1.81b icm classic servers

should Goa continue with the classic servers? or concentrate on 1.81b?

  • Forget both classics, and implement 1.81b ASAP

    Votes: 148 47.6%
  • Forget one classic, and implement 1.81b ASAP

    Votes: 28 9.0%
  • Continue with the classics, but do implement 1.81b ASAP

    Votes: 61 19.6%
  • Forget both classics, and please forget 1.81b

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Forget one classic, and please forget 1.81b

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Continue with both classics, but please forget 1.81b

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • I don't give a rat's arse, stop making stupid polls

    Votes: 32 10.3%
  • doom d00m etc

    Votes: 32 10.3%

  • Total voters
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Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Just ditch the Classic (Haha, that ain't classic at all) Server before you put too much energy into it. It'll be dead inside of 6 months, and will do more harm than good to the Euro DAOC Scene.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2004
Going to play classic for a alterative server, to have a shot at mid too.

These are my reasons.

Levelling- Yay, its gonna be fun again, groups from level 1 just like the old days, which appeals alot to me. Due to most of it is PL or solo in task dungeons to get 50 now.

Epics! - Wearing epic armour will be so funny, will be some of the best gear like it used to be along time ago.

No buffs - Will be usefull yes, and no nevermind, i can live without.

Starting all over again - Generally enjoy doing this, did it with most of my Playsattion games and will be fun on here to.


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
In the end why shouldn't new servers be introduced? Sure, some people think that the only thing that will accomplish is spread the population but how about not thinking about yourselves for a moment? If player A leaves Prydwen/Excal to go play on a classic server and stays there, obviously he/she has good reason to, and enjoys it. Nobody likes an empty server but then again nobody likes a server that half the population is hiding in their hosues and crafting, and the other half playing their <insert overpowered PvE class here>, powerleveling alts they are going to get bored of after a few weeks of being lvl 50, just because they don't have anything else to do.

All the ToA changes might be yummy but think it's a tad too late, especially considering that the classic server is right around the corner but 1.81 is going to come here God knows when...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
well i was going to roll a bard and a vampiir or a sorc on the classic servers when i return from my travelling. Now i think i wont bother as it will take roughly the same time on normal servers.

Apart from that with classic servers u are playing a less advanced game without any arti's or ML's-for all the whine they give, they do add more complexity and interest to each class and fights. i think goa shuld skrap the idea really as it will to more harm in the long term, as some people will still inevitably go there and guilds will break up and dissolve and it will take many months before the dust settles and new guilds rise again. Just like when NF hit and there was disorganisation realm wide.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
[NO]Subedai said:
well i was going to roll a bard and a vampiir or a sorc on the classic servers when i return from my travelling. Now i think i wont bother as it will take roughly the same time on normal servers.

Apart from that with classic servers u are playing a less advanced game without any arti's or ML's-for all the whine they give, they do add more complexity and interest to each class and fights. i think goa shuld skrap the idea really as it will to more harm in the long term, as some people will still inevitably go there and guilds will break up and dissolve and it will take many months before the dust settles and new guilds rise again. Just like when NF hit and there was disorganisation realm wide.

korgon come back and make midgrp instead :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Intresting poll tbh.

thanks whoever made my post into a poll :cheers:

seems like most people only want classic because on daoc/europe/english you are restricted to 2 realms and some people want to try stuff from the third realm too.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 5, 2004
with this patch hope the ebayers will disepear
so most of the people cand have acces to the arties and the price will drop

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
Intresting poll tbh.

thanks whoever made my post into a poll :cheers:

seems like most people only want classic because on daoc/europe/english you are restricted to 2 realms and some people want to try stuff from the third realm too.

That'd be Tilda and me ;)
and you're welcome :D

and ohw... well, english people now effectively only have one realm, due to that cluster stuff :/

[post=2562786]Ingafgrinn Macabre @ #23[/post] said:
with the upcoming changes in the [thread=179049]1.81b[/thread] patch, do you think goa should invest in a classic server, or two classic servers? or non at all?

Currently Goa is planning 2 classic servers, one english, one german.
I myself thing they will become redundant after 1.81 goes live here. or atleast, one of 'em will...

What do you think?

Forget both classics, and implement 1.81b ASAP
Forget one classic, and implement 1.81b ASAP
Continue with the classics, but do implement 1.81b ASAP
Forget both classics, and please forget 1.81b
Forget one classic, and please forget 1.81b
Continue with both classics, but please forget 1.81b
I don't give a rat's arse, stop making stupid polls
doom d00m etc
[post=2562790]Tilda @ #24[/post] said:
I'm so good, deleted all our chat Ing, am going to get some work now!


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Serosh said:
For starters, let's see how the ToA tweaks are gonna work out, so many people acting like ToA suddenly becomes an area where a nekkid luri wielding a 2 day old baguette can solo Malice or something.

[URL="http://"www.visionofsages.net/toa/img/maliceMordred.jpg]Well at one point on Camalann you could solo Malice with a nekid level 9 guy with no weapon, you just had to be quick to pick up the axe ;) [/URL]


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
sweet 18 other people thought this was a stupid poll


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
While the new patch info on 1.81 looks very nice i still think there is room for a "classic" server, since people will want to play it not only for the relative ease of getting rvr ready, but also for the different way it will play in rvr and in pve. Less buffots, no weird toa abilities, likely plenty of people to group with at all levels at least for a while, more focused pve high end content so easier to get people for it etc.

I do think one server would be enough though. It will be totally overcrowded the first few months but then it should have a nice high permanent population, as opposed to 2 servers which will be likely have to be clustered later on.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Just give us something the yanks don't have like a hybrid rule set server with Co'op in the home zones and PvP flagged in the frontiers. Would give everyone pretty much what they want.

Plently of PvE options in each of the 3 realms with the option to use each realms SI dungoens + Cats instances.

Plently of varid PvP in the frontiers with camlann style options for set groups.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Tbh it's pissed me off that i've spent so much cash buying arti's/scrolls to ToA a character and then they introduce this where is all now easy mode.

I'm sure ALOT of you have ToA'd alot of your chars and all spent alot of sweat and blood getting them sorted for rvr.

Classic you don't need to be ml10 to win a fight, you don't need arti's and you don't need to be leet to get into a decent group.

Most of classic will be guilds from other servers moving there so unless you haev a space already in a guild group, GL having fun. I agree with Gamah, it wont be 90% of what people think.

It's pure and simple, Mythic have made this game Easy/god-mode.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Get in 1.81 in as quickly as possible.

Spreading out the playerbase over more servers won't help. People want to play with other people, especially on such a cooperative game, and there will be half as many at best for both servers to play with.

I'd prefer to be able to do stuff in the game in a limited time. I picked light spec with my enchanter, which pissed off a load of people when I last played. It took me ages to get to level 50 because of not being invited to "uber leveling groups" as well as being in a small guild. This game isn't very easy when you have little enough time to play it while having those disadvantages. Why don't you try it, just to get out of easy mode..

And the only way they've made this game god mode is by bringing in stupidly powerful equipment and abilities. But being as everyone will now have reasonable access to this, I don't see what the problem is.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
the results of the poll about a classic server will be just the same as those we had for the Clustering of the server.

A lot off impulsive kids reacted out of unhappiness and incompetence.
After realizing what the results were of their decission they start moaning again.

As will this be with the classic server. A lot vote yes, without considering the consequenses. Thinking that all will be as it once was. Not realizing that it simply can't be like that.

Just as it is with cammlan and those type off servers, they will hold a minor population whom have or will invest a lot of time into obtaining something. After this period not willing to part from it.. they are stuck.

There is no need for those type of servers in any way. Maybee just to please a minority that thinks they'll find their pleasure again.

i voted No, so did i do when it came to clustering.

i have no regrets :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Serosh said:
No FZ, reaverbomb and other "IWIN" abilities, yes there are still some, but a lot less at least, casters don't have brittle guards or precience nodes and are thus again vulnerable enough to justify their high damage output. NO ML9 PETS.

Hehe, but there is still DET and charge. Tbh, I think it is quite even as it is now on regular servers, and I don't see how tanks can justify their dmg output whilst being immune to CC. That is, if I have understood the classic ruleset right.

So, few or no alternative ways for casters to stop tanks, and no bodyguard to help them either.

I like the idea of a classic server. Especially since it gives me the oppertunity to play a third realm on an English speaking server. Although I fear that it will be all about tanks on them.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Gamah said:
Classic servers are not what 90% of people are hoping they will be.

Mayhap but I can say that 75% of people I've asked ARE hoping it will be one of the following

1> Another realm
2> No ToA
3> Less " I Win LOOOLZ" buttons

That can only be a GOOD thing as far as I'm concerned.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i do think that before they go ahead and dilute thier already shrinking player base that they should do another poll on the goa home page, 1 question, 2 answers, do you want an EU classic servers yes or no.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2004
Raven said:
i do think that before they go ahead and dilute thier already shrinking player base that they should do another poll on the goa home page, 1 question, 2 answers, do you want an EU classic servers yes or no.

Why do it the secound time?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 10, 2005
now playing classic in US and loving it ( im a Euro time zone player)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
HAHAHAHA player base in daoc!!!
60 english servers in wow n 1 cluster in daoc!!!

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
nOmoreCOAL said:
HAHAHAHA player base in daoc!!!
60 english servers in wow n 1 cluster in daoc!!!
yehyeh.. been all over that daoc-vs-wow already, now please go back to that kiddo's cartoon..


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
wounder how manny german/french leetists thats going to move to the "classic" server, hope it aint going to be close to camlann, feels like everytime i stick my necro ass out there some 1337 german vamp,wl,sorc,caba or annyotherfotmIWINclass kicks my ass :touch:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
bottler said:
Why do it the secound time?
because people have tried it in the US and found it isnt what they are looking for.
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