

Roo Stercogburn

Mostly testing stuff:


Dark Age of Camelot

1.65e Version Release Notes

September 16, 2003



- Fixed the issue with excessive experience being awarded near the frontier keeps. (Pendragon only)

- Correction to 1.65d notes - the bug fix for Savage triple and quad hit rates stated that Savage DPS remained the same. This was incorrect. Savage DPS is lowered by this change.

- The new Lord Tower doors now function correctly at Blendrake Faste. (Pendragon only)

- The battlegrounds keeps now have the proper setting for their "safe point". (Pendragon only)


- We have added the ability for players on Pendragon to have unlimited skill and realm ability respecs. Players can now purchase Skill and Realm Ability Respec Stones in the capital cities.

- To aid with the testing of Darkness Falls items and stores - players can now purchase seals for cash in the capital cities. They will be able to redeem the seals with the Darkness Falls imps who have set up shop in the capital cities.

- The seals and respec stones are sold by imps - Zulo in Albion, Mulo in Midgard, and Rulo in Hibernia.

Looks like a slight nerf for Savages incoming


more triples and less quads isnt even a drop in the ocean of what needs to be done to savages before the words savage and fair can be used in the same sentence legitimately

Roo Stercogburn

In that case I need someone to explain to me what the problem with savages is. I thought that the main thing people moaned about was their damage output? Have I got this wrong? Lowering DPS means less damage output.

Or are people looking for them to be screwed over like zerks and SBs were? ;)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
- The seals and respec stones are sold by imps - Zulo in Albion, Mulo in Midgard, and Rulo in Hibernia.

Don't they mean...

-The seals and respec stones are sold to gimps.

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Or are people looking for them to be screwed over like zerks and SBs were? ;)

Part of the SB's were nerfed. Not all :p

Roo Stercogburn

I think the Respec Stones thing is for the testers Toh, so they can easily fiddle their chars while checking stuff out?


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
I think the Respec Stones thing is for the testers Toh, so they can easily fiddle their chars while checking stuff out?

You ruined my joke :eek:


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Mostly testing stuff:


Dark Age of Camelot

1.65e Version Release Notes

September 16, 2003



- Fixed GOA's Customer Support service (Europe only)

- Fixed the issue with excessive experience being awarded near the frontier keeps. (Pendragon only)

- Correction to 1.65d notes - the bug fix for Savage triple and quad hit rates stated that Savage DPS remained the same. This was incorrect. Savage DPS is lowered by this change.

- The new Lord Tower doors now function correctly at Blendrake Faste. (Pendragon only)

- The battlegrounds keeps now have the proper setting for their "safe point". (Pendragon only)


- We have added the ability for players on Pendragon to have unlimited skill and realm ability respecs. Players can now purchase Skill and Realm Ability Respec Stones in the capital cities.

- To aid with the testing of Darkness Falls items and stores - players can now purchase seals for cash in the capital cities. They will be able to redeem the seals with the Darkness Falls imps who have set up shop in the capital cities.

- The seals and respec stones are sold by imps - Zulo in Albion, Mulo in Midgard, and Rulo in Hibernia.


Ah we can dream :D


Regarding the Purchacable Respec Stones

Re-Raises the question of how much harm could really be done if this was implemented on al servers.

I can't see any real problems, if anything it will allow people to truely define their character through testing rather than pre-emptive specs.


PS only the un-gimped part of the SB was nerfed :/


issue with savage in truth is an "Hybrid" light amoured
with the ability n bonus ov pure tank...

+ some ov his feature...



Originally posted by Silenzio
issue with savage in truth is an "Hybrid" light amoured
with the ability n bonus ov pure tank...

+ some ov his feature...


LIGHT TANK, you know that ?????????
A savage is something like those, uc ?
Studded, good evade, hit hard.
Like merc = chain, evade lot less, hit hard
bm = erm dont know, hardly seen one ( or any other non-caster hippies )


Originally posted by scarffs
LIGHT TANK, you know that ?????????
A savage is something like those, uc ?
Studded, good evade, hit hard.
Like merc = chain, evade lot less, hit hard
bm = erm dont know, hardly seen one ( or any other non-caster hippies )

rlly? didn't remeber merch or bm were able to use chant

damage add damage decresae resist chant end refill by thyr own

u can find thos features in the Hybrid line class

odd u dont mention Zerkers ... thos r mid light tank :)


How about we give BM and mercs the chance to do up to 300% crit on every swing. That is effectively what quad hits are. Would you mids be happy facing that in rvr? ie. 4 bm 3 druid 1 bard groups. Then every realm has a 'savage' that is a way better tank than anything in its own or anyone elses realm. Then everyone who doesnt fit into the ultimate damage group can go back to PvE, pl more savages, walk round in rvr going moooo or leave for a new game or something.
Of course having 3 forms of cc on one 'essential' character makes coping with this far easier for middies than anyone else.


Originally posted by Silenzio
rlly? didn't remeber merch or bm were able to use chant

damage add damage decresae resist chant end refill by thyr own

u can find thos features in the Hybrid line class

odd u dont mention Zerkers ... thos r mid light tank :)

Tell me where those chants are, cause i cant see them.


This is just an adjustment to H2H savages though, and to be honest, H2H don't worry me half as much as 2H savages. Occasionally they might quad me and i am dead, but usually they hit for 200-300ish which is perfectly healable even with a puny elf constitution like my own. 2H savages hit for 400-600 at a too high a speed for the damage, and are much more of a problem.


Not at all i dont see any chants on my savage, and i want to know where you can get them so i have a few.


Savage doesn't have chants, has only healthusing "rar!" morale boosts :p

Nitpicking that Tasans is :D


Chants --> group (you know pallies?)

Savagery --> 30 sec self buffs.

So chants?

Kerram Darktyde

bah nitpicking over what is what etc

what is the worry anyway..?

Whine too much about the enemy and they get nerfed then quit or swap sides then you will whine about not having anyone to fight...

MYTHIC could not balance a ruler on a flat table let alone DAoC....

you dont like something do what i did use your TL wait a bit to be ignored then stop renuing subs and go play someother game till WoW comes out :)


Oh yeah let me give you a nice example of the savage "chants"

You use the uber evade buff so you are unhittable? Ok 8% life.
You also want to use the damage add buff? Ok 8 more.
How about that nice attack speed buff? Good another 8.
And the resist buff so if someone eventually hits you you wont feel it? 9% more
And ofc the great end buff so you can style endlessly. 15% more then.
Thats 48% of your hps please so you can be the unstopable uber killing machine.
<savage gets rooted>
<savage dies>

Wow what happened there?


Originally posted by Tasans
Chants --> group (you know pallies?)

Savagery --> 30 sec self buffs.

So chants?

:( sady u wrong... group usefull or self does not make difference...

only difference between chant n self buff is the twisting

but doesnt change the substance...


cept savage mmm
doest it ring a bell to u?


Originally posted by Silenzio
:( sady u wrong... group usefull or self does not make difference...

only difference between chant n self buff is the twisting

but doesnt change the substance...


cept savage mmm
doest it ring a bell to u?


Savages spell screen is empty. You know why? Because they are abilities. You know the place where you have sprint, the weapons and armor you can use, the place the realm abilities go when you get them. Does that ring a bell to you?


Originally posted by Tasans
Oh yeah let me give you a nice example of the savage "chants"

You use the uber evade buff so you are unhittable? Ok 8% life.
You also want to use the damage add buff? Ok 8 more.
How about that nice attack speed buff? Good another 8.
And the resist buff so if someone eventually hits you you wont feel it? 9% more
And ofc the great end buff so you can style endlessly. 15% more then.
Thats 48% of your hps please so you can be the unstopable uber killing machine.
<savage gets rooted>
<savage dies>

Wow what happened there?

But the fact that these take hp has lead to the 3 healers 1 shammy so you get end regen and 3 savages 1 slad groups so you dont have to use anything except maybe the evade buff as you are buffed by all the others (ofc you have 1-2 shammies sat in pk )

Albs and hibs complain about what the savage groups do to them. But these groups have completely ruined RvR for anyone who hasn't rolled a savage , healer etc. Try getting a group .. oo don't want a rm with pbt now nope got 3 healers dont care how often we get hit .. SM .. nope dont need one of them .. pbaoe over rated we hit harder with quad hit than pbaoe. Skalds are ok but only one per group please any more around and we don't want to know.

Hunters and sb's speak for them selves have never been needed. Warrior sorry your damage is too slow. Zerker .. ah your a gimped savage dont want you. BD nope go solo that fg over there. Lets not speak about thanes. Try to get a thane in a group and your laughed at.

So yup its pretty much ruined RvR for everyone except the hardcore who lvl each fotm as it comes up. Those who don't have the time or just don't like to play that sort of class are left on the sidelines.

I don't know if its just our server population or if its the way mythic have got the game atm but it pretty much sucks as we stand as all there is for the casual gamer is PvE. Step out into the frontier and get ganked as getting a group is nigh on impossible.

And the most rediculous rule atm your not allowed to fight the enemy if we are because your 'adds' pffft go play shadowbane pvp or camlann or something.

But i can see the savage has pretty much ruined the RvR content for a lot of people not just albs and hibs but mids too.


Originally posted by Tasans

Savages spell screen is empty. You know why? Because they are abilities. You know the place where you have sprint, the weapons and armor you can use, the place the realm abilities go when you get them. Does that ring a bell to you?

Ok they don't have spells they have abilities but it boils down to the same thing they could just as easily be insta spells and the fact that they are in the SPELL library on the camelot herald and not the ability library *sigh*.

As if it makes any difference what so ever if you call them spells or abilities we all know we are talking about the same thing.


Originally posted by Silenzio
:( sady u wrong... group usefull or self does not make difference...

only difference between chant n self buff is the twisting

but doesnt change the substance...


cept savage mmm
doest it ring a bell to u?

bms have triple wield & flurry
merks have dirty tricks & flurry

i can call it spells
now remove feking tank ras from them, they are hybrids


Originally posted by Tasans

Savages spell screen is empty. You know why? Because they are abilities. You know the place where you have sprint, the weapons and armor you can use, the place the realm abilities go when you get them. Does that ring a bell to you?

Originally posted by Tasans
Oh yeah let me give you a nice example of the savage "chants"

You use the uber evade buff so you are unhittable? Ok 8% life.
You also want to use the damage add buff? Ok 8 more.
How about that nice attack speed buff? Good another 8.
And the resist buff so if someone eventually hits you you wont feel it? 9% more
And ofc the great end buff so you can style endlessly. 15% more then.
Thats 48% of your hps please so you can be the unstopable uber killing machine.
<savage gets rooted>
<savage dies>

Wow what happened there?

Ok Ok :) is ur first char :) i wont ruin u the fun u have with n how proud ur ov that

but stop now, u makeing ur self bit ridiculous...

savages doest have chant but self buff
savages doest have self buff but abilitys
savages doest know what the hell they r...

and u moan cuz u get rooted n than die?

damn man don't accuse others if u picked the wrong ra !!!

btw root brakes as soon as u get damage, after that u r immune to root for a certain period ov time...

do not post math if u dont know how to evaluate n overall what u are talking about... other new player could get it as truth and make wrong estimation


Originally posted by old.anubis
bms have triple wield & flurry
merks have dirty tricks & flurry

i can call it spells
now remove feking tank ras from them, they are hybrids

zerk have vendo ecc

thos r light tank timer abilities...

all ov em have the same...

but dear sir...

can u tell me wich char regen endurance in all the realm?
can u tell me wich class have resist "SELF BUFF"
can u tell me wich class have ability enhancement "SELF BUFF"

everything from savage is referd to a hybrid...
cept for accessible RA...
damage and hp table :)

if think ur opinion i the right one than disscuss :)

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