2fg Co5 raid thursday 6th April


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Nullifidian said:
I'll run a raid on Sunday, on a fairer basis. ;)

In what way is it not fair to pick the ppl she know first? :twak:
I realy fell sorry for Amanita. She arrange a raid ( for 2th time ) for ppl who need this, and again ppl who dont get a spot just QQ. Jezz...... wouldent we all pick our friends first if we make a sign-up raid? Pretty fair imo!



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Rickie said:
In what way is it not fair to pick the ppl she know first? :twak:
I realy fell sorry for Amanita. She arrange a raid ( for 2th time ) for ppl who need this, and again ppl who dont get a spot just QQ. Jezz...... wouldent we all pick our friends first if we make a sign-up raid? Pretty fair imo!


Hmm, it's hard to imagine you were referring to my post as the 'QQ-ing', but just incase you were, i didn't really whine or complain about anything. Was merely stating that i found out it's pointless to try and show up for the backup spot as i don't know Amanita. I don't see where i said that it sucked, or was bad, or something similar, merely said it was useless for me to try and get in.

And about it being pretty fair in your opinion... Well i guess you could find it fair. I disagree, i don't find it particularly fair. Human and somewhat understandable? Sure, but fair, nah not really, in my opinion that is.

That being said i do appreciate peeps setting up raids, and that's why you won't (quickly) see me complain or moan about rules they set. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Rickie said:

I was referring to this:


Right, i always thought i had too big an imagination... Ignore my post then. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Sollers said:
Oh really tough guy?

Show me a good, solid QQ from hell then! :p

Im sorry to disappoint you. But im neither tough or have anything to QQ about. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2005
Nullifidian said:
Im sorry to disappoint you. But im neither tough or have anything to QQ about. :p

I'm afraid this is the end of this thread then :(



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Matt said:
Yeh i think i'll pass for that, i don't really know you at all so the chances of me getting in are close to zero, not even as a possible replacement. Sure i would love to get these steps done, but i am not as desperate as to hope for you reaching the bottom of the barrel of peeps that you know, so i might have a chance for a slot. ;)

You know when you've been Ama'd

Oh, and call her hun a lot - it strokes her ego.
Do it enough, and she might even let you touch her!!!11

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