3rd english server suggestion


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
a lot of people have said that there should be a 3rd english language server.
many people have said we have one in the form of the PvP server.
its unlikely that GOA will provide another english language server anytime soon.
as a solution i had a small idea.
what if on the PvP server a player had the option to stay flagged as non-PvP after level 10?
currently when you reach level 10 you become part of the PvP machine and popcorn for all the pk`ers.
i am sure a bit of coding would allow non-PvP players to play on camlann and co-exist with the PvP players.
i would suggest that at level 10 your character has the option of going PvP or staying PvE and that once that choice was made then the char would be stuck with it.
to make it less harsh then give the option at levels 20 and 40 to change your char`s PvP status.
this would not only give a 3rd server option to more people but would also give an almost co-op server option to the non-PvP`ers.

like i said it`s just a small thought i had while daydreaming at work.
any opinions from you folk about this?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

1: Spying issues to an extent.
2: Having unattackable targets that can heal players engaged in combat etc
3: Filling the server up with non PvP flagged players and ruining the experience for the current PvP players


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
why is it ppl keep dreaming about a new server when prydwen is still underpopulated? u rly belive a new server wouldnt be less populated than pryd?....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
gwal said:
why is it ppl keep dreaming about a new server when prydwen is still underpopulated? u rly belive a new server wouldnt be less populated than pryd?....

Simple answer of course - to let them have a set of characters in each realm. As it is they can only make use of 2/3 of the game content (DF, ToA when released excluded).

There is also the moral argument that people on the English servers are getting less for their money - a valid argument as well.

An economic argument for another server goes like this: a % of English speaking Europeans go to the hassle of playing on a US server to experience all 3 realms. With a 3rd server, the argument goes, there is more incentive to 'stay' in Europe.

It's an old question / thread. English language numbers have not taken off since lthe game was launched. Outside the evening hours Pry isn't just underpopulated its dead. (I played at GMT-6 after moving from UK to US).

If a new server was introduced the fear would be that the Ex pop would split in two and/or the Pry pop could sink to the point that it isn't fully viable.

Does this suggest that there is no confidence in the future of the game. Nah - just suggests short sighted penny pinching to me. You already pay support staff and the hardware cost of an extra server these days is minimal.

Moral argument: 3 realms, 3 servers. Best argument in my view. (Post ToA one may be enough!)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't know when you play Prydwen, but its far from dead. It usually has more people than play on (one of) the 5 French servers, even though they're often flagged as 'full'.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
I still want to see a co-op server, with PvP in the frontier zones. Everyone gets what they want(except for riots in Mag Mell :p )

Put Camlann to good use....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
The thing is, there are not enough new people coming to the game for a 3rd english server.

The people that would play would be from excal/pry just to play the "other" realm and they would leave after a short time.

So its pointless until goa sort out the advertising.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Brunore said:
So its pointless until goa sort out the advertising.
I seriously hoep one day this will happen, the UK populus really needs new blood.


Dec 22, 2003
Wouldnt it be easier to stop the whine and go run one of those emulator programs? :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well, if Mythic ever goes ahead with their Home Invasion servers (this is a server where it is permitted and possible to attack the Realmgates and invade the home zones of each realm), then i would imagine that we would get a third "english" server.
Other than that, as people have said we currently have one server that is only sparsely populated. Then again as someone else pointed out running an additional server, when you already have a company such as this set up, would not cost much. Its probably not so much a question of economics as it is a question of balance tho.

Ofc it is pretty crappy that us english language users cant enjoy all three realms.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Darkzler said:
erf my mistake ^^ dont blame me im new :D

Thats no excuse, i demand you repeat the RvR Mantra five hundred time. Like this...

Archeon said:
"1 \/\/1|| P \/\/ |\|!!!!ONE!!!11"
"1 \/\/1|| P \/\/ |\|!!!!ONE!!!11"
"1 \/\/1|| P \/\/ |\|!!!!ONE!!!11"
"1 \/\/1|| P \/\/ |\|!!!!ONE!!!11"

Only through dilligent chanting of this mantra will you be 1337!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
just make a co-op server thats english like camlann, so all can play it


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Or just turn the test server into a co-op for 2-3 weeks and get a semi decent figure for people who are interested.. would probably face the same problem as camlann tho if they brought one in, FULL for a few weeks then half dead when the novelty wears off.
Would b nice to have the option but not really viable, even with the english speaking (or not :p ) foreign contingent that live on camlann etc.
People whinged for pvp, got it, its half dead.. if they got this what would they whinge for next ? non-toa server :twak:
no pleasing some people tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
hum I've doubt about a Co-op servers for a 2 year-old game ... and there are many other massive MMORPG coming this year (WoW ...)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Although it seems Pry has had a population increase of late, I don't think the English servers have anywhere near the population to be able to sufficiently fill a third server without crippling one/all of the existing ones.

Having said that, I'd kill for a co-op server. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Investing in some advertising would get GOA new customers but they claim they don't have the budget for it


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
but if there was a co-op server, only one that was english then french and german peeps from other servers would play it aswell like they did camlann,

and the co-op server in america is really nice, i'd love to see one here.


meerclar said:
a lot of people have said that there should be a 3rd english language server.
many people have said we have one in the form of the PvP server.
its unlikely that GOA will provide another english language server anytime soon.
as a solution i had a small idea.
what if on the PvP server a player had the option to stay flagged as non-PvP after level 10?
currently when you reach level 10 you become part of the PvP machine and popcorn for all the pk`ers.
i am sure a bit of >>>>>>CODING<<<<<<would allow non-PvP players to play on camlann and co-exist with the PvP players.i would suggest that at level 10 your character has the option of going PvP or staying PvE and that once that choice was made then the char would be stuck with it.
to make it less harsh then give the option at levels 20 and 40 to change your char`s PvP status.
this would not only give a 3rd server option to more people but would also give an almost co-op server option to the non-PvP`ers.

like i said it`s just a small thought i had while daydreaming at work.
any opinions from you folk about this?

note my bolded part... they dont know coding at all theese lamos.. they hardly know what their engine is for.. don't ask them to re-code anything.. it will only end with total disaster


oh and for a server idea.. how about a RvR server.. all realms got /level 50 so the only PvE you'll need to do is some cash farming for equipment etc..

no more grinding just because you found out your current lvl 50 wasnt the one you were looking for.

could also have same choice as on PvP server, that you can play all realms.. sure spies you say then.. but hello you know how many got 2 accounts ? so no difference really.

Have mercy !

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