

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Obviously an impatient PL'd or ebayed char here.

And obviously u aint a clue what ur talking about...or ur just full of shit

NONE of my chars were PL'ed or Ebayed....all 8 lvl50s were lvl'ed by me and me only,either by soloing or grouping... and ive played for 3yrs in all 3 realms on the same server...before i decided this game wasnt fun anymore, because my idea of fun is to enjoy a game...not having to be FORCED to do something to get that enjoyment and NOT feel like am doing household chores for the next several weeks!

so dont see how u can come to that conclusion when u dont me...nor know my chars...

Or are u just 1 of these narrow minded pricks who coz someone slated ur beloved game...or doesnt like something in a patch u automatically think everyone uses Ebay or PL

Or you another PvE type person...whos got the misconception that Daoc was made purely for PvE and PvE only, and anything to do with RvR doesnt count!

old.Whoodoo said:
you change something, you test it on test severs, make it live, test it again and fix if needed.

and if they had tested their expansions, games as much as u make out...then these patches wouldnt be needed.

Even if they put a little forethought in before introducing new things such as lvling artifacts...anyone could see that from the requirements they had put on the artifacts it was gonna involve a hell of alot of timesink and that ppl wouldnt like it

Or the fact after Scing ur chars...gathering the best items u could...then introducing TOA would annoy alot of ppl...that the fact they had to start all over again with templates...and spend several weeks yet again on their templates

The fact that TOA made the gap wider between casual and hardcore players...and u wonder why people use Ebay or PL....because not everyone can afford the time to put in massive timesinks!

Lets not forget about all the bugs still left in the game...that have been there from the start....or the new bugs that have come with the new expansions

In my opinon the majority of bugs should be fixed BEFORE it goes live...then this doesnt affect the gameplay, also it doesnt affect the way people see the game or allows people to take advantages of a bug.

old.Whoodoo said:
You really should try playing some other MMORPGs before spouting off about Mythics patches, then come back and complain

You really should take ur head from outta ur arse...coz again ur presuming i havent played any other online games, but i have and am still complaining!

Its not about their patches it about their LACK of thinking...on how their patches would effect the game...or the ppl that play it

old.Whoodoo said:
In principle, the ToA artifact and ML system is sound, but what Mythic didnt consider is that most ppl playing these days are tight arses, and wont level thinsg with others. Group leveling artis would be great, but no one does it, everyone and their BB just sits solo doing their exping, so now Mythic have made it "Im a sad git wanna play on me own" easy.

In principle the system is sound if u want to play PvE for the next few months and u dont want to enjoy the other aspects of the game....as for other players being tight arses...Mythic have only their self to blame again.

They were the 1s who introduced the option of getting BBs .....they introduced the fact they made exping on ur own easier....they are the 1s who again (u could say) didnt think about the effect it would have on the game...but again (u could say that) they did think about it...because they are only interested in MONEY !!.....more accounts = more money...doesnt matter how they get it...aslong as they keep it...(which ties in with the player base argument)

So stop crying about things ur beloved Mythic introduced and blame them not others...and just because people choose to solo doesnt mean they are sad....just because they choose to play a MMorpg and dont necessarily want to group all the time...doesnt mean to say they have no right not to play MMorpgs....its means they have the option to group should they want too

old.Whoodoo said:
As for the comment about ppl leaving, the DAoC player base is still expanding,

LOL ....Daoc base is still expanding? how so?...u basing that on just the amount of accounts?...if so whats to say that Joe Bloggs doesnt own 6 accounts?...instead of 6 people owning 6 seperate accounts. Do Mythic actually care aslong as the MONEY still rolls in?

Yes the player base might look as if its expanding...but doesnt necessarily mean it is...if ur basing it just on how many accounts there are

The way the game is now...it doesnt attract new players...theres no incentive for new players to start this game from lvl1...theres hardly no groups between 1-20...people who have access to the lvl20 command these days...majority of em PL their chars...so again there is a lack of groups....so new people are having to resort to...what did u call it oh yes "Im a sad git wanna play on me own" ....so because these ppl cant find groups...because Mythic has made it this way...they are sad?....this in turn makes feel left out...makes them feel they are missing a huge part of the game, so why play a game that offers that?

Yes you can argue its down to them to get to know people...but how u get to know people...thru groups!.....and if theres no groups...how can u get to know people but hanging around a bindstone and saying " Please talk to me am new"....yes that will work to a certain degree but not as effectively as if everyone was on an equal footing and starting from scratch.

old.Whoodoo said:
despite loosing ppl like you who found it too much like hard work to play.

As for me finding it too hard work to play....LOL that again shows ur lack of intelligence and narrowmind....just because i didnt like the fact i was FORCED to spend several weeks lving items that i could ONLY get ONCE...just so i could compete again RvR...u say i found it too hard?

No sorry i didnt find it too hard...i OBJECTED to being forced to do something...just so i could carry on enjoying a game i had played for 3yrs and being able to compete. just so Mythic could get more MONEY out of me

But lets take it 1 step further...like so many people have ...and spent
those weeks farming the artifacts they need for their templates...farming scrolls or paying stupid prices for them just so they can activate their artifact.
Then spent numerous hours...exping the artifact so they have it at lvl10...just so they feel they are ready to compete again in RvR.

How the fuck do you think they feel now with Mythic latest patches....making artifact Xping easier...introducing new aritfacts that only take around 2-3hrs to get to lvl10....u think these people are gonna be pleased about it? That they spent every waking exping artifacts just so they could enjoy RvR again...for Mythic then to turn round and say "btw we gonna make xping artifacts easier".

Most (not all) people will have got their artifacts by now....these changes was needed long ago !

With every patch Mythic bring in lately...there is some adjustment to something that should of been THOUGHT about....before TOA was released...things they could of seen and done something about before the expansion hit the stores if there had only been a little more thought and testing gone into it.

Simple things like the 28buff limit and how it effects grapple...ur telling me with a little more testing...this couldnt of been avoided?...or is it working as intended? (meaning we couldnt be arsed working round it...so we left it ingame)

Or leaving the chanters DPS debuff ingame on instant...so it can be used to interrupt someone every 5secs? why remove the healers and not the chanters?....working as intended from ur point of view i presume?

old.Whoodoo said:
Mythic own and still produce the best MMORPG around, simple, sorry theres no easy win button for you.

thats ur opinion and ur entitled to it...but guess you wont know about the upcoming games due out...that will make Daoc look "ancient"...since ur so blinkered!

I dont need a win button...nor do i want 1....simple!

Anyways...ive said my piece and to the rest of the people reading this i apologise for my language or tone if it offends anyone...but i really cant do with people who cant see the bigger picture...and get on their high horse because i dont play the game how they would like me too, or cry because i put in an opinion about their beloved game and spout crap back at me without any REAL evidence to backup their crap

Everyone has a right to play the game they want too...and in the same token everyone has a right to their view of the game and the way Mythic do things...just a shame some people cant see this and have to be narrowminded twats about it



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
/shrug a few will like them be some nice UI maps soon i guess:fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
NeonBlue, you made a lot of good points, but some of it isn't totally accuret. There may be better MMORPG's coming out that make DAoC look old, but there has been a fair few that have failed to impress.

People would like you to think that TOA has widened the gap between wider between casual and hardcore players but i doubt verything things are any wider than they were before. Before TOA a 'HCG' could role a new character, PL it to 50 and get full SC gear in a few weeks, there guilds could new FOTM groups battle ready in a month or so. Now they have to do the MLs and get Artifacts and level them up before they can compeate with any new characters they make. Casual gamers on the other hand may only play 1 or 2 characters regulary and probably enjoy the game outside of RvR. HCG never use to compain how hard it was to get Sidi stuff even though is it probably harder to get a full sidi armour than do all the MLs, probably because they new that casual gamers could never do it. HCG dislike TOA becasue its accesable to all, it may take casual a little longer to do but its not impossible.

One of the first QQ threads i read about TOA was a Mid player from a high ranking RvR guild moaning that his 1fg FOTM could win against 2fg of 'randoms' because of Grapple.

Even after the new change to artifact level people are already moaning that its not fair becasue they had to level theres the hard way.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Balbor said:
NeonBlue, you made a lot of good points, but some of it isn't totally accuret. There may be better MMORPG's coming out that make DAoC look old, but there has been a fair few that have failed to impress.

true theres always the downside the games am talking about could fall short of expectations...and become nothing


if you read the FAQ about the above game ...it sounds besides very different and promising...that it actually rewards the player ...the more PvP they do...ok might not to be everyones liking...but what am saying is u can PvP anytime u want...not feel like an underdog...not be restricted by time...and still get the same rewards (EXP in this case) without having to go through the hassle of lvling ur char...finding items to suit ur template...before u can even begin to think about PvP

Balbor said:
People would like you to think that TOA has widened the gap between wider between casual and hardcore players but i doubt verything things are any wider than they were before. Before TOA a 'HCG' could role a new character, PL it to 50 and get full SC gear in a few weeks, there guilds could new FOTM groups battle ready in a month or so. Now they have to do the MLs and get Artifacts and level them up before they can compeate with any new characters they make. Casual gamers on the other hand may only play 1 or 2 characters regulary and probably enjoy the game outside of RvR. HCG never use to compain how hard it was to get Sidi stuff even though is it probably harder to get a full sidi armour than do all the MLs, probably because they new that casual gamers could never do it. HCG dislike TOA becasue its accesable to all, it may take casual a little longer to do but its not impossible.

thats true about the gankgrops before TOA ...if they needed a certain char they could PL it and have it Sc'ed within a week. The casual player did get left behind some what...i dont deny this. With regards to TOA yes i can see ur point that the casual gamer could be on the same footing now coz of MLs & Artis....its not so easy for the gankgroups to produce the chars they need so fast now.

Myself have no problem with trying to narrow the gap between casual and hardcore players...because i think on a whole it will benefit the game...especially when it comes to RvR...the casual should be entitled to RvR as much as the next man...but coz of time constraints in the past hasnt been able to do this and i feel that alot of casual players miss what can be an enjoyable part of the game (RvR)

Balbor said:
One of the first QQ threads i read about TOA was a Mid player from a high ranking RvR guild moaning that his 1fg FOTM could win against 2fg of 'randoms' because of Grapple.

Well personally speaking grapple should be removed from the game...it brings no enjoyment...its overpowered and the bug gets abused every day

Balbor said:
Even after the new change to artifact level people are already moaning that its not fair becasue they had to level theres the hard way.

Thats my whole point...if Mythic had THOUGHT about things before releasing the expansion....just tested more...not just on PvP things but on the PvE side too (timesinks involved,arti lving etc) then these patches we are getting now to fix problems...wouldnt/shouldnt of been in the game in the 1st place

And its only human nature that ppl are going to feel agrieved (sp?) after putting so much time into their artifacts...to find out later that Mythic are going to make it easier and since most people will have their artis on their main characters already...these change arent going to benefit ppl that much...not until it comes to doing an alt...or their next template on their mains because the arits they got now become degraded

And how many ppl want to go through all the aritfact lving and all the Mls again with their alts?...not many i would wager


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Dorin said:
now they should fix the repop rate on certain artifacts (Som, Gov etc) make them 100% drop (cloudsong for god sakes) and alot higher scroll drop rate, no fun chaining high purple mobs for hours cuz they dont want to drop an idiot scroll : )

I do think they should make all the actual artifacts 100% drop.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
NeonBlue said:
And obviously u aint a clue what ur talking about...or ur just full of shit

NONE of my chars were PL'ed or Ebayed....all 8 lvl50s were lvl'ed by me and me only,either by soloing or grouping... and ive played for 3yrs in all 3 realms on the same server...before i decided this game wasnt fun anymore, because my idea of fun is to enjoy a game...not having to be FORCED to do something to get that enjoyment and NOT feel like am doing household chores for the next several weeks!
The exp grind from 1 to 50 for a normal char is exactly what Im refering to. You ARE forced to PvE, else you dont get to 50. And no, Im not a pure PvE'er or id piss off and play single player games. DAoC by design balances the two, if you dont want to level your artis on mobs, well you can go RvR them to death instead, so they gave you the choice with that.

As for my Mythic love, it stems from the fact DAoC has less bugs, more fun and better game play than any other MMORPG, hence why I said try others, I didnt see you admitting thats true in the 15 pages of sodden toilet rag you spewd. Whats the best way to test things in all aspects of life, use them with real people in real circumstances. Theres such little gap between patches these days, that major problems vanish in a few weeks, and as for the minor bugs, hey, it happens when it happens and the rest of the player base ignore it.

You whine about grapple, every realm and every character has always had its nemesis, necros are too hard, LoS issues, savages are too l33t, shrooms killed my server whatever, it happens in all games, and until a real player puts it through its paces and shows how to abuse its characteristics, no one knows.

Of course Mythic could employ 100 people to poulate a server all day long and test every angle on every character, but then we wouldnt see the results for months. Or, like SWG we would end up with a patch or hotfix daily, and for those on 56k (yes no all have ADSL), its a nightmare. This also means the dev team loose time on preparing new things for the game, bringing surprises to game play, which keeps DAoC alive.

My appologies for calling you an ebayer, all those level 50s on all 3 realms, instead I think you should get out more. This game is dead to you for one reason alone, you over-played it. Its like eating choclate all day, in the morning its "great, all i can eat!!" in the evening you wonder why you ever liked the stuff in the first place, as you throw up for the last time. "Familiarity breeds comtempt" is the best I have to offer you. My advice is to move to the next game, and slag that off on another forum and leave us who still enjoy DAoC as it is alone.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
yet more crap

i need to get out more?....8 lvl50s over 3yrs...is nothing

old.Whoodoo said:
My advice is to move to the next game, and slag that off on another forum and leave us who still enjoy DAoC as it is alone.

in other words coz u cant provide a decent argument...u do the typical FH thing and slag ppl off....ppl like you really shouldnt be on the E&E team with such a blinkered view of the game

And if u cant tell the difference between raising valid points...providing a discussion or debate on the topics...to slagging off....then it isnt me who has to get out more...but you

but anyways i aint gonna waste no more time on a person...who doesnt have the intelligence to provide a decent counter argument


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
NeonBlue said:
i need to get out more?....8 lvl50s over 3yrs...is nothing

I wouldn't exactly call it nothing, i've been playing pretty much since the Euro release and i've only got 2 lvl50's (neither over RR5 either) - then again, i'm a professionally trained time-waster. Don't try this at home kids :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
NeonBlue said:
but anyways i aint gonna waste no more time on a person...who doesnt have the intelligence to provide a decent counter argument
if all YOU can do is to slag off people in a discussion about a game you quit, then you better get a life or another game and leave us active players alone as NONE of the stuff that's happening now in the game is of ANY concern to you ...
I'm actualy sorry to see you go down this bitter-bitch road as I actually enjoyed grouping with your sorc ...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Awww... Feel teh love guys....

Hes got the whole world.. in his hands..
Hes got the whole world.. in his hands..
Hes got the whole world.. in his hands..

Hes got the whole world in his hands...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Chrystina said:
if all YOU can do is to slag off people in a discussion about a game you quit, then you better get a life or another game and leave us active players alone as NONE of the stuff that's happening now in the game is of ANY concern to you ...
I'm actualy sorry to see you go down this bitter-bitch road as I actually enjoyed grouping with your sorc ...

slag ppl off?

hmm if u read the posts properly..to begin with i did nothing but post my opinion on the latest patch...then it was me who got slagged off for that view.

So then all i did was post a lengthy argument why i had that view and to provoke some intelligent debate or discussion on the subject...again i got nothing but crap spouted at me...

only Balbor posted a decent intelligent reply

and who are u to say that what happens ingame..or latest patches doesnt concern me? how do u know i still dont play? fact is u dont...and to be quite frank that doesnt concern u either and nor should i have to tell u

but for the record i do still play..not that its anything to do with you or anyone else.

So get off ur high horse, what happens in this game DOES concern me


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Ok, ignoring the flame fest and coming back to the original topic of whether Goa will hotfix part of the 1.71 patch. I'd say it's unlikely. At the moment it's not even live on US servers and until then the code and mechanics are very much subject to change. When it does go live, I expect we'll be running 1.70 on the Euro servers and working on 1.71 as a whole patch. We have 'hotfixed' part of upcoming patches before the patch itlself went live but those were to fix situations that had been broken or made the game unbalanced. Something like this which - although obviously popular - isn't fixing an urgent issue is not likely to get rushed through in advance of 1.71.
That's not to say it definitely won't because the decision as to when things go live on Euro servers is taken a long way over my head, but I would be very surprised if this was implemented in advance.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
NeonBlue said:
And obviously u aint a clue what ur talking about...or ur just full of shit

NONE of my chars were PL'ed or Ebayed....all 8 lvl50s were lvl'ed by me and me only,either by soloing or grouping... and ive played for 3yrs in all 3 realms on the same server...before i decided this game wasnt fun anymore, because my idea of fun is to enjoy a game...not having to be FORCED to do something to get that enjoyment and NOT feel like am doing household chores for the next several weeks!

so dont see how u can come to that conclusion when u dont me...nor know my chars...

Or are u just 1 of these narrow minded pricks who coz someone slated ur beloved game...or doesnt like something in a patch u automatically think everyone uses Ebay or PL

Or you another PvE type person...whos got the misconception that Daoc was made purely for PvE and PvE only, and anything to do with RvR doesnt count!

and if they had tested their expansions, games as much as u make out...then these patches wouldnt be needed.

Even if they put a little forethought in before introducing new things such as lvling artifacts...anyone could see that from the requirements they had put on the artifacts it was gonna involve a hell of alot of timesink and that ppl wouldnt like it

Or the fact after Scing ur chars...gathering the best items u could...then introducing TOA would annoy alot of ppl...that the fact they had to start all over again with templates...and spend several weeks yet again on their templates

The fact that TOA made the gap wider between casual and hardcore players...and u wonder why people use Ebay or PL....because not everyone can afford the time to put in massive timesinks!

Lets not forget about all the bugs still left in the game...that have been there from the start....or the new bugs that have come with the new expansions

In my opinon the majority of bugs should be fixed BEFORE it goes live...then this doesnt affect the gameplay, also it doesnt affect the way people see the game or allows people to take advantages of a bug.

You really should take ur head from outta ur arse...coz again ur presuming i havent played any other online games, but i have and am still complaining!

Its not about their patches it about their LACK of thinking...on how their patches would effect the game...or the ppl that play it

In principle the system is sound if u want to play PvE for the next few months and u dont want to enjoy the other aspects of the game....as for other players being tight arses...Mythic have only their self to blame again.

They were the 1s who introduced the option of getting BBs .....they introduced the fact they made exping on ur own easier....they are the 1s who again (u could say) didnt think about the effect it would have on the game...but again (u could say that) they did think about it...because they are only interested in MONEY !!.....more accounts = more money...doesnt matter how they get it...aslong as they keep it...(which ties in with the player base argument)

So stop crying about things ur beloved Mythic introduced and blame them not others...and just because people choose to solo doesnt mean they are sad....just because they choose to play a MMorpg and dont necessarily want to group all the time...doesnt mean to say they have no right not to play MMorpgs....its means they have the option to group should they want too

LOL ....Daoc base is still expanding? how so?...u basing that on just the amount of accounts?...if so whats to say that Joe Bloggs doesnt own 6 accounts?...instead of 6 people owning 6 seperate accounts. Do Mythic actually care aslong as the MONEY still rolls in?

Yes the player base might look as if its expanding...but doesnt necessarily mean it is...if ur basing it just on how many accounts there are

The way the game is now...it doesnt attract new players...theres no incentive for new players to start this game from lvl1...theres hardly no groups between 1-20...people who have access to the lvl20 command these days...majority of em PL their chars...so again there is a lack of groups....so new people are having to resort to...what did u call it oh yes "Im a sad git wanna play on me own" ....so because these ppl cant find groups...because Mythic has made it this way...they are sad?....this in turn makes feel left out...makes them feel they are missing a huge part of the game, so why play a game that offers that?

Yes you can argue its down to them to get to know people...but how u get to know people...thru groups!.....and if theres no groups...how can u get to know people but hanging around a bindstone and saying " Please talk to me am new"....yes that will work to a certain degree but not as effectively as if everyone was on an equal footing and starting from scratch.

As for me finding it too hard work to play....LOL that again shows ur lack of intelligence and narrowmind....just because i didnt like the fact i was FORCED to spend several weeks lving items that i could ONLY get ONCE...just so i could compete again RvR...u say i found it too hard?

No sorry i didnt find it too hard...i OBJECTED to being forced to do something...just so i could carry on enjoying a game i had played for 3yrs and being able to compete. just so Mythic could get more MONEY out of me

But lets take it 1 step further...like so many people have ...and spent
those weeks farming the artifacts they need for their templates...farming scrolls or paying stupid prices for them just so they can activate their artifact.
Then spent numerous hours...exping the artifact so they have it at lvl10...just so they feel they are ready to compete again in RvR.

How the fuck do you think they feel now with Mythic latest patches....making artifact Xping easier...introducing new aritfacts that only take around 2-3hrs to get to lvl10....u think these people are gonna be pleased about it? That they spent every waking exping artifacts just so they could enjoy RvR again...for Mythic then to turn round and say "btw we gonna make xping artifacts easier".

Most (not all) people will have got their artifacts by now....these changes was needed long ago !

With every patch Mythic bring in lately...there is some adjustment to something that should of been THOUGHT about....before TOA was released...things they could of seen and done something about before the expansion hit the stores if there had only been a little more thought and testing gone into it.

Simple things like the 28buff limit and how it effects grapple...ur telling me with a little more testing...this couldnt of been avoided?...or is it working as intended? (meaning we couldnt be arsed working round it...so we left it ingame)

Or leaving the chanters DPS debuff ingame on instant...so it can be used to interrupt someone every 5secs? why remove the healers and not the chanters?....working as intended from ur point of view i presume?

thats ur opinion and ur entitled to it...but guess you wont know about the upcoming games due out...that will make Daoc look "ancient"...since ur so blinkered!

I dont need a win button...nor do i want 1....simple!

Anyways...ive said my piece and to the rest of the people reading this i apologise for my language or tone if it offends anyone...but i really cant do with people who cant see the bigger picture...and get on their high horse because i dont play the game how they would like me too, or cry because i put in an opinion about their beloved game and spout crap back at me without any REAL evidence to backup their crap

Everyone has a right to play the game they want too...and in the same token everyone has a right to their view of the game and the way Mythic do things...just a shame some people cant see this and have to be narrowminded twats about it


Very nice post, and true all the way
TOA, and its artifacts, not to mention Morron ehh Master levels 1 - 10 has totally drained everyone to the limit and ALOT . . . Really ALOT have quit daoc and more will follow.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Requiel said:
Ok, ignoring the flame fest and coming back to the original topic of whether Goa will hotfix part of the 1.71 patch. I'd say it's unlikely. At the moment it's not even live on US servers and until then the code and mechanics are very much subject to change. When it does go live, I expect we'll be running 1.70 on the Euro servers and working on 1.71 as a whole patch. We have 'hotfixed' part of upcoming patches before the patch itlself went live but those were to fix situations that had been broken or made the game unbalanced. Something like this which - although obviously popular - isn't fixing an urgent issue is not likely to get rushed through in advance of 1.71.
That's not to say it definitely won't because the decision as to when things go live on Euro servers is taken a long way over my head, but I would be very surprised if this was implemented in advance.

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(

ah well guess i gotta do it the hard way then, like i had planned to do anyway before even reading this bit :D

bring on NF and whatever else happens to be on the way


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Archeon said:
I think the Hotfixes GOA did were actual Hotfixs on the Mythic servers, not just parts of patches they thought we should get sooner. I could be wrong though I guess, I generally don't commit every server change to memory :D

AFAIK GOA hotfixed the artifact bonus modifiers and some of the effects on some artifacts before we got the actual patch (battler etc).

Requiel said:
Ok, ignoring the flame fest and coming back to the original topic of whether Goa will hotfix part of the 1.71 patch. I'd say it's unlikely. At the moment it's not even live on US servers and until then the code and mechanics are very much subject to change. When it does go live, I expect we'll be running 1.70 on the Euro servers and working on 1.71 as a whole patch. We have 'hotfixed' part of upcoming patches before the patch itlself went live but those were to fix situations that had been broken or made the game unbalanced. Something like this which - although obviously popular - isn't fixing an urgent issue is not likely to get rushed through in advance of 1.71.
That's not to say it definitely won't because the decision as to when things go live on Euro servers is taken a long way over my head, but I would be very surprised if this was implemented in advance.

Pretty, pretty please hotfix artifact levelling on the euro servers. This would certainly remedy the image I have of GOA, though it is improving greatly over the old one I had.

Why should only hotfixes be made for nerfs rather than improving the gameplay for alot of people? I can't think of anyone that would be angry if levelling artifacts were made easier.


[GOA] Official type person
Jan 6, 2004
mts said:
Why should only hotfixes be made for nerfs rather than improving the gameplay for alot of people? I can't think of anyone that would be angry if levelling artifacts were made easier.

Trust me, we want to see these changes as much as you do but calling for a hotfix when it's not even out of test phase on the US servers is a bit premature. We don't know what form this change in the gameplay will take and whether we can even hotfix it at all. Hate to bring out the old line but: you'll have to wait and we'll communicate on it as soon as we know more.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
[GOA]Erivoss said:
Trust me, we want to see these changes as much as you do but calling for a hotfix when it's not even out of test phase on the US servers is a bit premature. We don't know what form this change in the gameplay will take and whether we can even hotfix it at all. Hate to bring out the old line but: you'll have to wait and we'll communicate on it as soon as we know more.

Yeah I'm with you mate! Maybe a little premature still, I'm just glad we're getting teh infoes ^^


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004
How about another "slight" tweak.

Change MLs from being per character to per account, you get 1 ML, you can choose for all your chars to be ML10.

You just have to earn the ML xp to level up the ML's

ML raids will still happen, as some of them are *gasp* fun, and the loot is pretty damn good especially in the upper tiers.

At the moment, you can only really afford or put up with putting 1 maybe 2 of your 50s through the trials. Changing it to be per account would certain improve things. Perhaps even tie it into realm population, if youre the lowest realm you get ML10, most populated ML5, in between ML8.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Amuse said:
GoA should hotfix it, but we have a biger chance of seeing jesus hanging from a tree while yelling " give me bananas! " than goa making this a hotfix

Rofl :D

Too bad Mythic seem to feck up, then 6 months later introduce a nerf/fix, all the time...

Btw: Erivoss for the win, keep posting like you do now, players have a lot more respect for GOA now due to you guys imo :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Sarumancer said:
How about another "slight" tweak.

Change MLs from being per character to per account, you get 1 ML, you can choose for all your chars to be ML10.

You just have to earn the ML xp to level up the ML's

ML raids will still happen, as some of them are *gasp* fun, and the loot is pretty damn good especially in the upper tiers.

At the moment, you can only really afford or put up with putting 1 maybe 2 of your 50s through the trials. Changing it to be per account would certain improve things. Perhaps even tie it into realm population, if youre the lowest realm you get ML10, most populated ML5, in between ML8.

...becasue it would give a bigger benifit benifit people with lots of L50s ie HCGs who are able to create there L50 in weeks to suit what ever FOTM character they need. HCG don't like the fact that they have to put in the same effort as a causal gamer to get the same thing, they cannot use any outside advantage appart from maybe having more play time to get them.

If you're gonna change the ML to be the same on all characters on an account, why not do the same for player level and Realm Ranks?

We got it easyer than the US for ML and artifact as guides for most of TOA was out by the time we got the game. ML hunts are being done all the time and most are at peek time when your sterotypical casual gamers (ie someone that works/other commitments during the day) is able to play.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Aye, also, some ML levels require a lot of people. If all the alts wouldn't have to participate in the raids itself, then, well there would be a lot less people to do the raid with.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2004
NeonBlue said:
LOL ....Daoc base is still expanding? how so?...u basing that on just the amount of accounts?...if so whats to say that Joe Bloggs doesnt own 6 accounts?...instead of 6 people owning 6 seperate accounts. Do Mythic actually care aslong as the MONEY still rolls in?

Yes the player base might look as if its expanding...but doesnt necessarily mean it is...if ur basing it just on how many accounts there are

The way the game is now...it doesnt attract new players...

Just wanna comment this little piece of text.

Daoc is indeed still attracting people from the "outside"... it is the most attractive mmorpg right now, all the other crap that comes out these days, is playable for 1 month, then you grow bored. Trust me... ive tried them all.

I know around 15 people who have started playing daoc the last couple of weeks... and me and a buddy is starting to play this weekend or next week. The game looks HUGE, and the graphic is nice, and the PvE & PvP seems pretty balanced... ofcourse with some flaws. (itemized pvp is what we have to get used to... we dont like that). But hey, i come from a 400 peak player population in Shadowbane... talk about dead boring. Itemized or not, here we come.

We both plan on buying 2 games each, will both have a buffbot (sorry if that is tabu, but i got used to it in Shadowbane, and well... it makes life easier). We very much look forward to playing this game, and i am 99% sure we are not the only ones out there who has that feeling.

Oh well, all i wanted to say... this game is still attractive to the ppl browsing games in their local game shop, trust me.

Btw, for those interested, we start Excalibur/Hibernia, since it seems they need help, and Exc is the EU server with most ppl online. (Correct me if wrong....)



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Sorro said:
Just wanna comment this little piece of text.

Daoc is indeed still attracting people from the "outside"... it is the most attractive mmorpg right now, all the other crap that comes out these days, is playable for 1 month, then you grow bored. Trust me... ive tried them all.

I know around 15 people who have started playing daoc the last couple of weeks... and me and a buddy is starting to play this weekend or next week. The game looks HUGE, and the graphic is nice, and the PvE & PvP seems pretty balanced... ofcourse with some flaws. (itemized pvp is what we have to get used to... we dont like that). But hey, i come from a 400 peak player population in Shadowbane... talk about dead boring. Itemized or not, here we come.

We both plan on buying 2 games each, will both have a buffbot (sorry if that is tabu, but i got used to it in Shadowbane, and well... it makes life easier). We very much look forward to playing this game, and i am 99% sure we are not the only ones out there who has that feeling.

Oh well, all i wanted to say... this game is still attractive to the ppl browsing games in their local game shop, trust me.

Btw, for those interested, we start Excalibur/Hibernia, since it seems they need help, and Exc is the EU server with most ppl online. (Correct me if wrong....)


not sure what you base the Exc/Hibs needing the most help on, they have all power relics and gained the most RPs during the last week, they also have the highest number of high level RR players. They has have 3 of the top 5 guilds.


Dec 22, 2003
Sorro said:
Btw, for those interested, we start Excalibur/Hibernia, since it seems they need help, and Exc is the EU server with most ppl online. (Correct me if wrong....)


aye the 3fg at 3am is sooo underpowered ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
NeonBlue said:
And obviously u aint a clue what ur talking about...or ur just full of shit

NONE of my chars were PL'ed or Ebayed....all 8 lvl50s were lvl'ed by me and me only,either by soloing or grouping... and ive played for 3yrs in all 3 realms on the same server...before i decided this game wasnt fun anymore, because my idea of fun is to enjoy a game...not having to be FORCED to do something to get that enjoyment and NOT feel like am doing household chores for the next several weeks!

so dont see how u can come to that conclusion when u dont me...nor know my chars...

Or are u just 1 of these narrow minded pricks who coz someone slated ur beloved game...or doesnt like something in a patch u automatically think everyone uses Ebay or PL

Or you another PvE type person...whos got the misconception that Daoc was made purely for PvE and PvE only, and anything to do with RvR doesnt count!

and if they had tested their expansions, games as much as u make out...then these patches wouldnt be needed.

Even if they put a little forethought in before introducing new things such as lvling artifacts...anyone could see that from the requirements they had put on the artifacts it was gonna involve a hell of alot of timesink and that ppl wouldnt like it

Or the fact after Scing ur chars...gathering the best items u could...then introducing TOA would annoy alot of ppl...that the fact they had to start all over again with templates...and spend several weeks yet again on their templates

The fact that TOA made the gap wider between casual and hardcore players...and u wonder why people use Ebay or PL....because not everyone can afford the time to put in massive timesinks!

Lets not forget about all the bugs still left in the game...that have been there from the start....or the new bugs that have come with the new expansions

In my opinon the majority of bugs should be fixed BEFORE it goes live...then this doesnt affect the gameplay, also it doesnt affect the way people see the game or allows people to take advantages of a bug.

You really should take ur head from outta ur arse...coz again ur presuming i havent played any other online games, but i have and am still complaining!

Its not about their patches it about their LACK of thinking...on how their patches would effect the game...or the ppl that play it

In principle the system is sound if u want to play PvE for the next few months and u dont want to enjoy the other aspects of the game....as for other players being tight arses...Mythic have only their self to blame again.

They were the 1s who introduced the option of getting BBs .....they introduced the fact they made exping on ur own easier....they are the 1s who again (u could say) didnt think about the effect it would have on the game...but again (u could say that) they did think about it...because they are only interested in MONEY !!.....more accounts = more money...doesnt matter how they get it...aslong as they keep it...(which ties in with the player base argument)

So stop crying about things ur beloved Mythic introduced and blame them not others...and just because people choose to solo doesnt mean they are sad....just because they choose to play a MMorpg and dont necessarily want to group all the time...doesnt mean to say they have no right not to play MMorpgs....its means they have the option to group should they want too

LOL ....Daoc base is still expanding? how so?...u basing that on just the amount of accounts?...if so whats to say that Joe Bloggs doesnt own 6 accounts?...instead of 6 people owning 6 seperate accounts. Do Mythic actually care aslong as the MONEY still rolls in?

Yes the player base might look as if its expanding...but doesnt necessarily mean it is...if ur basing it just on how many accounts there are

The way the game is now...it doesnt attract new players...theres no incentive for new players to start this game from lvl1...theres hardly no groups between 1-20...people who have access to the lvl20 command these days...majority of em PL their chars...so again there is a lack of groups....so new people are having to resort to...what did u call it oh yes "Im a sad git wanna play on me own" ....so because these ppl cant find groups...because Mythic has made it this way...they are sad?....this in turn makes feel left out...makes them feel they are missing a huge part of the game, so why play a game that offers that?

Yes you can argue its down to them to get to know people...but how u get to know people...thru groups!.....and if theres no groups...how can u get to know people but hanging around a bindstone and saying " Please talk to me am new"....yes that will work to a certain degree but not as effectively as if everyone was on an equal footing and starting from scratch.

As for me finding it too hard work to play....LOL that again shows ur lack of intelligence and narrowmind....just because i didnt like the fact i was FORCED to spend several weeks lving items that i could ONLY get ONCE...just so i could compete again RvR...u say i found it too hard?

No sorry i didnt find it too hard...i OBJECTED to being forced to do something...just so i could carry on enjoying a game i had played for 3yrs and being able to compete. just so Mythic could get more MONEY out of me

But lets take it 1 step further...like so many people have ...and spent
those weeks farming the artifacts they need for their templates...farming scrolls or paying stupid prices for them just so they can activate their artifact.
Then spent numerous hours...exping the artifact so they have it at lvl10...just so they feel they are ready to compete again in RvR.

How the fuck do you think they feel now with Mythic latest patches....making artifact Xping easier...introducing new aritfacts that only take around 2-3hrs to get to lvl10....u think these people are gonna be pleased about it? That they spent every waking exping artifacts just so they could enjoy RvR again...for Mythic then to turn round and say "btw we gonna make xping artifacts easier".

Most (not all) people will have got their artifacts by now....these changes was needed long ago !

With every patch Mythic bring in lately...there is some adjustment to something that should of been THOUGHT about....before TOA was released...things they could of seen and done something about before the expansion hit the stores if there had only been a little more thought and testing gone into it.

Simple things like the 28buff limit and how it effects grapple...ur telling me with a little more testing...this couldnt of been avoided?...or is it working as intended? (meaning we couldnt be arsed working round it...so we left it ingame)

Or leaving the chanters DPS debuff ingame on instant...so it can be used to interrupt someone every 5secs? why remove the healers and not the chanters?....working as intended from ur point of view i presume?

thats ur opinion and ur entitled to it...but guess you wont know about the upcoming games due out...that will make Daoc look "ancient"...since ur so blinkered!

I dont need a win button...nor do i want 1....simple!

Anyways...ive said my piece and to the rest of the people reading this i apologise for my language or tone if it offends anyone...but i really cant do with people who cant see the bigger picture...and get on their high horse because i dont play the game how they would like me too, or cry because i put in an opinion about their beloved game and spout crap back at me without any REAL evidence to backup their crap

Everyone has a right to play the game they want too...and in the same token everyone has a right to their view of the game and the way Mythic do things...just a shame some people cant see this and have to be narrowminded twats about it


/bow and /clap :)

u posted just what i feel about daoc


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
people with lots of L50s ie HCGs

just because you have lots of 50s doesnt mean you are a hardcore gamer :eek:

takes about 30-35 hours at most in moderna (for mids, suppose its fins or whatever for hibs) and most people with 2 accounts have a bot, a sm or a healer these days :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Ormorof said:
just because you have lots of 50s doesnt mean you are a hardcore gamer :eek:

takes about 30-35 hours at most in moderna (for mids, suppose its fins or whatever for hibs) and most people with 2 accounts have a bot, a sm or a healer these days :p

while not all people with lots lots of L50 are HCG, i'm sure that HCG have lots of L50s. I'm just saying that all alts having the same ML would suit HCG more than anyone else. While doing something like all alts on same RP or Level is just as fare fetched.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
hib/excal doesn't need help in RvR but it does need more population so good choice :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
bah! :eek7:

I guess maps with, "you are here", dot is good if you're trying to get people to move realms. Totally sucks from a roleplaying game perspective though. Where's the challenge?

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