1.62d patch notes...



Some nice Caster changes, mabey i should get at Respec stone and become 47rc 26 dark, nasty basline dark nuke and best debuf + fixed bolts :p would be nice

any finally pbt dont cancel self blade turn :)

and enchater nerf are welcome allso, annoying to be out damage by a Pbaoe spec using baseline nukes :)

all in all seems like a nice patch


You call this a Chanter nerf? Heh

Chanters will still be overpowered being as most Chanters specced 50 Mana and will still have the highest debuff.

And yes, before anyone makes any wise quips, I play an Enchanter and I admit they're overpowered. :p


Hmm, they made the heat debuff harder to resist and you call that a nerf? :m00:



hubba hubba, nice changes indeed, I am one of few that dont think rangers are gimps and goddamn, some nice changes imo, It wouldnt surprise me if they stealthfix the miss/fumbles at some stage since that was a stealthnerf in the first place and never officially admitted by Mythic at all, they cant fix something officially that never was implemented right? ;)

Change to chanters is a nerf, and a good one aswell since its easier to resist the debuff and they cant specc as high in light anymore if they want the best debuff, nice nerf that dont ruin chanters much.

Not to mention the direct nerf to Annihilation since it now is slightly harder to land it :clap:

good patch imho

wtf, thought i edited this silly post....... its not easier to resist the debuff, its harder since its higher spell-lvl, dont type stuff when you are ubertired :)


In there pet classes changes, did they just decide to totally forget albion has Theurgists ? of whom very few spec more then 26 earth because the pets cost way to much power and are to crap to be worth casting. They had the perfect chance to give theurgists a little love and encourage more earth spec ones so albion has better then 10 sec pbt at most and they ignored it, again.

Oh yeah and thanks for making back positional styles harder to pull off. lovely patch.


Originally posted by Shike
Change to chanters is a nerf, and a good one aswell since its easier to resist the debuff and they cant specc as high in light anymore if they want the best debuff, nice nerf that dont ruin chanters much.

Have you worked out how much more points most chanters will have to spend to get that last debuff...?

Last PBAOE = 48, Heat Debuff Moved to 49. Losing 2 points in Light isn't going to hurt a lot when they regularly hit their cap anyway, it hurts Light enchanters slightly more, but now they have a chain casting-debuffing pet anyway.


Change to chanters is a nerf, and a good one aswell since its easier to resist the debuff and they cant specc as high in light anymore if they want the best debuff, nice nerf that dont ruin chanters much.

Ermm. I was planning to go 45 light, 27 mana, 12 enchantments all the time anyway. Why would this be a nerf to me? Yes, it's a big nerf to mana chanters, who will have to use a WHOLE RESPEC STONE to get the best for themselves. The new pet buffs are nice, but I doubt anyone's going to spec to much in enchantments because of them. There is an interesting PvE possibilty with that self heal pet though (I'm guessing it's more of a regen type thing that procs when the pet gets hit). This might mean enchantment spec enchanters soloing low purples without as much risk? :p Enchanters are still overpowered compared to alot of other spellcasters.

j000 d000d

So a runemaster with nearsight and pbt is now even better at nuking than a chanter?

How fucking idiot can they be? :wall:


From what I have gathered on us-boards, the penetrating arrow is passive which is exellent imo.

The rapid fire is very usefull, I curse every time I have an enemy with a sliver of health left run just out of range before my bow timer is up for that last killing shot, here I can get the kill.

A caster with a PBT will still get easier to gun down, rapid fire 1.5 sec shots all the way, he can do jack all because you pound him down with arrows and keep interrupting him.

My biggest concern is the arrow cycle of double tapping the bow icon for autofire+reload, how will rapid fire affect this. Currently it cant be tested fully because its still buggy on Pendragon test server.

The new abilities can be a very powerfull tool if used the right way, if not you wont notice any difference. The longshot and volley changes, well they are nice I guess but I still wouldnt touch those RA's with a 10 foot pole.

I hope this comes with a respecc because alot of people have started to go low bow/ high melee so this will leave them out to dry.
But as a hunter you can still get to choose high spear/bow whatnot.
You can go 40bow/44spear/35stealth/32bc which will give you all the new bow abilities, great melee dam, insta pet and quite good stealth with items+rr's
Or 45bow/39spear/35stealth/32bc which will give you better bow abilites at less melee output.
The fuss here I really cant see.....

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Meatballs
eh Teador?

Spiritmaster/Runemaster Changes

- Added a L50 DD, Obsidian Strike, in the Darkness base list to make it more consistent with the base lists in other Realms.


Originally posted by Shike
and fact is that a lower lvlspell is easier to resist than a higher one, hence its a nerf, I am glad they didnt use the big nerfbat, I hate when they destroy classes with the bat. Dont you? :)

Well they they upped the highest heat debuff by 5 levels, hence harder to resist :p
Most chanters are 50 mana anyway for the last fs so big deal, if anything thats an improvement :rolleyes:



yeah, i realized the mistake and erased what I wrote....

/puts on a silly mask and dances naked under the moon a while...

there... I cant be sillier than this :)


doh its not a nerf, its another improvement fgs.....

they makin one of the best casters in the game even better :rolleyes:


a lvl50 baseline darkness nuke! Mythic have answerd my prayers!



Originally posted by Teador
Spiritmaster/Runemaster Changes

- Added a L50 DD, Obsidian Strike, in the Darkness base list to make it more consistent with the base lists in other Realms.

Since when are pbt and nearsight in the Darkness line? :p
They're in suppression...


Hmm, I think Mythic wants to get rid of all the shadowblades in existance.. After LA they want to nerf See Hidden too? Of course, True Sight will still work just fine, yay :p


Originally posted by Thorarin
Hmm, I think Mythic wants to get rid of all the shadowblades in existance.. After LA they want to nerf See Hidden too? Of course, True Sight will still work just fine, yay :p

compare see hidden and true sight and you think true sight is more powerfull than see hidden?:p No way if i could have a choice between see hidden for 12 points or current truesight. I would choose see hidden :). Off course the nerfed version is not worth 12 points, but shock it costs 8 points :p. I still think see hidden is a nice RA and is now just as good as true sight (not seen at one moment, but for the complete duration as TS is only useful 1 min out of 30).


I'm not saying True Sight is better at the moment, but with the improvement of camouflage and the suggested See Hidden nerf..

Assassins are supposed to be more undetectable than scout types IMO, and they're messing that up.


Doubt they are messing that up, I would reckon that they made it like an enhanced version of detect hidden which also takes the archers stealthspec into account, not completely nullifying the stealth spec.
Now assassins might have to work to find an archer... oh the horror oh the agony... someone please think of the children...


lol @ zerk changes....

mythic can still go fuck themselves

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