2H Pala or Arms ?



Want to try a 2Hander char, but cant decide between arms or pala.

Any advice / tips or people with one of them, that could say what they think about it pls :)


2h pala die so easily, they are a defensive tank and when you take away the shield they become soft and squishy. It might be ok if they actually hit that much harder but the truth is they still struggle damage-wise. 2h arms might be workable because of the higher damage but they still give up alot defensivly and don't hit has hard as a poler.


2H crush armsman if you want sidi 2h crusher cheap in housing areas:D


IMO a 2h paladin is only half a paladin. You can't do decent damage even with a 2h weapon and you can't defend the vulnerable members of the group properly which is mainly what a paladins job is.
2 handed armsman - why give up all the advantages of a shield (4 SC slots, guard, engage, slam etc) unless you're going to use a pole to max your damage output?
If you desperately want to do damage and get killspam then play a merc.


Seen both 2h Pallie and Arms.

2H pallie will be ok seen some rip apart mobs plus groups will always want you pve + rvr for end gen.

Arms is good in different ways ie more damage and parrie, talk to Warbar ingame if you want 2h arms.


my first daoc character was a 2handed paladin, he rocked due to having an anytime stun style chain that stopped people from casting/running/using styles on me/target. Through mythic have fixed that now :)


Two-handed Armsmen not really viable as Polearm is better i think. Two-handed Paladin can be nice in certain group set-ups, like if you put a 50 shield armsman to play defensive the Paladin can be pure assist-monkey and in that case 2-hand could be best.


wait till next patch- then u'd be confinced neither 2h nor pole will work style wise :p


Dragon Thrust Pole is very nice, good damage type and 5.9spd!


heres my 2pence worth...extracted form my Guild Pala Thread

Part 2 = 2 Handed Weapons

I was 2 Handed for 50 levels and I also did a lot of RvR as a 2 Hander. In PvE initially I had no complaints, I could solo yellow con mobs OK, but struggled on orange con mobs, this was pre the endurance chant patch though. I had no complaints in PvE because I had never experienced using a Sword & Shield.

In RvR 2H was a different matter, I HAVE NEVER won a RvR Duel against any other class from any realm. At lvl 50 I had lvl 44 blue con paladins beating me with a 100% HP bar left !!

(My spec was 44+13 2H, 46 Chants, 36+5 Slash, 22+8 parry)

2 Hand is fun, but mythic have made the 2H styles too week, too many of the opening style have a low bonus to hit, hence you get too may misses. There is also no opening stun style that is really effective (many other styles have an Ubber Style).

Damage from a 2H sword is not that much greater that that of a 1 hand sword, its just that it swings slower, and hence hits for more.

If you compare 1H and 2H, the 1H using Amythyst Slash style (more on this style later) will always out damage the 2H, this is because the 2H styles have a low bonus to hit and you will get too many misses, whereas the 1H has a high bonus to hit and you get very few misses. Then throw into the equation that the 1H Sword user has a shield too, and hence gains a lot of defence over the 2H user, not to mention the chance to use the slam shield style, you can see why 2H is so in-effective.

Typical example of the above is that when fighting red con sherdders at lvl 50, with 2H some fights I would win with 50% HPs left, other fights I would be killed as it was too much luck or bad luck in the amount of misses with my 2H sword and the parry rate. With 1H and shield I can finish with 100% HPs everytime.

I could rant about the down side of 2H until the end of the world, all I will say is that it is fun to play but something you don¡¦t want to end up with past lvl 40 ƒº The styles are truly gimped, how many 2H armsmen do you see ? None ! ¡V I rest my case, but if anyone has further questions or requires advise about 2H Paladins, them please contact me and I¡¦ll do my best to answer.


2hand thrust palas rock, and altho there are strong arguements on both sides for this 2hand pala+ s/s armsman in groups is great.


Decided to try pole armsmen. Also was thinking about trying max quick + MoA etc. Worth trying or frontload damage best way to go with pole ?


why anyone would roll an armsmen atm i honestly don't know

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by hrodelbert
why anyone would roll an armsmen atm i honestly don't know

Shut it, people are stupid not to see the potential of s/s :<

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