1.85B - Tiny hunter love, Bainshee nerf, Druid love, further Zephyr nerf, New alchemy

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.85b Release Notes
Tradeskills, Quest System, and Class Changes
August 10, 2006



- The autoloot radius has been increased.

- In order to reduce confusion and possible accidental flag state changes, the "/xpoff" command is now obsolete. It has been replaced with the "/xp" command. This command takes one parameter, "ON" or "OFF". Typing "/xp OFF" will disable gaining experience for your character. Typing "/xp ON" will re-enable the gaining of experience. Typing "/xp" with no parameters will display the current state of this flag ( ON or OFF ), it will not change the state.

- In order to reduce confusion and possible accidental flag state changes, the "/rpoff" command is now obsolete. It has been replaced with the "/rp" command. This command takes one parameter, "ON" or "OFF". Typing "/rp OFF" will disable gaining realm points for your character. Typing "/rp ON" will re-enable the gaining of realm points. Typing "/rp" with no parameters will display the current state of this flag ( ON or OFF ), it will not change the state.

- A correction has been made to the autoloot message when the option is turned off. It used to say, "Use '/autoloot off' to turn this option off." Now it says, "Use '/autoloot on' to turn this option on."


Left Axe Changes

- (Pendragon Only) Decaying Rage has been appropriately adjusted to be a 5-second stun.

Master Level Ability Changes


- (Pendragon Only) Forceful Zephyr now has a range of 1000 units.

Class Changes


- Bainshees may now be interrupted while casting spells from the Deafening Screech spell line of taunt spells.

- The Audible Barrier line of group pulsing ablative auras no longer absorbs 100% of each hit. The spells will now absorb damage up to 50% of each individual hit.


- We've added two new spells to the Druid's Nature affinity spell line.

32 Nature Affinity Spec. "Call Greater Nature Tree"
45 Nature Affinity Spec: "Call Elder Nature Tree"

These tree pets should be functionally identical to the Bear Pet received at the same level. This is a cosmetic change with one minor difference. The Bear pet casts a disease spell called "Rabies,� but the tree will cast a spell called "Spore Cloud.� They should be identical disease spells with a different name and spell effect. The trees should also have a randomized model when summoned.


- Hunter pets added in 1.85a should no longer trigger reactive armor procs. (Pendragon Only)

- The Wild Spirit line of pet cast Str/Con buffs is now instant cast, and the duration has been increased to 20 minutes.


- The Paladin's Barrier of Faith spell line and Celerity spell line will no longer share the same recast timer. Because of this change, the single magical resist chants will now share two timers. The Body, Spirit, and Energy chants will share one timer, and the Heat, Cold and Matter chants will share a second timer.


General Changes and Fixes

- The Alchemy weak essence of weariness recipe will now properly accept the greater enervating poison ingredient.

Basic Crafting

- Chain and Scale recipes in Basic Crafting will no longer require the use of liners.

Multiple Charge Potions

- All existing Alchemy potion recipes are now set up to create 3-charge potions. Please note that any potion created before this patch will not be affected. New potions created with these recipes will have the appropriate number of charges.

- We have added 6-charge and 9-charge recipe versions for each Alchemy potion. Alchemists will now have the option to create a 3-charge, 6-charge, or 9-charge version of each of their potions.

- Due to changing the potions to be multi-charge potions, newly crafted potions can no longer be sold to an NPC vendor.

- The recipes in Alchemy have been reorganized to fit the multi-charge potion recipes more cleanly into the recipe list.

Alchemy Potion Changes

- The durations for the Strength, Fortitude, Dexterity, Enlightenment, Might, Deftness, Shard Skin, and Speed potions have been increased from 10 minutes to 20 minutes.

- The durations for the Invigoration potions have been increased from 2 minutes to 10 minutes.

- The buff value of the Strength, Fortitude, Dexterity, and Enlightenment potions has been increased from 20 to 34.

- The buff value of the Might and Deftness potions has been increased from 30 to 51.

New Low Level Tinctures

- We have added reactive effect and charge tincture recipes to Alchemy for levels 25 and level 35. The names and effects for these tinctures are listed below.

Level 25 Reactive Effects

Reactive shard fine alloy armor tincture - 2.6 damage shield, 15-second duration
Reactive hardening fine alloy armor tincture - 37 armor factor buff, 60-second duration
Reactive ablative fine alloy armor tincture - 50 melee ablative, 10-minute duration

Level 25 Charges

Stable shard fine alloy tincture - 2.1 damage shield, 10-minute duration
Stable hardening fine alloy tincture - 37 armor factor buff, 10-minute duration
Stable enlightening fine alloy tincture - 37 acuity buff, 10-minute duration

Level 35 Reactive Effects

Reactive shard adamantium armor tincture - 3.6 damage shield, 15-second duration
Reactive hardening adamantium armor tincture - 56 armor factor buff, 60-second duration
Reactive ablative adamantium armor tincture - 75 melee ablative, 10-minute duration

Level 35 Charges

Stable shard adamantium tincture - 2.9 damage shield, 10-minute duration
Stable hardening adamantium tincture - 56 armor factor buff, 10-minute duration
Stable enlightening adamantium tincture - 56 acuity buff, 10-minute duration

New High Level Tinctures

- We have added reactive effect, weapon effect, and charge tincture recipes to Alchemy that provide new effects for crafted armor. The names and effects for these tinctures are listed below.

- Some of the higher level tinctures require a dropped component, which comes from the standard dropped components used in Alchemy. The following recipes that require this dropped component are as follows:

Reactive blinding netherium armor tincture
Reactive draining netherium armor tincture
Reactive blinding arcanium armor tincture
Reactive draining arcanium armor tincture
Stable neutralizing arcanium tincture
Stable revivifying arcanium tincture
Volatile depletion netherium weapon tincture
Volatile blinding netherium weapon tincture
Volatile depletion arcanium weapon tincture
Volatile blinding arcanium weapon tincture

Level 45 Reactive Effects

Reactive coil netherium armor tincture - 30% snare, 15-second duration
Reactive depletion netherium armor tincture - 35 power drain
Reactive blinding netherium armor tincture - 25% nearsight, 30-second duration
Reactive draining netherium armor tincture - 75 omni drain

Level 45 Charges

Stable greater celeric netherium tincture - 10% celerity, 5-minute duration
Stable transference netherium tincture - 30 power transfer
Stable shifting netherium tincture - 7 hits transfer

Level 45 Weapon Effects

Volatile provoking netherium weapon tincture - 16 taunt
Volatile depletion netherium weapon tincture - 35 power drain
Volatile blinding netherium weapon tincture - 25% nearsight, 30-second duration

Level 49 Reactive Effects

Reactive coil arcanium armor tincture - 35% snare, 15-second duration
Reactive depletion arcanium armor tincture - 55 power drain
Reactive blinding arcanium armor tincture - 30% nearsight, 30-second duration
Reactive draining arcanium armor tincture - 100 omni drain

Level 49 Charges

Stable greater celeric arcanium tincture - 15% celerity, 5 minute duration
Stable neutralizing arcanium tincture - cure poison
Stable revivifying arcanium tincture - cure disease

Level 49 Weapon Effects

Volatile provoking arcanium weapon tincture - 28 taunt
Volatile depletion arcanium weapon tincture - 55 power drain
Volatile blinding arcanium weapon tincture - 30% nearsight, 30-second duration

New Ranged Weapons

- (Fletching) We have added new level 51 ranged weapons with a predefined weapon effect. Players will have a choice between three different recipes for each level 51 bow to choose between either a cold, heat, or energy based direct damage weapon effect.

Specialty Armor Recipes

- We have added new level 51 armor recipes for Tailoring and Armorcrafting. Each armor piece has a predefined bonus in imbue slot 5. Players will be able to create these items and spellcraft in the four available imbue slots. The predefined imbue slot does not use any imbue points that would be used for spellcrafting purposes.

- The armor pieces have Trials of Atlantis armor textures (from Stygia, Volcanus, and Aerus sets).

- The recipes for the specialty armor pieces will require a dropped component that can be found on high-level monsters and boss monsters in classic, Shrouded Isles, and New Frontiers zones (including Passage of Conflict).

- For more information on the predefined bonuses and armor pieces available from the new Specialty recipes for Armorcrafting and Tailoring, please visit http://www.camelotherald.com/article.php?id=211


Item Notes

- The Brimstone Dagger of Bedlam is now left hand useable.


Albion Monsters

- Various drakoran in Avalon City have been equipped with melee and ranged weapons.



- Additional teleporters have been added to the Ruins of Atlantis zones and the Oceanus Haven zones. These teleporters provide the same options as the Portal Keep teleporters.

Oceanus Encounters

- Eternal Plant - Previously, this encounter would reset after a given amount of time if not completed successfully, requiring players to wait for the spawn conditions to be met again. Now, Sobekhotep should now remain up until the encounter is completed successfully.

- Winged Helm - The marble fighters and the marble figurines have had their level reduced to be more on par with the frightening harpies in the area.

Volcanus Encounters

- Master Level 5.9 - When interacting with the 'hery seshta', players would occasionally be transformed into the wrong gender and race of mummy. This should no longer occur.

Aerus Encounters

- Cyclops' Eye - Modified the encounter to fix a rare occurrence where Kertom would not spawn properly and require a manual reset.

- Centaur commoners will no longer use the Grasping Roots style.


Encounters - Hibernia

- Chief Amanita in the Underground Forest now wields a bow.


- In the Proving Grounds battleground, the Hastener and siegemaster for the Hibernian portal keep were moved to prevent them from overlapping.

- The realm-specific guards for the central keep in the Cathal Valley battleground should now appear decked out in equipment more befitting their role and stature.


Quests - General

- Any players with the Darkness Rising client can enter the King�s Throne Room.


- Albion porters for this ruleset will now display [Oceanus] as a destination again. The keyword was still functional but was missing from the list of locations offered by these porters.

- Relic fragments should now obey standard loot rules when dropped from destroyed Relics.


- Albion porters for this ruleset will now display [Oceanus] as a destination again. The keyword was still functional but was missing from the list of locations offered by these porters.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Seems to me like decent changes. wounder how fotm it will be with a armor full of celerity procs tho. byebye aug healers :p


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Very nice SC changes, finally be able to get ToA bonusses on crafted armour.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Basic Crafting

- Chain and Scale recipes in Basic Crafting will no longer require the use of liners.


some fantastic craft changes...at last


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Raven said:
Basic Crafting

- Chain and Scale recipes in Basic Crafting will no longer require the use of liners.


some fantastic craft changes...at last

Still need them when your above 200x skill no?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Nice changes to Armourcrafting and Tailoring :)

Even better changes to the Bainshee :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Basic_X said:
Still need them when your above 200x skill no?
no. (it says you no longer need linings to make scale/chain)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Esselinithia said:
Potion changes are fun... What will happen with barrels, etc. with 1.85?
Goa will have to change it themselves, you cant get barrels on the US servers afaik.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Raven said:
no. (it says you no longer need linings to make scale/chain)
The quoted change is for basic crafting... But the related armorcrafting change came earlier.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Raven said:
Goa will have to change it themselves, you cant get barrels on the US servers afaik.
No barrels on US for sure, and this change was well within the grey area from GOA, and changing barrels can be quite fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I hope they give charges some love to, 20 minutes instead of 10 minutes and no delay in casting two charges (just like buff potions work)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Positive stuff, the SC changes make sense it terms of increasing popularity of crafted items for AC'ers but could mean it's now possible to cap everything instead of having some tradeoffs.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
End regen pots 10mins dura then? Can use em to spam sprint I guess (ie close to perma sprint to move about faster). That's pretty nice, but I guess if everyone does it will be pointless.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
i just finished my bainshee and the nerf bat creaps up and KO's me :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The speciality armour is a complete waste of time, the parts have predefined bonuses on them - you don't get a choice!

My Friar could get 5% buff bonus, 5% heal or 40 hits cap, 5 acuity cap or 5 con cap. There is no choice, if I wanted dex cap then I'd have to use crafted gloves.

Totally pointless.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
GReaper said:
The speciality armour is a complete waste of time, the parts have predefined bonuses on them - you don't get a choice!

My Friar could get 5% buff bonus, 5% heal or 40 hits cap, 5 acuity cap or 5 con cap. There is no choice, if I wanted dex cap then I'd have to use crafted gloves.

Totally pointless.

For friars maybe, but nice for most others. I would imagine the bigger problem to be the rarity and ease to farm of the drops, unless they're pretty common getting an MP piece of the new armour probably won't be the norm.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
GReaper said:
The speciality armour is a complete waste of time, the parts have predefined bonuses on them - you don't get a choice!

My Friar could get 5% buff bonus, 5% heal or 40 hits cap, 5 acuity cap or 5 con cap. There is no choice, if I wanted dex cap then I'd have to use crafted gloves.

Totally pointless.

Well atleast you get something extra as now there isn't even a 5th slot, and 5 con cap/40 hits cap is always nice.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Is it just me or does the 35% snare reactives fill everyone else with impending doom?

Every caster and support toon will kit out in them (depending on proc rate) and it will be even harder to stay stuck to them than it is now! Its like hit them once (sprints already on) they kite.. Hit sos (on skald) or even charge (if its avail and ive not already blown it on zerk) to catch up.. hit them one more time and they go out of range/cant hit again instantly.. now with the snare procs in the equasion ??


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
Thornea said:
Is it just me or does the 35% snare reactives fill everyone else with impending doom?

Every caster and support toon will kit out in them (depending on proc rate) and it will be even harder to stay stuck to them than it is now! Its like hit them once (sprints already on) they kite.. Hit sos (on skald) or even charge (if its avail and ive not already blown it on zerk) to catch up.. hit them one more time and they go out of range/cant hit again instantly.. now with the snare procs in the equasion ??

sounds like a whole patch of poo to me :<

when can we expect this to go live on eu servers?


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Commandment said:
sounds like a whole patch of poo to me :<

when can we expect this to go live on eu servers?

next year sometime

but tbh, i kinda like it...they finally are making some nice changes to crafting bring on the skald love!! :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
May 25, 2004
Thornea said:
Is it just me or does the 35% snare reactives fill everyone else with impending doom?

It's not just you, rest assured...

Vamps get totally borked by powerdrain weapons, and that omnidrain sounds scary too.

And hello templatemakers, everyone has to redo and recraft their template after 1.85...

Crafters may reap some big money when the patch hits live :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
The fifth slot on alchemy would give my heretic 40hp cap, 5%heal bonus, 10AF, 5dex cap and 5str cap. This will make my life so so much easier if it goes live.

I guess I'm gonna be holding off from making another template for a good few more months...back to group rvr it is then ;)

Edit: Just to put the new omni tap proc into perspective, it's got 100 value whereas snakecharmers is 350. The 100 value is divided up between health/end and mana giving you not very much at all. Heal procs will still be definitely the way to go when this patch hits.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Totally worthless changes, all charachters need a new template with this patch and it wont be a challenge to do a template as u will be able to cap most stuff now.
ANd lol at 35% perma snareproc, will totally inbalance rvr.

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