1.84C - Valewalker love


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003

Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.84c Release Notes
June 1, 2006



New Battleground

- A new battleground, Cathal Valley, has been introduced in this version. This is a new battleground is for players who are levels 45 - 49. Cathal Valley is a brand new type of 'open field' battleground, empty of keeps and towers. The Realm Rank cap is 4L9 and the Master Level cap is ML5.

- (Pendragon Only) To facilitate testing, temporary NPC teleporters have added to the capital cities and primary border keeps in order to allow any player on Pendragon (from level 44 to level 50) to enter the new battleground, Cathal Valley.

Guild Command Additions and Changes

- The commands '/gc demote' and '/gc promote' now work on offline characters.

- A new command, '/gc removeaccount', has been added, which removes all character's associated with the same account as the target character from a player guild.

Help Window Update

- Added additional information for upgrading or downgrading player houses.

Bug Fixes

- (Pendragon Only) Players will no longer be unable to cast for extended periods of time due to being interrupted.

- The command /housefriend may now be used to add guilds whose names are comprised of a single word.

- The command '/gc buff' will now display current guild buff information to guild members on any server within a cluster.

- Guard spam will now display to guild members on any server within a cluster.

- Bonus experience messages will now display to guild members on any server within a cluster.

- The command '/housefriend account' will now allow access to characters which are based on any server within a cluster.

- Previously, if the group leader was out of range of a PvP kill on normal servers, only the group leader would receive gold. This has been fixed. If a group leader is now out of range of a PvP kill, the group leader will not receive gold, and any group members who are within range of the PvP kill will receive gold.

- The '/housefriend rank (rank)' command, which adds a particular rank of the guild associated with a house as a housefriend, previously required the rank to be specified as the string name of the guild rank. It will now accept either the string name or the numeric rank identifier (0-9), so '/housefriend rank 0' will add rank 0 of the guild as a housefriend. The resulting successful display message from '/housefriend rank (rank)' will now display the rank number in addition to the rank name.

- Previously, when some casters trained in certain spell lines, the caster would receive messages stating "You learn the XXX spell ability" with XXX being incorrect. This has been fixed.


General Class Notes

- The Bleed effect from Dual Shadows will no longer be resisted. This applies to both PvP and PvE servers.


- The heal associated with Holy Staff will now correctly fade after 10 seconds.


- The Odin's Retribution line can now be cast while in combat.

- The heal over time spells can now be cast while in combat.

- The point blank area of effect heal spell now works correctly.


- Baldur's Fury now correctly links off of Assault.


- Scythe Styles have been re-organized in the following manner:

Parry -> Sawgrass -> Thorny Shield
Evade -> Arboreal Fire -> Flaming Scythe
side -> Stunning Blade -> Blizzard Blade
Rear- > Foxfire -> Winter's Scythe
Frontal-> Grasping roots -> Conflagration

- Arboreal Shield is now available at Spec 21 in Scythe.

- Grasping Roots is now available at Spec 34 in Scythe and has a 10 second PBAE Root.

- Conflagration now procs a 150 DD spell.

- Foxfire is now a Rear positional Style.

- Grasping Roots is now a Frontal positional Style.


General Changes and Fixes

- The damage bonus on Legendary Weapons will now work on any target except other players.


- The recipes for complex potions have been flattened so that crafted potions are no longer required as ingredients to make the final potion. Instead, you will only need a portion of the materials that were used for the ingredient potions. For example: Elixir of Might required both an Elixir of Strength and an Elixir of Constitution, along with ancient treant wood. You will now only need heated, dusty, and vapor distills and ancient treant wood to make the potion.

- The recipes for the weariness and lethargy poisons have also been flattened so that crafted potions are no longer required as ingredients to make the poison.


- (Pendragon Only) We have reverted the 1.84a change that removed the boned, svarskodd, nadurtha, and daingean legs, vest, arms, helm, gauntlet, and boot recipes from Armorcrafting lists.

Basic Crafting

- Spellcrafting and Alchemy have been added to Basic Crafting for all realms.


- All newly crafted staves have "50 Focus All" (on any newly created staff at any level) in the fifth slot. This allows the staves to be spell crafted in the other 4 slots and have the Focus bonus at no additional imbue cost. It should be noted that this focus bonus applies to all levels of all crafted staves.

- All Legendary Weapons now have the first 3 slots open for spell crafting. This will not retro-actively apply to already created Legendary weapons. Only newly created Legendary Weapons will have the first 3 slots open.


- (Pendragon Only) We have reverted the 1.84a change that removed the boned legs, vest, arms, helm, gauntlet, and boot recipes from Albion tailoring.


- The docks at Caer Benowyc and Bledmeer Faste have been moved. They are now on the island with the keeps themselves. Boat paths, NPCs, maps, and the like have been adjusted to accommodate the new dock locations.


Quest Notes - Midgard

- Tomte Tide - Players stuck on steps 2, 3, or 4 of this quest can return to the Viking windjammer to replace the Salve of Seelie Desire and/or the Draught of Unseelie Dread.

- Mystic Trainer - Kobolds who were stuck on various steps of this quest will now be able to complete the quest.

- Trappers Pride - This quest was modified to be more in line with the level of the area where the quest starts.

- Newfound Group - This quest was modified to be more in line with the level of the area where the quest starts.

- Trappers Joy - This quest was modified to be more in line with the level of the area where the quest starts.

- Culmination - The majority of the vendo grunts that established a stronghold inside Queen Vuuna's camp have been removed.

Quest Notes - Hibernia

- Spicket, Spacket, and Spykit - This quest can now be deleted.

- Mag Mell Delivery - The journal directions were updated for the delivery steps of this quest. Players will now be told to find Sentinel Maitais near the portal to the Grove of Domnann.

Item Notes - General

- Added a wieldable roleplay item (turkey leg) to the fare offered by bartenders around the realms.

- New wieldable roleplay items have been added to the roleplay clothing merchants in each realm. The items are: scroll, key, rolling pin and quill.

- Added a new deployable roleplay item to the tent vendors at each of the realm festivals. This "instant sack" item, which creates a sand bag on the ground, can be used in a similar fashion to the previous housing zone restricted roleplay items (fence, boxes, cart...). The delve information for this item is: This item can only be used in the housing zones and can't be used within 512 units of monsters or NPCs in the game. To use the item, drop it on the ground. It will last 30 minutes and cannot be picked up.

- Fixed spelling error on tickets/boats for Prydwen Keep and Prydwen Keep Bridge routes.

- The majority of monsters have now been given ROG treasure in addition to their existing treasure. (However, animals, plants, insects and reptiles will still not drop ROG items.)

Monster Notes - Albion

- Fixed spelling error on Prydwen Keep Bridge Dockmaster.

- Adjusted one of the 'witherwood' spawns in Avalon Marsh so they spawn in the water rather than above it.

- The "water elf warriors" now equip weapons properly and "water elf sorcerers" will cast spells properly.

Monster Notes - Midgard

- The "njordalf warriors" now equip weapons properly and "njordalf mystics" will cast spells properly.


Monster Notes - Albion

- Palifan in Caldey can no longer be charmed.


General Notes

- Merchant Arerranna, located in Volcanus Haven, will now sell the proper assortment of items. This fixes an issue that had her displaying two pages of duplicate items.

Item Notes - Albion

- Players who are able to wear the chain or cloth version of the Crown of Zahur may trade the current version for an Acuity or Dexterity version of the artifact. Please see Artifact Scholar Khaliad for this trade.

Item Notes - Midgard

- Players who are able to wear the chain version of the Crown of Zahur may trade the current version for an Acuity or Constitution version of the artifact. Please see Loremistress Vendela for this trade.

Item Notes - Hibernia

- Players who are able to wear the scale version of the Crown of Zahur may trade the current version for an Acuity or Constitution version of the artifact. Please see Sage Narvla for this trade.

- Players who are able to wear the reinforced version of the Crown of Zahur may trade the current version for a Dexterity or Charisma version of the artifact. Please see Sage Narvla for this trade.

- Players who are able to wear the cloth version of the Crown of Zahur may trade the current version for a Dexterity or Intelligence version of the artifact. Please see Sage Narvla for this trade.

Quests - Oceanus

- Aten's Shield: Increased the chance of finding Aten's Shield, making it is easier to get credit for this encounter.

Quests - Aerus

- Enyalio's Boots: The chest that used to spawn Enaylio's Boots has been turned off as the item is no longer required to activate the artifact. The mechanism for encounter credit has not been changed.


General Notes

- (Hibernia) The Carrion encounter in the Hibernian Deadlands has been modified so that the wisps that start the encounter reset to their original spawn point after an appropriate amount of time when the encounter has failed. This should help prevent the wisps from migrating across the zone or getting stuck near the obelisk nearby. Note: You may still find monsters from this encounter near the obelisk if they were pulled there, but the change allows the encounter to reset better when the encounter has failed or been abandoned.

Instanced Adventuring Notes - General

- New task dungeon entrances for players that are levels 1 to 10 have been added to the Ludlow and Vasudheim areas. These entrances lead to the same 1 - 10 task dungeons found in the starter town areas. New Taskmasters have been added as well to Ludlow and Vasudheim that give tasks designated for the new dungeon entrances.

Dungeon Notes - General

- Melgron the Ancient in the "Ancient's Retreat" adventure wing has had its aggression radius and tether radius normalized so that it won't attack players before players can attack it.


- (Hibernia) Merchant Reswick, the siege merchant in Druim Ligen, has been moved slightly to allow proper room for the NPCs that hand out the Royal Expeditions.

- Epic raid level encounters intended for 3-4 full groups have been added to each of the Relic temples in the Frontiers.

- High level molochian tempters on Agramon Island can now be charmed.


- (Hibernia) Merchant Reswick, the siege merchant in Druim Ligen, has been moved slightly to allow proper room for the NPCs that hand out the Royal Expeditions.


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
some decent changes for crafting tbh.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
- All Legendary Weapons now have the first 3 slots open for spell crafting. This will not retro-actively apply to already created Legendary weapons. Only newly created Legendary Weapons will have the first 3 slots open.

very nice!


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
I like the vw changes, but people are probably not gonna grp them regardless of those changes.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
very very very little love too the alb dual wielders but still some love! :p

looks kinda nice with the "valewalker love" aswell ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 20, 2004
Seems cool, and I like the docks being moved = no more getting farmed by fg's camping the water ZZzZzzzZZ


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
Agrigo said:
Seems cool, and I like the docks being moved = no more getting farmed by fg's camping the water ZZzZzzzZZ

i dunno brian, im pretty sure i could make a fg to camp and kill teh female dorf!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 1, 2005
Apparently the new 45-49 BG looks almost exactly like old emain :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Bit annoyed at Cathal Valley. Players will have to level up characters to 49 if they want to use it, so my 16 level 50's are entirely useless! :p

It's a shame they didn't design Agramon to be something like this, it may have made quite a few players happy.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
vw changes look interesting o0

front chain levi :/

side chain levi :/

harsh :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't know wether to laugh or cry at this patch.

It cost me a ******* fortune, not counting the shear time factor to make my Legendary polearm MP.

And now I have the opportunity to fine-tune my template even better by a small degree IF I can bothered to do the whole bloody thing again.

And the depressing thing is...I know I will, because it'll bug me like hell if I don't.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
I dont see why clerics should get access to a dex version of zahurs crown while healers and druids don't :( why shouldnt they get it?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
- Added a wieldable roleplay item (turkey leg) to the fare offered by bartenders around the realms.

- New wieldable roleplay items have been added to the roleplay clothing merchants in each realm. The items are: scroll, key, rolling pin and quill.
Yourmotherinlaw attacks you with her rolling pin for 1000 damage!
You prepare to perform Drunken stuper
You Miss!
Your Motherinlaw attacks you with a Quill and Divorce paper for 2000 damage!
You have died, type /decree absolute to release to your nearest pub.
You have lost 50% of your wealth, to get this back amploy and assasin to kill your ex-wife.

OK, thats the rollplay out of the way and probably the last time Ill ever see it used. Still no archer love, with the changes to valks; thanes get left behdind once again, the zahurs change is wayyyyy overdue, like Kagato says the LW change is annoying to those who spent so much time making an MP one.

I do with Mythic would stop pissing in the wind and do some more worthwhile changes, at present they seem just to be turning out patches to keep themselves employed rather than boosting player morale or actually fixing issues that have been outstanding like LoS, strafe bugs, wall bugs, pet pathing, economy fixing etc etc.

The new BG is also a chocolate teapot, I certainly CBA to level a toon to 49 and put it on hold, 50 all or nothing. Already most of the BGs are empty so what on earth gave them the impression a new one was a good idea is beyond me. Newer players are certainly not going to enjoy it going face to face with an RR5 ML5 fully TOAd PLd toon who leveled a BB for the occasion too.

Doom I say, Doom!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Already most of the BGs are empty so what on earth gave them the impression a new one was a good idea is beyond me. !

Because they arent on the US servers. Typically 20-30 people on each side in each of the BG's on Merlin. Thid and molvik and leivrik being especially popular. Remember we are 2nd class daoc citizens on teh euro servers!


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
Im looking forward to the new BG, will give me a chance to get a few more Realm Ranks after the lower BG's before i have to face all your l337 kiddies :D.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Ballard said:
Because they arent on the US servers. Typically 20-30 people on each side in each of the BG's on Merlin. Thid and molvik and leivrik being especially popular. Remember we are 2nd class daoc citizens on teh euro servers!

at peek time you even find people in the 1-4 battle grounds the americans play alot diffent to us,

US style of play level up via RvR, Instance etc or PL get 50 RvR think about getting some random easy artifacts make random template not capping anything(the amount of ppl I saw on Lancelot in RvR with gray / green again was just funny then again still not as bad as the rollplaying servers. RvR again find out the char is shit cuase you rolled a HO cabalist find a random grp with 5 caster 3 tanks complain that you dye alot cuase you have no healer so you join the zerg.

EU style of play LEVEL up via instance/PL (mabey go thidrinky) go 40 start MLs get 46 Get full set of artifacts and template started Finish Pling to 50 at which point you have all artifacts level 10 and a complete fine tuned template and some ML, get a Opted grp and RvR while finishing todo MLs when they are run.

when it comes to DAOC, EU player very eliteist and we would walk over the US player 99% of the time.
another think I have noticed when playing with americas they seam to panic alot in RVR, OMG I got perfed and run around like a headless chicken its funny to see sometimes :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
- All Legendary Weapons now have the first 3 slots open for spell crafting. This will not retro-actively apply to already created Legendary weapons. Only newly created Legendary Weapons will have the first 3 slots open.

that makes sense.


Jan 22, 2005
Personally I think the 45-49 bg is a great idea to get new players/new toons ready and prepared for RvR if they get to 4L9.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
censi said:
- All Legendary Weapons now have the first 3 slots open for spell crafting. This will not retro-actively apply to already created Legendary weapons. Only newly created Legendary Weapons will have the first 3 slots open.

that makes sense.

May find them hard to overcharge (if it's like trying to apply only three gems).

Also means quality will become important on them (it's pretty irrelevant now, MP = 1% more damage than 99% - in the future, it'd be 1% more damage AND 4 more imbue points), unless imbue points are normalised for them.

It will make them easier to fit into templates as swap items, though, which is very nice. For that reason alone, I think I'll defer making any more til this patch comes in.



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Pity there isnt a NPC you can give legendaries to, who would remove the current stats and leave them ready for embuing. or maybe they might add one in later versions of this patch, who knows :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Ballard said:
I dont see why clerics should get access to a dex version of zahurs crown while healers and druids don't :( why shouldnt they get it?

I don't see why Druids/Healers get access to a Caster version of GoV/Scalars while Clerics get the Tank version :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 1, 2005
Andrilyn said:
I don't see why Druids/Healers get access to a Caster version of GoV/Scalars while Clerics get the Tank version :(
Druids get tank version of scalars :(
Dunno about healers.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Andrilyn said:
I don't see why Druids/Healers get access to a Caster version of GoV/Scalars while Clerics get the Tank version :(

Erm what are you talking about? Both healers and druids get the tank version of scalars......

and the version of gov they get is shite as well, very few people use it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Yourmotherinlaw attacks you with her rolling pin for 1000 damage!
You prepare to perform Drunken stuper
You Miss!
Your Motherinlaw attacks you with a Quill and Divorce paper for 2000 damage!
You have died, type /decree absolute to release to your nearest pub.
You have lost 50% of your wealth, to get this back amploy and assasin to kill your ex-wife.

OK, thats the rollplay out of the way and probably the last time Ill ever see it used. Still no archer love, with the changes to valks; thanes get left behdind once again, the zahurs change is wayyyyy overdue, like Kagato says the LW change is annoying to those who spent so much time making an MP one.

I do with Mythic would stop pissing in the wind and do some more worthwhile changes, at present they seem just to be turning out patches to keep themselves employed rather than boosting player morale or actually fixing issues that have been outstanding like LoS, strafe bugs, wall bugs, pet pathing, economy fixing etc etc.

The new BG is also a chocolate teapot, I certainly CBA to level a toon to 49 and put it on hold, 50 all or nothing. Already most of the BGs are empty so what on earth gave them the impression a new one was a good idea is beyond me. Newer players are certainly not going to enjoy it going face to face with an RR5 ML5 fully TOAd PLd toon who leveled a BB for the occasion too.

Doom I say, Doom!

1.84 was suppossed to be next tier of classes to be reworked but they decided to relook the classes they already worked on because the feedback showed they weren´t done yet.

Bad for archers yes but good for valks and VWs who thought they weren´t gonna get anything else and stay gimped.

Moving docks was a bad move. They should have moved hib docks instead.

New BG is for the US ppl only more or less. They are all empty on EU servers except thid and leirvik


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Andrilyn said:
I don't see why Druids/Healers get access to a Caster version of GoV/Scalars while Clerics get the Tank version :(
Healers and Shamans both get the tank version, too.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Since they are doing some changes to Zahur's, i want to be able to choose from different versions of Enyalio's Boots!

My zerker got dex and con cap, but my shaman got str and con cap. :\


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2004
the changes they are doing in 1.84 really start to get retarded.

Thane, valk and valevalker changes are way way over the top in solo/small group fights.

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