1.83d 1.83e 1.83Final


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Enli said:
seen my rps during the day?
think i'm a kid?
big nono
Lets put it like this, ever tried developping skills in fighting or earning respect in rvr? the only thing u're known about in hib is that u use the waterbug, the running rr10 thats u
ever seen urself in a film by others? they can't include you, u never finish a fight unless on casters or lowbies

and ofc u'll laugh this away thus proving my point that u are a kid with an epeen :)

and my chances against the zerg or a caster nuking me while I'm fighting someone else are what ? :D

And all I've seen of you is that you're hiding in droves of hibs then come running to add on everything in sight.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
liloe said:
I had Mirani hitting me today in a zerg.....I was laughing my ass off at the damage.

Ok, Valks really need some more than this, but from what I've heard the new spear styles had major bugs and they wanted to get out 1.83 for the other classes....

but sometimes I think some Valks just hit for crap dmg cause they have crappy templates =)

Can't wait to get charge myself though :p

well windmill does starter dmg and if the procc is resisted it does crap. Roundhouse however I tend to do 300ish+250ish procc with but nothing like getting hit for 700+ by a lw champ :(

and my template aint crap!

Edit: and if it was around Nott I most likely were buffed with pac healer bases only ;) (running with guildies just for a laugh nowadays)

Took out a ranger who IPed and Maliced on me when I was full buffed so we are capable of doing dmg just if the proccs get resisted our dmg goes down the drain.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Enli said:
seen my rps during the day?
think i'm a kid?
big nono
Lets put it like this, ever tried developping skills in fighting or earning respect in rvr? the only thing u're known about in hib is that u use the waterbug, the running rr10 thats u
ever seen urself in a film by others? they can't include you, u never finish a fight unless on casters or lowbies

and ofc u'll laugh this away thus proving my point that u are a kid with an epeen :)

have only made it into 2 vids myself. Arauddrys and Aolns and I never run from 1on1 :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Cylian said:
and my chances against the zerg or a caster nuking me while I'm fighting someone else are what ? :D

And all I've seen of you is that you're hiding in droves of hibs then come running to add on everything in sight.
do i deny it? nop why should i, its fun :) but at least i accept death from time to time, not using a feature in the water even when losing a 1v1


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Amazing isn't it....

This started out as an Info thread for the upcoming 1.83 patch, and within a page and a half turned into a whine thread....

Guess some things are constant across all patches.....


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
so I guess I should just boat to hib, sit down and provide RPs to the zergling adders.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Takhasis said:
Amazing isn't it....

This started out as an Info thread for the upcoming 1.83 patch, and within a page and a half turned into a whine thread....

Guess some things are constant across all patches.....
think i'll shut up idd, seems he aint getting the point

anyhow lets get messing with pets, should be intresting to see how underhills look after patch :)
also curious how many people rolled a vw now ^^


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
well windmill does starter dmg and if the procc is resisted it does crap. Roundhouse however I tend to do 300ish+250ish procc with but nothing like getting hit for 700+ by a lw champ :(

and my template aint crap!

Edit: and if it was around Nott I most likely were buffed with pac healer bases only ;) (running with guildies just for a laugh nowadays)

Took out a ranger who IPed and Maliced on me when I was full buffed so we are capable of doing dmg just if the proccs get resisted our dmg goes down the drain.

I know what dmg the styles do =) I play a Valkyrie myself, so yes, pac healer bases would explain...but I had others hit me for much less :p

And yer, champs with RR5 are nasty and I agree that fully buffed, Valks can taje out their targets, but I still maintain my argument that a lot whine and still have no good templates =)

EDIT: at least you're a sexeh Norsewoman =) Not like these misguided ppl who clicked frostalf, or even worse, dwarf =)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
liloe said:
I know what dmg the styles do =) I play a Valkyrie myself, so yes, pac healer bases would explain...but I had others hit me for much less :p

And yer, champs with RR5 are nasty and I agree that fully buffed, Valks can taje out their targets, but I still maintain my argument that a lot whine and still have no good templates =)

EDIT: at least you're a sexeh Norsewoman =) Not like these misguided ppl who clicked frostalf, or even worse, dwarf =)


Working on a new template now aswell though with some nasty debuff charges


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 20, 2004
liloe said:
EDIT: at least you're a sexeh Norsewoman =) Not like these misguided ppl who clicked frostalf, or even worse, dwarf =)
Dwarfs shall inherate the earth !
But i reckon that frostaff in cata client looks the best by far :)

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