10 Things...



1, HEAL FFS etc etc as said above, all clerics are trying as much as possible to heal you and you screaming in caps in a mini bar is just as distracting as me trying to avoid the pets/stealther/nuker/tank trying to kill me.

2, Tanks who run off and protect the casters and forget about the clerics and then spam groupchat with (see 1)

3, Mincers who chase lone targets and leave the group on ghetto speed, then get ganked by his group of m8`s who were waiting for the mincer to do exactly that.

4, Trying to find dead mincers in trees and stupid locations in Emain/Odins.

5, People who shout and give advice to people about a class they know nothing about. STFU and level a class to 50 please before you open your mouth.

6, Crap rvr cg`s which give you info such as "xxxxxfg of (insert realm) at AMG/MMG etc etc, we are heading there now from xxxx" and then when you get there with your 1fg and get wiped, xxxxx pm`s you saying "Can you confirm the numbers plse"

7, Standing at APK for 20/25 minutes while we wait for the last bit to the "form a group that will live 5 mins" puzzle and then moving to AMG and getting wiped by xxxfg of enemys. then 3 of the group log to post on BW about zergs etc etc

8, rezz sickness and people who dont know that you cant fully buff a group UNTIL it goes and the fact that it needs to be my rezz sickness that goes and not thiers.

9, Beggers and people who want low level armor made for 50s and then go and sell it to the nearest merchant for 5g.

10, The whole diamonds/salvage shit which crafters have to go through just to enable them to buy enough materials to make a high piece of armor, only for it to turn out a freak 96% quality over and over again.


1. Strondor - dodgy accent
2. Wiffle - ginger
3. Quicksilver - to good
4. Tilda - to anoying
5 Apathy - hes a twat what else can i say :)
6. Farek - cus everybody worships him (even though admitidly hes the best tank in realm atm)
7. Tourmai - for being a dam good mins but never being online
8. Fatalitys - for being a farming bastard and making like 500k in a week n well overtaking me :(
9. Myself - for always shouting at guild members
10. the 90% of albs (10,000ish players 1000 have a slight clue of what to do, 100 actually know what to do the rest are morons)


Originally posted by Treniel-

10. the 90% of albs (10,000ish players 1000 have a slight clue of what to do, 100 actually know what to do the rest are morons)

What's annoying is the way that a good part of that 90% like to shout/tell others how to play, even tho they have no clue what they're talking about.

I won't comment on where you fit in Tren. :spin:


Originally posted by elahim

10. Rure´s smell on a sunday morning. Can smell it from deepest DF if you are in Emain.

you are so gonna regret that!


-1- Epic armor
-2- Shrouded isle
-3- Spell Crafting
-4- Any form of bad manners in pve, killsteal leeching etc
-5- ppl whinning over list, since i find it a nice sollution to the 40+ exp
-6- Zerg's in emain
-7- /y spammers
-8- ppl using random caps at random letters when writting stuff to seem "1337"
-9- ppl who seek attention in the wrong ways (flamming, lying, spamming, u get the picture)
Im a the-glass-is-half-full kindda guy so i dont hate 10 things, only 9 ;)


cant think of that much , but.

1 ~ People that suddenly stops speaking english when they get a good drop

2 ~ Smite clerics :scared:

3 ~ Leechers , DAMN YOU!

4 ~ Level 1 to 5 without dmg add

5 ~ Groups your level saying your to low :doh:

6 ~ Time spent on the horsie. Cars are so much better

7 ~ LD

8 ~ Annoying people

9 ~ Spanish people speaking spanish in groups your in

10 ~ SI making my PC lag . ARG




1) All those who cannot argue without resorting to poor net speak or just insults.
2) Necromancers. Im bored of them now. Why don't we habe more Reavers?
3) Lyonesse. Its just so depressing. Legions of zombie albs continually tap their mouses killing mob after mob after mob after mob....... Hell, Lyonesse even looks depressing.
4) Pygmy Goblins. When I was lvling and chains were still in the game I would litrally see pygmy goblins charging at me and hear them scream when I tried to get to sleep at night. I went quite insane and it took quite a while for me to recover.
5) Arrows. Im fed up with having to buy arrows. Its an inconvience and expense only archers have to endure and they're just a nuisence.
6) Castle Myrddin. Im sure many won't know what this is, but it's Albion's power relic keep, and its in the most innaccesible part of Albion........ not if your a hib of course......
7) Inconnus. They just don't seem to fit in Albion to me.
8) Third of the population. Then noone can accuse us of zerging.
9) Malvolio the Royal Jester. The annoying Kobold in Camelot. Apparently there to be killed continuously by malicous players.
10) Myself. I really can't be a good thing anyways. :D


Oh well!

Originally posted by old.m0000
Did you know that statistically midgard is the lowest populated realm currently?

Really? Maybe i should rephrase it then, sorry :)

Lack of players compared to Albion and Midgard in Battleground 1.

Since im here number 11!

Need large screen TV in Druim Ligen, i spend more time there then in Thidranki :D


cant be bothered - maybe im tired but this seems like the biggest whine thread ever!!! i love everything about my realm, and now im going to sleep.


Re: 10 things I hate

Originally posted by ajeroth
1) People with an inability to type. I dont mind bad grammar or spelling mistakes but I really dont like 'cu np bb brb hf w8 lol rofl'. I can understand the need for inc, oom/oop/lop or other shortened form of information-passing whether during realm versus realm combat or mainland combat...but not otherwise.
2) Bad manners. Such as leeching, kill-stealing and persistently begging for money/experience even after told in polite terms to go forth and multiply.
3) Enchanters. Enough said.

In accordance to no. 1 givf paragraphs... :clap:


Re: Re: 10 things I hate

Originally posted by SingerOfSoul
In accordance to no. 1 givf paragraphs... :clap:

In my defence I did say I didnt mind bad grammar that much, so long as its partially readable :cool:


Originally posted by Xandax
Read his story again :) - said he started with 2 bubs of life and ended with 1 and the luri with none (as in after the fight)

but - back to topic:

1) Nights in Midgard with irl sun shining on my computer screen. Impossible to see anything.
2) Heavy fog while trying to navigate.
3) Ft. Veldon - what the heck is up with that town
4) (Pre SI) Nailiten - I mean horse to Vindsaul and nothing else? whats up with that.
5) No doors - gets chilly inside.
6) helmet gfx

Can't really find more that might be specific to Midgard.

Doh, better lay off the :drink:


1. Lack of casters
2. Lack of casters
3. Lack of casters
4. Lack of casters
5. Lack of casters
6. Lack of casters
7. Lack of casters
8. Lack of casters
9. Lack of casters
10. Lack of casters


Re: 10 things I hate

Originally posted by ajeroth
1) People with an inability to type. I dont mind bad grammar or spelling mistakes but I really dont like 'cu np bb brb hf w8 lol rofl'. I can understand the need for inc, oom/oop/lop or other shortened form of information-passing whether during realm versus realm combat or mainland combat...but not otherwise.
2) Bad manners. Such as leeching, kill-stealing and persistently begging for money/experience even after told in polite terms to go forth and multiply.
3) Enchanters. Enough said.
4) Powerlevelled idiots who have no clue as to how to actually play their class. This might be jealousy, as Ive had to do my characters the slow way...but at least Ive got some clue (not necessarily a GOOD clue) as to how they are played. Dont get me wrong, people who are experienced and pick things up quickly can still play well with powerlevelled characters..its just the clueless fools that just dont understand anything they are doing that annoy me. Mages that spam high-damage spells on creatures that have been mesmerised or rooted, and then expect the struggling tanks to peel them. Tanks who ignore the main combat target and insist on solo'ing some other purple creature..then scream for heals when they are dying horribly. You get my drift. Tanks who cant understand the concept of a point-blank-area-of-effect group after its been explained umpteen times and they are finally told - just taunt the third creature that comes towards us, from the left. Yes..that means you ignore the left most, and the next..but just taunt that last one. No. not my target...again. The third.
5) People who scream 'heal me!'. Unless the healing class is of type 4), they dont need this barrage of screaming levelled at them. They know you are being hurt..its what the mini group window is for. Just let them get on with it. Also remember if you lose 4/5ths of your life in one hit, no heal save an instant is going to save you..let alone a spell with a 2 or 3 second cast time. And there are only two instants, if the healing class has gone that high or indeed has them at all. Same with people who shout 'rez here', without ever explaining where 'here' is (normally over a chatgroup). Expecting healing classes to have automatic radar for any injured or killed people in their entire realm is a bit..stupid.
6) Buffbots. Again, enough said.
7) Emain zergs. Even though I have a high specification machine, and I dont get quite as lagged as others, I still dont particularly enjoy watching umpteen enemies rush up and steamroller the few people you are out with. So I just try to avoid there.
8) Frontier experience-killed whiners. Listen to the advice...its dangerous out there. You get nice rewards, but also the possibility that you die and lose experience. Live with it, it was your choice.
9) People who scream 'nerf' after watching something happen to a friend, heard about it from a friend or just plain made it up. Get some facts, and realise that YOU arent built to take out everyone and anyone with no chance of loss. Everyone can get lucky, once in a blue moon...or you just suck.
10) Mythic, for buggering about with expansion packs and more fluff when what they really need to be doing is getting the baseline game balanced. No, they will never ever shut up the disappointed freaks who cant believe that their uber class-of-the-month was just killed...but every realm has its little underdog classes that should be given a lease of life so that they are at least playable. Everyone pays their money..everyone deserves a chance at enjoying their class. Whatever class that is.

Im sure I could think of a few more..but Il stop there before I really start ranting.

Regards, Me.
Prydwen/Midgard - Amazons of Midgard
Excalibur/Albion - Dead Dragons Society

said it all ;)

edit: Ambulance summed it up pretty fine too ;)


In general, I also agree with Ajeroth ;)

In particular, I hate:

Jerks (=> /ignore)
Idiots (=> <sighs>)
Tanks running off to kill some mid/hib whatever while leaving healer/caster unprotected (=> sb/ns attack => do'h, dead, /release)
Bad groups (at least when I am out to xp)
Afk groups (dto.)
Rude lowbies ("BUFFS PLZ!!!" => <sighs>)
Beggars (=> "sorry, am broke too")
Pbt mana drain :(
CF fins list (in Hib) / Barrows (atm, at least, in Alb)
Ignorant noobs (as opposed to those aware of their limitations :p )


heres mine

1) the ppl who leave ya group as soon as they ding witha crap excuse ie; my legs just fallen off IRL , or GF's back i have to log,( i bet if you were 1 bub to go the bitch would hav to wait hehe)

2) killstealers

3) ppl who leave group after dying once and they leave without goodbye , its only a bit of xp ! ive ate more dirt than anyhib and everyones saying , ooh sorry you died at the time expecting me to be angry , kinda surprises them when i say its ok

4) arguments in the middle of a raid, ive seen some crackers on leigon,galladoria, dragonraids > always ends in a flame

5) getting mezzed

6) not knowing how to do those cool smileys that everyone else knows < i feel like a BW n00b> someone tell me HOW dammit!!!!!!

7) beggars ( excluding the ones that are original > there was some guy selling time with his luri wife for a bit of gold ! , at least its original)

8) crafting , id love to be a master crafter of something but i can never be bothered to sit for 2 hours doing the same repetitve task , its just like the bleedin fins!

9) fins

10) caennai , wtf is it there for ! if it burned down tmoro no one would notice!


about the last post , number 7)
just figured it out hehehe :doh:

theres one fixed , 9 to go :cheers:


1) People who constantly suggest a 40+ hunt when they are lvl 40, but never suggested a 30+ one when they were 39.

2) People who consistently complain about the list groups, telling you lair is lame etc, until they get a spot. Then they spam /gu with 'omfg this xp is uber, omfg !!!!11!!'. Tomorrow, if put on a list, the lair will be lame again.

3) People who hang around Jordheim/Aegirs/Gna Faste spamming for someone to make lvl 5 Armor/Weapons. Use the shop, I'll even give you the 2 gold.

4) Horses. The most pointless time sink in the game. We have portals at Aegirs and Svasud, so why not everywhere. The horse thing was a nice touch at first, but I recently spent 4 hours doing my epics, most of which was travel time.

5) The constant sniping at the high RP guilds, NP GoL and LA. The only real difference between them and the rest is organisation.

6) Raumarik. Surely server resources would have been better used on improving the areas of the game people actually visit. TBH same goes for most of Vanern and Malmo.

7) Keep take lag, especially in Mid. I dont know why all of our keeps have to be on top of huge hills, but it means that you cannot see what you are attacking most of the time. Throw in lag, and its impossible, as recently seen.

8) The warrior mentality. Because their job is simple, they assume the same of everyone else. My favorite demostration of this is when running stuck to someone, and they start spamming for an End Regen. Of course they dont stop running so that you can cast it.

9) People treating me like a bot. I dont like being told how to play my character, especially by those that have no idea about playing a Shammy. I like it even less when every time somebody needs something, they have to include FFS in the text.

10) FFS i am so gimped. WTF am I supposed to do when i just dying. FFS Shadowblade is so gimped. FFS I died again. OMFG I am so uber, I just soloed a purple.FFS this char is so gimped, im gonna delete it FFS. <<<< These people bother me.

11) The fact that I could actually come up with a 11, in fact probably could come up with 50, if the original poster had not asked for 10.


Originally posted by Arakiel

8) crafting , id love to be a master crafter of something but i can never be bothered to sit for 2 hours doing the same repetitve task , its just like the bleedin fins!

As you probably know m8 I could never stand to go over 200 in any tradeskill before, so lord only knows how I stomached the slog to 1075 alch (ablatives turn orange then!) let alone leeching more money than god has to do it :D

Dunno about other crafters but I get a buzz out of making a cool proc, putting it on some pc goodie and watching a very happy customer rush of to rvr and test it ;)

And nae more fins! SI>everywhere for xping, if only more people got off their arses to find out where ;)
I'll never look at another fin again...


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
7) the fact that Midgard has never found out how to zerg, but instead go running into keeps full of hibs or albs in small groups, another term for this is lemming.



1. All Zerks in Emain :(
2. Ppl asking for PL
3. Ppl asking for money
4. Ppl who don't rezz others in rvr when rezzer in group is dead. Why do ppl always run past me when i'm dead?
5. LK in Lair who always forget you when you have been w8ing 10 hours for a spot in group!!!
6. All Zerks in Emain :(
7. Necromancers and their f..... pets
8. Ppl who makes a charc and never gets it to lvl 50 but makes new alts all the time
9. When it rains in the game....can't see sh..
10. To few healers in Emain.
11. Too slow horses
12. Spam!
13. All Zerks in Emain :(

Oh well guess thats more then 10 :) Even though Midgard has some things i hate, i still love it! would never change to Alb or Hib!

Megahealer: lvl 50 healer
Moulin: lvl 50 Shaman
Unusual: lvl 50 runemaster


Since its so fun to whine:

1. The lack of a tab-out function in the game! Have to use daocwin and other potential trojans. All to be able to surf the web and use winamp while crafting.
2. Buffbots - theyve really ruined the game. Wish there was some way to stop the practice. Been using one myself cause everyone does it (yes im weak) but have stopped doing it cause it feels so damn wrong.
3. The lack of a third english language server.
4. Lack of a roleplay server.
5. GOA raising the monthly fee. See you all in WoW.
6. Gigantic RvR zergs...
7. Necros in RvR.
8. FFS.
9. People who think the job of a Tank is so simlple- Its not.
10. Falling trough the floors in Trollheim - getting 99% damage and aggroing whole bottom floor that promptly kills you and then runs of and kills your group.

But overall its great playing DAoC ;)


1) Zergs
2) Exp Thiefs
3) Whiners
4) People who want to exp in DF
5) Everyone else


1) Horse routes never seem to go to where I want to be.

2) Hunters only swing the spear with one hand and its a 2 handed weapon.

3) Bonedancer archer pets are very buggy

4) To many SB's

5) We dont do enough 2 handed damage.

6) No snow on the ground in Jamatland. I mean why ? Its got snow in Uppland and Yggdra. Does the snow just melt before it lands there or do the snow clouds not like Jamatland or something ?

7) level 45 + mobs need to drop more cash.

8) Spear Styles need reworking

9) More spec points for SB's

10) Hunters should have evade 3 or chain armor.

Aditional one 10 a ) Need hot dog stands in the Lair so you can stuff your face while you wait for your turn on the list to come.

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