10 Things...



What 10 things do people HATE about their own realm, in no particular order?

1) Necromancers - I would rather have had Bonedancers and I hate the way one Necro (+buffbot) can camp an entire room/area in a dungeon.

2) Camelot Hills - I am incapable of walking from PKB to Camelot. For some unexplainable reason I end up near this dilapidated little house with some brownies.

3) The way people make lists and never finish them properly. I can only think of two right now...


hmm i can only think of one so far.

The albion frontier zones.. I like Hadrans wall, but pennines / Snowd / Forest S really are bad for RvR.

I like it mostly flat :) like emain.


1) Necromancers - I would rather have had Bonedancers and I hate the way one Necro (+buffbot) can camp an entire room/area in a dungeon.

i dont need a buffbot :p
Easy enough


Originally posted by kan-
i dont need a buffbot :p

Perhaps, in that case you don't take whole rooms which is good. I don't mind Necros using their ability to pull with little/no downtime, If my Infil could do it I would, but what I don't like is when whole rooms are stolen and it is insisted that the Necro owns the room. The official word is that the mobs "belong" to whoever pulls them and unfortunately Necro pets fail to comprehend this and thusly they leech experience, sometimes forcing people to move away.


i cant really say that ive ever kept a whole room to myself, but i know many a caster who does keep rooms do themselves, mostly in barrows.


1. Lack of players compared to Albion and Midgard.
2. Can't get into Darkness Falls when i want to.
3. Lack of high level crafters in Tir Na Nog.
4. Firbolgs are to big.
5. Too many Enchanters.
6. Not enough Lurikeens!
7. Animist and Valewalker are the worst classes of Shrouded Isles.
8. Not enough Lurikeens!
9. HyBrasil seems kind of naff compared to Albion and Midgard SI zones.
10. Not enough Lurikeens!

Lurikeens ARE the master race!


you missed out about not being enough Lurikeens


Originally posted by Iycee

2) Camelot Hills - I am incapable of walking from PKB to Camelot. For some unexplainable reason I end up near this dilapidated little house with some brownies.

lol how hard can it be? :)

/hint follow the water?

/hint2 go to pk, and then head to cotswold?


Re: Re: 10 Things...

Originally posted by rure
/hint2 go to pk, and then head to cotswold?

Thing is I am at PKB and realise it would be faster to go straight to Camelot rather than going towards PK and turning off. But it never is...


Originally posted by Larla
Lurikeens ARE the master race! [/B]

Really? I must say that the luri hero that I met in thidranki wasn't too superiour ;) first time I met a luri hero and the little cute thing even turned into a moose for me :D
I was playing with Vix, my dorf savage, and had killed 4 albs and was left with 2 bubs life and no endurance. then this little luri came and attacked me and as I said turned into a cute little moose for me ;) the thing is, I had one bub life left and the little luri had none.. Really, really unlucky with his/her hits or just a really gimped character, I don't know.. He/she should have killed me easily (I thought).
btw, I wasn't buffed..
soooo, just to write something to reply to the topic at the same time, though I don't hate anything, but some things annoys me :D
#1: Horses in midgard are above lvl 50
#2: Gokstorm has an annoying animation of the way he fires off his bow.. he ponds his hand in the ground
#3: Lair

Can't come up with 10 things, soz


Originally posted by sorry
Really? I must say that the luri hero that I met in thidranki wasn't too superiour ;) first time I met a luri hero and the little cute thing even turned into a moose for me :D
I was playing with Vix, my dorf savage, and had killed 4 albs and was left with 2 bubs life and no endurance. then this little luri came and attacked me and as I said turned into a cute little moose for me ;)

Moosing before combat is a bad idea unless you happened to already be injured going in.

Originally posted by sorry
the thing is, I had one bub life left and the little luri had none.. Really, really unlucky with his/her hits or just a really gimped character, I don't know.. He/she should have killed me easily (I thought).
btw, I wasn't buffed..
soooo, just to write something to reply to the topic at the same time, though I don't hate anything, but some things annoys me :D
#1: Horses in midgard are above lvl 50
#2: Gokstorm has an annoying animation of the way he fires off his bow.. he ponds his hand in the ground
#3: Lair

Can't come up with 10 things, soz

Get your strory straight, is it one or two bubs you started the fight with? Put the bottle down! Next you'll be staggering around telling us he had 7 m8's with him too and although they were tough you fought valiantly....without buffs.... and won the day :p

Btw, bitch slapping an already dead luri (clearly as no life=dead!) must make you a reaaaal dwarf pal ;)

1. Horses, all of them, we need wings!
2. Luris, cos every last bastard one of them thinks it's cool to spam jump 24/7
3. Firbys, cos they are just to tall and shouldn't be allowed to stand in front OR behind you.
4. Enchanters, too many and they don't like to share!
5. Fins, cos it's a lobotomy in practice
6. People who join for dungeons then leave after an hour
7. Hibernia looks the same everywhere
8. Not enough fried chicken stalls (losing things to whine about)
9. Not enough hard core pr0n for sale in aalid felie
10. VW and Animist are fun classes but really not as much use compared to even the less popular classes of Hibernia


2)Hibs smaller population in comparison to other realms
4)We got short end of the stick with si classes
6)Lurikeens > all - they should be allowed to become any class
8)Too Many chanters
10)Going into ez and then someone wants to leave after 5 minutes - cause he got his ding 0_o


1). Fins
2). Stupid horse routes
3). n00b manachanters
4). Running to emain
5). All the faults in the void spec
6). Laggy people, afk people and those that LD all the time.
7). Quests with crap rewards.
8). n00bs spamming /as or moaning in group about not having DF.
9). Not enough bards.
10). SI gimpy classes.


1. People who leave grps when they ding (unless they get a rep for themselves). Quite often kills grp off. But hey, what do they care, they got their lvl right? :rolleyes:
2. Givf Itam!! style people. Dunno what happened, used to be item went to who could use it best in the grp, often the person recieving it giving up their old one to someone else.
3. People who complain about not having df or that <insert keep here> is not under hib control without trying to do something to fix it themselves.
4. People who think they are better than or know more than you just because the char they are playin is higher lvl or higher rr than the one you are currently logged in as.
5. Selfish people.
6. People who don't listen to raid leaders or people who start adding their own "suggestions" over the cg. If u think you know better it should be pmed so as not to cause confusion. Imo this is the reason a lot of raids fail.
7. Glasny always ports people just before i arrive at dl.
8. Hib zergs
9. People who go afk without saying
10. people who ask for pl or money.


Originally posted by Iycee
What 10 things do people HATE about their own realm, in no particular order?

1) Necromancers - I would rather have had Bonedancers and I hate the way one Necro (+buffbot) can camp an entire room/area in a dungeon.

ROFL but i see your point as for buff bot any necro with 1 is biggest lame ass gimp on planet, we dont need bots to pull 24/7. But as for the you would rather have Bone Dancers Rofl, mate I played Mid when SI hit and belive me the Bone Dancer population on mid excal are like fooking Locus.........

Necros even though we can strip an area with constant pulls, are far less disruptive to other players than either Bone Dancers or the Mushroom chucking Hiby freaks..

pluss talk to a necro nicely and if he/she sees you resting your mana back, they may even throw you the odd mana gift.

Lifeless Minion - Shadowlords Society 35 Necro


Originally posted by Iycee

1) Necromancers - I would rather have had Bonedancers and I hate the way one Necro (+buffbot) can camp an entire room/area in a dungeon.

you need a buffbot?


Originally posted by Larla
1. Lack of players compared to Albion and Midgard.

did you know that statistically midgard is the lowest populated realm currently?


1) ppl who go afk in grps
2) groups that dont stick together in rvr or group leaders who think they know it all, usually ending up in certain death.
3) ppl who shout "heal meh" during a keep raid but are miles away from me
4) beggers who dont use the word "please" or use l33t sp33k to ask
5) PPL who cant turn up for events pre-planned on time at the right place
6) ppl who bind in stupid places when in an rvr group and expect the group to wait for them when they /rel
7) the fact that Midgard has never found out how to zerg, but instead go running into keeps full of hibs or albs in small groups, another term for this is lemming.
8) The severe lack of toilets in any realm
9) Barkeepers who never off you a pint, again in any realm. Normally landlords would not tell you to feck off on some quest, but rather encorouge you to have a drink or several.
10) Caster pets - necros and enchanters, your lack of skill sux, you deserve a damn good nerfing.

Theres more, but really i could post a lot more nice posts about my wonderful realm :)


Re: Re: Re: 10 Things...

Originally posted by Iycee
Thing is I am at PKB and realise it would be faster to go straight to Camelot rather than going towards PK and turning off. But it never is...

Sounds to me like you try to go straight to camalot by heading due north. This is bound to fail due to the fact camalot is infact north west. head for the hill with the giant skelies just outside pk. that is moreorless in a straight line between pkb and cots. ;)


Originally posted by elerand
Get your strory straight, is it one or two bubs you started the fight with? Put the bottle down! Next you'll be staggering around telling us he had 7 m8's with him too and although they were tough you fought valiantly....without buffs.... and won the day :p

Read his story again :) - said he started with 2 bubs of life and ended with 1 and the luri with none (as in after the fight)

but - back to topic:

1) Nights in Midgard with irl sun shining on my computer screen. Impossible to see anything.
2) Heavy fog while trying to navigate.
3) Ft. Veldon - what the heck is up with that town
4) (Pre SI) Nailiten - I mean horse to Vindsaul and nothing else? whats up with that.
5) No doors - gets chilly inside.
6) helmet gfx

Can't really find more that might be specific to Midgard.


1) chanters, because they're decent everyone thinks all hib mages are overpowered, so the rest of us are stuck being gimped for eternity
2) insta mez, it's crap, it's crap, it's crap, i'm so sick of Albs whining about it when IT'S CRAP, take it away, please, at least it will change what the albs whine about
3) baseline stun on casters, same as 2)
4) nightshades and rangers not being valued highly in groups
5) low active RvR population
6) FINS!!!!!
7) idiotic transport system (although I guess this applies to the game as a whole)
8) close to 7.. the time it takes to get to emain
9) the fact that emain seems to be the rvr zerg zone
10) the crap textures and models, and the way even in SI Hib seems like Mythic's forgotten stepchild


10 things I hate

1) People with an inability to type. I dont mind bad grammar or spelling mistakes but I really dont like 'cu np bb brb hf w8 lol rofl'. I can understand the need for inc, oom/oop/lop or other shortened form of information-passing whether during realm versus realm combat or mainland combat...but not otherwise.
2) Bad manners. Such as leeching, kill-stealing and persistently begging for money/experience even after told in polite terms to go forth and multiply.
3) Enchanters. Enough said.
4) Powerlevelled idiots who have no clue as to how to actually play their class. This might be jealousy, as Ive had to do my characters the slow way...but at least Ive got some clue (not necessarily a GOOD clue) as to how they are played. Dont get me wrong, people who are experienced and pick things up quickly can still play well with powerlevelled characters..its just the clueless fools that just dont understand anything they are doing that annoy me. Mages that spam high-damage spells on creatures that have been mesmerised or rooted, and then expect the struggling tanks to peel them. Tanks who ignore the main combat target and insist on solo'ing some other purple creature..then scream for heals when they are dying horribly. You get my drift. Tanks who cant understand the concept of a point-blank-area-of-effect group after its been explained umpteen times and they are finally told - just taunt the third creature that comes towards us, from the left. Yes..that means you ignore the left most, and the next..but just taunt that last one. No. not my target...again. The third.
5) People who scream 'heal me!'. Unless the healing class is of type 4), they dont need this barrage of screaming levelled at them. They know you are being hurt..its what the mini group window is for. Just let them get on with it. Also remember if you lose 4/5ths of your life in one hit, no heal save an instant is going to save you..let alone a spell with a 2 or 3 second cast time. And there are only two instants, if the healing class has gone that high or indeed has them at all. Same with people who shout 'rez here', without ever explaining where 'here' is (normally over a chatgroup). Expecting healing classes to have automatic radar for any injured or killed people in their entire realm is a bit..stupid.
6) Buffbots. Again, enough said.
7) Emain zergs. Even though I have a high specification machine, and I dont get quite as lagged as others, I still dont particularly enjoy watching umpteen enemies rush up and steamroller the few people you are out with. So I just try to avoid there.
8) Frontier experience-killed whiners. Listen to the advice...its dangerous out there. You get nice rewards, but also the possibility that you die and lose experience. Live with it, it was your choice.
9) People who scream 'nerf' after watching something happen to a friend, heard about it from a friend or just plain made it up. Get some facts, and realise that YOU arent built to take out everyone and anyone with no chance of loss. Everyone can get lucky, once in a blue moon...or you just suck.
10) Mythic, for buggering about with expansion packs and more fluff when what they really need to be doing is getting the baseline game balanced. No, they will never ever shut up the disappointed freaks who cant believe that their uber class-of-the-month was just killed...but every realm has its little underdog classes that should be given a lease of life so that they are at least playable. Everyone pays their money..everyone deserves a chance at enjoying their class. Whatever class that is.

Im sure I could think of a few more..but Il stop there before I really start ranting.

Regards, Me.
Prydwen/Midgard - Amazons of Midgard
Excalibur/Albion - Dead Dragons Society


Re: 10 things I hate

Originally posted by ajeroth
.people who shout 'rez here', without ever explaining where 'here' is (normally over a chatgroup). Expecting healing classes to have automatic radar for any injured or killed people in their entire realm is a bit..stupid.
I hear ya m8

Hardly any groups when it isnt in the evening, try finding a group when its 2pm on a weekday, when you aint level 50.

Tanks that think my druid can take a crapload of damage, so when I am almost dead they try to get the agro of me.

The lack of Hib people in bg3.

The lack of crafters in TNN

Getting lost in Hibernia. Walked 1,5 hours last night because i missed a turn.

Crafting takes a shitload of time and money.

My Firby druid is a big target in RvR.

The lack of guild who can keep a keep in Hibernia

Elfs are just to sexy.


-ppl who go afk during groups
-ppl in barrows who think they own advisors spot
-tanks who defend a keep with there xbow while they get in target of an ae dotter that makes caster unable to defend


1. Arrogant pricks
2. Buffbots
3. Been playing over a year and can still get lost in Camelot Hills ;)
4. Horses.
5. All the Necromancer bugs.
6. Peeps refusing to listen to other people and taking orders under raids etc etc.
7. Pet pathing in Avalon City. Pet can just run off somewhere while moving.
8. Frontiers, - Sauvage/Pennines/Hadrian´s Wall. To many trees, to much aggro.
9. Group Lists are not taken care of properly, aka not working at all.
10. Rure´s smell on a sunday morning. Can smell it from deepest DF if you are in Emain.


In no particular order.

1) Beggars who hover around crafting areas and expect gold when I barely have enough to buy a horse ticket.

2) RvR guilds that drag you to the far end of the enemy frontier, then kick you out when someone of the same class logs on despite the fact that you've been playing perfectly.

3) The same guilds as above who cant seem to accept they've done something wrong when they lose and instead choose to blame me, even though I wasn't even close to being the one who screwed up.

4) 3 Words. Pygmy, Goblin, Tanglers.

5) <Simius was killed by well known stealther> Cue 50 pm's each one saying "where?" and nothing else. Half of these will be from people standing right next to me.

6) People who order 99% armour and expect to pay MP reject price, refusing to take it once you're done.

7) Powerlevellers hunting at the same spot as you with their L50 cleric in tow who convieniently go afk when you need a rez.

8) /b need 4 ppl to form a guild, will pay if you join.

9) The person who accused me of being a spy at a relic raid just because I was asking for a group and even though I was level 50. You know who you are....

10) Lottos after raids and all the crap that goes with them. Including but not limited to: People rolling for items they're just going to sell, people who try and make you feel guilty rolling for something they want and sore losers who cant accept they havent won what they wanted.

The shocking thing is I could easily list another 10...

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