1.89f - new gravity :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
The Camelot Herald


Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.89f Release Notes
Gravity and Stat Respec Adjustments
June 8, 2007



- Gravity has been increased. Players will now stick more closely to the ground while moving down steep slopes and fall to the ground more quickly from heights. Falling damage has been adjusted to compensate for the updated gravity.

- The PvP Immunity timer should really no longer be checked in non-PvP zones.

- The respec stat bug of spending too many points (above 30) and being able to use those in the game is now fixed.

- The too steep code no longer prevents players from proceeding up a steep incline. Players will be able to now proceed up these inclines, but at a slower pace.


- Grove deadwoods will no longer have a chance to spawn with stunted growth. This fixes an issue where these monsters were sometimes really really tiny.


- Further research of the Dragonsworn Manual of Arms has resulted in the discovery of a strange new alloy that allows for the production of lighter weapons. A great debate has risen among various scholars about whether it should truly be considered an alloy at all, because it doesn't actually require any extra ingredients. Many question whether the Dragonsworn truly understand what the word "alloy" actually means. However, the recipes described as using this "alloy" do seem to create faster weapons, so most crafters have simply decided not to ask questions about it.


- As a result of the massive battles between the realms and the Dragons, the lands of Dartmoor, Sheeroe Hills, and Malmohus have been been radically changed.


Quests - Midgard

- Catla's Downfall - The [powerstrikes] option will now function properly if you choose this as your second reward type.


- The zone out point for Iarnvidiur's lair functions properly again.



Custom UIs will NOT work correctly after Version 1.89a on Pendragon, due to the UI changes. Custom UIs will need to be updated to utilize the new xml and new files to prevent client crashing.


Isles UI Removed

- Due to the needs of the UI update, we have removed the Isles interface skin option from the options menu.

Window & Font Alpha

- The combat, attributes, spells, styles, group, and specialization windows now have a new context menu for window and alpha transparency available on right-click. This context menu replaces the old window and font alpha controls.

Icon Art Update

- Based on player feedback, the style and spell icons have been darkened and are now less saturated. Icon borders are now thicker.

New Chat Window

- At default, there are now two chat window tabs: Main and Combat. The Combat tab is detached and placed above the Main chat tab. The default message filtering settings for these chat tab are as follows:

Main: Merchant, Loot, Important, Say, Send, Group, Guild, Broadcast, Emote, Help, Chat, Advice, Officer, Alliance, Battlegroup, and Battle Group Leader

Combat: Spell, You Hit, Your Death, Resists Changed, Spell Expires, Spell Resisted, Damaged, Spell Pulse

- A context menu is available for each tab when right-clicking on the tab name. The available customizable options are as follows:

Message & Channel: This option opens a new window to set up the filtering and coloring options for the selected chat tab.

Window Alpha: This option adjusts the window transparency for the selected chat tab.

Font Alpha: This option adjusts the font transparency for the selected chat tab.

Font Size: This option adjusts the font size, from 9pt to 21pt for the selected chat tab.

New Window: This option creates a new chat tab window.

Rename Window: This option renames the selected chat tab. Please note that this option is not available for the main chat tab.

Delete Window: This option deletes the selected chat tab. Please note that this option is not available for the main chat tab.

Default Chat Channel: This option is only available on the Main chat tab. This option controls which chat channel you wish the chat entry field to automatically default to. When "NONE" is selected, the chat entry field will remember the last chat channel typed in.

- Chat tab windows can be docked to another chat tab window or to the main window by dragging the chat tab to the chosen window.

- Chat tab windows can be detached from a docked position by dragging the tab away from the window it is docked to.

- A channel menu, shown as a conversation bubble, is available to the left of the chat entry field. Choosing an option from this menu types the slash command for the chat channel you wish to speak in.

- An emote menu, shown as a smile icon, is available to the left of the chat entry field. This menu shows the full list of ingame emote commands as graphical icons. Mousing over the icon will display the name of the emote. Choosing an icon from this menu performs the emote. The bottom eight icons are the horse emotes. These icons are greyed out and are not usable until on a player horse.

- Known Issues: Currently docking tabs and creating new tabs makes the parent window (the window the tab is being docked into or the window the new tab is created from) and the docked or newly created tab display incorrectly. Clicking or dragging the window's tab will temporarily solve this issue. Tabs that have been detached or created may also display an error where the scale button is buried under the window frame. Relogging the client will temporarily solve this issue.

Font System Change

- For the UI update, we are migrating towards using a true type font system for displaying all game fonts. As the update progresses, we will be elimating use of the older font system and replacing it with the true type font system.

- The new chat window, overhead names, and center screen messages now use the true type font system. The fonts used are defined in assets.xml.

Icon System Change

- We have moved to a more streamlined system for updating and maintaining icons. Icons are now separated into distinct file sheets: base icon, style widget, spell widget, and border. A style/spell now references a base icon and then a style/spell widget and border are applied onto the base icon in the game.

- The icon sheets have been consolidated (since many icons symbols were shared, the only difference was a widget or border) and renamed to support the new icon system.

Styles: CBT_500.bmp, CBT_600.bmp, CBT_700.bmp, CBT_800.bmp
Spells: SPL_0.bmp, SPL_100.bmp, SPL_200.bmp, SPL_300.bmp, SPL_400.bmp
Items: ITM_1200.bmp, ITM_1300.bmp, ITM_1400.bmp, ITM_1500.bmp
Skill: SKL_1600.bmp
Weapon: WPN_900.bmp, WPN_1000.bmp, WPN_1100.bmp

- Three new sheets have been created for the widgets and borders.

Borders: BRDR_0.bmp
Spell Widgets: WGLG_100.bmp
Style Widgets: WGSM_0.bmp

XML & Art Change Log

- The horizontal resize button control has been reintroduced. This control includes HorizontalResizeButtonDef and HorizontalResizeButtonTemplate. The social window now uses this type of button once again.

- We have introduced a new control called HorizontalResizeImageButtonDef. This control will allow our users to create a button that can display an image. The HorizontalResizeImageButtonDef consists of one HorizontalResizeButtonTemplate and one ImageAreaTemplate. The valid tokens for this control are: ControlID, Position, Width, Alignment, Label, Onclickevent, Onshiftclickevent, LabelIndent, Adapter, coloradapter, ToolTipID, ImageAreaTemplateName, and HRButtonTemplateName.

- The following xml sheets have been changed as a result of the UI updates for Version 1.89a:






- The following xml sheets have been added as a result of the UI updates for Version 1.89a:


- The alpha_chooser.xml file has been removed as a result of the UI updates for Version 1.89a.

- We have added new art files and changed existing art files for the xml changes above.



- True type fonts (labeled with extention .ttf) are located in uifonts.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
- Gravity has been increased. Players will now stick more closely to the ground while moving down steep slopes and fall to the ground more quickly from heights. Falling damage has been adjusted to compensate for the updated gravity.

Huh, Mythic trying to keep alive the game, and started from Gravity, lol :wij:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
love the options with the chat/combat windows, just think im gonna play war beta before we get 1.89...


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Would be cool to have a spell that messes up the gravity! Skalds should get that imo, totally makes sense. Not mincers though.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
The new font and UI looks nifty, though. This is a massive patch - it contains remakes of Malmohus, Dartmoor and the Hib variant of the zone. Apparantly it's 83Mb just for this sub patch.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003

- The too steep code no longer prevents players from proceeding up a steep incline. Players will be able to now proceed up these inclines, but at a slower pace.

Thank god they've realised tht was a shit idea.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Better late than never.

To be honest, I really like those changes, specially the one with the "to steep to climb" removal :)

Chat window was awsome as well :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I thought when I read the title it was a piss take post ;)

Played the small video. I think the resizing options are lot better. I always found it a chore to resize the windows.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Oh goodie, more bling, just what we needed, waiting for 1.89g when we get My Little Pony horses and can port to WOW dungeons or to GW PvP instances.

Meanwhile, back in the bugcave, a mysterious stranger was lurking... pretending to fix line of sight, pet pathing, the promised ladder removal, giving older classes loving and so forth, if it wasnt for these pesky EA kids, he might have just succeeded! Armed with their new copy of Photoshop, they are intent on taking over the UI world and ruining all the hard work players put into their, and hoist high the flag of EAthick, with the immortal words "EA shite - its in the wallet".

OK, im bored...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Also update for new icons:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
The new UI sucks donkey, either because im too used to the old one, or it looks like something taken out of WoW :(
(new names is also crap)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Would be cool to have a spell that messes up the gravity! Skalds should get that imo, totally makes sense. Not mincers though.

mincers should run but naked and sing YMCA tbh.... :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Also update for new icons:
Most people I know put the old icons back in as soon as they went live, some people went blind trying to use them and some caused epileptic fits. Some say the dev whos doing these still lives in the sixties.

I tried to use the new UI too, I moved a window and crashed to desktop. I logged back in and tried to resize a window, and it vanished. I deleted my INIs and tried again...and gave up as once again my desktop of Evangaline Lilly came instantly into view.

I was happy with my UI, why break it?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 3, 2004
I've been using the new icons since they first patched to pendragon, couldnt imagine using the old ones now :p

the UI and resizable windows are an excellent addition, well they will be when they decide to work Though, if custom UI's are being scrapped forever, then i think mythic seriously need to put a healers helper in the basic one....


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Oh well, at least they are still working on it! Good to see was worried that we'd be hitting the time when they freeze it and start pouring everything they have into WAR.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
I was happy with my UI, why break it?

It's only going to be broken while it goes through the patch process, the UI was one of the only things that hasn't really been overhauled since the release of the game..so far it's just had additions(some new skins etc).

They've taken long enough to do something to it. I've been looking forward to playing the game and not constantly thinking about how outdated the UI is. I'd like to see some changes to the Menu system(char stats,inventory etc) hopefully that'll be in this patch too.

When it's done it will be a very welcome change, for me atleast.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
They've taken long enough to do something to it. I've been looking forward to playing the game and not constantly thinking about how outdated the UI is. I'd like to see some changes to the Menu system(char stats,inventory etc) hopefully that'll be in this patch too.

When it's done it will be a very welcome change, for me atleast.
Compared to a lot that has needed fixing for ages I disagree. First we had 1QB with 8 buttons (how did we survive?) and a fixed UI. Then we got 10 buttons, then 3 QBs, then customisable UIs of which some are great (Deridas, Stained, Bobs etc).

The dragon zones yes, they needed the overhaul, but with respect, what about the more pressing issues, like pet pathing, old realm and SI loot tables, the promised bridge and keep ladder fixes, LOS fixes, revamping older classes (wizzies, runies etc), fixing mid duel weald mechanics and lots more. Oh, and then pity those who dont have the latest machines, this type of window they have now is more resource hungry.

My point is their priorities, which bling seems to be top atm, typical EA.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
In all honesty, revamping old zones is good especially where epic encounters are concerned. Updating loot tables has been something I often thought needed improving in regards to the dragon drops.

They should introduce more unlockable content, this would bring people into PvE group questing once-more - they need to give people more to-do, when you log in now (or when I did last about 6 months ago), you only have RvR to-do, you can't really go quest because you've probably done it - They really need to improve the questing system.

They release a new expansion, and in all honesty the content they include aside from the new zones since ToA is minimal, they need to pump the game full of quests, hard challenges that take a long time to complete, for example a Caer Sidi instance in albion, or a cross-realm instance for imba drops.

I also think it's important to remember competition is more so on how the game looks and I think updating the UI is a smart idea in regards to competing with WoW, which has a huge array of customisations and developers - it's a shame that Mythic don't allow subscribers to-do as much as you can with the WoW UI.

There is so many ideas they could steal from WoW, alot of smart ideas but also many dumb ones.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
All I really want from the UI improvements is for Mythic to fix the buff bars at the top of the screen.

If Mythic manages to rework the entire UI whilst avoiding this then I'll be quite pissed off. This has been a problem for years!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
All I really want from the UI improvements is for Mythic to fix the buff bars at the top of the screen.

If Mythic manages to rework the entire UI whilst avoiding this then I'll be quite pissed off. This has been a problem for years!
Damn right, I like the WoW and Guild wars UIs, its great to be able to auto minimise the windows and icons when you dont want them in your face.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Damn right, I like the WoW and Guild wars UIs, its great to be able to auto minimise the windows and icons when you dont want them in your face.

hehe, can imagine the pain for those ppl that still run in 800 * 600 with 3 full rows of buffs xD

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