10 signs of DAOC addiction...



im sorry for being rude and/or offensive last night to you mr stinkie or anyone else who found this to be rude or offensive


105. you go out, meet the women of your dreams, you pull her and take back to your flat, she notices the DAOC case in your picture frame on your wall. Thinking that its ok to tell you, she admits that she plays Everquest and how good it is to have something in common.
You pull out your home made MP sabre and beat her out of the flat to be chased by you spamming /rude down the street.


Originally posted by Jiggs
after you manage to quit the game you still continue to spam the message boards in order that you don't feel completely 'out of the loop'

Not sure if this is a comment toward the author of the message or is another sign of addiction to daoc?


Originally posted by xtci
come to a little town called scarborough m8 on a friday or satarday night..
and come meet me n my mates who are "addicted" to camelot.. and you will see that ur little 7 things that shows u are additcted to daoc are not really true becos none of us are like that but play most nights.. usually pissed as fuck and when we go out we dont startt mezzin we start hittingn shit..

Just thought id make this post as every time sum geek quits daoc they come on these boards saying shit bout how all other players are gay have no life n shit.. whereas maybe some players work all day meet friends later drink or fuk about for abit then play daoc till they fall asleep..

I think you young boy with a small penmis most probally masterbates 15-16 times aday is still a virgin and aint really ever gonna be able to pull eh? to SHUT THE FU*K UP or in the daoc n other computer games world stfu.

btw if bits dont make sence prolly cos i just finished work had a few beers and now is off round to one of my sad low life little mates house who has no life cos he plays daoc.. and is playing daoc atm but will log wen i get there then we is meetin a few m8s n ma bird in pub then i will prolly go home n play daoc as the bird aint stayin to night as she is at college in morn b4 i have to b at work so i aint gettin up 4 her

STINKIE STFU and stop feelin sorry 4 ya self as some people have lives outside of daoc which it seems u did not whilst u was playing daoc.. u have to come on here n tell us u is going on pull for the first time in 2 years fuks sake we been doin that whist playin daoc u fukin idiot..


Oh dear, denial.........

Youre proud of the fact you drink like drunks, fight like animals,swear like grown up's, not to mention a sexist and deride a joke that somebody posts..how scary.....

Who buys your beers btw??


Originally posted by Halcyon
105. you go out, meet the women of your dreams, you pull her and take back to your flat, she notices the DAOC case in your picture frame on your wall. Thinking that its ok to tell you, she admits that she plays Everquest and how good it is to have something in common.
You pull out your home made MP sabre and beat her out of the flat to be chased by you spamming /rude down the street.

Damn joo HALCYON !!

Was drinking coffee when i read this and it ended up all over my keyboard :/

Now come round here and clean it up this instant !


You've been off the game for 3 months and decide to come back, upon trying to reactivate your account you realise the sub pages are down. Not to worry you think i'll try again tomorrow, you try again the next day and still there down. OK you say i'll wait they said a few days, you try again and again and before you know it it's been a week!
Ok you say that's why i left in the first place cos thery give a sh*t service and it's basically a crap game with nothing to do, besides Mid is overpowered and Alb is nerfed i'll find another BETTER rpg to play you say.
Two days later the sub page is up and oh god somehow your /slash level 20ing every char you got so you can go to BG cos it's awesome lol.
Wasn't me by the way :) I just left my lass after a 4 month absence to return to my mam and dads house so i could access my PC and start playing again, 4 weeks down the line i'm addicted again and crazily trying to get my armor sc'ed etc.
Returning to my lasses where i'm taking my other girlfriend (my pc) so we can be together as a family. Maybe force my lass into making me a buff bot lol1


ye sohan dude, i don't say much nice to peoples but when needed i don't mind, very comical and i know a certain paladin who does a big percentage of those !

/sighfi :p


Originally posted by yog-hurt
ye sohan dude, i don't say much nice to peoples but when needed i don't mind, very comical and i know a certain paladin who does a big percentage of those !

/sighfi :p

Ahwwwww :p :p :p :p

now if you change "dude" into something more proper for me :fluffle:

hihi Thanx m8 :)

60. You walk into your office with a bathrobe and a branch trying to cast fireballs

tried this @ home and only stunn function worked on my bf :clap:
and it was overpowered stunn for 3 min :D


Originally posted by Sohan_THC
Ahwwwww :p :p :p :p

now if you change "dude" into something more proper for me :fluffle:

hihi Thanx m8 :)

60. You walk into your office with a bathrobe and a branch trying to cast fireballs

tried this @ home and only stunn function worked on my bf :clap:
and it was overpowered stunn for 3 min :D

Bet if you had "Debuffed"* the stun would have lasted a tad longer :p

*think about it...


Originally posted by xtci
come to a little town called scarborough m8 on a friday or satarday night..

i live in scarborough :p
and yes it is that bad XS is fuking wank
although with loads of m8s its a laugh :)


Originally posted by [CT] Sock
Guys instead of making up shit derogatory comments towards the thread owner, why not just think of some and add them?

8. You're in a group of people at a party and you need a piss. You shout "AFK, stuck to Mike" and run off to the bog



:clap: :clap:


52. When you start trying classify the people you work with as tanks, casters, and support classes.

That's an easy one, all the people I work with are obviously theurgists, mincers or being PLed (I can tell from the permanently 'AFK' expressions :D )


Originally posted by old.Kian
52. When you start trying classify the people you work with as tanks, casters, and support classes.

That's an easy one, all the people I work with are obviously theurgists, mincers or being PLed (I can tell from the permanently 'AFK' expressions :D )

You work @ ebay ? :clap:

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