1 FG sign-up for ML7 pre-reqs, 8pm UK time, Thur 11th Nov


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
OK, I admit it, I'm a soft touch <grumble, moan>... :twak:

There has been so much interest that I will run this as a 2FG Raid. We will stick together until we cross the Lava Bridge for 7.1, then will split up to farm the various factions in DV for 7.2, before going on to complete the challenges 7.3-7.6. I have done it this way before and provided we agree on the order in which to do the factions, the spawn rate is such that this is easily do-able without slowing the Raid up.

So here are the groups - apologies to those who just missed out, but please join my bg on the evening as you will get first choice as reserves should anyone not turn up. Most people signing up were Type 1 so groups have been chosen with balance in mind (and speed for getting there!).

Raid Group 1
Pally: Kalthorine - 50 Pally
Arms/Blockbot: Belgorian - 50 Armsman
Cleric: Starr - 50 Cleric
PBAoE: Branhwen - 50 Ice Wizzy
PBT: Loch's Theu - 50 Theu
Mincer: Kyra - 50 Minstrel
Dmg/Misc: Kochanski - 50 Scout
Dmg/Misc: Quilac - 50 Sorc

Raid Group 2
Reaver: Vermis - 50 Reaver
Reaver/Blockbot: Triack - 50 Reaver
Cleric: Anuket - 50 Cleric
Wizard: Athaol - 50 Fire Wizzy
PBT: Tornedo - 47/48 Theu
Mincer: Looneytunes - 50 Minstrel
Dmg/Misc: Iseeyou - 50 Inf
Dmg/Misc: Umilas - 50 Cabalist

So... BG will be up on Kalthorine at 7.30pm [HIGHLIGHT]UK time[/HIGHLIGHT], and we meet at Volcanus Haven. We will head off as soon as groups arrive, or in case we have any no-shows spaces will be filled from 7.50pm, so if you are listed here please be there by 7.45 to avoid losing your place!

Once we are there, we will do 7.1 and then, depending on time, may stay together to do 7.7 (Flames) for a snacky shield, which will then be lotto'd straight away, with a +10 Lotto Mod roll for Belgorian for being the only person to say "meep" in his sign-up response ;) . After that, once people are clear about the order of the faction farming, the bg will be split up and from then on any items/scrolls farmed by individual groups will be lotto's within that group only. This means that each group can then work at their own pace and there is no need for us to meet up again afterwards.

See you all on Thursday!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Daimx type 1 minstrel signing up as spare tire, ill keep online etc so just send me a pm and ill come running.


Longtime Songbird
Dec 24, 2003
Just for you Kal...

"P.S. By the way, Kyra is a Type 1 peep

P.P.S. meep!"

LOL *hugs* and thx for invite :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2004
Had the chance to do the steps on the last weekend with Anuket ( Cleric in the second group )
If you have an replacement Cleric count him in if not i will be there.



Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Sheherazade said:
Had the chance to do the steps on the last weekend with Anuket ( Cleric in the second group). If you have an replacement Cleric count him in if not i will be there.
We do still need you if thats OK, matey. Thanks for being so thoughtful. :clap:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Wazkyr said:
I aint comming with Membra anyway, did ml1 today so dont need it

Hope this wasnt why u didnt sign me up with membra, cous i must have been drunk writing this in a ml7 post...
So hope i can get a spot if anyone drops out


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Wazkyr said:
Hope this wasnt why u didnt sign me up with membra, cous i must have been drunk writing this in a ml7 post...
Actually it was... :(

Turn up anyway and you will get first spare place if anyone doesn't turn up. Can't really move anyone out of signed up groups now, sorry.

Oh, and for those in Group 2 - as you are without a pally, I will be bringing 16 each of Strong END heal and Strong END restore-over-time potions for you to use in your half of the Group Steps Raid. Hopefully that should help if things get tricky :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I don't need any mlxp anymore Kalth, so if its ok my spot can go to someone needing credit, though if you need me I should be online anwyay and willing to help =o


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Thanks for letting me know, Loch... much appreciated :clap:

OK, due to Loch no longer needing ML XP and Wazkyr mucking up his sign-up <slap>, I have jigged the groups about a little. With Group 2 not having a pally I have assumed that they would be able to make best use of a second cleric (particularly one with high buff spec), hence the switcheroo. Changes to group make-up have been highlighted:

Raid Group 1
Pally: Kalthorine - 50 Pally
Arms/Blockbot: Belgorian - 50 Armsman
Cleric: Starr - 50 Cleric
PBAoE: Branhwen - 50 Ice Wizzy
PBT: [HIGHLIGHT]Tornedo - 47/48 Theu[/HIGHLIGHT]
Mincer: Kyra - 50 Minstrel
Dmg/Misc: Kochanski - 50 Scout
Dmg/Misc: Quilac - 50 Sorc

Raid Group 2
Reaver: Vermis - 50 Reaver
Reaver/Blockbot: Triack - 50 Reaver
Cleric: Anuket - 50 Cleric
[HIGHLIGHT]Cleric: Membra - 50 Cleric[/HIGHLIGHT]
Wizard: Athaol - 50 Fire Wizzy
Mincer: Looneytunes - 50 Minstrel
Dmg/Misc: Iseeyou - 50 Inf
Dmg/Misc: Umilas - 50 Cabalist


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Im sorry for the bit wrong posting from me, but lovly i got in grp :)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2004
I Want Join Ml7 Pre-Reqs !!!

I want join if there is spot till now you see my post , so i will wait to see my name in list if possible :p ! Thanks ! :cheers:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
To try and give some more people credit with the ML7 group steps, I've PM'd Kalthorine about taking a 3rd group - however it'll be slightly later to hopefully give the 2 groups going in an hour earlier enough time to farm some factions.

Group 3

Duane (Theurgist)
Selby (Cleric)
Himeko (Scout)
Tuesday (Cleric)
Saitoh (Sorcerer)
Atilas (Paladin)
Cyrano (Mercenary)
Veracruz (Cabalist)

This group will meet at 9pm UK Time (GMT) at Volcanus Haven.

As I haven't got confirmation from Atilas/Cyrano/Veracruz, could you please reply to this thread or in a forum PM to me just to make sure you're okay with this group. I'm assuming you'll want credit, even though the raid is slightly later.

If theres any problems with this Kalthorine just PM or reply here.


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
GReaper said:
If theres any problems with this Kalthorine just PM or reply here.
Not a problem matey... thanks for being so considerate both in terms of giving others a chance and starting later to reduce chances of clashes :cheers:

Maybe when you arrive we can meet up and give Flames another go? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2004
Ok i don't have any problem with grp :)

I Am ok with the grp :) so i think i will be there for sure , cya there !!


Loyal Freddie
Apr 6, 2004
May i come in group 3 please need ml7 credit (50 DD mckfly infil)


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Ml7 Deep Volcanus Thursday Evening Summary

With the intention of avoiding potential confusion this evening considering the way this thread has developed, here is the story so far: :D

[HIGHLIGHT]At 6pm UK time[/HIGHLIGHT]: Mithridatis (as Margarita) is leading her own DV farming group over to the dungeon, hopefully finishing serious farming by the time the ML Group Step Credit Raids start (thanks for moving your Raid start time to be compatible with my Raid, Mith :cheers: )

[HIGHLIGHT]At 7.45pm UK time[/HIGHLIGHT]: My two ML Group Step Credit Raid groups meet in Volcanus Haven (BG will be open on Kalthorine from 7.30pm). We will move out as soon as everyone is assembled, or by 8pm (with replacements if necessary) at the latest. We will stay as a bg until we get there, farm 7.7 once as a bg if we have made good time, then split up to do faction farming

When we are in DV, incidentally, each group will be doing the faction farming in the order indicated below, so as to try and avoid treading on each others' toes. A reminder to Group 2 that I will be supplying copious END potions to try and help you out as well.

Raid Group 1 - Faction Order: Shaitan (NE), Apophian (SE), Volurgon (SW), Hephaestan (NW)
Pally: Kalthorine - 50 Pally
Arms/Blockbot: Belgorian - 50 Armsman
Cleric: Starr - 50 Cleric
PBAoE: Branhwen - 50 Ice Wizzy
Theurg: Tornedo - 47/48 Theu
Mincer: Kyra - 50 Minstrel
Dmg/Misc: Kochanski - 50 Scout
Dmg/Misc: Quilac - 50 Sorc

Raid Group 2 - Faction Order: Volurgon (SW), Hephaestan (NW), Shaitan (NE), Apophian (SE)
Reaver: Vermis - 50 Reaver
Reaver/Blockbot: Triack - 50 Reaver
Cleric: Anuket - 50 Cleric
Cleric: Membra - 50 Cleric
Wizard: Athaol - 50 Fire Wizzy
Mincer: Looneytunes - 50 Minstrel
Dmg/Misc: Iseeyou - 50 [HIGHLIGHT]Scout[/HIGHLIGHT] ;)
Dmg/Misc: Umilas - 50 Cabalist

[HIGHLIGHT]At 9.00pm UK time[/HIGHLIGHT]: Finally, Duane is bringing a third group which meets in Volcanus Haven. When your group arrives, Duane, it will probably make most sense for your group to start with the last faction Raid Group 1 farmed (pm me to ask me when you reach DV), as of the two groups we are more likely to be catching up Raid Group 2 than vice versa. This is flexible tho, so we will make arrangements to work together if and when you arrive.

Raid Group 3
Pally: Atilas
Merc: Cyrano
Cleric: Selby
Cleric: Tuesday
Theurg: Duane (Group Leader/Organiser)
Scout: Himeko
Sorcerer: Saitoh
Cabalist: Veracruz


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
Been sick all day and yesterday, so haven't got to check FH yet. But confirming my spot as Veracruz 50 Cabalist! :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004

Oh, and one thing I would like EVERYONE to bear in mind tonight in DV, whenever you are there:

[HIGHLIGHT]PLEASE DO NOT SUICIDE ON KATORII[/HIGHLIGHT]. In other words, stay well clear of the room on the far side of the "Flames" encounter (7.7)

If you do it might make unnecessary trouble for the BG Raid on Friday evening.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Something RL has come up, I can't make it, sorry for the late heads-up :((


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
willowywicca said:
very late.. since it was yesterday, not today jobil :p

Yea... saw my pms and i feel like an ass now for not showing up, somehow got it in my head it was friday, so big apoligy to all :( :(

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