Aremeriel 50 pac/mend (42/30) healer... I still need that full respec stone.. He he...
Epic armor with "modifications", meaning some toa armor, no artis.
MCL I, Purge, AOM I, AA I, LW I
No MLs yet
Lottoing for Healer
Or.... If you rather need thane, I may come as
Vardadringion 50 sword thane (50 sword/45 storm/30 or so parry (I think)).
Purge, not sure about other RA's...
Epic armor , with "modifications"....
No MLs
Well if I don't get in on todays raid I'd love to come to this one at least
Kordoch - lvl 50 warrior, all hammer,shield, parry. Epic+artifacts and blabla.
Determination 3, FA2, Purge, LW1. Good reliable internet @ 100 mbit.
im a silly troll my shammy Granit has 47aug rest mend, has mcl, aug acutiy 2 and mastery of arcana buff thing 3 (9%) lemmie come i wanna roll for my SB ofc, i want pretty weapons.armor
Just a small update, I WILL make lvl 50 by the time of this raid, I'm 49.5 atm, so just .5 to go now... will be 44pac/31mend, only got mcl1 atm, hope to maybe get purge too before the raid
List is inc, just having a lot of irl stuff atm. You're guarranteed a spot anyway as there aren't many runies on the list Working on it tho. Will have it here tomorrow morning.
Here is temporary list. Trying with 2 warriors in group3 as there weren't enough zerks/savages to fill light tank spots. Put a skald in one of grp1-3 for the first time, to see how AE damage add will work. The ones who didn't get a group1-3 spot, I'm very sorry, but if you've attended previous of my raids you'll know that it's reluctantly I put people in group4, as I know how most don't want a grp4 spot. However I hope you will still show up and help guard the exits. Still missing a few for group4 btw. As an extra treat I'm gonna throw in my RA stone for group4 lotto. Would've given full skill stone as well, but I already promised it away :/ Will maybe do next time Any others who wants to make grp4 spot attractive feel free to throw in stones for their lotto
Hope to see some more sign up, need more thanes/shammies/anything'ies for group4 and an aug healer for grp1.
I am however glad to see so many signed up.. it looks like we'll be enough to do it, and with the many ML people we have I hope that everything will go as planned
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