10 signs of DAOC addiction...



1) You say LOL instead of laughing

2) You turn down ovetime at work to go and farm because your char is skint( note you can only afford beans on toast all week, but MP armour is more important! )

3) Your best friend is getting married but you make an excuss and miss it because your on a sidi raid

4) A mate comes round. while your playing. you let him in and tell him your just going to turn your PC and your wont be a sec. but end up playing for another 3 hours to get that lvl and wonder wheres hes gone to.

5) You actualy go out for a night, your mates get into a fight and instead of helping out you stand at the side waving your arms about trying to mezz the adds

6) your mate wants to borrow some cash you say "sorry Im OOC"

7) You apply to a local dating agency, when they ask your your profile you say "lvl50 bard mincer and scout!"

well ok its only 7 so far but i cba to think of more


first one is a sign that your addicted to CS :p


after you manage to quit the game you still continue to spam the message boards in order that you don't feel completely 'out of the loop'


well stinkie and strawberry are still "active" in the sence that i could log on if i choose so nuh nuh :p

Even logged on a few times but got bored n loged after like 30 secs.

Just burning time on a few message boards while i get rdy to go out.....you outside! the word that makes all daoc players shudder with fear!

going on the pull tonight. need to try out me new chat up lines something tells me teling the bird "I R TEH UBER THEURG" aint gonna cut it though


8. u make repetitive +1 "signs that ur addicted" posts?

[CT] Sock

Guys instead of making up shit derogatory comments towards the thread owner, why not just think of some and add them?

8. You're in a group of people at a party and you need a piss. You shout "AFK, stuck to Mike" and run off to the bog




9. some kid beats you to the last copy of [insert your most wanted game here] at the local games store and you shout, i was camping here first n00b... find your own spawn!


Originally posted by Galiryn
first one is a sign that your addicted to CS :p

yer ... cs mmmmmmm

and omfg spraying nub etc and look its a n00bie :p


come to a little town called scarborough m8 on a friday or satarday night..
and come meet me n my mates who are "addicted" to camelot.. and you will see that ur little 7 things that shows u are additcted to daoc are not really true becos none of us are like that but play most nights.. usually pissed as fuck and when we go out we dont startt mezzin we start hittingn shit..

Just thought id make this post as every time sum geek quits daoc they come on these boards saying shit bout how all other players are gay have no life n shit.. whereas maybe some players work all day meet friends later drink or fuk about for abit then play daoc till they fall asleep..

I think you young boy with a small penmis most probally masterbates 15-16 times aday is still a virgin and aint really ever gonna be able to pull eh? to SHUT THE FU*K UP or in the daoc n other computer games world stfu.

btw if bits dont make sence prolly cos i just finished work had a few beers and now is off round to one of my sad low life little mates house who has no life cos he plays daoc.. and is playing daoc atm but will log wen i get there then we is meetin a few m8s n ma bird in pub then i will prolly go home n play daoc as the bird aint stayin to night as she is at college in morn b4 i have to b at work so i aint gettin up 4 her

STINKIE STFU and stop feelin sorry 4 ya self as some people have lives outside of daoc which it seems u did not whilst u was playing daoc.. u have to come on here n tell us u is going on pull for the first time in 2 years fuks sake we been doin that whist playin daoc u fukin idiot..



Originally posted by Jiggs
after you manage to quit the game you still continue to spam the message boards in order that you don't feel completely 'out of the loop'



Originally posted by xtci
come to a little town called scarborough m8 on a friday or satarday night..
and come meet me n my mates who are "addicted" to camelot.. and you will see that ur little 7 things that shows u are additcted to daoc are not really true becos none of us are like that but play most nights.. usually pissed as fuck and when we go out we dont startt mezzin we start hittingn shit..

Just thought id make this post as every time sum geek quits daoc they come on these boards saying shit bout how all other players are gay have no life n shit.. whereas maybe some players work all day meet friends later drink or fuk about for abit then play daoc till they fall asleep..

I think you young boy with a small penmis most probally masterbates 15-16 times aday is still a virgin and aint really ever gonna be able to pull eh? to SHUT THE FU*K UP or in the daoc n other computer games world stfu.

btw if bits dont make sence prolly cos i just finished work had a few beers and now is off round to one of my sad low life little mates house who has no life cos he plays daoc.. and is playing daoc atm but will log wen i get there then we is meetin a few m8s n ma bird in pub then i will prolly go home n play daoc as the bird aint stayin to night as she is at college in morn b4 i have to b at work so i aint gettin up 4 her

STINKIE STFU and stop feelin sorry 4 ya self as some people have lives outside of daoc which it seems u did not whilst u was playing daoc.. u have to come on here n tell us u is going on pull for the first time in 2 years fuks sake we been doin that whist playin daoc u fukin idiot..


Nerf drunk teenagers!

Dont worry I wont insult you, you've done a better job than i ever could of making you look a fool.


Originally posted by stinkie
Nerf drunk teenagers!

Dont worry I wont insult you, you've done a better job than i ever could of making you look a fool.
Scary thing is...that guy lives in the same town as me. :eek7: I'm so ashamed. :eek:


Originally posted by Coim-
Scary thing is...that guy lives in the same town as me. :eek7: I'm so ashamed. :eek:

Admit it coim this is you right ??

Originally posted by xtci
my sad low life little mates house who has no life cos he plays daoc..

Sorry j/k couldnt resist :D



lol coim.. u live in shitty scarborough..
i feel as sorry for u as i feel for myself :-/


and if u ever feel like coming out with us "drunk teenagers" then you is more than welcome.. if u can drag ya self away from ya PC.. our local is the ship. somewhere near the pool table..


Originally posted by xtci
and if u ever feel like coming out with us "drunk teenagers" then you is more than welcome.. if u can drag ya self away from ya PC.. our local is the ship. somewhere near the pool table..
I'll stick with my good old reliable PC. :eek: And Scarborough isn't that bad...

Ok, I've gone delirious...


Your Reliable Computer Must Be Doing a Bloody Good Job If Scaborough aint THAT bad?


on your birthday u say, 'ding <insert age here>'

when standing at the bus stop etc u start thinking what mobs the random people walking past are most alike.

ps. no i havent done these, just off the top of my head muaha :p


Signs you're playing too much DAOC!

1. You tell the lady at Walmart you are only interested in dinner knives that proc, and a partical effect would be nice too.
2. You tell your secretary she needs to make an /assist macro and learn how to use it, or find another "group".
3. You tell your girlfriend you don't need her, you can "solo" since you can buff yourself, and that since you have a 10 pound jar of vaseline, you are "specced" for it.
4. You start a thread on the forum at work to NERF management, stating they are too overpowered, and that you and three friends got OWNED by one manager. "We couldn't touch that guy!"
5. You try to pick up chicks saying that you may be weak now, but things will be better "next patch".
6. You answer all your calls at work by starting with /say and /tell
7. You try and do a /stick on your wife at the mall just to keep up
8. When you go to pay for that slurpee at 7-11, you ask how much silver that will be
9. You see a bug on the floor and you go to kill it.only to be amazed that when you raise your arms way up high, no firebolts or summons comes out
10. Girls are not impressed when you tell them you are lvl 50 and have a very big flaming spear
11. When you actually do kill that bug, you rip off its legs and carapace and try to sell them at the 7-11.
12. When someone new asks what your name is and you say Darken from Lancelot server.
13. Your in a bad neiborhood and see someone get shot. you yell "DONT WORRY! im a CLERIC ill just rez him, i need some power first tho!"
14. When your Boss ask why you were late for work, you claim you were LOP and needed to rest.
15. When asked, "How do I get to your place?" You answer by saying you need to go to castle sauv and buy a meddalion to port over
16. You try and get xp by kicking the crap out of your cat
17. You wonder why no one else walks around w/ a bow and sword in their hands
18. You walk into a bar and no one says, "Hail Venclar"
19. on your birthday you yell "DING!"
20. you go to the mall, look around for a bit then ask a stranger "whos CG lead?"
21. at a party you yell "LFG!"
22. you go school shopping, buy a outfit, then look cluelessly for the "dye-merchant"
23. your boss is tellin ya get back to work and you type "/ignore" thinking, why the hell wont it work?
24. you look at the towns near you as 'Opposing Realms"
25. Phrases such as "LoL" or "OWNED" or "WTFowned" dominate your daily conversation
26. You dream about the game being balanced.
27. If something bad happens you type stuff like /mourn or /nod, etc
28. Occasionally you try to whisper to a friend across the hallway in a classroom thinking that no one else will hear it.
29. You reinact a theurgist sending pets after someone, with sound effects included
30. You start finding DAoC characters' names in RL on shops, trucks, books.then memorize their meaning/usage to terrorize the person in-game
31. Your emotions in real life begin to look more and more like the /cry, /laugh and /dance commands
32. You pretend your casting a Bolt spell by flicking your ciggarette in that fasion
33. You stand cluelessly, for hours, on your aunt's wierd looking carpet with your wives necklace on waiting to get to 'Emain'
34. You scream INC! in real life when you see your boss or mananger at work, thinking your fellow workers will prepare to 'fight' with you
35. You greet people with 'Hail' and say Nay and Aye instead of yes and no.(This one is espeasily for the people on the rp servers)
36. you see a guy walking his dog and you wonder why he isn't using his caster pet
37. you see a woman alficted with dwarfism wearing a dress and you think to yourself "WTF midgard doesn't have robes!"
38. when you cry you only do it for 2 seconds at a time with your hand rubbing your eye
39. you score a touchdown while playing back yard football and you catch yourself doing DAoC's only dance
40. you meet a friend on the street and you /bow and /salute them
41. when tryign to pick a fight you repeatedly search for your adversary's "con"
42. while shopping for clothes you haggle with the salesperson because "it doens't even have any stats"
43. Just before a fight starts, you yell out "Wait! I need to buff!"
44. During the fight, you start looking for your "hotbar, spell icons, and melee styles icons", but can't seem to find them.
45. After the fight, you complain, "I wasn't would've beat you if I could have had my "hotbar" ready with all my spells and styles."
46. After the fight, you also complain to your friend, "Why didn't you heal me? I had protect on you so you wouldn't get aggro either!"
47. While looking at one of your friends clothes that you want, you ask, "What's the af and stats on that?"
48. When visiting a different country, you think it's a different realm and start bashing up on all the people.
49. When betting on something, you say, "Wanna bet 10 plat?" instead of the regular, "Wanna bet a million dollars?"
50. When your spouse wants to snuggle and you respond with "nah...I have to log"
51. When you walk into work in the morning and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is "so, whos pulling"
52. When you start trying classify the people you work with as tanks, casters, and support classes.
53. When you refer to your children as my little spraggonols and spraggonites
54. You look at your wife, she is hostile towards you!
55. You see little lurkieens appear out of no where and run away...
56. You pretend your a druid and send fido on your police officer
57. You put a cloak on and rob a bank, wondering why everyone could see you cause you clicked stealth
58. Wonder why your mez didn't work when you saw your boss walk in the front door
59. Wonder why the new guy that looked like an elf didn't get hit by the big thanes
60. You walk into your office with a bathrobe and a branch trying to cast fireballs
61. You walk outside and look up and find the DAoC sky more realistic
62. You try to backstab the mail man for giving you the wrong mail
63. You dress your kid up with a robe and put him on aggresive, you walk out and tell him to cast the chanter pet DD spell on the neutrels
64. You poison your boss
65. You walk into school in a bubble saying this is my pbaoe range
66. You start refering to people as mobs, instead of people
67. Begin to wonder why your reading this ?
69. Thinking about last nights botched attempt to /respec your main, you walk up to your boss and try /respect command again, only you realize at the last minute your not in game. Embarrassed and failing miserably to explain your comment, your employer walks away as it hits you, game mistakes happen in RL.
70. Anytime you are standing in line somewhere, you constanly walk side-ways, back and forth fearing a steathler may get you.
71. You refer to your spouse as agro.
72. You get a raise at work and you do a /victory yell.at which point your boss fires you for being crazy.
74. at highschool your eating lunch with a couple freinds and you say inc.
75. in computer class at highschool you find yourself answering your friends questions on the keyboard
76. whenever you see a tree hugger at school you yell hibby!
77. at school you start thinking that everyone even your teachers play DAOC
78. in art class you start drawing pivtures that resmeble things on daoc hoping someone that plays the game will notice
79. on a test when you dont know the answer to a question you right (ugh) in the blanks
80. your mom doesnt like that game becuase she says u play it too much then you take her through the steps of making a character and u find the perfect one for her and she plays that whole night and is still playing in the morning when you wake up and u get real angry and she says ill be off in a minute and u start seeying yourself in her and you get REALY SCARED
81. While watching a football game, you put the wife on /ignore
82. While at the local bar, you keep thinking /dance, /dance...no wonder the women aren't coming your way.
83. When late for an appointment, you keep looking for your sprint icon.
84. When you are reprimanded at work by your boss, you try to file an /appeal. (like that would ever work anyways, lol)
85. When looking for someone you can't find, you walk up to a cop and do a /where John Doe, and shocked when the cop doesn't just point.
86. you ask your teacher in class to go to the bathroom by sayin "afk bio"
87. A day to you is only 1 hour long
88. You look at the sun or moon to tell time instead of the clock
89. You sit at your comp for 20 minutes tryin to think of the 90th sign your playin DAoC too much
90. You name your 2 kids, Esria Flamemaster and Turbolg Fumbelsalot
91. You actually hear the cleric "zing" throughout the day. (that goes for trees too)
92. You buy a third computer.
93. You constantly leave work early and chores be damned.
94. you get grounded from daoc for playing daoc too much
95. you play daoc when you are grounded and your mom thinks since its that pitifull she lets you play on fridays and holidays.
96. you play daoc everyday of thw week when you are grounded but can still play daoc on fridays and holidays
97. you stay up all night playing daoc and you go to school everyday like a zombie and u sleep in the day and play at night becuase u are grounded again for playing daoc everyday of the week even thouhg your allowed to play it on fridays and hollidays.
98. you make a secret password protected file that takes 10 minutes to open because you dont want your mother tyo delete the game
99. you run away and steal your fathers computer so u can play daoc.
100. you get caught and taken home becuase u ran away for playing daoc too much and your mother cries for a weeek.
101. when u get a car when your 16 you sell it for a labtop so u can play daoc while your grounded from it for all of the reasons above
102. you kill your mother so you an play daoc

I have to admit more then20 lines are true for me :clap:


damn you sohan, my 7 looks soo weak now!

think 54 was my favorite :D


Kurik BHM

omg sohan... yer bored or something? :D

was teh funnay tho :great:


Hehe my personal favours are

20 , 42 , 60 :clap:

hehe still fun @ reading it :D



omfg that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo f**kin funneh!!!!!!



Originally posted by xtci
come to a little town called scarborough m8 on a friday or satarday night..

Just thought id make this post as every time sum geek quits daoc they BLAH BLAH

I think you young boy with a small penmis most probally masterbates BLAH BLAH

btw if bits dont make sence prolly cos i just finished work had a few beers BLAH BLAH



Hows about U write something sensible when U havent been drinking?

Stinkie was only making a fun thread - no harm in that - personally, id report u to the mods for attacking stinkie as thats against the COC.

and Stinky and the rest of the ppl who added to this list ... /clap :) a most enjoyable read.

103. You climb into your bed after playing DAOC of an evening and try to type /quit

104. You try and jump off your car halfway to work - coz you thought it was a horse.


Thought Id check ToC for the forums and yep your right.

Forums exist to exchange information and discuss topics of interest, we encourage this and of course a healthy exchange of opinions and disagreements is natural to any place of public discussion. If you disagree with someone's point of view or their conduct on the forums it is fine to tell them that, however do so in a respectful manner and not by resorting to insults - calling people names or "flaming" them repeatedly in an abusive manner will not be tolerated as this creates an unfriendly atmosphere on the forums.

Originally posted by xtci

I think you young boy with a small penmis most probally masterbates 15-16 times aday is still a virgin and aint really ever gonna be able to pull eh? to SHUT THE FU*K UP or in the daoc n other computer games world stfu.

STINKIE STFU and stop feelin sorry 4 ya self as some people have lives outside of daoc which it seems u did not whilst u was playing daoc.. u have to come on here n tell us u is going on pull for the first time in 2 years fuks sake we been doin that whist playin daoc u fukin idiot..

Now when I 1st read this it didnt really annoy me as it looked like xtci was completely rat arsed and we've all done silly things when drunk, though now hes posted here twice again so has been on since his 1st post and and has'nt bothered to apologise in anyway shape or form.

Come to think of it anyone else remember a certain drunk infil(Yog) asking a certain mod(tilda) to suck his **** and getting banned ?

looks like i might actualy be able to use IBTB lol :D

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