12 Days and counting...

  • Thread starter Brannor McThife
  • Start date

Brannor McThife

Well, it's now 12 days since I stopped playing DAoC. And how do I feel? Well, the first week was hard, suddenly having a lot of time on my hands. I ended up finishing Dungeon Siege, NWN, Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight, and some other single player stuff.

I found I had time to spring clean the house, search more for a job and um, watch TV. :eek:

Today, I thought about going back to DAoC, but then I thoughy, "why?". I'm playing a text-based MUD at present that has a far more involved skill based system. I get XP for healing people and have a wide variety of skills/spells. I looked at DAoC and thought, um... what exactly would I do if I went back? RvR AGAIN? Where I can be pwned by RR6+ and Buffbot'd people? Yay. :sleeping: Start a new character and go through the whole XP grind AGAIN?

Sure, I miss some people, but since I spent my last month in DAoC basically /anon, who excatly is there to miss? I've never been a great fan of RvR, and since that is primarily the focus of DAoC, it wasn't long before utter boredom set in. Freelancer gets released soon, so I'll have another game to keep me occupied for a while. As for DAoC, I would like to come back for the people I know, but the boredom I would experience doesn't justify it. So rejoice ye of the Brannor Hate Club, I still don't see a reason to return, though I will still post here occasionally.

Looking at some other MMORPG's, but not sure of what to try now, or just wait for the new ones coming out in the (distant) future. Ask yourself this, are you having fun? When you log in and start to struggle to find things to do that are fun, take a break, play something else, then see if it's still worth the time.


Brannor McThife

Originally posted by sharma
EQ 2 :flame:

I'm DEFINATELY going to play a female Avatar. :D


If I play it that is.

But 4th Quarter 2003 is their estimate. That's a long way off.



its on my list :D

can really tell guys made the game + Magicians still own necros btw kkthxbye :)


I dont care how you feel stop spamming you moron!

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by pudzy
I dont care how you feel stop spamming you moron!
STFU git. This is off topic. You don't have to read here. Spamming. hahaha. That's rich. At least with me, 95% of what I say is not one line, stupid comments, but rather, in general, offer some decent information.

Why you posting here anyway? I thought your whine-zone was just General and Midgard.



Bahhh Brannor Dont even own his own arse..

So Brannor Mcfudge your not comming back...well I dont care


I tried weaning myself off of DAOC, I managed 5 days. So big claps to Brannor.

Mind you if I had had a Methodone like substitute, say PLANETSIDE, I'd have managed to get off it completely.

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