1.81B - lotsa toa changes


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Gazon said:
There will still be hard/challenging/time consuming stuff to do in ToA to brush up your PvE-peen: Farming bosses for rare statics and uber rogs.

This patch should have been implemented right after they came up with ToA tho. Finally some sense.

oh cmon, after a month u can be fully toa'd, when that patch is here you are fully toa'd in 1 day, go the other day to moderna to powerlvl all the arti's and your pve is done, easy


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hmmm pve junk. Nice I suppose if you have alts untoa'd still.

Still waiting for some decent RvR changes though, they gotta do better to make it a good patch.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
I feel like ToA'ing NOW! :D

But then again... I have to wait six months+! :eek7:

Givf hot fix imo! :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004

I am very very interested to see this balancing stuff too man.

I hope they are fooking bold as promised. Hand on heart I like to see like the tables turned I would like albs to be able to construct the strongest RVR groups. God it has to be albs turn man. hibs in the middle and mids having the hardest time man. I wanna see a shake up man. I want the easy moders to get a kick in the cahunas.

its been like too long stacked in their favour.....

I wanna see the melee realm have weakest casters not the best (banelord BDs, fooking moccing LT'ing SM's with fooking Van Damm style intercept pets).

I want the class specific specs (mentalism, enchantments, Void etc) to be fooking at least close to be usable (for all realms)

I wanna see some stealther love.... IE make it so its physically possible to kill all these "£$!£"$$ that like to solo in god mode.. (sort out brittles, moc etc)

Lower god damn cast speeds...

Do not allow mages of any description to be speed classes. Im supposed to be like a ranger with the Jojourner (traveller ml line) but like im down there with the slowest of classes. If any class is going to be able travel terrain faster than other classes then its fooking rangers, hunters, and scouts. These 3 classes should have castable speed (debaitably speed 5). Drop mincers skalds and bards to speed 4 cap. (gulp)

I wanna see remedy reduced to effectiveness debuff. I wanna see some SB love. I wanna see scouts being able to mix it up with the other stealther classes in the same way ranger and hunters can.

I wanna see a negative honor system so that all the anonimous assholes that play like dickheads least get a fitting title.

I wanna see an RP penalty if you RVR in like on your doorstep. and an RP bonus to a player who kills someone right on the enemies doorstep. (some sort of active intellignce. Like if you are in a zone it counts how many hibs mids and albs are in that zone. As a mid say, If theres like 200 albs 150 hibs and 3 mids and your killing enemies in this are then you get a Huuuuuge RP bonus because you fooking desearve it.)

I wanna see mid get a PVE good pet spammer like the animst. Imo convert DB into pet spammers. SI Classes, I mean hib got ani, alb got necro (both only PVE classes) mid gets BD rvr godmode class.

do something about the advantage of alb having a 3rd util stealther.... remove stealth on it, or make speccing more compramising Ie their effectiness to either visual or stealthed RVR is even more spec dependent than it is now.

ooo that felt good. prolly half my suggestions are bollacks. I aint even gonna read em :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
censi said:
shnip shnap, cause post is 2 long.
ooo that felt good. prolly half my suggestions are bollacks. I aint even gonna read em :)

liked ur swearing. :)

swearing should be aloud, without geting flamed 4 it.


liked ur archer opinon 2.
Dec 31, 2003
Matmardigan said:
even stealther groups didnt wanted scouts, and 4get non stealther groups. they even would run just with 6-7 instead 2 fill the last spot with a scout.

Thats just hilerious... haha


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
Matmardigan said:
just took some years till they noticed it, that archers needs it 2.

I never understood , why minstrels got safe fall and climb wall and scouts not.

Archers r mostly on high position spots, like towers, Bridge tower roof or any other high place, not minstrels :(

Pretty sure the only reason that archers are getting it now is because everyone else apart from them could have it with champion levels. Would have been a little unfair if the only class type in game that had no form of safe fall was archers. i.e. it wasn't a balancing mechanism for the stealther community to be equal to each other.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
guys.....I clame a new title....TEH DIVINER!!

I will quote me from censi post and then you compare with 1.81 =))

Liloe said:
Well a new set of TL reports will come in now aswell, so what I expect is the following:

-artis will be looked at, seeing that many players complained that getting them+scrolls was too boring

-some ML steps might get BG status and/or be easier

-ML pathes will most likely be looked at, especially long complained banelord and if Valkyrie TL qq's enough, why not Stormlord aswell.

I can't give an exact prognose on what will happen, but I think there will be a lot of class tweaks. My personal guesses are Spiritmaster, Sorcerer, Friar, Bainshee, Warlock, Vampiir and I hope Valkyrie

I don't think there will be much for heavy tanks.

There might be some RA tweaks, but only very minor imho.

Ofc don't take my word on that, but this is what I personally guess will happen.

This patch is totally awesome =) Means equipping multiple chars returns to the level of SI I hope. Let's see what the changes to artis bring, cause it might mean to change my SC temps a bit =)) more dex cap, more resists on HE...that looks promising =) Also the easier ML's and no more crap farmin g for the artis. I guess a lot of people will be disappointed on their CM's =) Well, enough money was made alrdy and it's still at least 1.5months before this patch comes to EU.

Btw, someone said DR will come to us in mid december?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
censi said:
what is it at the moment. because like if a tank pops this on me i hit for like 6-10 damage.

It must be like 90% at the moment.

it is op :D me hero got it and it rocks!! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 15, 2005
I love this patch, finally people might invite others to do artifact groups for credit, finally those people who don't have the time to camp artis will be able to equip a char how they like to be able to compete in full rvr.

Only problem I see with this is that people might still farm arti mobs for the drops (thinking Zahur and Danos etc) but still might mean they are more accessible to others now.

Might be time to start hording my scrolls :)

And maybe we will get this patch by next christmas, can but hope...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Kagato said:
Hmmm pve junk. Nice I suppose if you have alts untoa'd still.

Still waiting for some decent RvR changes though, they gotta do better to make it a good patch.

Looks like your wish is coming true

"Several good things coming for Heavy Tanks. The changes for Heavy Tanks are pretty good, so much so that it really gives me hope for what assassins (and all classes) could possibly get. " - Meg, NS TL



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
they should make ml:s easier too, for example any two steps or the x.10 step could give full credit.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
censi said:
Lower god damn cast speeds...

ooo that felt good. prolly half my suggestions are bollacks. I aint even gonna read em :)

That one was bollocks for sure, aint they low enough allready? :)

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Mastade said:

- Low level monsters (between levels 0-10) are now easier to kill by low level characters.

w000h000!!! Cant wait!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
There goes the economy ... (not neccessarily a bad thing)

It levels the playing field somewhat, but that will just bring the realm imbalance
to the fore (I'd be interested to see what 1.81c brings to the table).

Imagine a world where every caster/cleric has +10% range, Zo pets, +10% pierce
all have GoLM and CB charges. Melee classes (regardless of level/RR) with Malice,
Battler, SoK, and Winged Helm MeleeStyle resistance-buff & SoM.

All part of the stealthed conspiracy caster nerf imho, with that many interrupts
and so many toys available to any old tank, casters are going to need MoC3 and
serious kiting skills.

It will see all the TWF classes become more popular, and once Dark Age of Tank-
alot seems completely upon us, they will implement a WoW-style reduced effect
interrupt system.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Aiteal said:
Looks like your wish is coming true

"Several good things coming for Heavy Tanks. The changes for Heavy Tanks are pretty good, so much so that it really gives me hope for what assassins (and all classes) could possibly get. " - Meg, NS TL

"Heavy Tank Enhancements: We are looking at a variety of improvements to make heavy tanks more fun and interesting to play. Our goal is to reinvigorate tanks to enable them to perform better in their role of taking damage, safeguarding their realmmates and leading the charge into battle."


Seems to be a lovely patch indeed, this takes care of the toa problems, now for the RvR problems! <o/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
such a freaking deal about a spell that does 300 damage on ppl with resist \ooooooooooo/ - so all u wizzies and sms out there, would you rather have the same version as the bainshee cae or keep your pbae?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 11, 2004
In one point of view this is good for some casual players to get some artis since some cant play so much. In another point of view everyone will run around with exacly the same stuff and there will be no "uniqueness" among players (more then the RR). I also feel sorry for those that realy, with sweat and tears, did their artis and now it comes a patch like this giving them basicly away for free.

If this will improve RvR to better it makes me happy but i doubt it. Most people like to have some stuff thats hard to get cause it makes them feel a litle special from the others. Many also likes the challenge to try to get that special item thats hard to get. If everything is to easy to get then people might get bored a lot quicker.

It is a nice strategy of mythic to try get new players into the game since they dont have to work hard to get stuff and be ready to RvR.... question is if it will be for the better. Guess only time can tell ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aiteal said:
Looks like your wish is coming true

"Several good things coming for Heavy Tanks. The changes for Heavy Tanks are pretty good, so much so that it really gives me hope for what assassins (and all classes) could possibly get. " - Meg, NS TL


Im not going to hold my breath just yet, if Mythic fix anything it will probably be overly complicated and fix something unrelated to the real problems.

But you never know.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
its a good start, lets just hope the rvr changes are as good. Would love them to give my hero some love.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Raven said:
its a good start, lets just hope the rvr changes are as good. Would love them to give my hero some love.

Its only so they know u will reactivate ;)

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