Aeris said:It actually "Nothing"
illu said:I'm looking forward to these easymode crafter changes - but no one knows when they will arrive :/
From latest grab bag:
Q: I heard that you announced the upcoming crafting changes at the Leipzig Game Convention. I don’t believe some of them. What did you say?
A: I said, first off, that I had no idea when these things would hit Pendragon. Then I said that normally I didn’t like to mention things that weren’t on the schedule yet, but I wanted the European players to have some exclusive news for once. I said this wasn't everything, just a handful of highlights. Then I died inside when I realized people were pointing cameras at me. For the love of heaven, people, if I thought I came across at my best in person, I would not have put so much effort into working ONLINE. But I digress.
Here’s what I said:
- We have hired an interface artist who will help us design a better crafting interface
- We are changing the crafting timers so no recipe takes more than one minute to do
- We will be dinking with the skill increase rate (and how that works with item success/failure rates) so that it will take roughly 40% fewer items in order to reach LGM status
- We plan to allow characters to get more than one tradeskill, without facing a cap on their secondary trade
- We will allow any class to be any trade
- We’ll add crafter titles to /title
- We’re planning tradeskill quests, downtime reducing devices, and more
Someone out there read that list and said, “Uh huh. You had to delay the archer patch and you’re going to do ALL THAT for crafters.” Someone, whoever you are, you read my mind, and I hit the Moderately Evil Overlord with that. He pointed out that we’d been running short on server programmers – and that most of the crafting plans involve client and interface issues, with the related server code being pretty straightforward. Class changes involve staring at a plate of server spaghetti, with some noodles being combat code, others realm, others character restrictions, and more. Implementing crafting stuff, once it’s designed and balanced, is more like operating a switchboard. It’s not quite that easy, but it can be done by our client team.
But still, I won’t even dare say what patch we’ve SCHEDULED for the crafting highlights, lest I jinx the whole thing.
Oli - Illu
xxManiacxx said:I pity all those old school LGM WCs, ACs, alchemists and spellcrafters.
Tallen said:It is a bit worrying that they implement these changes obviously without propoerly testing them, then when players point out how daft they are they remove them.