1.88 - Archer luving?

Moaning Myrtle

Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2006
Ctuchik said:
i can think of 2 straight off if were only talking the specline as damage.

shamans cave and BD's well, all 3 of those lines are fairly wank damage concidering other casters spec nukes.

granted none of those 2 are ment to be any dps monsters but wank damage they do.

i can probably think up a few more but its to early and i havent gotten my coffee yet.

Aiteal on the other hand got a point and i stand corrected. sorry about that.

But you are not comparing like with like - a Shaman is about utility not damage - to a degree, a BD is about interrupts not damage, but it still does brilliant damage in other ways (TWF, lifetaps etc).

An Archer is all about damage and it was with primary damage dealers I was discussing, not utility Classes.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
censi said:
The archery system has been broken for a long time.

The "archer" has really only been played by newbs in daoc who were not interested in performance (for a while)

Theres a danger they will go and make archery very deadly. which will prolly be bad for the game.

They need to make archery more viable in open field situations and 1v1's. They need to not make changes that make archery a better leech tool or ridiculous in siege situations.

Well said lemonboi


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
What ever changes they do to Archers they need to add in minor adjustment to the way stealth works. Prehaps a effective debuff to you effective stealth for every stealthed players in you radius to cut back on stealth zerging.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
What i can imagne will come (sounds like common sense to me) is that archers gain a ability (passive) in bow spec line to penetrate whatever defensive ability the enemy got. may it be bt+brittle+sheild spec+evadewhatsoever. this will (hopefully) get more ARCHERS to spec bow and not try to play tank. i hope they dont increase dmg nor range. (at least not on scouts, heck - they got longer range then my RMs nearsight spell -.-).
something in the lines of the assasin love patch. PA allways hits, tru BT and brittleguard. might do the same to critt shot. higher dmg on it, higher %% to hit and 100% chance to penetrate bt+brittle.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Imgormiel said:
Yea give bd's even more love! :p

Hope thats irony. From what I've seen in that patch so far is Mythic trying to make BDs blend in with other casters and nerfing their "overpowered" sides dramasticly.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
atos said:
Hope thats irony. From what I've seen in that patch so far is Mythic trying to make BDs blend in with other casters and nerfing their "overpowered" sides dramasticly.

think you will find it is old bean ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
The only changes they need to make to Archery IMHO is to vastly increase bow damage or give us a way to bypass an opponent's defences and keep damage as it is.

I am not asking for anything else, because with the exception of low LB damage I think my Scout is fine.

thats just too vague and too clueless, and is pretty much exactly what they shouldnt tool.

there will be a reworking of crit shot, I can tell you that now. Crit shots will penetrate Brittles but not BT. They will tweak block dynamics.

There will be new abilities at certain levels. I wouldnt be surprised if there was a reworking of sure shot/rapid fire and penetrating arrow.

There will also be a small DPS increase and change to hit.

thats prolly what I expect but mythic could throw absolutely anything at us, who knows.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Maybe they'll give you a specialise lemonlauncher Censi :>

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