3v1 at 4am on a wednesday morning.

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Fledgling Freddie
Oct 11, 2005
brad said:
Blah Blah

And the thing is just say i bring my friend ireland to help me out

Blah Blah

If you get pissed at people zerging you when your solo why the fuck do you & your mate happily roll genuine solo'ers ?

Your just another DAoC hypocrit nowday's im afraid :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Tbh m8, yeh we do kill the odd soloer here and there, but what else we going to kill? the roaming fg's of hibs that farm everyone anyways.

And when we do see you yeh we have killed you in the past but i always say to my friend if we see you and realise it's you we will leave you. But you got to understand, trying to rvr in agramon is hard, usually plenty of fg's roaming and im not always going to be looking at someones name to see who they are, it just either me or him yells inc and we kill who ever it is. But you never come back after 1 death anyways since you just log.

If we know your a genuinly good person that wont add on our fights etc, then we don't kill those people and there are quite alot of people that we just leave.
But firstly i hardly see you rvr so i don't know what type of person you are. If we knew that you would never add on our fights then you would always be left, but i think ive seen you about 3 times so far in rvr so i dunno what your like...... will you add or wont you?

Examples of people we don't kill, xrystofer sammaron, arveade or how ever you spell it. Plenty of people we leave but not going to list them all. And if you wanna ask them, do it then, since they know when ever we see them we just leave them and give them a /wave or something.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Well Gamah has one point, soloing is shit these days... blame the OPed shit WL, Vampiirs for that - when u need 3 tanks to kill 1 vamp then its easy to figure that no1 will solo since half the fkn server consists of warlocks :)

yeah, the fgs that kills soloers, etc is not only a problem for a solo player. There are only WLs and bds out there etc... So rare that I find a solo skald [ respect to Jimootay for soloing with skald! _o_], or a thane -), or valkyrie o0.
And from hibs? I only saw bainshees, chanters, high rr BMS that use charge to get away, etc... :E Gifv champs, heroes, VW etc... soloers ^^

and btw, a char that have blocking skills can kill a vamp easily, so dunned 3 tank for it...

Matriarch|Sneakers said:
/edit, no fkn class can kill a warlock with purge tbh!

well, I killed pip's warlock in 1v1, he purged but... started to run so I could levi him freely xD
he played 2-3 times this with meh, then he realised that it's not a good tactic ;<


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
And it's not a big problem if there are +2 peeps who wanna kill me, cos I only have to push teh 4 buttons if they can't 1v1 fairly -p. Tho not always working... but it's not bad ^^


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
Gamah said:
So when are we soloers actully supposed to solo these days?..I log on late at night to get some good fights vs some players, as I don't dont have fun stealth zerging around, others players do..So I addapted. But now I have to wait 15 min to leave the keep just so I can dump and kill these multiple trios running round at stupid times. Give back the good old days of honrable fights and honrable players.

and Kalikaire

get some fucking balls.

Oh yeah see you in 15min and see how you like it then, I enjoy nice even 1v1's I don't enjoy sitting round and instantly dumping iwins just so I stand a chance. Iwining is not fun, but dying is less fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 11, 2004
brad said:
Examples of people we don't kill, xrystofer sammaron, arveade or how ever you spell it. Plenty of people we leave but not going to list them all. And if you wanna ask them, do it then, since they know when ever we see them we just leave them and give them a /wave or something.

its spelt Arevade! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
aaaah the drama in this thread is amazing !

oh and the owl roxxed


and ibtl! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2004
Smellysox said:

Isnt this kinda like asking to go die irl?

And on the other topic, any shield tank that cant often win vs vamps, are doing something badly wrong.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
only seen a few of the stealthzergs so far. but the worst are the fucking idiot mindless adders that ruin every single fight :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Illtar said:
Isnt this kinda like asking to go die irl?

And on the other topic, any shield tank that cant often win vs vamps, are doing something badly wrong.

I can usually win v most vamps, unless i get fucked up by that ability the flock of birds or something that make you fumble which you can't even purge as it just gets reapplied to due no immunity timer, or if ive been using 2h since i wanna kill him quick to stop him from clawing me to much ( as i don't want a tone of downtime resting to get my 2000 hp i just lost in the fight) before his dead, and for him then to use ip. :mad:

Also noticed that i dont do to well against people who strafe like crazy, and use run through. ( looks at goanoe). The vamp that i can't even get in view when i do /face.

Goanoe attacks you
You auto face target
You cannot see your target
You cannot see your target
You cannot see your target
You cannot see your target
You cannot see your target
You hit goanoe for 150 dmg with a failed style
You cannot see your target
You cannot see your target
Bradlex was killed by Goanoe.:(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Vamps are a pain in the ass to play, suprised he managed to straef unless he was just spamming eyeshot chain and claw


Oct 23, 2005
I felt like that on sunday night at 1-2am when albs were runing 2fg of high rr on stick.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
brad said:
I agree the stealth zergs are getting annoying now, but i guess everyone does it so nothings going to change.

For example i will run out i might run passed the mile gate and i get a /wave from just say Aim, ( fucking lamer) I turn around to see him unstealthed and expect a 1v1 duel. Start fighting 2 seconds later mincer stun, Pa, PA, Pa, get shot a few times.

Yeh im dead again.

And the thing is just say i bring my friend ireland to help me out, since there is like 5 of them they wont even pop you since there a bunch of cowards. But as soon as you go back to soloing again, you instantly find them all again.

But the worse thing is when they /laugh at you afterwards for attempting to solo. Uncron is one of them :p Even though he plays in a fg/visible still nice to see fg's can kill soloers and are actually able to type /laugh a few times.
( guess he aint 10 years old):)

Aim has been playing my Sorcerer Tiip lately and while running groups has run past and let you live on many occasions, not any more it seems :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
gohan said:
if u beat 1 from range he was probly AFK as they have instants ect at same range as scout if not more

there not OP tho


Uhm, no. Warlocks dont' have instas (chambers) with the same range as scouts. Funny you judge the class without actually knowing the abilities they get.

They are still a stupid class design though. :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
brad said:
I agree the stealth zergs are getting annoying now, but i guess everyone does it so nothings going to change.

For example i will run out i might run passed the mile gate and i get a /wave from just say Aim, ( fucking lamer) I turn around to see him unstealthed and expect a 1v1 duel. Start fighting 2 seconds later mincer stun, Pa, PA, Pa, get shot a few times.

Yeh im dead again.

And the thing is just say i bring my friend ireland to help me out, since there is like 5 of them they wont even pop you since there a bunch of cowards. But as soon as you go back to soloing again, you instantly find them all again.

But the worse thing is when they /laugh at you afterwards for attempting to solo. Uncron is one of them :p Even though he plays in a fg/visible still nice to see fg's can kill soloers and are actually able to type /laugh a few times.
( guess he aint 10 years old):)

Haha, stop whining about this... when i was last playing over a week ago you were running with a fg when there was no enemy about and chasing me around constantly. And then some members of your group laughed at me.

So if you play that style, and have people in your group act like that then im not surprised people do it back to you


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Tip said:
Aim has been playing my Sorcerer Tiip lately and while running groups has run past and let you live on many occasions, not any more it seems :)

Only seen him a few times but always been stealth zergered :p;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Majsan said:
cool so you are a GUILDMASTER???:)

Majsan you sad little prick :)
Ignore listed once and for all finally phuu thanks Freddyshouse


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Corran said:
Haha, stop whining about this... when i was last playing over a week ago you were running with a fg when there was no enemy about and chasing me around constantly. And then some members of your group laughed at me.

So if you play that style, and have people in your group act like that then im not surprised people do it back to you

O well, i don't laugh spam people we kill im not like that. But go on judge me because of a different persons actions since I 'must' be exactly the same as them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
gohan said:
also scouts dont solo

i solo all the time on my scout so there u have wrong...maybe thats why u sold your scout...becuase they can´t solo...i do good....die most of the times tho but atleast i solo like many outher scouts


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Dwali said:
i solo all the time on my scout so there u have wrong...maybe thats why u sold your scout...becuase they can´t solo...i do good....die most of the times tho but atleast i solo like many outher scouts

ya spot on .. i soloed to RR7 in the same amount of /played as some 1 who has played in grp an id rr10 ect so kinnda thought fuck it :< SB is <3 tho

if u do solo an dont add an are hounrable ect fair play to ya but scout class was designed so badly that it cant solo well!
Jun 21, 2004
brad said:
Examples of people we don't kill, xrystofer sammaron, arveade or how ever you spell it. Plenty of people we leave but not going to list them all. And if you wanna ask them, do it then, since they know when ever we see them we just leave them and give them a /wave or something.

2 O's not 2 M's! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 11, 2005
gohan said:
ya spot on .. i soloed to RR7 in the same amount of /played as some 1 who has played in grp an id rr10 ect so kinnda thought fuck it :< SB is <3 tho

if u do solo an dont add an are hounrable ect fair play to ya but scout class was designed so badly that it cant solo well!

Scouts do ok when they duo with Hunters tho eh :touch:
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