no imunity timer so supper if you wan't to get a tank of a caster, when someone is nuking the tank.
Even if I hit with the snare DD like a pussy :p


Originally posted by razorboy
don't tell me you want a respec stone now to respec back to the spec previous to your first respec stone ;)



Originally posted by old.Wildfire
well i had 50 mind anyway (36 + 14) so...

+mind only helps your charm, it does not effect duration/resist of your other mind line spells :/ so i suppose u never fail on charm, but is it worth all those imbue points you could put into strength or smth a bit more useful ? :)

Originally posted by skile
You have a funny SIG, "helpfull sorcerer". Combined with 24 mind it's pretty funny ;). Roll a wizard o_O.

Body sorcs >>> Wiz

Wiz gets: Buggy Bolt, aedmg, dd(219 delve), targetted root

Body Sorc gets : Aeroot (uber one), AeMezz(so so one), dd(209 dmg), power regen 3 buff, *speed*, aeamenesia, 50% debuff of fire (omg), ice, matter, ae str/con and ae dex/quick INSTANT debuff.. targetted str and dex debuffs instant, *LIFETAP* which does a GREAT deal of dmg at a high body spec, greencon pet (can get the empyrian elders in collory that buff and heal and are green.. or priestess who heal and buff from HW.. pets dont always gota be dmg dealers, they can be support class), LONG targettted mezz and targetted root, demezz...

The Ice Wizard of course has a different use than the fire, but then again its very hard to play effectively in open rvr without the right group to support (ie shield guard, good clerics).. so might be able to make the case for an ice wizard, but in no way does a fire wizard outrank a sorc imo :) Sorcs lose 10 delve on their nuke but gain A LOT more utility, including the lifetap nuke which is incredibly nice to be able to heal yourself while nuking for lots of dmg :)

So basically sorcs are missing a buggy bolt and aedmg (the nukes are very comparable). I would trade the aedmg for two forms of aecc anyday, and trading a bolt for all the other utility a sorc gives, well needless to say i would rather have that too..

The only way i would think a wizard would be better is IF the wizard happened to have a body sorc along to debuff for fire resist :)

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