

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
What I dont understand is :

They give Suppression line a baseline Spirit nuke so the SM now can debufff for himself and the other casters, thus lowering the duration on his set of debuffs which is fine.

However the Alb Sorc set and the Hib Eld set of resists still remains at 30 sec on all 3. Yes I know they cant debuff for themselves, but its still unbalanced tbh.

Its not unbalanced at all. On the contrary, now mids have 3 casters that can debuff their own damage. Hib have 1 and alb has 2.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
With this patch im not gonna bother debuffing my own dmg on rm tho, ill just assist the sm for rox dmg and get red NS \o/


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Its not unbalanced at all. On the contrary, now mids have 3 casters that can debuff their own damage. Hib have 1 and alb has 2.

3 casters? The BD debuff isent that impressive tbh.

I understand they needed to change it, but really stripping the SM of its 30 sec debuffs is just gonna make it even easier, and take away the option of debuffing for tanks etc which is a challenge.

They havnt changed the runemaster debuff now have they?

The runemaster debuffs has always been 8 sec on cold, 15 sec on matter and heat, due to the nature of dealing baseline cold in another spec line. Now that Suppression gets a baseline spirit nuke, they make both debuff lines on midgard 8sec/15sec/15sec, where Alb Sorcs and Mid Elds keeps theirs at 30sec/30sec/30sec

Sod that damn spirit nuke grrr >_< Messed up my whole plan on my SM grrr

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Level 50 dd in music line xD
Where are the Animist fixes? Where is a little nerf to Theurgs? Where's an uniterruptable version of songs for Bards? What's that shit about Djinns?

And Theurgs need a nerf why? You can always save your group from a Theurg by shittalking others down on FH ;).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
3 casters? The BD debuff isent that impressive tbh.

I understand they needed to change it, but really stripping the SM of its 30 sec debuffs is just gonna make it even easier, and take away the option of debuffing for tanks etc which is a challenge.

impressive or not, its still 3 casters that can debuff for themselves is it not? Which is all I said.

Ofc they need to change it, otherwise its a tad too much as you realise..


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Well we can all agree that most people that play casters need all the help they can get. That has nothing to do with the fact that they play god mode classes but because 90% of casters are zerging lolercasters who don't last 10 seconds in a real fight.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
Well we can all agree that most people that play casters need all the help they can get. That has nothing to do with the fact that they play god mode classes but because 90% of casters are zerging lolercasters who don't last 10 seconds in a real fight.

I can understand that the amount of soloing you have done on a visual melee chr, must be very frustrating, but do feel free to make a happy care post from time to time mate:fluffle:

I admit it is often more challenging playing a melee chr, but playing a caster has its moments too and i dont like to think im a nut often found near arseholes cause i like some diversity in what i play.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
I admit it is often more challenging playing a melee chr, but playing a caster has its moments too and i dont like to think im a nut often found near arseholes cause i like some diversity in what i play.

I don't think your a nut often found near arseholes either, it wasn't relating to you Islef :p

Megadave miss-spelt a word, rampant asked what it was, I explained.

In any case, people who play casters are always referred to as easy mode by people who play tanks, people who play healing classes could do the same when looking at any other class type.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
I don't think your a nut often found near arseholes either, it wasn't relating to you Islef :p

Megadave miss-spelt a word, rampant asked what it was, I explained.

In any case, people who play casters are always referred to as easy mode by people who play tanks, people who play healing classes could do the same when looking at any other class type.

I know mate, was just commenting a bit on ravens post. I play what i feel like, caster, tank or stealther and i pretty much suck at all of them, but i know how i play and i dont care how people judge me from that, i know what i stand for. So was mainly just being a bit ironic since raven was slagging of any1 (90%) playing a caster. Dont quite agree with that, it might take more standing your ground on a visible melee toon, but other skills are relied upon playing a caster in etc fg vs fg. People should be judged by how they play not their class imo.

Sometimes i think that the hardcore solo people have been zerged too many times and are now bitter and angry people. (which i guess is hard to blame them for).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i am not bitter :p i haven't played properly in at least 6 months, well over the DAOC angst :)

My point is, most people who do just play a few hours a week or whatever choose a caster because they are by far the easiest class type to get RPs on with minimal effort. All you need to do well on a caster these days is get yourself 101 dex and off you go. Just look at any zerg/siege situation, most will be rog equipped casters, most will be making more RPs in a day than a tank makes in a week.

They are so used to obliterating stuff in seconds they whine like a child when they die/fail to kill something.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
True dat Raven, just felt like defending us nubs that play casters :)

That being said it is by far more fun winning a solo fight on bm than on rm. I guess you can say it also takes more skill, since fights on rm is usually over within seconds or just involves kiting some unfortunate shield tank with no speed around for a few minutes throwing him an occasional nuke... just to get PA'ed in the face when he is at 10% ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Yay! More pve to do when you get zerged down in rvr ^^

yeah coz pve is bad in a MMORPG huh? i agree that DAoC pve is fucking boring but comon.

DAoC is enought of a medival CS clone as it is. dont make the already unchallenging and hideously boring pve even more hideously boring and unchallenging....

as much as u ppl want /lvl 50 with auto ToA template, CL and ML's its never going to happen.... pve *is* a major part of MMORPG's and should be a just as viable endgame as rvr is. and no, there will never be a option to skip it for those thats to impatient and want everything last year, if not sooner.

and i wouldent blame Mythic for the bad pve, i'd blame the loudmouth whiners that cant stand anything that doesent directly relate to "pwning nubs" in pvp....

P.S: i dont really talk to anyone in particular, i just snatched that quote as it seems to be the general feeling towards all the pve from the "pvp is life" people... if u hate pve so badly, then perhaps MMORPG's isnt what ur really looking for anymore?

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
as much as u ppl want /lvl 50 with auto ToA template, CL and ML's its never going to happen.... pve *is* a major part of MMORPG's and should be a just as viable endgame as rvr is. and no, there will never be a option to skip it for those thats to impatient and want everything last year, if not sooner.

I tend to agree with this. If someone wants insta-PvP there are plenty of games like Planetside and CS around.

One of the goals of the likes of DAoC is to create an immersive world, not just an FPS for twitch-kids.

While the genre has moved on from what DAoC was at release-time, DAoC remains the one with the most satisfying end-game players goals, at least regarding PvP. Worth also noting that at the time of its release, the PvE (and the environment itself) in DaoC was still mostly better than its peers of the day.

For people even still to be even playing DAoC 6 years on is a testament to what Mythic did back in the day.

To still have the most superior PvP/RvR model is nothing short of amazing.

However it is not, and never will be, for the impatient insta-gratifiation brigade.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004

Reports are now coming in that many monsters previously slain for valuable loot seem to have been robbed! The best armor, weapons, jewelry can no longer be found on the vast majority of beasts that previously carried them. The only major exception seems to be Celestius whose powerful denizens have kept a more wary eye on their belongings.

Worse yet, strange elementals and powerful djinn calling themselves Afrit are springing up everywhere across the planes of Atlantis. Those adventurers who have done battle with both claim that these seem to be the culprits for the mass larceny. These new Afrits seem immune to the ancient laws that affect the djinn and are only interested in treasure. Scholars who have been studying the phenomena have come to the conclusion that because the Afrit could not be bound, the Atlanteans must have banished them to the far corners of the planes long ago. With the waning of Atlantean magic, their prison has broken with disastrous consequences for all of the planes' other denizens.

Encounters - General

- All Named loot has been transferred from the Master Level and artifact encounters that previously carried them to new encounters involving the Afritti. This does not include Celestius.

- The new encounters come in three tiers designed for different numbers of players: solo/duo, small group, and full group. Each tier drops loot from Master Level and artifact encounters that previously required a similar number of players to complete. The first two tiers also present opportunities to gain better loot if the player is really good or bring more friends than necessary for the main encounter.

Worst PvE change ever imho. Kill, kill, kill and never sure what you get, it will take massive amounts of farming to get the needed items for templates. And better loot the more friends you bring, hah, who would cba to farm for days with me to get a specific cloak ... ROFL :p

EA/Mythic :twak:

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Worst PvE change ever imho.

On a low population server its actually a godsend. Ultimately it depends on the droprate and that has yet to be seen.

I realise it may level the playing field somewhat and there will be people who don't like that.

Any Mids that need a hand and see me puttering about just yell. So long as I'm not bashing keeps I'll be happy to lower the average IQ of any group - I've got a fair bit of artifact gathering to catch up on myself I guess and am still gobbling up CL xp ;)


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Worst PvE change ever imho. Kill, kill, kill and never sure what you get, it will take massive amounts of farming to get the needed items for templates. And better loot the more friends you bring, hah, who would cba to farm for days with me to get a specific cloak ... ROFL :p

EA/Mythic :twak:

Don't be silly. The new mobs are an awful lot easier to kill than most of the encounter mobs (some are designed to be soloed!). Think about farming drops from Jacina sash mob, malice encounter, Thalos, Phoenix, Katori etc. The drops are also zone specific so although it is random you can increase your chances of getting the loot you want.

A few things which currently have a high pop rate, drop frequently and can be focus farmed might become slightly harder to farm but just ask the people testing on pendragon and they will tell you about how much loot drops off these new mobs.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Don't be silly. The new mobs are an awful lot easier to kill than most of the encounter mobs (some are designed to be soloed!). Think about farming drops from Jacina sash mob, malice encounter, Thalos, Phoenix, Katori etc. The drops are also zone specific so although it is random you can increase your chances of getting the loot you want.

Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that there would be more ways to get items. But they should keep the drops on the real encounters. Then there is still some rewards for the rest of the fg helping realmmates through ML encounters, remember that it isn't everybody who has enough bps to just buy everything. Helping new players, or new toons, through the ML's without chance for any drops, that will become even more annoying than "old" ToA in the end. And new players will be suffering imo.

Tier3 Afritti's can't be focus farmed, because of mobs splitting etc. Have you ever wondered how many items focus farming brought to the CM's? And how farming can bring prices down to a reasonable level?

So while this is a hidden nerf for focus farming, wich btw is Midgard's only way of "farming", Necromancers will be able to chew through everything and leave PvE/item balance between realms even more out of balance than ever.

A few things which currently have a high pop rate, drop frequently and can be focus farmed might become slightly harder to farm but just ask the people testing on pendragon and they will tell you about how much loot drops off these new mobs.

I have been reading the VN threads with information about this, and tbh it does not sound like the people testing it fancy the changes. Here are some random quotes from VN Boards:

So while it will be nice they hey solo now i can go kill a mob that has a chance to drop the item i need for my template, the chances or you actually getting that specific item just went from about 1:20 odds to 1:1000 odds, not really helpful overall to the casual player.. which is who i think they are trying to help with this.

This change is pretty horrible. Instead of defeating challenging specific encounters based on the lore of the game, we now have to fight the same style of encounters OVER AND OVER AGAIN and only HOPE to get the results.

This play style is similar to a WoW/EQ implementation, and is very undesirable. Instead the spirit of DAoC PvE, where accomplishing a specific goal garners all who accomplish that goal together the reward, is a far superior game mechanic.

I don't think many players will actually enjoy the creation of a grinding mechanic replacing a challenging mechanic.

As someone who left WoW in part because of grinding mechanics to return to DAoC I beg you to reconsider.

Most of my toons finished ML by joining 50-100 ppl rush style raid. Just lookup the boards watch for the raid schedule and MLs can be done. After next patch, no one will post an ML raid event on the boards and player without a medium size guild can't find groups to do the MLs. Similar reason, none of my toon can finish the final 1 full group DR quest.

well i was on pend last nite, and was playing midgard.
was running around with a sm,sham,pac,aug healers, and was farming everything on valc,stygia,aerus areas.

We had two full inventories of items, and not one item we had in the 2 hrs of farming i would use in a temp. Plus the majority of the items that were dropped were albion based items. So maybe they aren't done fixig the loot tables, i really hope they check this out before they let it go live.

The one item we got was lightning etched plated sleeves. I don't know if arms even use this item, but it was the only okay item we got. We were farming tier 1 2 and 3, and pretty much anything we could find to kill, and we basically farmed for 2 hrs for nothing.

VN Boards - 1.89c Named loot Feedback letter - Sent to Mythic
VN Boards - New ToA Mobs
VN Boards - Feathered Wrap Cloak...which encounter level?
VN Boards - So I have been testing on Pend. this morning...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Leahc said:
Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that there would be more ways to get items. But they should keep the drops on the real encounters.

I've not tested it but reading the patch notes I don't think they have changed this. If you want a 2.10 drop you can still just farm 2.10.
The difference is you can also just zerg soloable mobs and have a chance (all bit it a small one) of getting the drop.

I might be wrong, but if that's the case it's now easier to get drops, not harder. It sounds like they are trying to give those small groups without the required focus classes a chance at farming loot instead of just keeping it to the "farmers". Removing the loot off the actual ML encounters would be a huge mistake.. I'd like something more convincing than some early VN whiners to confirm that they had made this tho..


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
I've not tested it but reading the patch notes I don't think they have changed this. If you want a 2.10 drop you can still just farm 2.10.
The difference is you can also just zerg soloable mobs and have a chance (all bit it a small one) of getting the drop.

I might be wrong, but if that's the case it's now easier to get drops, not harder. It sounds like they are trying to give those small groups without the required focus classes a chance at farming loot instead of just keeping it to the "farmers". Removing the loot off the actual ML encounters would be a huge mistake.. I'd like something more convincing than some early VN whiners to confirm that they had made this tho..

This is from the patchnote:

Encounters - General

- All Named loot has been transferred from the Master Level and artifact encounters that previously carried them to new encounters involving the Afritti. This does not include Celestius.

So all non rog drops has been changed intoo Afritti encounters ...

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
I don't like the change.

It's obviously to prevent the farmage of every possible ML/artifact encounter now so people can do the ML/artifact encounters for credit.

The possibility to just buy ML/artifact encounter credit for bounty points was a sufficient change for me.

I will have to farm some random crap in the future so I can pay my toons armor/weapons/proc/SC and so on but I cba to do it, in PvE I work goal oriented, I farm one certain item for reasonable prices and sell it to pay my other needs.

Now I will most likely just level my LGMs so I can save money in the long term and salvage the crap that those new encounters will be dropping to make some cash.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
a tad unnecessary changes perhaps, are other things that imo need to be overlooked before they make more changes to PvE.

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