23.988fps HD stutter via LCD Tele


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

Right, so I seem to have a stutter when outputting at the above framerate to my LCD tele. Its actually going PC>DVI2>DVI-HDMI adapter plug>Amp>TV.

At the moment it seems to be restricted to HD x264 stuff but I think it might actually be only stuff that's 24fps, I don't have any non HD content that runs at that framerate, everything else is 25 I think.

Anyway, I've tried setting my output to my TV to 1080p 24hz but that doesn't seem to make things better, infact if anything it seems to make it worse.

What's odd is that according to my graphics cards interpretation, my TV's native res is 60hz, same as my monitor. The monitor displays it perfectly smooth, the TV stutters.

One thing that stands out is that this problem *I think* started after I got my replacement graphics card - perhaps there's an option for configuring my tele that I've missed but I've tried most that I can find.

Any ideas? TIA!


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
actually noticed something similar with a LOTR DVD that I watched during the weekend. I play through the PS/3, and there is an output setting for 24fps iirc. I noticed a stutter, or a flicker, or what have you (I can actually see this up to nearly 60Hz, dunno why, sensitive eyes or something)

anyway, I noticed it on the DVD playback, and turned off the option in the PS/3 hoping it would be better. it wasn't :/ Thing is, as of friday my PS/3's HDMI goes into the NAD AV amp, and that is set to 1080P/60Hz. Before friday, it didn't, and was connected direct to the TV on HDMI.

Anyway, no help, just recognition.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Whelp, just tried a few more things. I bypassed my amp to rule out any complications it could be causing and that made no difference. I found some very much standard def stuff on my drive that was the same 23.988fps as the HD stuff and it suffers from the same stutter, on my tele but not on my monitor. I tried it on my projector too, though that's just 720p - it was harder to notice (aside from anything else, can only project a 20" image for the time being) but I'm pretty sure the stutter was there too.

I know that my TV was capable of smooth playback, I'm thinking the new graphics card has done something but I can't work out what.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
You've not mentioned what model your TV is. It depends on how it copes with inverse telecine. It may say it's 24fps capable, but is it 3:2 pulldown or 5:5 pulldown?
Telecine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For example, my TV is a Toshiba 42Z3030D and is truly 24fps capable. It uses 5:5 pulldown to show 24fps content by running at 120Hz, and holding each video frame on screen for 5Hz (24*5=120). The TV has options for Cinema mode and Film Stabilisation which are both enabled in my case and I've never noticed judder on any PS3 output, including bluray.
Also don't confuse judder with interpolation effects. That's two separate things that you need to decide how much you're going to accept.

This is purely speculation, but I think part of your problem is that you're using DVI and a HDMI adapter and an amp in the middle. HDMI allows a two-way convo between display and source to agree on resolution and refresh rate. My PS3 and TV are linked by HDMI and the PS3 outputs at 1080P/60 normally, with the TV flickering when it changes to 1080P/50 or 1080P/24. I reckon that either your gfx card or amp are outputting 50/60Hz to the TV because maybe that's a default value? Maybe that's where the mismatch in the timing is coming in?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I'm using a Sony KDL40W5710 (which is basically a 40W5500 with a different bezel).

I know that the TV is capable of displaying the content without a problem as it was about 2 weeks ago, all that's changed is the graphics card - I'm using the same amp, same DVI>HDMI converter. I tried bypassing the amp and going straight to the TV and it made no difference at all. Incidentally, the amp gets information from the TV as to what it can display and passes it through to the PC. My NVidia control panel says it's a Denon Amp but pics the correct resolution and refresh rate. Switching to my projector still shows Denon but goes back to 720p instead of 1080.

Anyway, the key issue here is that I've been playing MKV's etc. for quite some time on my tele and it's only since I received my replacement card that the problem has appeared. I can't help but think there must be some option it's fucked up somewhere.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Ahhh, you didn't make it clear that you had a working solution before the gfx card was changed. I'm sorry. :)

Then yeah, gfx card is the most likely culprit.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
oho, nice one. I'll have to check my TV's book for that. Only thing I know is that yours are "better", as mine is a mere 60Hz model :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
NVidia GTX260 Maxcore - warranty upgraded from an 8800 Ultra, so not massively different which is why it's a headscratcher.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I've heard it's a common problem with LCD's and that they're the culprit....

...I'm glad I've got my old CRT :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I've heard it's a common problem with LCD's and that they're the culprit....

...I'm glad I've got my old CRT :p

But it works perfectly on my LCD monitor and it previously worked perfectly on my LCD TV...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
which program you using to watch em? tried using mpc-hc by any chance?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
That's what I'm using. I've also tried WMP and GOM player.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
i came across a similar prob when my bro got his lappy 2 years ago play on lappy fine but connected to he had same prob , only thing i can think of is try a codec pack like ccp or k-lite


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I've only fiddled with the first link a bit already its knocked down my CPU usage from 45% to 5 as it's now using my GPU to decode. Awesome sauce!

Still getting a *very* minor frame skip here and there but I'm yet to run through all those settings. Thanks Cyradix!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Think you'll need Reclock to get rid of that minor frame skip.
It solved it for me at least.... :D

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